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How should one manage equity needs of Saudi-based company ?

How should one manage equity needs of Saudi-based company ? Discussion Question, 15 lines, 2-3 paragraphs, 1-2 references and no outline You are the CFO of a publicly held company and need to raise capital for the firm by issuing some kind of equity. Why would a firm want to issue both preferred stock and … Read more

Describe the issuing of capital equity by firms and organizations

Describe the issuing of capital equity by firms and organizations You are the CFO of a publicly held company and need to raise capital for the firm by issuing some kind of equity. Why would a firm want to issue both preferred stock and common stock rather than just one category of stock? Search the … Read more

Describe the issuing of stocks by firms

Describe the issuing of stocks by firms You are the CFO of a publicly held company and need to raise capital for the firm by issuing some kind of equity. Why would a firm want to issue both preferred stock and common stock rather than just one category of stock? Search the SEU library or … Read more

What would be considered a new perspective in managing labor markets?

What would be considered a new perspective in managing labor markets? What labor markets should be considered when recruiting to fill an opening for a housekeeping staff at a local hospital? What labor markets should be considered for staffing the chief surgeon for the local hospital? Total word count: 450 2 references APA format No … Read more

Discuss the issue of outsourcing manufacturing work

Discuss the issue of outsourcing manufacturing work Using each ethical perspective discussed in the textbook as well as the five biblical principles (i.e., just weight, total honesty, being a servant, personal responsibility, and reasonable profits) presented in the first workshop, consider the issue of outsourcing manufacturing work from your local community to a developing country. … Read more

Identify and address challenges facing healthcare organizations

Identify and address challenges facing healthcare organizations Choose two issues or challenges that the leaders of today’s health care organizations face. Select from among the following topics: Staff Shortage (Physicians, Nurses, Allied Health Providers, Ancillary Services) Reorganization in Response to Merger or Consolidation of Services Layoffs as a Result of Declining Revenues Influx of Registry, … Read more

Read the scenario and answer the questions with accounting principals in mind.

Read the scenario and answer the questions with accounting principals in mind. Read the scenario attached. answer these questions WITH accounting principals in mind. 1. What accounting issue is involved? 2. How will Benson’s plan affect the return measure? 3. Is Benson’s plan ethical? Why? 4. If Benson’s plan is implemented, who would be affected, … Read more

Analyze the different sensitive data communications and how to avoid breaches

Analyze the different sensitive data communications and how to avoid breaches As a Chief Security Officer of a hypothetical large business organization (the hypothetical large business organization is company XYZ), analyze the different sensitive data communications that occur and discuss what infrastructure is necessary to prevent security breaches. Also include a Security Policy and plan … Read more

Examine changes introduced to restructure the U.S. health care delivery system

Examine changes introduced to restructure the U.S. health care delivery system Examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the U.S. health care delivery system. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss action taken for reform and restructuring and the role of the nurse within this changing environment. Include the following: Outline a current or emerging health … Read more

Pick one bacterial microbe from one extremophile category and describe it

Pick one bacterial microbe from one extremophile category and describe it Pick one bacterial microbe from one extremophile category (DO NOT PICK Tetragenococcus Halophilus.) State the category and name the microbe. What is the full taxonomic classification (Domain > Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order > Family > Genus > Species)? Provide some details about the microbe … Read more

Which type of enterprise system would you recommend? Why?

Which type of enterprise system would you recommend? Why? Enterprise System Recommendation (100 Points) SugarSquared, Inc. manufactures candy in Riyadh and distributes its products throughout the KSA. The organization has over 300 employees in three locations. Its functional business units currently work in silos, with data pertaining to their various departments held in separate, legacy … Read more

Do front line managers have an active role in Human Resource Management ?

Do front line managers have an active role in Human Resource Management ? Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmAGhC-yUUQ Do you believe frontline managers have an active role in HR? Why or why not? Compare the functions and practices of human resource managers with front-end managers and provide examples to support your point of view. Your initial post must be … Read more

Discuss two strategies that would help manage and organize qualitative data.

