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Discuss, how outsourcing firms function for smooth flow of SCM? 

Discuss, how outsourcing firms function for smooth flow of SCM?  1. Discuss, how outsourcing firms function for smooth flow of SCM? (1.5 Marks) 2. Evaluate, the reasons for using outsourcing logistics service in Saudi Arabia/any company of your choice. Using some good examples. (1.5 Marks) 3. Reasons why outsourcing logistics arrangement are not always successful? … Read more

Impacts of Domestic Hunger and Poverty

Impacts of Domestic Hunger and Poverty Community Service Alternate Project This assignment should be used by those who are unable to complete any of the required 10 hours of virtual service. (If you have completed some but not all of the required 10 hours of service, you should contact the instructor. Depending on the number of … Read more

Start-up Business Plan

Start-up Business Plan Imagine you started a new business as an entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia (In Continuation to the Assignment -1 [attached] ). Please, think and share information on the following items: 4. Marketing Plan a. Market Research- Why? (1 Mark) b. Market Research- How? Primary or Secondary Data? (1 Mark) c. In your marketing plan, … Read more

Explain the importance of understanding the stages of human development in your personal and professional development.

Explain the importance of understanding the stages of human development in your personal and professional development. Instructions Read module 4 and answer the questions below. Questions must be answered with separate paragraphs (minimum of 6 sentences per paragraph). Remember that the answers must be based on the material of the module. You must include any … Read more

 Briefly describe the cookie production process.

 Briefly describe the cookie production process. 1. Briefly describe the cookie production process. (1 Mark) 150 words2. What are two ways that the company has increased productivity? Why did increasing thelength of the ovens results in a faster output? (1 Mark) 150 words3. Do you think that the company is making the right decision by … Read more

Which specific cognitive and emotional abilities are likely to be most important for FBI special agents? 

Which specific cognitive and emotional abilities are likely to be most important for FBI special agents?  Reference Source: Textbook:- Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019). Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Case Study: – Case: FBI Please read the case … Read more

Compare and contrast the strategies used by Coke and Pepsi 

Compare and contrast the strategies used by Coke and Pepsi  The question is written as follows: “Compare and contrast the strategies used by Coke and Pepsi. Evaluate the strategies of the respective companies using the IOE and RBE frameworks. How does each position itself in the industry environment and what capabilities does each have to … Read more

Analyze and apply critical thinking skills in the psychopathology of mental health patients.

Analyze and apply critical thinking skills in the psychopathology of mental health patients. Scenario: Kel is a 42-year-old certified public accountant (CPA) who dreams each year that she will board a cruise ship the day after Tax Day and go somewhere, anywhere, except Portsmouth, Virginia. Each year the dream, like the ocean, ebbs and flows, … Read more

How to analyze the human, structural and strategic dimensions of the organizational development.

How to analyze the human, structural and strategic dimensions of the organizational development. organizational development APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:1386 words

Discuss on suffering from a memory disorder.

Discuss on suffering from a memory disorder. Once the topics Memory, Cognition and Language, Human Development and Social Psychology have been studied, he comments on the following ideas. APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:410 words

Use and Misuse of Encryption 

Use and Misuse of Encryption Your task: You have been asked to give a presentation to the Chief Technology Officer’s (CTO’s) staff for their monthly “brown bag” luncheons. The subject of this session is: Use and Misuse of Encryption. Background: Cryptographic algorithms provide the underlying tools to most security protocols used to implement encryption in … Read more

How do prototypes influence the opinions of a potential user?

How do prototypes influence the opinions of a potential user? How do prototypes influence the opinions of a potential user? Is there a method that you have studied in academic literature that neutralizes a potential users opinions of an end-product. APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the … Read more


RISK FACTORS THAT AFFECT OBESITY LIKE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.  Purpose: This assignment will provide the student with an opportunity to identify and implement a teaching plan that will provide patients/clients with information regarding health promotion and disease prevention. Procedure: This is a group project. 1. Students will work in their clinical groups. 2. With faculty … Read more

Discuss North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Tomato Wars,”

Discuss North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Tomato Wars,”  Do you think that Mexican producers were dumping tomatoes in the United States? Discuss.(mark:1)2. Was the Commerce Department right to establish a new minimum floor price rather than scrapthe agreement and file an antidumping suit? Who would have benefited from an antidumping suitagainst Mexican tomato producers? … Read more

Start-up Business Plan

Start-up Business Plan  Marketing Plan a. Market Research- Why? (1 Mark) b. Market Research- How? Primary or Secondary Data? (1 Mark) c. In your marketing plan, be as specific as possible; give statistics, numbers, and sources. The marketing plan will be the basis, later on, of the all‐important sales projection. (3 Marks) Product Customer • … Read more

Discuss the movie “our planet”

Discuss the movie “our planet” 1.What surprised you in the film and why? (~50 words) 2.What did you find upsetting in the film and why? (~50 words) 3.Overall, how did the film make you feel? (~50 words) APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. … Read more

Discuss External Economic Environment 

Discuss External Economic Environment  Choose one element in the external economic environment that impacts your chosen industry(Food & Beverage or Hospitality) either favorably or unfavorably. Please describe this element in detail and if you believe this will be a long-term or short-term impact and if this poses an opportunity or a threat to your industry segment. APA … Read more

Explain common measures of system performance

Explain common measures of system performance Many businesses utilize waiting lines to manage customer service. For example, banks, amusement parks, supermarket checkouts, fast food restaurants, call centers, check-in counters at airports, emergency departments of hospitals, and so many more. In the course of your week, consider an experience you had that led to a temporary … Read more

Which sociological theory you learned would claim that persons indulge in drugs and alcohol because of their inability to delay immediate gratification? Which sociological theory you learned.

