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Evaluate the risk management techniques used by your employer.

Evaluate the risk management techniques used by your employer. Evaluate the risk management techniques used by your employer, including employee benefit and physical location risk management. for the paper purpose my employer will be US army.   I want you to include going to the range and the risk management they take for someone enter … Read more

Analyze marketing opportunities using the listed factors.

Analyze marketing opportunities using the listed factors. Analyze marketing opportunities using environmental scanning market data, measurement, and analysis. Answer preview : Word limit : 766 words

Write a discussion about cyber security.

Write a discussion about cyber security. Thesis statement: The strategy of cybersecurity incorporates computer programming, which uses cryptography in preventing unauthorized access to computers or the information stored in the computer systems. The cyber-attacks target people instead of computer software and hardware, which could attract losses to an organization. For example, social engineering attacks can … Read more

Write an essay on child growth and development.

Write an essay on child growth and development. Early childhood includes children who are yet to join formal education at the age of 3 to 6. Children at this stage develop in different ways as indicated in the chapter. The chapter summary is discussed in the paper. The discussion is laid out as follows: word … Read more

How are the themes of fatherhood and motherhood represented in “Fences”?

How are the themes of fatherhood and motherhood represented in “Fences”? Choose ONE question. Respond in a well written one-paragraph or more response. After responding to a question (from either reading), you will respond or “respond to” one peers’ responses. Your response should be a well written one-paragraph or more response. “Fences” 1. How are … Read more

Discussion about tobacco use on health.

Discussion about tobacco use on health. Instructions Download either the Obesity Maps or Tobacco Maps. Compose a critical analysis essay using the following guidelines: Provide a description of the health issue, either obesity or tobacco use, depending on which set of maps you chose. Discusses the trends you see in the maps based on the … Read more

Discuss about religion and philosophy.

Discuss about religion and philosophy. Abrahamic Homework Questions (85 points possible) a. From our study of Judaism, in what ways could we say that the God of Judaism is a deity that acts in human history? That is, how are Jewish history, beliefs, and practices informed by God? Explain this Jewish conception of God and … Read more

Discuss the background and treatment of depression.

Discuss the background and treatment of depression. This week you should have read Chapter 12, which tends to be a favorite as it discusses psychological disorders. This week select one of the disorders in the chpater and provide the following: – Background of the disorder to include history or changes about the disorder over time – … Read more

Discussion paper and annotated feedback on media and crime.

Discussion paper and annotated feedback on media and crime. There are three parts that you must complete for this assignment:  Part 1: Discussion paper (summary of your topic from Assignment 1 – 250 words).  Part 2: Annotated feedback on a sample assignment (covering a different topic – 250 words).  Part 3: Annotated … Read more

Describe public health issues on climate change

Describe public health issues on climate change Need help with 1000 word assignment on public health issues on climate change APA format, lopeswrite score or similarity score less than 10, university uses a software to detect plagiarism Answer preview : Word limit : 1071 words

Discussion paper and annotated feedback about media.

Discussion paper and annotated feedback about media. There are three parts that you must complete for this assignment:  Part 1: Discussion paper (summary of your topic from Assignment 1 – 250 words).  Part 2: Annotated feedback on a sample assignment (covering a different topic – 250 words).  Part 3: Annotated feedback on … Read more

Analyze the use of patient portals to improve outcomes and efficiencies.

Analyze the use of patient portals to improve outcomes and efficiencies. Meets or Exceeds ExpectationsMostly Meets ExpectationsBelow ExpectationsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsTopic/ Relevance to Nursing Points Range:29.7 (29.70%) – 33 (33.00%) A clear and succinct description of the topic is presented. Background information is relevant and specific to the topic. The significance of the topic to nursing practice is … Read more

Discuss about Portfolio of P.E.S.T. Issues.

Discuss about Portfolio of P.E.S.T. Issues. Portfolio of P.E.S.T. Issues – Assessment Briefing Title: Portfolio of P.E.S.T. Issues Due Date: Friday in Week 6 of semester before 5pm Melbourne time. Late submission penalties will apply. Weight: 30% Length: 2,000 words (+/-10%). the word limit does not include references, appendices, and illustrations. This assignment follows the … Read more

Discuss about fashion designs.