Discuss two strategies that would help manage and organize qualitative data. Qualitative data has been described as voluminous and sometimes overwhelming to the researcher. Discuss two strategies that would help a researcher manage and organize the data. Answer preview : Word limit : 345

How should the government should respond to coronavirus’ impact on economy ?

How should the government should respond to coronavirus’ impact on economy ? Debate: “What you think the federal government should do, if anything, in terms of fiscal stimulus to respond to the Coronavirus’s negative impact on the economy?” Here are some articles you can read to inform yourself of the debate on this topic: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/21/senate-coronavirus-stimulus-negotiations-140334 (Links … Read more

For Dunkin’ Donuts, what are the four Ps in the marketing mix?

For Dunkin’ Donuts, what are the four Ps in the marketing mix? Please answer the following questions in your initial post: For Dunkin’ Donuts, what are the four Ps in the marketing mix? Give an example of each (up to 10 points for this question) Dunkin’ Donuts emphasizes the importance of relationship marketing. How does … Read more

Answer the following questions on data security

Answer the following questions on data security Describe the roles of the CIO and the CISO. Describe an information security policy, which provides rules for the protection of the information assets of an organization. Describe three continuity strategies, using hot, warm or cold sites. Answer preview : Word limit : 1254

What is the difference between China and Japan business etiquette ?

What is the difference between China and Japan business etiquette ? This is an analytical paper. The subject of the analysis is the Differences Between Chinese and Japanese Business Etiquette from a Cross-Cultural Perspective. Please make a very detailed analysis according to the outline I provided. Notes: 1. Since this paper will be checked the … Read more

Describe the ethical dilemma witnessed in advertising

Describe the ethical dilemma witnessed in advertising Instructions The issue of business ethics is a growing concern within companies and for consumers. Using the CSU Online Library, research one of the following ethical questions: Is it ethical to broadcast advertising intended for children? Is it ethical to advertise for products like tobacco or legal marijuana? … Read more

Explain how staining is used with microscopes.

Explain how staining is used with microscopes. Explain how staining is used with microscopes. Name one type of staining technique and describe its specific application(s). Find and insert a photo illustrating the staining technique you picked. Cite any sources used.(APA format)   Answer preview : Word limit : 594

What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research?

What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research? What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research? Visit the Library and locate at least one research article that used quantitative research methods and another that used qualitative methods. Why did the researchers use the chosen method to complete their research? Was it effective?   Answer … Read more

What specific claims about identity is Valente making about being non-binary ?

What specific claims about identity is Valente making about being non-binary ? Look at the Attached document, and use it to address the following questions: What specific claims about identity is Valente making? How does the author’s personal experience speak to society beyond the personal narrative? When answering these, think about using full paragraphs, and … Read more

Explain the role of the World Bank and the IMF in the international monetary system.

Explain the role of the World Bank and the IMF in the international monetary system. Discussion – This assignment will help you digest the textbook material. In the Discussion Forum, post an APA formatted paper of at least 600-words about the week’s reading material. The post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course … Read more

Apply the theories of unemployment as per the scenarios you are presented with

Apply the theories of unemployment as per the scenarios you are presented with Here are four individuals telling you their stories of how they become unemployed. In a multi-paragraph essay, apply the theories of Unemployment to explain the type of unemployment that each of these individuals is facing and explain which of these indivisuals qualifies … Read more

Describe the problem at IFG as succinctly as you can.

Describe the problem at IFG as succinctly as you can. Mini Case Consumerization of Technology at IFG3 “There’s good news and bad news,” Josh Novak reported to the assembled IT man- agement team at their monthly status meeting. “The good news is that our social media traffic is up 3000% in the past two years. … Read more

How has globalization changed jobs in an organization where you have worked ?