Which sociological theory you learned would claim that persons indulge in drugs and alcohol because of their inability to delay immediate gratification? Which sociological theory you learned. Which sociological theory you learned (social learning, social bonds, self-control, labeling, general strain) would claim that persons indulge in drugs and alcohol because of their inability to delay … Read more

What does religious traditions say about how to greet and treat human immigrants.

What does religious traditions say about how to greet and treat human immigrants. what is your own family’s migration story? View the linked video on forced displacement: “Global Trends 2015 Video,” United Nations High Commissioner for refugees.www.umber.org/en-us/news/videos/2016/6/5763b73c4/global trends-2015-video(time:0.50:00). how does hearing the stories and viewing the faces behind the statistics help you develop your own … Read more

Impact of sexual harassment

Impact of sexual harassment In this case study, you will examine the impact sexual harassment has had on Dine Equity. Questions: APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:918 words

Discuss two recommendations for either pharmacological or non-pharmacological pain management in older adults

Discuss two recommendations for either pharmacological or non-pharmacological pain management in older adults Discuss two recommendations for either pharmacological or non-pharmacological pain management in older adults APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:330 words

Organizational Behavior Discussion

Organizational Behavior Discussion 1- Assuming you possessed the right technical skills, would a job at IKEA be appealingto you? What would be the most important positives associated with the position, in yourview? What would be the most important negatives? 2- In which types of teams have you worked? Were these teams consistent with the teamtypes … Read more

Factors that impact Healthcare

Factors that impact Healthcare You are volunteering with the World Health Organization in Somalia. Prior to your starting your volunteering, the WHO wants to ensure that you fully understand how economics, culture, ethics, and religion impact healthcare in the country. For this assignment, write a minimum of two-pages explaining how economics, culture, ethics, and religion … Read more

Managing Organizational Change 

Managing Organizational Change  Identify a change that you implemented or was implemented at an organization with which you are familiar. Based on the two articles you read in the discussion preparation, discuss what impact an organization’s corporate culture have on maintaining and sustaining change? What steps need to be taken to ensure that a newly … Read more

Examine management issues and practices in motivation; organizational culture, structure, and behavior; team dynamics; and communication.

Examine management issues and practices in motivation; organizational culture, structure, and behavior; team dynamics; and communication.  Examine management issues and practices in motivation; organizational culture, structure, and behavior; team dynamics; and communication. 2. Relate motivational theories to motivating and demotivating factors.3. Know and discuss manager’s role in motivating employees. APA Answer preview: Get instant access … Read more

Data Protection Practices

Data Protection Practices Data Protection Practices Before you begin: review the information provided in this resource: https://www.pic.gov/sites/default/files/RACI%20Chart%20Overview%20v2.pdf It takes a team of individuals throughout an organization who work together to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of data resources. But, how does an organization know that it has enough people in the right roles performing the right … Read more

 Impact of using tools like RCA, FMEA, and PDSA on the quality and safety of patient care.

 Impact of using tools like RCA, FMEA, and PDSA on the quality and safety of patient care. Multifactorial Medication Mishap Case Study: The Case A previously healthy 50-year-old man was hospitalized while recovering from an uncomplicated spine surgery. Although he remained in moderate pain, clinicians planned to transition him from intravenous to oral opioids prior … Read more

What a company’s highest priority should be when creating a competitive advantage?

what a company’s highest priority should be when creating a competitive advantage? ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES Acquire skills in conducting strategy, developing strategic options, analyzing action alternatives, making strategic decisions, and effective policy and strategy implementation. Develop the ability to manage the organizational process by which policies and strategies are formed. Develop the capacity to think strategically … Read more

Do you think preventive measure could have been taken either by management  or government?

