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Discuss the issues associated with not disclosing prognosis information to a patient.

Discuss the issues associated with not disclosing prognosis information to a patient. n the Asian culture, there is often a belief that terminally ill patients should not be informed about their prognosis. Would you respect the cultural practice and not inform a patient about the prognosis? Is there a way for health care providers to … Read more

Why do performance appraisal errors occur ?

Why do performance appraisal errors occur ? As a senior HR manager of a large Saudi Arabian company, you have been assigned the task of monitoring and evaluating the organization’s current performance management system. You have also been receiving complaints from the customer service employees that their ratings seem inaccurate and inconsistent. These employees feel … Read more

Factors Affecting People with Disabilities in the Contemporary Society

Factors Affecting People with Disabilities in the Contemporary Society I would like you to speak for someone who hasn’t been heard yet, or enough. What are the groups that you would like more people to know about, and what issues particularly affect them today? In the Connection forum, make a post containing any relevant links … Read more

Compare and contrast the different modes that firms use to enter foreign markets

Compare and contrast the different modes that firms use to enter foreign markets This assignment will help you digest the textbook material. In the Discussion Forum, post an APA formatted paper of at least 600-words about the week’s reading material. . What is your understanding of the material covered? Also, address in your own words: … Read more

Write a discussion prompt about social problems.

Write a discussion prompt about social problems. This is Humanities class so the essay must be written in Humanities form (You can search online for more information about it) Expectation: – 1500 to 1750 words (No more than that) – A counterargument is required. – Citation Notes. Improper citation or formatting will result in a … Read more

What are the underlying concepts of community activism ?

What are the underlying concepts of community activism ? Describe the key concepts underlying community activism and give examples of how each of these concepts applies to a specific context. Examine how advanced practice nurses can engage in community activism to limit further negative health impacts from Big Tobacco in their respective health communities. Attached below is an … Read more

Write an essay on Robert Jay Lifton and Fleischer Zames

Write an essay on Robert Jay Lifton and Fleischer Zames In an Essay of approximately 1,000 words, answer the following question: How do The Disability Rights Movement: From Charity to Confrontation (by Doris Zames Fleischer and Frieda Zames) and The Nazi Doctors (by Robert Jay Lifton) make the following statement starkly clear: While grievances regarding medical issues can be addressed … Read more

Discussion about health services marketing.

Discussion about health services marketing. The Director of Patient Engagement in a relatively large upper-Midwestern city is participating in a strategic planning process. At the committee meeting, the marketing director had presented an overview of the largest demographic projections of the region, which were somewhat disconcerting. “The region is showing a large outgrowth and decline … Read more

Discussion question about union of workers.

Discussion question about union of workers. Suppose a coworker just brought you a union leaflet urging employees to sign an authorization card. What questions would you ask of the union supporter? What may happen from this point on?350 words APA with references word limit: 437

Discuss the implementing of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in healthcare

Discuss the implementing of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in healthcare explicitly focusing on implementing Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). Choose a “theme” (i.e., ERM in Healthcare, Financial sector, Technology, higher education, manufacturing., etc.) and make sure that all your resource relates to your theme. This paper will be an annotated bibliography, This paper must be in … Read more

What is your view on personality development ?

What is your view on personality development ? Chapter 10 presents theories about personality development, which is a very interesting and debateable topic. The chapter presented multiple theorists’ views, so read their thoughts and create your own view about how personalities develop. BE SPECIFIC, use examples based on your life experiences. If you are a parent … Read more

Write an essay discussing about food and culture.

Write an essay discussing about food and culture. Synthesis Assignment You have read Kevin Chung’s essay “Fried Rice: My Taste of Culture, Home and Family,” Preview the document and you have read Amy S. Choi’s article “What Americans can Learn from Other Food Cultures. ”Preview the document This week, you have also read Suenary  Philavanh’s … Read more

Write a Marketing Plan considering the following points for a Saudi Arabian company

Write a Marketing Plan considering the following points for a Saudi Arabian company Marketing Plan From the real international market, select a company of your choice wishing to start its activities in Saudi Arabia. The Company hired you as Marketing Manager of Saudi Arabian Region. You have to establish a marketing department starting from the … Read more

Write a discussion about bioterrorism.

Write a discussion about bioterrorism. For this week’s discussion, you are asked to research a bioterrorist incident. Begin by reviewing the Media Focus video on bioterrorism in Week 3 of the Content and Activities, then explore the Internet. Give an example and details from national/international news of a bioterrorist attack. Address all of the following … Read more

Prepare an oral presentation on Community Engagement .

Prepare an oral presentation on Community Engagement . Dear writer, this is the file of instruction. please choose one option for this presentation, so COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT is good here i think. and for question number 7 follow my answer, its here. QUES=7.Students with internal placements may refer to organisations that relate to their project topic … Read more

Discussion of a case study about regular headaches.

Discussion of a case study about regular headaches. With regard to the case study you were assigned: Review this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the insights they provide about the case study. Consider what history would be necessary to collect from the patient in the case study you were assigned. Consider what physical exams and … Read more

What do you feel are the three most important concepts for Child Growth and Development.