How has globalization changed jobs in an organization where you have worked ? Discuss how globalization has changed jobs in an organization where you have worked. What are some HR responses to those changes?Min 400 words and APA format. Answer preview : Word limit : 422

Answer the following questions after reviewing the case study on depression

Answer the following questions after reviewing the case study on depression The Case: The depressed man who thought he was out of options The Question: Are some episodes of depression untreatable? The Dilemma: What do you do when even ECT and MAOIs do not work? 69-year-old man • Chief complaint: unremitting, chronic depression Psychiatric History … Read more

Answer the following questions after reviewing the case study on law

Answer the following questions after reviewing the case study on law Attached Files:  Case Brief 7.1.pdf (261.145 KB)  Case Brief 6.2.pdf (249.631 KB) After reviewing the case briefs (attached), answer the questions that follow in 500 words, or as thoroughly as possible. There are three cases, and Case Brief 5.1 is available in the textbook CASE BRIEF … Read more

Are there ethical concerns related to nursing informatics?

Are there ethical concerns related to nursing informatics?  Discussion Question 1: Do you feel that nurses believe that there are ethical concerns related to nursing informatics? As you think about nursing informatics, do you recognize any potential ethical concerns that could occur? Answer preview : Word limit : 306

Write an argument essay on legal immigration

Write an argument essay on legal immigration Argument Essay on Legal Immigration minimum of full five pages and maximum of seven pages MLA formatted work cited page corresponds to in-text citations in paragraphs Answer preview : Word limit : 1465

Discuss data visualization and steps for facilitating effective collaboration.

Discuss data visualization and steps for facilitating effective collaboration. Question 1: Discuss at least three 3 steps for facilitating effective collaboration. Instructions: Need minimum 300 words Need 3 Peer reviewed APA references Refer uploaded material for Question 1 Question 2: Research workflow process in data visualization. What is it? Why is it important? Instructions: Need minimum … Read more

Write a case study on the scenario presented to you on depression

Write a case study on the scenario presented to you on depression Case study # 29: The depressed man who thought he was out of options. The Case: The depressed man who thought he was out of options The Question: Are some episodes of depression untreatable? The Dilemma: What do you do when even ECT … Read more

Discuss “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Discuss “The Yellow Wallpaper” “The Yellow Wallpaper” 1. What point of view is this written in? And how does that point of view affect readers’ ability to understand the plot, setting, conflict, and characters? 2. Explain how the yellow wallpaper is a symbol for the narrator’s situation. Additionally, explain how the narrator’s changing attitudes toward … Read more

Write an outline using the Diagram of an Essay form.

Write an outline using the Diagram of an Essay form. Write an outline using the Diagram of an Essay form. The topic of the outline should be about something you do when you are having fun, such as cooking, time with your family, going to a movie, taking a walk, going on a vacation, etc. Download the Diagram of … Read more

Compare independent variables, dependent variables, and extraneous variables

Compare independent variables, dependent variables, and extraneous variables Compare independent variables, dependent variables, and extraneous variables. Describe two ways that researchers attempt to control extraneous variables. Support your answer with peer-reviewed articles APA format between 300-400 words max. Answer preview : Word limit : 325

Why must HR management become more strategic contributor in the 21st Century?

Why must HR management become more strategic contributor in the 21st Century? Why must HR management transform from being primarily administrative and operational to a more strategic contributor in the 21st Century? At least 450 words At least 2 – 3 references No Plagiarism. Answer preview : Word limit : 492

What are the main benefits of the connected healthcare model?

What are the main benefits of the connected healthcare model? Roche: Changing Medical Care with Mobile Technology and Big Data Imagine a world where instead of calling the doctor for a checkup, routine exam, or mild illness, the doctor called you instead. Imagine a healthcare system that monitored your body’s vital signs in real time: … Read more

Describe the relationship between data and information in business.

