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Assess the leadership skills in ethics necessary for immigration practitioners

Assess the leadership skills in ethics necessary for immigration practitioners Instructions: You will prepare your draft addressing the following based on your project topic – Immigration. Competency 5: Assess the ethical, community-focused leadership skills required for successful criminal justice practitioners in a wide range of interactions. 1. Comprehensively assess the leadership skills in ethics necessary for practitioner … Read more

What do you do when you are faced with adversity?

What do you do when you are faced with adversity? Prompt: Proverbs 24:10 says, “If you are slack in the day of distress, your strength is limited.” What do you do when you are faced with adversity? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply Answer preview : Word limit : 339

Discuss nursing leadership in politics and policy

Discuss nursing leadership in politics and policy Nurses have great potential for leadership in health policy and politics. Share with us two activities you can do in your own community to move forward health policy to promote positive patient outcomes. How might technology and social media play a role in your initiatives? Answer preview : … Read more

Describe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Describe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1. Explain the pathophysiologic processes of select health conditions. (PO 1) 2. Predict clinical manifestations and complications of select disease processes. (PO 1, 8) 3. Correlate lifestyle, environmental, and other influences with changes in levels of wellness. (PO 1, 7) hello, you can also use the cdc.org or who.org for more research. Please please … Read more

Identify factors that influence people or groups to conform to the actions of others?

Identify factors that influence people or groups to conform to the actions of others? 1. Identify factors that influence people or groups to conform to the actions of others? 2. If personality traits are so closely linked with brain structure, what does that say about the plasticity of personality? Are people able to change their … Read more

Discuss civil lawsuits in businesses

Discuss civil lawsuits in businesses 1. The information is for unlimited civil cases, where the amount in dispute is more than $25,000. There are many types of unlimited civil cases. These include the same types of cases that are brought in the limited jurisdiction court, like cases for breach of contract, personal injury, or property … Read more

Write a personal statement that will help you apply for university

Write a personal statement that will help you apply for university I need help writing two pages and half about a personal statement that will help applying to university. Answer preview : Word limit : 859

Nation State Insurance Case Study

Nation State Insurance Case Study Case Study Topic: Nation State Insurance Case Study Instructions: Need minimum 600 words 150 words abstract 350 words body 100 words conclusion Need 3 Peer Reviewed APA References No plagiarism please Note: You can find the topic to focus in case study in uploaded material. Answer preview : Word limit … Read more

Recitatif’s Racial Theme

Recitatif’s Racial Theme Pick 1 Topic Question 1. “Recitatif” (Morrison 138): To what extent, if at all, does Maggie’s race make a difference to readers’ understanding of the story? Additionally, why doesn’t Morrison explicitly state the race of these two women? What purpose might the ambiguity serve in relation to setting and context? Use at least one … Read more

Describe your own feminist activist approach to solving gender inscription on bodies

Describe your own feminist activist approach to solving gender inscription on bodies submit a brief weekly CA paper in two parts: (A) in about 250 words, summarize the weekly chapter and the required supplemental media (e.g., a reading, a video); upon synthesizing these, what essential substance did you take from the readings? (B) in about 250 words, … Read more

Discuss the actions and stages of risk management process

Discuss the actions and stages of risk management process Chapter 10: Question: Discuss the actions that could lead to the development of effective risk management capabilities. Instructions: Need minimum 300 words Need 3 Peer Reviewed APA References Need 2 Responses (Minimum 150 words and 2 Peer Reviewed APA References/Response) Chapter 11: Questions: Discuss the different … Read more

Compare Chinese religions to Japanese religions and the revival of Shinto religion

Compare Chinese religions to Japanese religions and the revival of Shinto religion Instructions III (Article Review) Upon your recent travels to the China/Japan area for Religious News, you came across the following article that seemed like major news: Holtz, M. (2016). Japanese prime minister, party leaders seek policies that revive Shinto religion. Christian Century, 133(2), … Read more