What do you feel are the three most important concepts for Child Growth and Development. 1. What do you feel are the three most important concepts for Child Growth and Development. 2. Why did you select these three concepts? 3. Do a web search for a “podcast” or find a “Ted” video related to one … Read more

Virtually visit a public facility and develop a report on the risk exposures that you see.

Virtually visit a public facility and develop a report on the risk exposures that you see. Virtually visit a public facility (i.e., use the Internet to find a virtual tour on video or using a technology like Google “Street View”) and develop a report on the risk exposures that you see. OK, that is the … Read more

Write a discussion about trade and business.

Write a discussion about trade and business. Q1 What were the most important 1-2 new things you learnt from the lecture and/or readings that you did not know before class? Describe one way in which what you learnt connects to either a different subject/topic you are interested in, or a personal experience. Q2What were 1-2 … Read more

Write an essay about art and power.

Write an essay about art and power. For this assignment, read the following questions first and then choose only one of the questions and write a short paper of 300-500 words in MS Word  format, save and upload it to the submission folder. Remember, respond only to one question. You will not get credit if … Read more

What are some research designs that justify themselves in the field of nursing research?

What are some research designs that justify themselves in the field of nursing research? What are some research designs that justify themselves in the field of nursing research? Choose one and explain why you chose it. Give an example of how this research design is used in your nursing discipline. word limit: 280

Discuss the Second Commandment.

Discuss the Second Commandment. 1. Discuss the Second Commandment and explain why some religions forbid images and others favor them? Be sure to provide specific examples. Your initial post for this discussion should be 150-250 words in length and completely answer the question. word limit: 300

Discussion about mental illness stigmatization.

Discussion about mental illness stigmatization. Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two qualitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part 1” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide rationale, include examples, and reference content from the studies in your responses. Use the practice problem … Read more

Discuss Activity-Based Costing (ABC) and Master Budgeting.

Discuss Activity-Based Costing (ABC) and Master Budgeting. Discussion: Activity-Based Costing (ABC) and Master Budgeting Read at least 2 academically reviewed articles on ABC and 2 articles on Master Budgeting and complete the following: A. Write an annotated bibliography of each article. B. Based on the articles you reviewed, discuss what you learned C. In addition, … Read more

Discuss the Dependent and Independent Variables in CLABSI Project.

Discuss the Dependent and Independent Variables in CLABSI Project. Based on how you will evaluate your EBP project, which independent and dependent variables do you need to collect? Why?  word limit:250 

Discuss performance management approaches.

Discuss performance management approaches. Read “Case Study 4-2: Choosing a Performance Management Approach at Show Me the Money” on pages 119-120 of your textbook. After reading the case study, recommend a suitable performance management approach amongst results, behavior, and a combination of both approaches for the company. Justify and support your recommendations. Embed course material … Read more

Discuss the theory of global governance.

Discuss the theory of global governance. Paper must be 750 words, double-spaced. Must use the book ‘Global Political Economy’ by Theodore Cohn (7th Edition) to answer question — FROM CHAPTERS 2,3,4,&5. Do you believe that global governance basically conforms to the liberal view of IPE – whether orthodox or interventionist – or does it appear … Read more

Write a discussion about Enriched Sites for Online Searches.

Write a discussion about Enriched Sites for Online Searches. Leveraging Search Technologies Identify an organization that is using at least one online search technology. You may use an organization you know from your personal experience or one that you discover while doing research. Briefly describe the organization, and then answer the following questions: Of the … Read more

Discussion on Ethical research debates.

Discussion on Ethical research debates. After reading Chapter 3, review the slide show on the Stanford Prison Experiment (Links to an external site.) website and the audio clips of the Milgram Obedience experiment on the Simply Psychology (Links to an external site.) website. Students whose last names start with A through L sign on to the Discussion Board and tell us … Read more

Write an essay discussing performance measurement approach.

Write an essay discussing performance measurement approach. Read “Case Study 4-2: Choosing a Performance Management Approach at Show Me the Money” on pages 119-120 of your textbook. After reading the case study, recommend a suitable performance management approach amongst results, behavior, and a combination of both approaches for the company. Justify and support your recommendations. … Read more

Explain the economic and political arguments for regional economic integration.

Explain the economic and political arguments for regional economic integration. This assignment will help you digest the textbook material. In the Discussion Forum, post an APA formatted paper of at least 600-words about the week’s reading material. What is your understanding of the material covered? Also, address in your own words: Chapter Nine Explain the … Read more

Describe a moment where you had to make a big decision in a short narrative

Describe a moment where you had to make a big decision in a short narrative Consider these prompts to help you get started. You are not required to use one of these prompts. Describe a moment where you had to make a big decision, and describe the effect of that decision on your future. What … Read more

Discuss how effective leaders motivate those they lead.

Discuss how effective leaders motivate those they lead. Discuss how strong leaders apply power, influence, advocacy, and authenticity to motivate those they lead. Answer preview : Word limit : 305 words

Discuss the strategic, tactical and operational roles of the procurement.