Describe the relationship between data and information in business. Read the case study, “Database Saves the State of Washington Medicaid Dollars”. After reading the case study and completing additional independent research using the textbook and online resources, address the following: Consider your degree program or your selected industry and then give an example of how knowledge … Read more

Discuss the importance of managerial accounting as “decision-making tool”

Discuss the importance of managerial accounting as “decision-making tool” Discussion: Importance of Managerial Accounting Discuss the importance of managerial accounting as “decision-making tool” in your organization. min 400 words.APA format. Answer preview : Word limit : 411

Explain how deviance can be functional for society

Explain how deviance can be functional for society Apply the functionalist perspective by explaining how deviance ca be functional for society, how mainstream values can produce deviance (strain theory), hoe social class is related to crime (illegitimate opportunities) Answer preview : Word limit : 307

Discuss health information (HI) technology’s influence on nursing practice.

Discuss health information (HI) technology’s influence on nursing practice. Discussion Prompt 2: Discuss how the use of health information (HI) technology has influenced your current nursing practice. Give examples. 300words  Answer preview : Word limit : 321

Describe geriatric depression based on the scenario presented to you

Describe geriatric depression based on the scenario presented to you Decision Point One Begin Effexor XR 37.5 mg orally daily RESULTS OF DECISION POINT ONE Client returns to clinic in four weeks Client reports that there is no change in depressive symptoms at all RESULTS OF DECISION POINT ONE Client returns to clinic in four … Read more

What role does separation play in a program of national infrastructure protection?

What role does separation play in a program of national infrastructure protection? Question: What is separation and what role does it play in a program of national infrastructure protection? Instructions: Need minimum 300 words Need 3 PEER Reviewed APA References Answer preview : Word limit : 325

Discuss the collapse of “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Discuss the collapse of “The Yellow Wallpaper” “The Yellow Wallpaper” 1. What point of view is this written in? And how does that point of view affect readers’ ability to understand the plot, setting, conflict, and characters? 2. Explain how the yellow wallpaper is a symbol for the narrator’s situation. Additionally, explain how the narrator’s … Read more

Assess the ethical and leadership skills required by immigration officers

Assess the ethical and leadership skills required by immigration officers Introduction: Criminal justice, homeland security, and emergency management will need to adapt to an ever-changing environment. Throughout this course, leadership has been a point of focus in the context of effectiveness and efficiency. Emphasis has been placed on the importance of drawing from resources in … Read more

Read two articles and complete an annotated bibliography for each article

Read two articles and complete an annotated bibliography for each article You are required to read two articles and complete an annotated bibliography for each article (scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles).Your AB’s should be 1.5 to 2 pages long. It should be double-spaced, and you are to use Times new Roman 12 font. Annotated bibliographies must be … Read more

Contrast at least two leading approaches to managing public organizations

Contrast at least two leading approaches to managing public organizations Prepare a research paper on a public management issue: Compare and contrast at least two leading approaches to managing public organizations (old and new management systems/protocols). Prepare a research paper on a public management issue: Compare and contrast at least two leading approaches to managing … Read more

Contrast operations management for companies offering services or producing goods

Contrast operations management for companies offering services or producing goods Operation management can be defined as the administration of business practices such as planning, supervising, and organizing processes to ensure maximum efficiency within business leading to improved profitability. A company that produces goods and one that provides services have some differences in operation management. The … Read more

Describe the “levels of evidence” with examples

Describe the “levels of evidence” with examples Describe the “levels of evidence” and provide an example of the type of practice change that could result from each Answer preview : Word limit : 314

Summarize Business and the Constitution, Administrative Law and International Law

Summarize Business and the Constitution, Administrative Law and International Law Chapter 5: Business and the Constitution (and Appendix A)Chapter 6: Administrative Law Chapter 7: International Law   Answer preview : Word limit : 534

Write recommendations for practicing managers

Write recommendations for practicing managers Recommendations for practicing managers (need have the conclusion related the interview at the end to summary of all the parts):Use this section of your paper to make recommendations to practicing managers based on your theory and the interview data that you collected. you need give some examples in your part … Read more