Discuss about fashion designs. Answer this question: The speaker in the video explains that copyright protection is not available to fashion designers. Should copyright protection be available in this industry? Why or why not? word limit:300

Reading the article and answering the provided questions.

Reading the article and answering the provided questions. For your first assignment, you will complete a short answer activity in which you will analyze the article following the Ask, Research, Learn, Do process. This process was introduced in your webtext as a simplified version of the sociological research process. It’s a useful tool to help … Read more

Describe war and peace in the 20th century focusing on an aspect of the Cold War

Describe war and peace in the 20th century focusing on an aspect of the Cold War this task you will prepare an essay exploring a key aspect of the Cold War. You will need to substantiate your argument by drawing upon both primary and secondary source material. Importantly, a key component of this task will … Read more

Write a Discussion on E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies.

Write a Discussion on E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies. Your company is experiencing decline in business because of competition. Your manager thinks they may be able to turn the company around if they can get help from an IT professional on E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies. Assume your company is a traditional retail entity similar to Sears, … Read more

Describe the evaluation plan for accountable care organization formation

Describe the evaluation plan for accountable care organization formation Evaluation Plan for Accountable Care Organization Formation Consider the following scenario: You are a health care administrator for a large community hospital in an urban market. Your hospital has already made substantial investments in health information technology and physician participation. In response to health care reform, … Read more

Write an essay discussing about inclusion and exclusion at work place.

Write an essay discussing about inclusion and exclusion at work place. Task: ● Create an annotated Powerpoint presentation and upload to Moodle ● In the presentation: ● Introduce and explain the topic; ● Discuss the key findings of the consultant report and analyse this with reference to relevant academic research on managing diversity and Inclusion. … Read more

Write an essay about management and leadership strategies.

Write an essay about management and leadership strategies. Readings: Cafferky, M. (2017). Management & leadership theories in scripture narratives: An editor’s outline of opportunities for further study. Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, 20(2), 78-85. Mea, W. & Sims, R. (2019). Human dignity-centered business ethics: A conceptual framework for business leaders. Journal of Business Ethics, 160(1), 53-69. … Read more

Discuss about intervention and evidenced-based literature.

Discuss about intervention and evidenced-based literature. Create a professional presentation of your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to be disseminated to an inter professional audience of leaders and stakeholders. Include the intervention, evidence-based literature, objectives, resources needed, anticipated measurable outcomes, and how the intervention would be evaluated.  You can make it a power point! Still remember … Read more

Discuss the Biblical ways of conflict resolution.

Discuss the Biblical ways of conflict resolution. Prompt: Hebrews 10:32 tells us dealing with conflict can be difficult but it is a journey. Reflect on a Bible story about conflict and how God intervened. Compare that to many of the issues of conflict you have faced in your life. Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, … Read more

Discuss race as discussed in Fences and the symbolism of a baseball.

Discuss race as discussed in Fences and the symbolism of a baseball. Answer BOTH Questions 1. “Fences” Act 1 (Wilson 875 ) In Act 1, how are issues of race discussed? Provide two examples that illustrate how race places a central role to the plot, characters, or conflict(s) in the first act. Use at least one citation to support … Read more

Write a comparison of congress and California’s Legislature.

Write a comparison of congress and California’s Legislature. Compare Congress and California legislature including the size, length of term, and leadership structure of each chamber, and the major differences in the policy-making power of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. Also discuss Propositions 140 and 28 and their impacts on California Legislature and … Read more

Discuss about business and government in global context.

Discuss about business and government in global context. An in-depth analysis of the challenge the decline in customer traffic in Mc donalds restaurants in USA has to be done. The analysis should be done using the lecture slides provided earliest . And should include 4-5 non scholarly references that is using news papers articles. it … Read more

Write an essay about the meaning of life for the modern man.

