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How can you motivate clients to improve health behaviors and outcomes?

How can you motivate clients to improve health behaviors and outcomes? Discussion Prompt 2: What are some key elements in motivating clients to improve health behaviors and outcomes? What role does the family play?   Answer preview : Word limit : 300

Do you feel socializing with your colleagues creates a better learning environment?

Do you feel socializing with your colleagues creates a better learning environment? Discussion Prompt 1: Do you feel socializing with your colleagues is beneficial in creating a better learning environment? Why or why not?   Answer preview : Word limit : 279

How is diabetes amongst children being managed?

How is diabetes amongst children being managed? This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. As a group, identify a research or evidence-based article published within the last 5 years that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new treatment tool for the management of diabetes in adults or children. The article must be relevant … Read more

Answer the following questions on ancient empires

Answer the following questions on ancient empires Write a response to the following questions in 750 words in total. 1. What does Rome represent for the American film audience in the middle of the 20th century? Discuss at least two of the following films in your answer to this question: Quo Vadis, Ben Hur, Spartacus, … Read more

What role do “sin” and “forgiveness” play in guiding characters’ thoughts and actions?

What role do “sin” and “forgiveness” play in guiding characters’ thoughts and actions? 1. “Good People” (Wallace 157): Lane Dean worries that he is a hypocrite and lacks true faith. He condemns himself as a liar. Is it odd that Lane Dean does not condemn himself for engaging in premarital sex? What role do “sin” and “forgiveness” … Read more

Conduct a discipline investigation and report what you have learnt from the interview

Conduct a discipline investigation and report what you have learnt from the interview Step 1: Interview For this assignment, you will interview a professional in your field of study to gain insight into your future discourse community. Try to select someone at a senior level, with at least five years of experience working in this … Read more

Review the IOM report, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,”

Review the IOM report, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” Review the IOM report, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” and explore the “Campaign for Action: State Action Coalition” website. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss the influence the IOM report and state-based action coalitions have had on nursing practice, nursing … Read more

Discuss Netflix marketing strategies

Discuss Netflix marketing strategies  we have to select a major company/brand Work with NETFLIX Also he said if the company or brand has commercial should mention at least 1 of its commercials in the essay Answer preview : Word limit : 1117

Write a biography on the artist of “The Gulf Stream”

Write a biography on the artist of “The Gulf Stream” The final dissertation should be at least 6 pages, and your bibliography should have at least 6 references / sources. Your subject related to the visual arts is a biography (understand the art by looking at the artist’s life) at least 6 pages, and your … Read more

Discuss thoroughly The Civil Right Rights Act of 1964

Discuss thoroughly The Civil Right Rights Act of 1964 The Civil Right Rights Act of 1964. Pick a topic and thoroughly discuss the chosen topic. You should tell (1) why it is important, (2) how it has impacted the workforce, and (3) if that topic has impacted you. Requirements: – Minimum 3-4 pages. (Excluding both … Read more

Discuss an interview you conducted on a nursing practitioner

Discuss an interview you conducted on a nursing practitioner Discuss an interview you conducted on a nursing practitioner Answer preview : Word limit : 645

How is data visualization used to communicate information ?

How is data visualization used to communicate information ? Describe how visual representations of data are used on a daily basis to communicate information; think about graphs or charts you have seen on utility bills, or in a brochure or on a poster. Knowing how data visualization can be used in our daily lives, how … Read more

How does philosophy relate to business ethics ?

How does philosophy relate to business ethics ? Regarding question #2 i think adam smith and aristotle would be the easiest to talk about but you choose whatever based off your research and what you can write. Answer preview : Word limit : 1774

Describe the intervention of using Chlorhexidine baths to combat CLABSIs

Describe the intervention of using Chlorhexidine baths to combat CLABSIs Review your problem or issue and the cultural assessment. Consider how the findings connect to your topic and intervention for your capstone change project. Write a list of three to five objectives for your proposed intervention. Below each objective, provide a one or two sentence … Read more

What impacts organizational strategies for Health Services Organizations (HSO)?

What impacts organizational strategies for Health Services Organizations (HSO)? Strategic Assessment in Health Services Organizations What impacts organizational strategies for HSOs? How do health care administrators address factors that contribute to, affect, and compromise operations for HSOs? Situational analyses assist health care administrators in determining those factors that contribute to the overall situation concerning the … Read more

Discuss the nationalism ideas in China and India

Discuss the nationalism ideas in China and India In what ways did WWI and WWII kindle forces of nationalism in China and India? Response 2 Prompt In what ways did WWI and WWII kindle forces of nationalism in China and India? Identify what you see as three significant historical moments of national awakening in both countries spanning … Read more

How does one’s faith and belief impact how they face environmental challenges?

How does one’s faith and belief impact how they face environmental challenges? * This assignment explores the impact of one’s faith and beliefs as they face the environmental challenges that we are currently facing. Describe your own faith and belief motivation to deal with today’s environmental challenges? How doe this interact or differ from other faiths? … Read more

Discuss the issuance of common stocks by firms

Discuss the issuance of common stocks by firms You are the CFO of a publicly held company and need to raise capital for the firm by issuing some kind of equity. Why would a firm want to issue both preferred stock and common stock rather than just one category of stock? Search the SEU library … Read more

Why is always telling the truth important in relationships ?

