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Discuss the process for developing top talents from within the organization.

Discuss the process for developing top talents from within the organization. Discuss the best practices for hiring top talent and the process for developing top talent from within the organization. Requirements: – Minimum 2-3 pages. (Excluding both Title and Reference pages) – Your paper should have at least three (3) reputable sources. – Please make … Read more

Explains literacy bags and how families can employ them to boost their child’s literacy

Explains literacy bags and how families can employ them to boost their child’s literacy Literacy bags are a wonderful method for encouraging at-home literacy development. Sending children’s books home with an activity to support reading, writing, listening, or speaking can improve emergent reader’s skills. For this assignment, create three 250-500 word handouts for families. One … Read more

What are the ethical issues related to technology and privacy in the workplace?

What are the ethical issues related to technology and privacy in the workplace? What are the ethical issues related to technology and privacy in the workplace? Answer preview : Word limit : 266 words

Write a synopsis on the topic environmental regulation and sustainability

Write a synopsis on the topic environmental regulation and sustainability below are the case briefs CASE BRIEF 11.2 A.B. & S. Auto Service, Inc. v. South Shore Bank of Chicago 962 F.Supp. 1056 (N.D. Ill. 1997) FACTS: A.B. & S. Auto Service is owned by Jerry Bonner, an African-American. Bonner, on behalf of A.B. & … Read more

Which type of enterprise system would you recommend for Sugarsquared Inc. ?

Which type of enterprise system would you recommend for Sugarsquared Inc. ? Enterprise System Recommendation (100 Points) SugarSquared, Inc. manufactures candy in Riyadh and distributes its products throughout the KSA. The organization has over 300 employees in three locations. Its functional business units currently work in silos, with data pertaining to their various departments held … Read more

Discuss how legislators can support technology in health care

Discuss how legislators can support technology in health care Choose a current issue/trend topic from the following list: Technology in health care Collective bargaining The impaired nurse The global nurse workforce Mentoring and coaching in nursing The trimodal model of 21st-century effective nurse leaders Other instructor-approved topic Create a 6- to 7-page paper in APA format including a … Read more

Write a summary on an article discussing the research process and study type

Write a summary on an article discussing the research process and study type Write a 1-page summary using an outline of the steps of the research process, discuss the study type, purpose, and research question(s). The summary is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling. The … Read more

What is the importance of understanding the health care system at local level?

What is the importance of understanding the health care system at local level? Why is understanding the health care system at the local level important to consider when planning an EBP implementation? Conduct research and solicit anecdotal evidence from your course preceptor that you will take into consideration for your own change project. Answer preview … Read more

Why should organizational goals align with the performance management system?

Why should organizational goals align with the performance management system? As a senior HR manager of a large Saudi Arabian company, you have been assigned the task of monitoring and evaluating the organization’s current performance management system. You have also been receiving complaints from the customer service employees that their ratings seem inaccurate and inconsistent. … Read more

What are the key ethical issues relating to employees and the workplace?

What are the key ethical issues relating to employees and the workplace? Select one question from the list of questions provided below and post a written response. Your posting is to be written logically with good grammar and structure. Response Postings (100-150 words each) Read the postings of your classmates and respond to at least … Read more

Describe the Nigerian healthcare system

Describe the Nigerian healthcare system Doctoral Study Prospectus 6 pages My proposed topic is: Rural Healthcare Services: Providing a Framework for Cost, Quality, and Access in Nigeria healthcare system. (could be appropriately modified by studypool tutor to meet quality capstone writing standard) Develop your Prospectus by selecting a suitable data set. To determine an appropriate … Read more

What is your position on the “nature versus nurture” (biology or culture) debate?

What is your position on the “nature versus nurture” (biology or culture) debate? What is your position on the “nature versus nurture” (biology or culture) debate? Answer preview : Word limit : 281 words

Discuss motivation and emotions as guided by the questions provided

Discuss motivation and emotions as guided by the questions provided This week you read Chapter 9 which discussed motivation and emotion. For this week’s discussion chose ONE of the following: 1. Motivation is a psychological and biological process that varies from one person to another. Discuss how and why we experience different levels of motivation and include … Read more

Discuss the five principles of appreciative inquiry

Discuss the five principles of appreciative inquiry There are five major principles of appreciative questioning. They are as follows: the poetic principle, anticipatory principle, simultaneity principle, constructionist principle, and positive principle. The poetic principle anticipates the future by focusing on the positivity of the present. This can limit the negative thinking and allow for a … Read more

Discuss general causes of conflict and the result of that conflict

Discuss general causes of conflict and the result of that conflict Some of the general causes of conflict are poorly defined goals, lack of cooperation/trust and unclear roles/lack of job description. These three general causes conflict because firstly if you have poorly defined goals means they are specific so that means the client wouldn’t really … Read more

Develop an intersectional policy brief addressing any of the social issues listed.

Develop an intersectional policy brief addressing any of the social issues listed. Make sure there are atleast four scholarly peer reviewed journal articles found in the stony brook library database. Also paper not including the bibliography or any appendix page reached a full 5-7 pages. double spaced Directions:1. Intersectional Policy Brief For this assignment, you … Read more

Research the underpinnings and passage of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA).