Write an essay about the meaning of life for the modern man. TOLSTOY AND WEBER ON THE MEANING FOR LIFE FOR THE MODERN MAN Weber finds that modern science produces “the disenchantment of the world” as explained on pages 12-13, through its rational and calculative method. Weber then starts to worry that some may be … Read more

Write an essay about understanding love.

Write an essay about understanding love. The topics for the paper, if you choose to write on Frankfurt’s The Reasons of Love are listed below. Choose one essay topic. All the questions are to be answered from a close reading and explication of Harry Frankfurt’s Reasons of Love. TOPIC ONE: For our author, what is … Read more

Discuss and evaluate methods of motivating and rewarding individuals and groups

Discuss and evaluate methods of motivating and rewarding individuals and groups   Discuss the implications of organizational structure and culture. Identify processes and methods that can improve the behavior and attitudes of organizational members Working with organizations to improve the interactions of members and increase productivity through collaborative behavior is an essential role of management. … Read more

Write a discussion about homo: The humans.

Write a discussion about homo: The humans. Homo: The Humans During the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition the Homo genus appeared in the fossil record. The Homo genus is a a continuation of the Gracile Australopithecines. Like those that came before, Homo is an obligate biped, but unlike its precursors Homo displays a unique set of physical adaptations … Read more

Discuss Essential Coaching Skills and their Benefits in Conflict Resolution

Discuss Essential Coaching Skills and their Benefits in Conflict Resolution Your new-found ability to impact others through coaching is now a tangible tool you can use. Based off of that growth in this class, discuss what you have learned. Share specifics and how those specifics will be applied both in your degree and also your … Read more

Write summaries of quantitative and qualitative studies.

Write summaries of quantitative and qualitative studies. This week, you will submit summaries of quantitative and qualitative studies. The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with published research, research designs, and methodologies. For the assignment, you will select one quantitative research study and one qualitative study related to the field of nursing and … Read more

Write a discussion about coaching.

Write a discussion about coaching. Prompt: Over the past seven weeks you have gained some valuable knowledge related to coaching. The weekly lectures focused on how to develop and grow in the field of coaching. Specific attention was placed on such areas as motivation, self-efficacy, self-esteem, communication, and goals, along with such coaching practices as … Read more

Discuss about postmodernism in literature.

Discuss about postmodernism in literature. Postmodernism ( . . . or choose to write on this Period) Postmodernism in literature is a form of literature which is marked, both stylistically and ideologically, by a reliance on such literary conventions as fragmentation, paradox, unreliable narrators, often unrealistic and downright impossible plots, games, parody, paranoia, dark humor … Read more

Write an essay Assessing the Legal Claims in Paul’s Case Scenario.

Write an essay Assessing the Legal Claims in Paul’s Case Scenario. Introduction In this assignment, you’ll need to decide whether Paula Plaintiff has any legal claims arising from a series of unfortunate events. After reading the scenario, answer the questions that follow, making sure to fully explain the basis of your decision. 6 paragraphs. scenario … Read more

Discuss the benefits that international students studying in the US gain apart from education.

Discuss the benefits that international students studying in the US gain apart from education. Researched Argument Assignment Please write an eight to nine page persuasive essay based off of a topic from the approved subject area list. Your ultimate goal is to convince your audience to adopt your position, and, consequently, you must take a … Read more

Discuss about clifton strengths.

Discuss about clifton strengths. CliftonStrengths and Course Debrief Final Paper (Individual) Length: 1,250 to 1,500 words, excluding assignment instructions and supplemental information (check the count at the bottom of the page in Word) Format: Business report style. Title Page (create this yourself). Single spaced. No indents on paragraphs, single space between paragraphs. Use titles and … Read more

Write an essay about child growth assessment tools.

Write an essay about child growth assessment tools. Identifying early literacy assessment tools that are appropriate for the learning environment and beneficial for informing future instruction are important to the early learning classroom. The data obtained from assessments is critical in making decisions about accommodations in order to meet the diverse needs of students. In … Read more

Write an essay that explores the topics of gender gap and compensation.