Why is always telling the truth important in relationships ? Writer one page unique essay about the topic “ALWAYS TELLING THE TRUTH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION IN ANY RELATIONSHIP.” Answer preview : Word limit :299

Describe raising capital in a public company

Describe raising capital in a public company You are the CFO of a publicly held company and need to raise capital for the firm by issuing some kind of equity. Why would a firm want to issue both preferred stock and common stock rather than just one category of stock? Search the SEU library or … Read more

Discuss the issuance of stocks by firms

Discuss the issuance of stocks by firms You are the CFO of a publicly held company and need to raise capital for the firm by issuing some kind of equity. Why would a firm want to issue both preferred stock and common stock rather than just one category of stock? Search the SEU library or … Read more

Answer the following questions on logistics

Answer the following questions on logistics In today’s highly competitive, extremely variable and really dynamic environment, many firms are seeking solutions. Supply  chain  management  becomes  more sophisticated  and  the  difference  between  what firms  want  to  achieve  and  what  they  can  do  in-house continues to grow, firms begin to realize that doing the right thing becomes … Read more

Describe key organizational enablers for effective demand management

Describe key organizational enablers for effective demand management Topic: Key Organizational Enablers for Effective Demand Management Instructions: Need Discussion minimum of 300 words Need 3 PEER Reviewed APA References Answer preview : Word limit : 503

Outline cyber security recommendations

Outline cyber security recommendations Recommendation of Online  and cybersecurity Answer preview : Word limit : 1726

Prepare a case study on datatronics

Prepare a case study on datatronics Topic: Datatronics Case Study Instructions: Need minimum 500 words Need 3 Peer Reviewed APA References You can find the Case Study focus question at end of the material\ Answer preview : Word limit : 612

Prepare a report on a musical concert you attended

Prepare a report on a musical concert you attended Concert report You are required to attend at least one live non-Western musical event and write a Concert Report. If you go to three or more events, I will waive your concert report, or you can earn extra credit. Check the “Concert Information” page for events. … Read more

Describe the use of control mechanisms in Health Services Organizations

Describe the use of control mechanisms in Health Services Organizations Part 1 Control Mechanisms in Health Services Organizations Control mechanisms facilitate pathways that health care administrators might consider when deciding how to direct, adjust, and mobilize resources as they apply to day-to-day and business operations. Additionally, control mechanisms assist health care administrators in determining areas … Read more

How do you understand the role of Florida’s state Board of Nursing (BON) ?

How do you understand the role of Florida’s state Board of Nursing (BON) ? Purpose: To provide students with the opportunity to understand the role FLORIDA’s state Board of Nursing (BON) and explore how it protects the welfare and safety of citizens and regulates the practice of nursing. Please provide simple and short answers to the following … Read more

Critique qualitative ,quantitative and mixed research methods in your study

Critique qualitative ,quantitative and mixed research methods in your study Critiquing Research Designs in the Literature Understanding the research methods utilized in the literature you are reviewing to support your problem statement, purpose of your study, and that eventually make up your literature review is important to your Doctoral Study. In this Discussion you will … Read more

Discuss the technology innovation issues in OYO

Discuss the technology innovation issues in OYO You will be responsible for providing an in-depth look at the current issue in hospitality topic you previously selected and was approved by your instructor. This paper will expand on the topic beyond the issue justification you’ve already completed. At a minimum, this justification should address: 1. The … Read more

Advise a new workable strategy for Apple in a presentation

Advise a new workable strategy for Apple in a presentation Please refer to the attached document for power point slide layout in section 3.0 . Also please include dialogues to be spoken during presentation of each slide in separate word document. The Task Identify and analyse the environment (internally & externally) in which the company … Read more

When would you use open-ended and closed questions in a coaching situation?

When would you use open-ended and closed questions in a coaching situation? A responsible coach should have the ability to ask appropriate questions to obtain the desired result. The capacity to ask open-ended questions is also one of the key strengths of executive professional. This is accomplished to obtain the thoughts and opinions of their … Read more

How do we address what the world says about conflict and what God teaches us?

How do we address what the world says about conflict and what God teaches us? Prompt: After reading Galatians (especially verse 17) how do we begin to address what the world says about conflict and what God teaches us? What from Galatians 5 applies to how we should have compassion for others? Requirements: 250 words … Read more

Describe the typical internal structures of typical Neisseria Gonorrhoeae cell.

Describe the typical internal structures of typical Neisseria Gonorrhoeae cell. 1. Describe the typical internal structures of typical Neisseria Gonorrhoeae cell. 2. What internal and external structures are useful to Neisseria Gonorrhoeae to infect it’s hosts? Explain at least two. Answer preview : Word limit : 463

Describe how knowledge and skills in this course can be applied while working

Describe how knowledge and skills in this course can be applied while working hi there.The following assignment is to connect the course concepts to the work place. so I am posting my job responsibilites and text book.Try to connect between the text book concepts and the my job description. job description Clinical trial associate Key … Read more

What does it mean to achieve performance excellence in an HSO?

What does it mean to achieve performance excellence in an HSO? Strategies to Achieve Performance Excellence in Health Services Organizations What does it mean to achieve performance excellence in an HSO? What types of leadership approaches and strategies might health care administrators adopt in order to propel their HSO toward performance excellence? The Baldrige Program … Read more

What is the exact language of the 5th Amendment referred to here?

What is the exact language of the 5th Amendment referred to here? 1. What is the exact language of the 5th Amendment referred to here? The exact language of the 5th amendment referred to in this video is to not speak to any police under any circumstances. He began the video while saying he loves … Read more

Write an analytical assignment of the criminal justice system – the courts.

Write an analytical assignment of the criminal justice system – the courts. You will choose one of the following topics and write an analytical assignment of that aspect of the criminal justice domain. For instructions on how to complete your chosen topic, please select the relevant topic below:  Topic 1: Politics, law and order, … Read more

Is the portrayal of greed in the society beneficial ?

Is the portrayal of greed in the society beneficial ? Invisible Hand  https://youtu.be/R12m0QHweGg Watch the above video. then, create a thread with at least two paragraphs containing the following following: Based on how “Greed” is portrayed in the video do you believe it can provide benefits to society? Give a personal example of something you … Read more

Describe the care of children and adolescents

Describe the care of children and adolescents Case Study (Option 1) • Mrs Sooma attends the Emergency Department with her 5-month-old baby son Amar. She is concerned that her son has had a cough, runny nose and congestion for three days, and is gradually getting worse. Overnight, he coughed very forcefully until he vomited, and … Read more

How do slavery, caste, estate,and class systems of social stratification differ?

How do slavery, caste, estate,and class systems of social stratification differ? How do slavery, caste, estate,and class systems of social stratification differ? Answer preview : Word limit :   384

What was your level of self-esteem?

What was your level of self-esteem? Prompt: Chapter 4 (Moore) addresses how self-esteem can come into play when coaching someone. In order to help someone with his or her self-esteem, it’s importing in the coaching process to understand your level of self-esteem. Use the following link to assess your level of self-esteem: https://www.how-to-study.com/study-skills-articles/raising-self-esteem.aspAfter completing the assessment … Read more

Discuss the human development process from conception to adolescence.

Discuss the human development process from conception to adolescence. This week you read Chapter 8 that discussed development beginning with conception. This week discuss one of the following and NOTE that you are required to search for at least ONE supporting study/journal conducted within the last 10 years to support your discussion. Be sure to provide the reference or … Read more

Briefly describe the health condition of one of the patients you’ve cared for

Briefly describe the health condition of one of the patients you’ve cared for Briefly introduce a person you have recently cared for in your nursing practice. (Be sure not to include any identifying information that would be protected by HIPAA!) Discuss the person’s view of the cause of their health condition, the person’s health literacy, … Read more

Answer the following question on the two case briefs provided

Answer the following question on the two case briefs provided there are two case brief questions which should be answered 500 words each CASE BRIEF 8.1 United States v. Park 421 U.S. 658 (1975) FACTS: John R. Park was president of Acme Markets, Inc., a national food chain headquartered in Philadelphia with 36,000 employees and … Read more

Compare pros and cons of qualitative and quantitative methods in nursing research

Compare pros and cons of qualitative and quantitative methods in nursing research The theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods are very different, but many researchers believe both methods should be used in the research study to increase validity and reliability. What advantages or disadvantages do you see in using both types of methods in … Read more

Create a presentation for your organization on cancer

Create a presentation for your organization on cancer Introductions Data visualizations can be used in many different ways. They paint a picture of data to make it easier to interpret and understand. They are important for decision-makers because it gives them the opportunity to see analytical results presented visually, find relevance among variables, and predict … Read more

Explore Evidence-Based Programs and Practices

Explore Evidence-Based Programs and Practices Warm-up Activity 4.1 Begin by reading the APA Statement on Evidence-Based Practices. While this policy relates primarily to work done by clinicians, the principles can be applied to all programs and practices aimed to intervene in or prevent a problem in the broad area of mental health. Warm-up Activity 4.2 The … Read more

Conduct a research on childhood obesity in relation to qualitative research

Conduct a research on childhood obesity in relation to qualitative research Details of the assignment: There is a requirement to participate in the online Discussion Forum on the Learning Environment Online (LEO). The discussion will be open for 15 week days, and two weekends. Over this period, you are required to contribute original postings of at least 1250 words … Read more

Discuss the unethical issue at Volkswagen

Discuss the unethical issue at Volkswagen Read the Case “Volkswagen’s “Clean Diesel” Campaign” at the end of Chapter 14 and response to the following with tow other additional resouces: In what ways were consumers (car owners) harmed by Volkswagen’s actions? Did Volkswagen violate any U.S. consumer protection laws, and if so, which ones? What were the potential benefits and risks … Read more