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Why are people so hesitant to change?

Why are people so hesitant to change? Why are people so hesitant to change? Read through Chapter 7 (Moore) and the Stages of Change and Effective Coaching Skills (Prochaska, 1994). What do co-workers/clients typically exhibit at each stage? Which one of the stages is the hardest for people to address? Think of an area in … Read more

Write a critical appraisal of two quantitative research studies.

Write a critical appraisal of two quantitative research studies. Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your … Read more

Develop a digital marketing case study for a company of your choice

Develop a digital marketing case study for a company of your choice For a company, organisation or charity of your own choosing, please develop a digital marketing case study that be suitable for a second year undergraduate management student audience. Please use the following structure: (1) Abstract (150 words max which is not included in the … Read more

Read two articles and complete an annotated bibliography for each article

Read two articles and complete an annotated bibliography for each article You are required to read two articles and complete an annotated bibliography for each article (scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles). Your AB’s should be 1.5 to 2 pages long. It should be double-spaced, and you are to use Times new Roman 12 font. Annotated bibliographies must … Read more

Discuss the adoption of lean thinking and JIT models by companies

Discuss the adoption of lean thinking and JIT models by companies Critical Thinking The global marketplace has witnessed an increased pressure from customers and competitors in manufacturing as well as service sector (Basu, 2001; George, 2002). Due to the rapidly changing global marketplace only those companies will be able to survive that will deliver products … Read more

How can one improve system development productivity?

How can one improve system development productivity? Topic: Improving System Development Productivity Instructions: Need minimum 300 words Need 3 APA References Answer preview : Word limit : 345 words

Write a report after watching the video on person-centered therapy

Write a report after watching the video on person-centered therapy Please watch this video title  https://youtu.be/4wTVbzvBH0k and write a one page video report. Requirement for report is given in the attached rubric. Answer preview : Word limit : 366 words

Describe Saudi Armaco and its business environment

Describe Saudi Armaco and its business environment Report Writing Select any publicly listed Saudi Company that operates in GCC, and write a (minimum of 1000 word) report covering the following points: (Marks: 10) 1. Present the study report with clear Introduction and Conclusion including your own views. 2. Using SWOT analysis, analyze the external and … Read more

Write a video report on being a mile ahead in learning and emails

Write a video report on being a mile ahead in learning and emails Please watch this video   https://youtu.be/BWBOLV5Bu3c and write one page video report. Things to consider while writing report is attached in grading rubric. Answer preview : Word limit : 435 words

Write an article analysis on the impacts of corona virus

Write an article analysis on the impacts of corona virus Write an analysis based off Article attached A good analysis will summarize the story and show how the reported phenomenon conforms to the theory or diverges from what the theory predicts. You are encouraged to introduce material from other sources where you feel this will … Read more

Watch the video and write a report on the topic “Protecting children”

Watch the video and write a report on the topic “Protecting children” Please watch this video https://youtu.be/3OMu6nkd7dU and prepare one page video report. Requirement for report is given in the attached rubric. Answer preview : Word limit : 332 words

Write a marketing plan for Audi AG in Saudi Arabia

Write a marketing plan for Audi AG in Saudi Arabia Marketing Plan From the real international market, select a company of your choice wishing to start its activities in Saudi Arabia. The Company hired you as Marketing Manager of Saudi Arabian Region. You have to establish a marketing department starting from the Analysis of the … Read more

Describe social media marketing in Saudi Arabia

Describe social media marketing in Saudi Arabia Write a report discussing the following points: 1. Two of the most creative/successful social media marketing campaigns in Saudi Arabia (In 2019/20). ▪ Give the reasons behind their success? ▪ What is the added value of this marketing campaign for the company/organization? 2. Two social media marketing campaign … Read more

Describe the implementation of tranfordable in the UK Air transport

Describe the implementation of tranfordable in the UK Air transport Explain how you plan to earn money from your product/idea a) Business Model Subscription based, One-time payment, through advertisements etc b) Pricing c) Cost of customer acquisition How much will you have to spend to acquire a customer in terms of promotions, advertisements etc. Estimate … Read more

Discuss one chart type of data visualization

Discuss one chart type of data visualization Topic: Select any one chart type from the below and discuss what the chart is used for and why you selected it. Categorical: Comparing categories and distributions of quantities values Hierarchical: Charting part-to-whole relationships and hierarchies Relational: Graphing relationships to explore correlations and connections Temporal: Showing trends and … Read more

Identify a problem that has the capacity for advocacy through legislation.