Research the underpinnings and passage of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). ESSAY #3: THE PRISON RAPE ELIMINATION ACT (PREA) Background: The issue of sexual abuse and assault in prisons increasingly gained public attention for the last decade of the 20th Century, leading to the passage of the Prison Rape Elimination Act. The passage and … Read more

Write an individual short reflective essay.

Write an individual short reflective essay. Related to previous powerpoint work that you did titled “Advise Strategy for A**le: PowerPoint Presenation”. So you just need to write a short reflective essay. You used focus on the “Proposed reccommendations” section of the powerpoint as thats what im focusing on Your reflective writing essay should be based … Read more

Analyze current issues in managerial ethics.

Analyze current issues in managerial ethics. Analyze a current issue in the field using current articles within the last 30-60 days from the popular press, including electronic resource databases. The article topics will be based on current or past chapter readings. Identify your article topic to a subject in the textbook, and identify the chapter(s) … Read more

Identify gaps in health among populations for a Healthy People 2020 health issue

Identify gaps in health among populations for a Healthy People 2020 health issue Identify disparities in health among populations for a Healthy People 2020 health issue. For this assignment: Describe the chosen Healthy People 2020 topic area and specific health issue. Contrast causes of disparities related to this health issue within populations. Propose a public … Read more

What tools for project management will best support health services organizations?

What tools for project management will best support health services organizations? Tools for Project Management in Health Services Organizations Consider the following scenario: You are the health care administrator for a physician practice with five primary care physicians. Your practice has an existing electronic health record (EHR) system, which has been in place for three … Read more

Write a summary of a nursing scholarly article that relates to your clinical practice

Write a summary of a nursing scholarly article that relates to your clinical practice Find and read a nursing scholarly article that relates to your clinical practice and is found in a peer-reviewed journal. Follow the instructions for the format and write a 1-page summary. Submission Instructions: Must be a research article. Write a 1-page … Read more

Critically analyze Winston Churchill’s ”Iron Curtain” speech

Critically analyze Winston Churchill’s ”Iron Curtain” speech For your review, you will be required to critically analyse one of the following primary source speeches. Your review should include an examination of the author, context, audience, purpose and significance of the speech being reviewed. Please see the ACAPS supporting document for a guide to undertaking a … Read more

What is the precise problem that students are experiencing in time management?

What is the precise problem that students are experiencing in time management? Topic: University students and time-management a) What is the precise problem that students are experiencing? b) How big is the problem? c) What are the main causes of the problem? Use at least 5 reference resources Answer preview : Word limit : 827 … Read more

Write a paper on intellectual property laws that apply to digital media

Write a paper on intellectual property laws that apply to digital media Laws and legal frameworks that apply to digital media are required in order to grow the economic wealth of a country and are not required to protect participants in digital media cultures. Write a paper about why you disagree or agree with this claim. Support … Read more

How do safe injection room affect addiction rates in Australia?

How do safe injection room affect addiction rates in Australia? Do Safe Injection Room Reduced addiction rates in Australia ? (Research Question).Like this but if you want you can change the question but the topic is SIR-Safe Injection Room. And please add this question answer too in your writing–1) Why I’m interested in this area? … Read more

Discuss the pro’s and Con’s of internal and external recruiting

Discuss the pro’s and Con’s of internal and external recruiting Explain Internal and External recruiting. Discuss the pro’s and Con’s of internal and external recruiting. Requirements: – Minimum 2-3 pages. (Excluding both Title and Reference pages) – Your paper should have at least three (3) reputable sources. – Please make sure your Assignment is written … Read more

Discuss the performance evaluation process at Ford Inc.

Discuss the performance evaluation process at Ford Inc. Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate overall Human Resource concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organizations goals and strategies (Lo 1.1). Ability to carry out objective and scientific analysis of Employees’ performance management (Lo 2.3 & 2.6). Case Study Imagine you’re the VP of Human resources for a … Read more

Write a critical reflection on interview skills

Write a critical reflection on interview skills ASSIGNMENT 1 Written Critical Reflection of Interview Skill Videorecording For this assignment, you will need to videorecord an example of you demonstrating at least one of the interviewing practice skills covered in the unit (up to Week 3). These include: • Explaining confidentiality • Building rapport • Empathic … Read more

Choose two relevant and recent physical security technologies and describe them.