Write an essay that explores the topics of gender gap and compensation. Instructions For this assignment, you will write an essay that explores the topics of gender gap and compensation. In your introduction, explain whether you think the gender gap is a women’s issue, men’s issue, or both. Explain your response and reasoning within your … Read more

Watch and respond to the movie ” Inside Job”.

Watch and respond to the movie ” Inside Job”. After watching the movie Inside Job, which is available in our Moodle webpage, choose one question out of options A) and B). Focus on addressing what is being specifically asked, do not attempt to summarize the movie. What you write must not exceed one page and … Read more

Discussion about a case study report.

Discussion about a case study report. Assignment 2 – Case Study Report ● This assignment will assist you to identify and develop key social work knowledge and skills necessary for completing a social work assessment report and an intervention plan with individuals. This assessment covers unit material from Week 4 – Week 9. It comprises … Read more

Discuss the value of international business operations.

Discuss the value of international business operations. Instructions: 1.Read Hout, Porter, & Rudden’s (1982) article and review the three examples of the companies that were successful in competing globally. Each of the companies had a different approach to executing global strategy 2.Provide a 600 to 800-word summary (formatted according to APA guidelines) answering the question(s: … Read more

Discuss Bob Dylan going from “Times They Are a Changing to Desolation Row.”

Discuss Bob Dylan going from “Times They Are a Changing to Desolation Row.” Write 200-300 words about these points, do not forget to answer the question while writing. Discuss Bob Dylan going from “Times They Are a Changin to Desolation Row.” 1970s – This is the ME decade. In what ways does this era reflect … Read more

What are some intercultural conflicts that we face today?

  What are some intercultural conflicts that we face today? How can the study of language and intercultural communication help us address and manage these conflicts? word limit: 3150

Discuss about debt obligations.

Discuss about debt obligations. Suppose that you purchased a debt obligation three years ago at its par value of $ 100,000 and nine years remaining to maturity. The market price of this debt obligation today is $ 90,000. What are some reasons why the price of this debt obligation could have declined since you purchased … Read more

Discuss in detail various aspects of traumatic brain injury of an American foot baller.

Discuss in detail various aspects of traumatic brain injury of an American foot baller.    Introduction  Description of the type of damage  Symptoms Treatment for traumatic brain injury Prognosis for brain injury  Best treatment for traumatic brain injury conclusion. word limit: 600

Explain what makes a piece of music good and designing an evaluation rubric.

Explain what makes a piece of music good and designing an evaluation rubric. 1. Write a paragraph on what makes a piece of music good. Be sure to include both technical elements (intonation, tempo, meter, rhythm, harmony, dynamics, articulation, instrumentation, togetherness, accuracy, quality of performance) and emotional elements (how does the music speak to you, … Read more

Compare and contrast laptops versus Tablets.

Compare and contrast laptops versus Tablets. Write my Comparison-Contrast essay Basically the title. I have the topic of which you will write about already down, along with a thesis. It is about Laptops vs Tablets, I will send the full thesis when you accept, along with the outline. It has to be 2-4 pages, so … Read more

How does a company choose their supply chain strategy ?

How does a company choose their supply chain strategy ? As a reminder, the paper is to be at least 2 pages, typed, double-spaced, sources cited, and contain a reference page. The paper should be written in accordance with APA format. An abstract is not required for this writing assignment. Your topic: – How a … Read more

What may be some challenges from a coaching session with a co-worker?

What may be some challenges from a coaching session with a co-worker? In Chapter 9 (Moore) it discusses the role of the coach. As you are progressing towards holding a coaching session with a co-worker in week seven, discuss the co-worker you will be meeting with. What area of change is he or she seeking? … Read more

How do you determine if an organization adheres to its ethics or not?

How do you determine if an organization adheres to its ethics or not? Organizational Ethical analysis paper: Summary: Each student will write a research paper on an organization of his or her choice (5-7 pages minimum). The organizational analysis will utilize a minimum of five external, peer-reviewed academic sources and contain the following sections: · … Read more