Identify a problem that has the capacity for advocacy through legislation. Nurses often become motivated to change aspects within the larger health care system based on their real-world experience. As such, many nurses take on an advocacy role to influence a change in regulations, policies, and laws that govern the larger health care system. For … Read more

Write a journal on “The Trifles” play

Write a journal on “The Trifles” play “Trifles” (Glaspell 772) Unsurprisingly, Mrs. Peters is more concerned than Mrs. Hale with the legalities of the case, and—at least in the first part of the play—she defends the men from Mrs. Hale’s criticism by observing that what they are doing is “no more than their duty.” Mrs. … Read more

What are some good “rules of thumb” for performance appraisal interviews?

What are some good “rules of thumb” for performance appraisal interviews? Based on your experiences, what are some good “rules of thumb” for conducting successful performance appraisal interviews? min 350 words APA format Answer preview : Word limit : 387 words

Answer the following questions on office designs

Answer the following questions on office designs Read Case Incident 1: The Place Makes the People (p. 574 of your textbook) Then read: Why Activity-Based Working is the Cure for the Open Office Layout (Link (Links to an external site.)) This article makes a case for the use of activity-based working. Then read: Activity-Based Workplace Design: … Read more

What impact have you observed in the populations you serve in your nursing practice?

What impact have you observed in the populations you serve in your nursing practice? Respond to the Case Study presented in Chapter 12 (p. 286) about direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs. What impact have you observed in the populations you serve in your nursing practice? Comment on the ethics of this practice, in terms of … Read more

Evaluate leadership issues in managing of nursing practice

Evaluate leadership issues in managing of nursing practice Analyze clinical experience and relate how the experience applies to concepts of nursing leadership. Integrate the outcomes below in your journal. Support your journal write-up with at least one peer-reviewed, journal reference objective Evaluate how the concepts power, empowerment, autonomy or advocacy were utilized in managing nursing … Read more

Write a report on sociology of health and illness

Write a report on sociology of health and illness Write a report on sociology of health and illness Answer preview : Word limit : 1220 words

Watch the video and write a report on group therapy

Watch the video and write a report on group therapy Please watch this video https://youtu.be/D7_eo5tnQm8 and prepare one page report. Requirement for report is given in the attached rubric. Answer preview : Word limit : 383 words

Discuss Project Management approaches in Health Services Organizations

Discuss Project Management approaches in Health Services Organizations Project Management Approaches in Health Services Organizations Consider the following scenario: Ryan is a heath care administrator for a large network of hospitals. As its mission, the hospital network seeks to promote health access in underserved communities and to engage in innovative population health management projects to … Read more

Write a response paper about any type of propaganda during 1930-1950

Write a response paper about any type of propaganda during 1930-1950 For your second response paper, we will be exploring propaganda. In class we studied this extensively as we examined US, Japanese, German, and Russian propaganda before and during WWII. Choose any type of propaganda during the time period of the 1930s-1950s and briefly summarize … Read more

Describe and discuss clinical governance.

Describe and discuss clinical governance. Describe and discuss clinical governance. Answer preview : Word limit : 3768 words

Write a chapter review on data visualization

Write a chapter review on data visualization Each Chapter Reading Reflection should address the following prompts: Summarize the content of the chapter addressed. What were some of the highlights in this chapter and learning opportunities? Share some new ideas and/or thoughts that you developed from the reading of the chapter. How do you think you … Read more

What does “justice” mean?

What does “justice” mean? What does “justice” mean? Do people really have fundamentally different views of justice? Is our definition of “justice” itself a purely human/social construct? You must read and cite texts from Martin Luther King, Jr’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” and chapter 3 of Butler’s Undoing Gender as primary sources for this assignment. Requirements: 4 page minimum length (does not include works … Read more

Discuss and elaborate team management strategies

Discuss and elaborate team management strategies “When you addresses the third question, put yourself in Tariq’ shoes and illustrate your point of view, taking into account what you wrote in the previous sections.” Reference use the textbook Chapter 9, 10, 11. Cited in APA formats. Answer preview : Word limit : 764 words

Discuss selecting a candidates and the employee’s benefits to the organization

Discuss selecting a candidates and the employee’s benefits to the organization Address the following in the discussion forum after you have completed the activity: Briefly state which candidate you selected. List the five benefits you selected to be included in this employee’s total rewards package. For each benefit you selected, explain why you selected it … Read more

Answer the questions provided on legislation, contracts, laws and jury instructions

Answer the questions provided on legislation, contracts, laws and jury instructions Contracts, laws and jury instructions often contain ambiguous and unnecessarily complicated language. Here’s a link to a Ted Talk on the subject: Link (Links to an external site.) Here’s an article that digs a bit deeper into contract drafting: Link (Links to an external site.) Let’s … Read more

Write an essay explaining given risk factors and how they relate to health outcomes

Write an essay explaining given risk factors and how they relate to health outcomes Write an essay explaining given risk factors and how they relate to health outcomes. Define cultural competency and when it should be used. Explain the poverty cycle and how it plays a role in health privilege. Address each given question below. … Read more

What you have learned about strike replacements as per labor laws ?

What you have learned about strike replacements as per labor laws ? In a concise paragraph paraphrase what you have learned about strike replacements to explain to a friend why this is such a controversial issue in labor relations. Should the NLRA be revised to prohibit the use of temporary or permanent strike replacements? You … Read more

Discuss healthcare informatics in nursing

Discuss healthcare informatics in nursing There have been several issues regarding the accuracy of vital signs information on patients. Currently, the information is taken from the vital signs monitor and typed into a laptop computer by the nurse. The information is not going directly into the system. Implementation of vital signs information automatically transferring from … Read more

Discuss Starbucks’ recession in 2018

Discuss Starbucks’ recession in 2018 1.What was Howard Schultz’s original strategic vision for Starbucks? How many times has his strategic vision evolved? Is Kevin Johnson likely to continue with or change Schultz’s latest strategic vision?2.Which one of the five generic competitive strategies discussed in Chapter 5 most closely approximates the competitive approach that Starbucks is … Read more

Respond to the following questions of “The Lesson”

Respond to the following questions of “The Lesson” Choose ONE question. Respond in a well written one-paragraph or more response. After responding to a question (from either reading), you will respond or “respond to” one peers’ responses. Your response should be a well written one-paragraph or more response. “The Lesson” 1. What was the lesson … Read more

Explain the impacts of macro-environments

Explain the impacts of macro-environments After reading the attached document about “Fletchr: A New Way of Last Mile Delivery”, please come up with the macro environments impacts It does not have to be in paragraphs. Just make them in points and under each point explain the impacts. Answer preview : Word limit : 425 words

Describe situations and management practices that impact employee morale

Describe situations and management practices that impact employee morale Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following elements surrounding employee morale and its effects on the workplace. Refer to the text, MUSE, and Intellipath as well as research to help you formulate your response. Describe situations and management practices that impact employee morale. Explain, using … Read more

Address each question provided on self-care health practices comprehensively.

Address each question provided on self-care health practices comprehensively. Use APA 6th ed, at least 6-10 references needed. use Headings as you Write a short answer (approx. 500 words) to address each question comprehensively, including in-text references to support your analysis. those 2 questions are: 1. What is your understanding of the WHO definition of … Read more

Complete a Five Forces Analysis for the department that you work for.

Complete a Five Forces Analysis for the department that you work for. Mini Project- Five Forces Analysis for Segmentation: Review the Five Forces Analysis (p. 75-76 in textbook). 1-Complete a Five Forces Analysis for the department that you work for (if you don’t work for one, find a healthcare organization and respond “Rush Copley Medical Center Aurora, https://www.rushcopley.com/”). … Read more

What is the importance of nursing education ?

What is the importance of nursing education ? The IOM published report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” makes recommendations for lifelong learning and achieving higher levels of education. In 1,000-1,250 words, examine the importance of nursing education and discuss your overall educational goals. Include the following: Discuss your options in the job market … Read more

How does this Video further your understanding of “Life and annuities” ?

How does this Video further your understanding of life and annuities ? Video Reference: 9__Understanding annuities – 3 _ Describe the Purpose and Importance of the Video. How does this Video further your understanding of topic of discussion? Answer preview : Word limit : 1447 words

Summarize an essay about a Netflix documentary called the Kalief Browder story

Summarize an essay about a Netflix documentary called the Kalief Browder story please write. a 4 page summery and response essay about a Netflix documentary called the Kalief Browder story its going to be a 4 page essay summery and response style in the response talk how the justice system is unjust toward him. Answer … Read more

Write “The Lesson” narrative teachings responses.

Write “The Lesson” narrative teachings responses. 1. “I Stand Here Ironing” (Olsen 426): How do you feel about the mother’s sending Emily away to a convalescent home? How did it affect Emily’s relationship with her mother? Her long-term relationship with her sister Susan? 2. “The Lesson” (Bambara 279): What was the lesson in this story? Was there more than … Read more

Describe various aspects of the field of Social Psychology

Describe various aspects of the field of Social Psychology This week you have read CHAPTER 11, which dealt with many aspects of Social Psychology. The chapter is divided into 5 sections each covering various aspects of the field of Social Psychology. This chapter provides you insight about the various reasons we behave the way we do … Read more

Discuss process costing and cost behavior with numerical example

Discuss process costing and cost behavior with numerical example Topic: Process Costing & Cost Behaviour with numerical example… Min 350 words APA format Answer preview : Word limit : 496 words

Write a research paper answering questions on global politics and development

Write a research paper answering questions on global politics and development ASSESSMENT 1: Research Paper Write a research paper (essay) answering one of the tutorial questions in the Tutorial Guide from any of the first 5 topics (Weeks 1-6):  Introduction to Global Politics  Fake News! Media and Global Politics  Nationalism, Sovereignty & the State  Global … Read more

Conduct a critical appraisal of qualitative research on mental health.

Conduct a critical appraisal of qualitative research on mental health. Goal: Conduct a critical appraisal of literature that demonstrates an understanding of qualitative research. Using the Chapter 7 Critiquing Criteria for Qualitative Research (pp. 135-136), write a critique of a qualitative research article that you have read related to your clinical practice. Submission Instructions: The paper … Read more

Write a case study on the Case “Salesforce’s 1+1+1 Integrated Philanthropy Model”

Write a case study on the Case “Salesforce’s 1+1+1 Integrated Philanthropy Model” Read the Case “Salesforce’s 1+1+1 Integrated Philanthropy Model” at the end of Chapter 18 and response to the following: What evidence do you see in this case of the three kinds of corporate philanthropy discussed in this chapter: contributions of cash, in-kind products or services, and … Read more

Expound on the challenges and opportunities in logistics management

Expound on the challenges and opportunities in logistics management  Discuss the future challenges and opportunities in logistics management.Write your own point of view. Fuel Costs: Higher fuel prices are likely to increase transportation costs for ksa shippers this year by pushing up fuel surcharges. Rising ksa diesel fuel prices are escalating surcharges added to freight rates, … Read more