Discuss the strategic, tactical and operational roles of the procurement. Discuss the strategic, tactical and operational roles of the procurement. Answer preview : Word limit : 573 words

Write a response to “The New DNA Paradigm” by Livingstone

Write a response to “The New DNA Paradigm” by Livingstone You can access this piece from the library (Links to an external site.), and use it to address the following questions: What does your DNA mean to you? What value do you place on it? What conflicts might there be about this information and who has access … Read more

Compare and contrast Judaism and Christianity beliefs

Compare and contrast Judaism and Christianity beliefs Consider all our readings and lectures on Judaism and Christianities. What would you identify as the most core belief of each of these traditions? What have you found to be the most interesting parts of the lessons on these traditions? What have you found I have all the … Read more

Prepare a critique of a Miami hip-hop orchestra show you attended

Prepare a critique of a Miami hip-hop orchestra show you attended Writing Your Critique Your paper should be two to three full pages in length(approximately 280 words per page),double-spaced,written in 12 pt font.Do not use extra spaces between paragraphs. You should think about the journalistic questions of “who,what,when,where,and why” For example: “A collection of Broadway artists … Read more

Discuss the organizational decision making process

Discuss the organizational decision making process Organizational decision-making is often guided by data that has been collected either by the organization themselves, or through the use of evidence-based practice. Data collection is often a long, arduous process while using evidence-based data can give a quick picture as to what might work for the organization. Is … Read more

Write a critique on a music concert you attended

Write a critique on a music concert you attended Writing Your Critique Your paper should be two to three full pages in length(approximately 280 words per page),double-spaced,written in 12 pt font.Do not use extra spaces between paragraphs. You should think about the journalistic questions of “who,what,when,where,and why” For example: “A collection of Broadway artists performed Rodgers … Read more

How can planting seeds of righteousness be used in conflict resolution ?

How can planting seeds of righteousness be used in conflict resolution ? Prompt: As a leader you are always planting seeds. People are looking to you for resolution. Increase your store and enlarge the harvest of your righteousness (2 Cor. 9:10-14). Put yourself as the spreader of seeds for the Lord. How do you spread … Read more

Discuss the CLABSI prevention in the ICU by use of CHG baths

Discuss the CLABSI prevention in the ICU by use of CHG baths Not all EBP projects result in statistically significant results. Define clinical significance, and explain the difference between clinical and statistical significance. How can you use clinical significance to support positive outcomes in your project? 250 words word limit: 260 

Introduction to psychology.

Introduction to psychology. In a 5-7 page, typewritten paper, discuss how taking an introductory psychology course is beneficial to you personally. You may discuss how it pertains to a personal or family issue OR how it is beneficial to you with respect to EITHER your intended major OR career. More specifically, discuss how three different … Read more

Discuss the economic recession of 2008.

Discuss the economic recession of 2008.   Topic: Economic Recession of 2008 Sub Topic :Economic Recession Results 750 words APA Format with 5 references write extra 250 words support some dis agree on Economic Recession results words limit: 1000

How do banks compute for financial risks on and off the balance sheet?

How do banks compute for financial risks on and off the balance sheet? How do mortgages challenges the financial stability of financial institutions, and what are the reaction mechanisms? How do banks use hedging to manage financial risks? What is the role of foreign exchange risks in foreign exchange markets? words limit: 930

Memoir Essay

Memoir Essay As you reflect on the events of this year, particularly the history-making Covid 19 pandemic, I want you to pretend that you are in your old age, and you’re writing a memoir, looking back at this time in your life. Tell your readers what the experience was like for you, how it changed … Read more

Discuss the expected evolution in goods and services.

Discuss the expected evolution in goods and services. Please read and write a review of the following article written by Doug Stephens, a retail industry futurist, founder of Retail Prophet and author of ‘Reengineering Retail: The Future of Selling in a Post-Digital World.’ 1 1/2 pages No plag no coursehero work https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/professional/why-branding-matters-now-more-than-ever words limit: 425

Discussion of a priority case study.

Discussion of a priority case study. Read the ATI video case study Priority Setting and respond to the following: If you were the nurse in this situation, which client should you see first? Identify the priority framework you are using and the rationale for your selection. Your paper should be 2 pages You are required to use … Read more

Discuss the Strategies for Selecting Stocks.

Discuss the Strategies for Selecting Stocks. I have attached three articles related to quantitative analysis that I’d like you to read. 1-2 page review of these articles. Please try to read these articles in the following order: 1.Factor Investing Intro Fidelity 2.Quant Strategies for Selecting Stocks 3.What works – Key new findings on stock selection … Read more

Describe how individual differences influence organizational activities.

Describe how individual differences influence organizational activities. Working together in groups requires cooperating and collaborating with others. It also requires motivation. Review this link, and then respond to the questions below. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be … Read more

Discuss data collection and methodology.

Discuss data collection and methodology. Assessment 2: Data Collection Details of the assignment: Considering the research aim that you drafted in the discussion forum:  Identify a suitable qualitative research methodology to address this aim and defend your choice AND then  Identify a data collection method, including the sampling and recruitment strategy that you … Read more