Do you think preventive measure could have been taken either by management  or government? Do you think preventive measure could have been taken either by management  or government? How would have they worked?Is this case an example of a culture with different business ethics, how could  corporations with international locations adjust for this type of … Read more

 Ways of absorption of Lipids, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Minerals, Vitamins and Water

 ways of absorption of Lipids, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Minerals, Vitamins and Water Read the GIT and write an assignment on: APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:1220 words

 Community corrections 

 Community corrections  Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. Slides limit:10 slides

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, The defendants conspired to transport 191 Ecuadorian nationals into the United States illegally aboard a 54-foot fishing vessel. A U.S. Navy helicopter sighted the overcrowded vessel off the Guatemalan coast and saw that it had no lights and flew no flag. A Coast Guard detachment found the passengers … Read more

Health Information as an Infographic

Health Information as an Infographic To see the grading rubric, go to Course Resources / Grading Rubrics Unit outcomes: Course outcome: HS311-6: Create visual representations of summary data with given health data. Instructions An effective infographic presents information visually, efficiently, and clearly. Your task is to create an original infographic about a health-related topic of your … Read more

What do I believe in? in God

What do I believe in? in God Take some time for self-reflection. Complete the following spiritual assessment? Did you learn anything new about yourself? •What do I believe in? in God •What gives my life meaning? God and my family •What makes me smile? see my family in good health and happy •What is my … Read more

British Colonization

British Colonization 1. Compare and contrast the English relationship with the Indigenous nations they came in contact with in the Virginia and New England colonies ( 200 words or more) 2.•What can you argue about the first English settlements and people’s experience in them from this week’s primary sources (paying careful attention to difference of … Read more

British Colonization

1. Compare and contrast the English relationship with the Indigenous nations they came in contact with in the Virginia and New England colonies ( 200 words or more) 2.•What can you argue about the first English settlements Impacts of Colonial Legacies in the Modern Era and people’s experience in them from this week’s primary sources … Read more

Compare and contrast sensitization and habituation

Compare and contrast sensitization and habituation Question: Compare and contrast sensitization and habituation. I attached my textbook pages, those pages should be the primary reference source. Please use proper APA citation. The word count should be 500 words or more. This is the textbook title:Learning: Principles and ApplicationsStephen B. Klein, 2019Sage PublicationsISBN.13: 978-1-544-32366-4 Requirements: 500 … Read more

Organizational Behavior – Team Based Rewards in your organization. 

Annotated Bibliography Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a training session for the human resources department about the role of Team Based Rewards in your organization. The first step to develop this training will be for you to compile an annotated bibliography of resources on contemporary best practices within the context of healthcare organizations. Your … Read more

Develop Case Study protocol as it relates to describing how to screen candidate cases and select final cases

Exploratory Case Study Assignment Instructions Overview In this Module: Week, you will demonstrate your knowledge of preparing and collecting case study (evidence) data. The overview used the term process as you will not only develop a case study protocol and explain the use of pilot studies, but dive into the sources of data, and how to comprehensively … Read more

Present the Five stages of strategic management process.

Present the Five stages of strategic management process. Present the Five stages of strategic management process.Types of the strategic management processSWOT analysis Answer preview:

Describe the character/client’s significant biopsychosocial issues, milestones, life cycle issues, strengths, life experiences, struggles, experiences of oppression, cultural issues, and developmental issues

Describe the character/client’s significant biopsychosocial issues, milestones, life cycle issues, strengths, life experiences, struggles, experiences of oppression, cultural issues, and developmental issues Watch one of the following movies: “The Color Purple, ” “Boys Don’t Cry,” “Million Dollar Baby,” “The Shawshank Redemption,” “Antwone Fisher,” “Seabiscuit” “Good Will Hunting,” “Born on the 4th of July,” “Philadelphia,” Something … Read more

What should be taxed – Personal Income or Personal Consumption and why?

A. What should be taxed – Personal Income or Personal Consumption and why? Provide youropinion based on the case. (200 words) B. How may it affect the Saudi Economy if an income tax is imposed in KSA? (200 words) Question Two Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Human Resources recently announced an increase to the monthly minimumwage … Read more

Antarctic sea ice is growing, not shrinking

Antarctic sea ice is growing, not shrinking Answer preview:

Design a Plan for Blended or Online Learning Instruction.

. You are tasked with selecting blended or online instructional tools for some reason relevant to your particular context. For example, if you are a PK-12 educator, you might need to use online or blended instructor with learners who are in an alternate classroom setting due to credit needs or performance in the regular classroom. … Read more

Which specific cognitive and emotional abilities are likely to be most important for FBI special agents?

Which specific cognitive and emotional abilities are likely to be most important for FBI special agents? Please read the case “FBI” from Chapter 10 “ABILITY” Page: – 328given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019) and Answer … Read more

Describe the different issues related to environmental scanning, strategy formulation

Describe the different issues related to environmental scanning, strategy formulation  Answer preview:

Analyze the position, in favor of or against, of the impact of the Advanced Nursing professional in health promotion in the community (Use references).

Analyze the position, in favor of or against, of the impact of the Advanced Nursing professional in health promotion in the community (Use references). Answer preview:

Social Construction of Masculinity and Femininity

not you do, all sources consulted (paraphrased or not) must be cited according to APA standards and must include bibliographic references (including quoting or citing from the film). other submitted work (by yourself and others) in a database. Essay Prompt The films Miss Representation and The Mask You Live In delve into numerous themes relating … Read more

Discuss an organization that does not use any control systems. Is this justified?

Discuss an organization that does not use any control systems. Is this justified? 1) Give an example of an organization that does not use any control systems. Is this justified?2) Suppose that you have decided to build a new house. Explain what kind of project control you will consider and why. Answer preview: