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Discussing healthcare issues.

Discussing healthcare issues. VIDEO 1) John Stossel Free Market Medicine (Links to an external site.) VIDEO 2) Sanders vs. Paul (Links to an external site.) Watch the above videos. Once you have done this click on the above link “Health Care” and create a thread with at least two paragraphs containing the following: Is there such a … Read more

Discuss about trade and development.

Q1 What were the most important 1-2 new things you learnt from the lecture and/or readings that you did not know before class? Describe one way in which what you learnt connects to either a different subject/topic you are interested in, or a personal experience. Q2 What were 1-2 points discussed in lecture/readings that you … Read more

Write an essay that focuses on the Understanding group therapies.

Write an essay that focuses on the Understanding group therapies. This week you should have read Chapter 13 and learned about group therapies. This week select one of the discussed therapies in the chapter and provide a thorough understanding of the therapy using the text book and internet. Also, while searching the internet for material to support … Read more

Account on Improving Organizational Behavior through Recruitment Process.

Account on Improving Organizational Behavior through Recruitment Process. Organization behavior for a firm Please read the information that given and then write one page to answer question number 3 ( What specific action steps should the organization take to solve the problem? What changes should be implemented?) You can use all the information from the … Read more

Discuss about balanced Literacy Approach.

Discuss about balanced Literacy Approach. There are two major camps when it comes to developing reading skills, whole language and phonics. Many teachers use a balanced approach that incorporates both whole language and phonics instruction in order to meet all students’ needs. In 250-500 words, discuss the balanced literacy approach of phonics and whole language … Read more

Write a research paper about sustainable tourism.

Write a research paper about sustainable tourism. Please help me to write a research paper about Sustainable Tourism, 6 pages, at least 8 references. Please see the attachment of details! words limit: 1638

Discuss the issues of ERP implementation.

Discuss the issues of ERP implementation. Watch the video and read the 3 short articles and answer a question. less than 1 page, double space https://youtu.be/lYCEQqSM08I the 3 short articles in the attachment, and then answer the following question: Why are companies challenged when implementing ERPs? No words limit, less than 1 page, double space … Read more

peer-reviewed journal summary

peer-reviewed journal summary Find and read a nursing scholarly article that relates to your clinical practice and is found in a peer-reviewed journal. Follow the instructions for the format and write a 1-page summary. Submission Instructions: Must be a research article. Write a 1-page summary using an outline of the steps of the research process, … Read more

Discuss the Role and Challenges of Civil Engineering in Managing Global Climate Change.

Discuss the Role and Challenges of Civil Engineering in Managing Global Climate Change. A specific global issue related to civil engineering that could be explained through compare and contrast essay 1500 words. word limit: 1668

Account for the Professional Identity and Stewardship .

Account for the Professional Identity and Stewardship . Interview a fellow peer in your class who works in a different health discipline than you. Begin your interview with the following questions: What is your role as a health care team member? How do you define professionalism and how does professional responsibility influence your work? Do … Read more

Discuss Gender, Race, and Class in the Media.

Discuss Gender, Race, and Class in the Media. Coronavirus is killing more men than women – The New York Times As more data comes out about the coronavirus and who it's affecting the most, it's clear that the virus is killing men at twice the rate of women. This trend can be seen in NYC, … Read more

Discuss coaching skills.

Discuss coaching skills. I believe that I am stronger in radiating compassion and expressing empathy. When it comes to radiating compassion in generative moments that’s when the coach makes the environment a judge free zone and showing their clients they can trust and be vulnerable with them. Expressing empathy is basically being understanding of another … Read more

Discuss the areas of employee safety that are most important to you.

Discuss the areas of employee safety that are most important to you. Topic for PowerPoint Presentation: Utilizing Chapter 13, discuss the areas of employee safety that are most important to you. Do you think that the organization has the same concerns as you? Why or why not? link to text book: https://open.lib.umn.edu/humanresourcemanagement/part/chapter-13-safety-and-health-at-work/ Go to contents drop … Read more

Discuss various research methodologies.

Discuss various research methodologies. Display of data: tables & graphs Quantitative data can be displayed in various ways such as in tables or in graphs. The display of your data must always be clear and informative. Such tables and graphs often tend to summarize your results in a viewer-friendly way. However, one must first know … Read more

Discuss the professional Identity and Stewardship

Interview a person in a formal position of leadership within your organization (e.g., a supervisor, a manager, a director). Begin your interview with the following questions: What is your role as a health care team member? How do you define professionalism and how does professional responsibility influence your work? Do you consider yourself a steward … Read more

Discuss the parental Role in Youth Sports.

Discuss the Parental Role in Youth Sports. Format: Two questions, 500-word (or slightly more) responses for each question (approximately 1000 words total). Use this document for your inline responses below, with SINGLE SPACING. Guidelines: These two questions will synthesize the course readings and discussions. Be rich, evidence driven with course material, and organized in your … Read more

Business and Government in Global context

Business and Government in Global context JUST need help in identifying 3 possible solutions : I just have to work on  one challenge and I will be working on the problem by myself . I just want your help in 3 possible solutions which can help Mcdonalds in USA to solve the problem of declining … Read more

The going-concern explanatory notes

The going-concern explanatory notes Requirement 1 What is a going concern opinion and what does it mean? How is it different than an unqualified audit opinion? (4 pts) Requirement 2 What are the types of information that the auditor should consider when determining whether a going concern opinion is appropriate? What audit procedures might an … Read more

Discuss the philosophy of phonics lesson plan.

Discuss the philosophy of phonics lesson plan. The philosophy of phonics can best be understood by developing a lesson plan that is rooted in the phonics approach. Even if your school does not subscribe to the phonics approach, it is beneficial to research the approach in order to add more literacy tools to your toolbox. … Read more

Decline of union membership in the work place.

Decline of union membership in the work place. Over the past 40 years, union membership has declined, and it continues to do so. Instead, many companies are turning to alternative dispute resolution. We know one of the best union avoidance tactics is good communication and providing job satisfaction for employees. Create a PowerPoint presentation (with … Read more

Various anatomical changes characterized the Hominins evolution

Various anatomical changes characterized the Hominins evolution Beginning in the late Miocene and into the early Pliocene, upright walking tendencies began to develop among the hominin tribe. Upright walking tendencies slowly transformed into obligate bipedalism during the pliocene within the hominin lineage. This shift in locomotor strategy is notably marked by the gradual change in … Read more

Recent health trends and what they tell us about the future of population health.

Recent health trends and what they tell us about the future of population health. We are constantly bombarded with trends; fashion trends, color trends, even styles of cars or houses that we are told will be popular. What about health trends? What can we see happening with the health of our nation? Is obesity still … Read more

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave.

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. 1. Douglass describes how white slaveholders kept their slaves uneducated and ignorant. Comment. 2. Douglass felt that knowledge was the path to freedom. Comment. 3. Douglass described how slavery damaged the slave owner’s moral health. Comment. 4. Douglass described slaveholding as a perversion of Christianity. … Read more

Post-colonial feminism

 Post-colonial feminism Topic: Post-colonial feminism This paper should deal with some visual aspect of psychoanalysis, feminism, post-colonialism, race, identity, queer theory or post-modernism. You should have at least 6 references/sources in your paper. include a minimum of 6 sources and the paper should be 6 pages in length. Word limit: 1670 

Lorraine Hansberry’s play “A Raisin in the Sun”

Lorraine Hansberry’s play “A Raisin in the Sun” 1. Discuss Beneatha in terms of feminism. What forms of sexism does she experience? 2. Consider Langston Hughes’ poem “Harlem” in context of Walter’s dreams. 3. What is the rift between Lena and her children? Must include 4-5 quotes and citations from the story. 3-4 pages words … Read more

Cyber-attacks and crimes

Cyber-attacks and crimes Cyber-attacks and crimes are increasing day by day and with widely use of wireless technologies and social media, network security has become vital. Therefore, organizations are trying to launch more powerful version of the protective tools that you need to be aware of as part of security fundamentals including threats, network security, … Read more

Discuss the Peremptory Challenge and Racial Discrimination in the Judicial System

Discuss the Peremptory Challenge and Racial Discrimination in the Judicial System Explain how the peremptory challenge can be used in ways that would represent individual, contextual, and institutional racism. Discuss whether you feel the Batson hearing is sufficient to combat these concerns, or should the United States abolish the peremptory challenge? words limit: 754 words

Unintended Consequences of Telehealth.

Unintended Consequences of Telehealth. Write a paragraph about the growth of telehealth in the last 10 years .APA format – at least one references. 2. What are 2 unintended consequences from tele-heatlh? I do not need references… 3.What are 2 popular softwares used in hospitals today and what are they used for? I need a … Read more

Popular softwares used in hospitals today and what are they used for.

Popular softwares used in hospitals today and what are they used for. Write a paragraph about the growth of telehealth in the last 10 years .APA format – at least one references. 2. What are 2 unintended consequences from tele-health? I do not need references… 3.What are 2 popular softwares used in hospitals today and … Read more

The growth of telehealth in the last 10 years.

The growth of telehealth in the last 10 years. Write a paragraph about the growth of telehealth in the last 10 years. What are 2 unintended consequences from tele-heatlh? What are 2 popular softwares used in hospitals today and what are they used for? I need a paragraph on the subject APA – only one … Read more

Essay on Dale Wasserman, Margaret Edson, and Henrik Ibsen.

 Essay on Dale Wasserman, Margaret Edson, and Henrik Ibsen Essay of approximately 1,000 words, answer the following question: How does a major character (not necessarily the main character) in each of the plays, Dale Wasserman’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (based on Ken Kesey’s novel by that name), Margaret Edson’s Wit, and Arthur Miller’s adaptation of Henrik … Read more

Discuss the medicinal use of Cannabis

Discuss the medicinal use of Cannabis Trace the history of cannabis use in medicine for the treatment and management of illness via nursing scholarly journal articles. Examine your sources for the following information below and describe the following: 1. Who are the stakeholders both in support of and in opposition to medicinal cannabis use? 2. … Read more

Why certain factors are so salient in voting predictability e.g age,region,class et.c

Why certain factors are so salient in voting predictability e.g age,region,class et.c Why are certain factors such as age, region, class, race, religion, and education so salient in terms of voting predictability? Explore these factors to explain what about each of these factors would make an individual vote in any particular way, and discuss whether … Read more

Answer the following questions on the American Government

Answer the following questions on the American Government Representative Isabella Wilkinson wants to introduce a new law authorizing the Federal Government to begin spending $500 billion dollars in stimulus dollars to help Americans out with the loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (10 points total) a. Imagine that you are Representative Wilkinson’s political … Read more

Discuss aspects of change in an organization or personal development

Discuss aspects of change in an organization or personal development Prompt: Chapter 6 discusses Botelho’s (2004) quantitative rating system. Use Fig. 6.1 and this tool on a coworker or a friend. Report the findings and data. What were some key findings? Respond to the questions in the “After listing” box. Requirements: 250 words minimum initial … Read more

What is the effect of Force Majeure clauses on contracts ?

What is the effect of Force Majeure clauses on contracts ? Force Majeure clauses are found in many contracts. Here’s a link explaining how they work along with some contract drafting strategies: Link (Links to an external site.) These force majeure clauses have recently become especially relevant. Here’s a coronavirus-related case: Link (Links to an external site.) … Read more

Write a research paper on the Internet of Things (IOT) in manufacturing industry

Write a research paper on the Internet of Things (IOT) in manufacturing industry Provide an update to your paper and share it with students in the course. Be sure to have at least two responses to other students that are constructive and aid them going forward. Your responses are to be at least two paragraphs … Read more

Discuss the benefits of Executive coaching.