Choose two relevant and recent physical security technologies and describe them. Week 8: Security Technology For our discussion question, we focus on recent trends in security technologies and security operations. Staying current with various security tools is an important characteristic of a proficient security manager. One method to discover new technologies is to attend security … Read more

Address the following questions on logistics

Address the following questions on logistics Critical Thinking In today’s highly competitive, extremely variable and really dynamic environment, many firms are seeking solutions. Supply chain management becomes more sophisticated and the difference between what firms want to achieve and what they can do in-house continues to grow, firms begin to realize that doing the right … Read more

Discuss the benefits of virtualization software

Discuss the benefits of virtualization software Discuss the benefits of virtualization software, as described in the text. Do you agree/disagree with these benefits, or can you think of additional benefits not already presented? Also discuss the security concerns highlighted by server sprawl and how you would propose to solve those in your (real or hypothetical) … Read more

Develop an action plan for managerial skill personal development

Develop an action plan for managerial skill personal development Learning Contract/Action Plan for Personal Skill Development Topic Presentation skill words 1000 due date Sunday 29/3/2020  Each student will choose a managerial skill they wish to develop from the lecture schedule.  Your LC/AP requires: o a clear, concise and measurable aim (eg: what you … Read more

Discuss the following philosophy questions

Discuss the following philosophy questions these are the readings Questions Locke chapters 6 and 7 Locke Second Treatise 8 – 12 Questions Locke chapters 13,15,18, and 19 Answer preview : Word limit : 500 words

How do you organize research ?

How do you organize research ? This question come in two separate parts Part 1 Strategies for Managing Resources Your literature review sets the stage for everything else that you do in your Doctoral Study. It is through this review that you determine the research that has been conducted in your area of interest and … Read more

Expound on quantitative research methods.

Expound on quantitative research methods. Expound on quantitative research methods. Answer preview : Word limit : 1284 words

What was the purpose of collecting the data?

What was the purpose of collecting the data? Data can be collected in many different ways; surveys, interviews, observation, experiments and testing, or other methods. Health institutions might collect data on the number of patients who are readmitted to their facility, or how many hospital-acquired infections have occurred over the course of a year. This … Read more

Write a case study on LinkedIn

Write a case study on LinkedIn To understand the business model of LinkedIn and its effectiveness Answer preview : Word limit : 1308 words

Address the following questions on Management Information Systems (MIS)

Address the following questions on Management Information Systems (MIS) In this unit, you have learned about management information systems (MIS) and the importance of it. For this assignment, compose a paper that discusses the key differences between data, information, information technology (IT), and information systems (IS). Your paper should address the components listed below. Define … Read more

What kinds of essays will you be doing in future, either in or out of school?

What kinds of essays will you be doing in future, either in or out of school? Respond to the following: What kinds of writing will you be doing over the next few weeks, either in or out of school? Will it be papers for other classes, answers to essay questions, reports at work, letters of … Read more

Discuss religion and culture in the West.

Discuss religion and culture in the West. Paraphrase this article. It is about RELIGION & CULTURE IN THE WEST. And this is the file Answer preview : Word limit : 541 words

Create a list of measurable outcomes for your capstone project intervention.

Create a list of measurable outcomes for your capstone project intervention. After working with your preceptor to assess organizational policies, create a list of measurable outcomes for your capstone project intervention. Write a list of three to five outcomes for your proposed intervention. Below each outcome, provide a one or two sentence rationale. The assignment … Read more

What are the fundamentals of cybersecurity?

What are the fundamentals of cybersecurity? The top has to be cyber security What are the fundamentals of cyber security? Answer preview : Word limit : 545 words

Research on the development of the MBS market and answer the following questions

Research on the development of the MBS market and answer the following questions A mortgage backed security (MBS) is a debt instrument backed by a pool of mortgages. Most MBSs are issued by the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie … Read more

As the director of security, what kind is security personnel would you hire?

As the director of security, what kind is security personnel would you hire? Week 9: Personnel Good managers realize that any organization is as only good as its people and employees’ potential will likely reach no higher than their leaders’. This week we consider two mini-case studies: Case #1: A person has applied to be … Read more

Describe premises security liability and forensic security

Describe premises security liability and forensic security Week 10: Premises Security Liability and Forensic Security Our focus is on liability that security managers may face in supervising effective security programs. Shielding the organization from lawsuits by avoiding inadequate security claims is part of the responsibility of security managers. Effective security planning can mitigate such risks. … Read more

Highlight everyday forms of resistance.

Highlight everyday forms of resistance. I. Read Sharp’s list of methods of nonviolent action. II. Read Scott’s preface and write a 1 standard page long reflexive essay. The essay should comprise the following components: 1. Author’s main thesis, described in 2-3 sentences. 2. 3 main arguments supporting the thesis. 3. Methodology used. The essay could contain critical … Read more

Write a case study on ethics in security consulting.

Write a case study on ethics in security consulting. For this discussion question, there is one case study problem this week for you to read, consider and respond to. Ethics in Security Consulting – Sanford County School System You have been requested by the relatively new School Superintendent, Mary Thompson, to do an analysis of … Read more

Explain interview methods and the areas of concern in conducting them.

Explain interview methods and the areas of concern in conducting them Q1 Explain interview methods and the areas of concern in conducting them. Give example for each method. Q2. What are the characteristics of a good sample? . All answers must be typed by using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be … Read more

Write a case study on a cybercrime case or event related to your class.

Write a case study on a cybercrime case or event related to your class. You will select one cybercrime case or event (does not have to be a court case) related to the class. You must use reputable sources. (Hint: BLOGS/WIKIS are NOT reputable sources. News articles from reputable media outlets and court documents are … Read more