Discuss various performance management strategies

Discuss various performance management strategies Chapter 3 discusses various aspects of strategic planning and how it is important to link performance management to strategy. Imagine you are the HR executive of your organization (or any organization you are familiar with) and are responsible for aligning the performance management system to the strategic plan. How would … Read more

Create a HR policy manual for employee use of technology

Create a HR policy manual for employee use of technology The Director of Human Resources at Green Branch Coffee was impressed with the first part of your executive report on ethics in the HR profession. She would like you to create a policy for employee use of technology because new sources of social media and … Read more

Describe how you exercise your influence in advocacy and lifelong learning

Describe how you exercise your influence in advocacy and lifelong learning Dr. Catrambone, President of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, describes four areas where nurses need to exercise influence: advocacy, policy, philanthropy, and lifelong learning. Choose two of these areas and describe how you exercise your influence. Submission Instructions: Your initial post … Read more

How is it important to link performance management to strategy ?

How is it important to link performance management to strategy ? Chapter 3 discusses various aspects of strategic planning and how it is important to link performance management to strategy. Imagine you are the HR executive of your organization (or any organization you are familiar with) and are responsible for aligning the performance management system … Read more

Read Leaked Movie Trailer and a Confidentiality Agreement and answer the questions

Read Leaked Movie Trailer and a Confidentiality Agreement and answer the questions Summary: Read Leaked Movie Trailer and a Confidentiality Agreement and complete the questions at the end of the case study. Please take care of below   Do make sure that you are using recent peer-reviewed scholarly academic journal article(s) (published within the past 3 years) … Read more

Discuss the emergency preparedness needs of patients with psychiatric patients.

Discuss the emergency preparedness needs of patients with psychiatric patients. Dealing with the mentally ill provides many challenges – clinical, social, emotional, etc. Discuss the unique emergency preparedness needs of patients with emotional and psychiatric patients. State why this is so difficult for us to manage. READING ASSIGNMENTS Read the CDC report on Mental Illness … Read more

What is the role of a family health nurse in a genetic counseling scenario?

What is the role of a family health nurse in a genetic counseling scenario? instructions:This is a hypothetical situation; you will not be required to interview actual genetic disorder carriers. Your references should be peer-reviewed journal articles and not other course textbooks. The only textbook that should be used as a reference is the current … Read more

English 102 – Recitatif

English 102 – Recitatif Choose ONE question. Respond in a well written one-paragraph or more response. After responding to a question (from either reading), you will respond or “respond to” one peers’ response. Your response should be a well written one-paragraph or more response. “Recitatif” 1. How are Twyla and Roberta and their stories different … Read more

Based on the article, answer the questions that follow

Based on the article, answer the questions that follow Introduction: 1. Summarize the background (from introduction) in 5 sentences or less. 2. Identify the specific questions. Methods: 1. How was the purpose/problem addressed in this article? Identify the approach. Results & Discussion 1.Write one or more paragraphs to summarize the results for each experiment, each … Read more

What is the relationship between financial planning and strategic planning?

What is the relationship between financial planning and strategic planning? Prompt: What is the relationship between financial planning and strategic planning? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply Answer preview : Word limit : 345

Write a research article on cyberpsychology

Write a research article on cyberpsychology Search for any article about cyberpsychology. Topics can include whatever you like (e.g., social media, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, gaming, etc.). What are the key points in the article? Is there any information that particularly surprised you? What are the implications of this research? For each assignment, please submit … Read more

Come up with a criminal justice capstone project on immigration

Come up with a criminal justice capstone project on immigration Criminal Justice Capstone Project Partial Draft One 3pages Introduction: In this essay, you will adjust your topic proposal. A specific proposal would be Stricter immigration laws and enforcement (then details as to what those are and how they work, how they can be measured, etc) or a … Read more

How is it important to link performance management to strategy ?

How is it important to link performance management to strategy ? Chapter 3 discusses various aspects of strategic planning and how it is important to link performance management to strategy. Imagine you are the HR executive of your organization (or any organization you are familiar with) and are responsible for aligning the performance management system … Read more

Does Netflix Have Sufficient Competitive Strength to Fight off Aggressive Rivals?

Does Netflix Have Sufficient Competitive Strength to Fight off Aggressive Rivals? 1.How strong are the competitive forces in the rapidly evolving global market for streamed video content? Do a five-forces analysis to support your answer. 2.What forces are driving changes in this “new” global industry? Are the impacts of thedriving forces favorable or unfavorable in … Read more

Describe treatment of your patient according to their needs and case study

Describe treatment of your patient according to their needs and case study Post a brief description of your patient’s health needs from the patient case study you assigned. Be specific. Then, explain the type of treatment regimen you would recommend for treating your patient, including the choice or pharmacotherapeutics you would recommend and explain why. Be … Read more

What is the Circadian Rhythms?

What is the Circadian Rhythms? What is the Circadian Rhythms? Are daily behavioral or Physiological cycles. Daily circadian rhythms involves the sleep/wake cycle, body temperature,blood pressure,and the blood sugar levels. For example, body temperature fluctuate about 3degrees Fahrenheit in a 24hour day peaking in the afternoon and reaching its lowest point between 2am and 5am. … Read more

What stood out to you after exploring the Sigma Theta Tau website?

What stood out to you after exploring the Sigma Theta Tau website? Discussion Prompt 1: What stood out to you after exploring the Sigma Theta Tau website? One paragraph in APA format is sufficient   Answer preview : Word limit : 212

Answer the following questions on government policy and international trade

Answer the following questions on government policy and international trade Chapter 6: International Trade Theory Chapter 7: Government Policy and International Week-6 Discussion – This assignment will help you digest the textbook material. In the Discussion Forum, post an APA formatted paper of at least 600-words about the week’s reading material. The post must be substantive … Read more

Do you describe yourself as a lifelong learner? If so, why do you feel it is important?

Do you describe yourself as a lifelong learner? If so, why do you feel it is important?   Discussion Prompt 2: Do you describe yourself as a lifelong learner? If so, why do you feel it is important?   Answer preview : Word limit : 270

Discuss the Internet of Things (IoT)

Discuss the Internet of Things (IoT) Collaborative Technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) Conduct research and write a paper on either collaborative technologies or the Internet of Things. In your paper, address the following: Briefly define the technologies you chose (collaborative technologies or IoT technologies). How and why are organizations using these technologies? Provide one real-world … Read more

Write a paper on collaborative technologies

Write a paper on collaborative technologies Collaborative Technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) Conduct research and write a paper on either collaborative technologies or the Internet of Things. In your paper, address the following: Briefly define the technologies you chose (collaborative technologies or IoT technologies). How and why are organizations using these technologies? Provide one real-world … Read more

Discus professionalism and social media according to nursing standards

Discus professionalism and social media according to nursing standards Social media plays a significant role in the lives of nurses in both their professional and personal lives. Additionally, social media is now considered a mainstream part of the process for recruiting and hiring candidates. Inappropriate or unethical conduct on social media can create legal problems … Read more

How is motivation and performance management related to employee performance?

How is motivation and performance management related to employee performance? Write a 3 page paper in which you: Compare the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Determine which is more strongly related to performance for your selected company. Apply motivational theory and performance management principles to evaluate the company as a potential employer. Use … Read more

Analyze either collaborative technologies or the Internet of Things

Analyze either collaborative technologies or the Internet of Things Collaborative Technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) Conduct research and write a paper on either collaborative technologies or the Internet of Things. In your paper, address the following: Briefly define the technologies you chose (collaborative technologies or IoT technologies). How and why are organizations using these technologies? … Read more

How do leaders set goals and work toward them?

How do leaders set goals and work toward them? Write one paragraph or two for a post. Just answer the question while providing one reference. APA style.  Van Wart: Leadership in Public Organisation, (An introduction).; Third Ed. ; Routledge, New York. what’s up Fam. This one is just a post so it should be easy. … Read more

Explain the process of gender socialization and racial socialization

Explain the process of gender socialization and racial socialization Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials Diana Kendall, 2018 Cengage ISBN.13: 978-1-337-10965-9 Answer preview : Word limit : 585

Explain how management control is used in conjunction with the financial plan

Explain how management control is used in conjunction with the financial plan In any aspect of life, many times things go much more smoothly if there is a plan in place. This couldn’t be any less true when dealing with finances regarding healthcare. Throughout this course, the text has emphasized having a financial plan to … Read more

Why is the 2005 Hurricane season an important event in Emergency Management?

Why is the 2005 Hurricane season an important event in Emergency Management? Two paragraphs with one reference Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina.pdf It seems like we are getting our share of hurricanes lately in the U.S. While we may be looking in the rear view mirror a bit here, very few natural events surpass the … Read more

Analyze the offensive strategy dynamics

Analyze the offensive strategy dynamics Analyze the dynamics of best responses, where the users and the adversary adapt to changing strategies, and obtain bounds on convergence times. Assignment should be minimum of 5~7 pager following APA standards. You have details of finding the book and stuff from the last assignment   Answer preview : Word limit … Read more

Describe the position of the steel industry in the political environment

Describe the position of the steel industry in the political environment Read the Case “Political Action by the U.S. Steel Industry, 2015-2018” at the end of Chapter 8 and response to the following: Did the steel industry act appropriately as a participant in the political environment when it sought economic protection from foreign steel imports? What political strategies, … Read more

Discuss the impacts of humanities artifacts to societies and their need to be created

Discuss the impacts of humanities artifacts to societies and their need to be created 1 identify creators from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries who you think made important contributions to art and culture in the form of humanities artifacts that impacted society. 2.Identify one of the artifacts they created (in the second column) and the … Read more

Investigate the impact of geography on weather and climate

Investigate the impact of geography on weather and climate Part 1 of this Internet Problem is designed to investigate the impact of geography on weather and climate by comparing the weather and climate of Denver and San Francisco. Part 2 involves looking at Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite (GEOS) weather satellite data for the region in … Read more

Analyze children’s risk of misalignment from school ,family and community

Analyze children’s risk of misalignment from school ,family and community Discontinuity between the family, school, and community spheres of influence can easily create confusion and stress in young children. Ideally, a teacher is able to analyze family situations and identify internal and external environmental factors that may affect the learning outcomes. These spheres of influence … Read more

Describe the strategy of Apple Incorporation in combating threats

Describe the strategy of Apple Incorporation in combating threats “. Specifically describe the strategy and provide a justification that supports why you believe the strategy will be successful in combating the threat. This section must include both a clearly identified external threat and a clearly articulated action\strategy the corporation should take to address the threat. … Read more

Discuss the redesign of business processes a company of your choice

Discuss the redesign of business processes a company of your choice BUSINESS PROCESS REDESIGN If you have you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes, discuss what went right during the redesign and what went wrong from your perspective. Additionally, provide a discussion on what could have been done better to … Read more

Come up with a case study on St. Luke’s healthcare system

Come up with a case study on St. Luke’s healthcare system Read the Case Study and answer the “Discussion Points” in a clear but concise way. Be sure to reference all sources cited and use APA formatting throughout. I prefer you to upload your file in a .docx format – but if you don’t have … Read more

Research a NIKE campaign that is a very bad example of a campaign

Research a NIKE campaign that is a very bad example of a campaign Research a NIKE campaign (other than your project) that is a very bad example of a campaign according to the framework of the Central Communications Platform. Note that a bad example will give you much more to critique and discuss with your … Read more

Discuss sexual harassment in business

Discuss sexual harassment in business Six articles about sexual harassment in business .I only need reference and some snippets from the article There are some example. I need APA format like that. 1)“Most sexual harassment is not reported because the women is embarrassed, fears the loss of her job, or thinks she won’t be believed.” … Read more