Discuss the benefits of Executive coaching. Executive coaching is a professional relationship between a trained coach and identified leaders. The coach will assist the client in performing, learning, staying healthy and keeping balanced in the workplace. The goal is to enhance the client’s leadership and effectively guide their team to successfully reach desired goals and … Read more

Discuss shelter management issues and mass care operations

Discuss shelter management issues and mass care operations shelter management issues related to the access and functional needs populations. Identify and discuss one shelter issue and solution for the following — Physical disability. Medical needs. Supervision needs. What are the legal ramifications if these needs are not met under current US law. I will upload … Read more

Explain why a general knowledge of microbiology is useful for anyone in their daily life.

Explain why a general knowledge of microbiology is useful for anyone in their daily life. 1. Explain why microbiology background/knowledge is needed for this job use this website page for some of your info https://www.bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-s… 2. Explain why a general knowledge of microbiology is useful for anyone in their daily life. APA references – at least 2 … Read more

What is “The True Administration of Justice” ?

What is “The True Administration of Justice” ? The New York State Supreme Court Building has the following quote etched above the entrance: “The true administration of justice is the firmest pillar of good government.” Do a little research first and let us know when where this quote came from (and when). There is some … Read more

Justify advertising in market economy as per Goldman

Justify advertising in market economy as per Goldman Answer ONE QUESTION from the two below. Grading is based on both thoroughness and writing/grammar (includes appropriate citations*) 1-2 pages. Double spaced 12 pt Times New Roman. Because you have limited space, you DO NOT need to include a header or a title. You do not need to restate … Read more

Discuss about Environmental Artists Fighting for Change.

Discuss about Environmental Artists Fighting for Change. Research Essay about Environmental Artists Fighting for Change Chicago Format style and Minimum of 3 pages (double-spaced; not including quotations, bibliography and notes) The first step in the Research Essay assignment is to select and describe your topic in one paragraph. You are encouraged to cast a wide … Read more

Discuss how a job description is a function of management.

Discuss how a job description is a function of management. In your paper, Discuss how a job description is a function of management. Consider the following areas of a job description below and explain how these components contribute to an effective performance management system: Tasks Tools and technology Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) Education requirements … Read more

Write a Marketing Plan for a company of choice you would start in Saudi Arabia

Write a Marketing Plan for a company of choice you would start in Saudi Arabia Marketing Plan   From the real international market, select a company of your choice wishing to start its activities in Saudi Arabia. The Company hired you as Marketing Manager of Saudi Arabian Region. You have to establish a marketing department … Read more

How would you teach your patient/clients about Personal Health Records ?

How would you teach your patient/clients about Personal Health Records ? You are developing materials to teach your patient/clients about Personal Health Records. What elements would you include? Research the topic and suggest 2 – 3 available options for patients. Be sure to use APA when you cite your references. Required Elements for writing are … Read more

Discuss two challenges facing healthcare management

Discuss two challenges facing healthcare management You are the Billing Manager of a physician office. You electronically submit claims to Medicare for payment. Medicare has changed the billing form by adding 3 new fields. In addition, they have changed the field length for 3 of the required fields on the form. Your billing software vendor … Read more

How does a successful collaboration information system improve success?

How does a successful collaboration information system improve success? In this assignment, you will create a presentation for your organization to explain how successful collaboration can improve success and provide competitive advantages. Scenario: Your organization has used a variety of collaboration systems developed by some project managers. Some of these systems were successful while others … Read more

What are the issues associated with an aging population ?

What are the issues associated with an aging population ? Issue of Aging Workforce Answer preview : Word limit : 662 words

Discuss technology and constitutional rights.

Discuss technology and constitutional rights One of the thornier issues in public safety involves the rapidly developing technology opportunities. New products seem to come out daily and some of them present outstanding opportunities, especially in surveillance. This week we are studying constitutional issues and there will be some reading during the last week on technology. … Read more