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Benchmark – Capstone Change Project Objectives .

 Benchmark – Capstone Change Project Objectives Review your problem or issue and the cultural assessment. Consider how the findings connect to your topic and intervention for your capstone change project. Write a list of three to five objectives for your proposed intervention. Below each objective, provide a one or two sentence rationale. After writing your … Read more

Discuss RFID Technology and Business Intelligence (BI)

Discuss RFID Technology and Business Intelligence (BI) As the new logistics manager at the organization, you have to get senior leadership to buy into using Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) and data analytics. Be sure to address the following: Provide a detailed applied research report on RFIDs and how the data can be used in correlation with … Read more

Write an English Narrative Essay.

Write an English Narrative Essay. Assignment One – Descriptive / Narrative Essay Purpose: The main goal for this paper is to develop skills in supporting a thesis or general assertion with evidence and specific details. This paper will allow you to draw on your own experience and to use that experience to illustrate the merits … Read more

Discuss E-commerce legal issues.

Discuss E-commerce legal issues. Locate and research a court case that is related to a legal case involving e-commerce in the procurement process. After reading through the court case, provide a summary of the court case. Provide specific thoughts as to the issue of the case, the court’s decision on the case, and the reasoning … Read more

Write an essay on Palliative Care and Life Limiting Conditions

Write an essay on Palliative Care and Life Limiting Conditions Project Details Paper Topic : Palliative Care and Life Limiting Conditions Style : APA Language Style : English (U.K.) Type of Assignment : Assessment Deadline : 1 Days Academic Level : Undergraduate Level Number of words : 1000 word limit:1190

Describe Domestic Violence and Elders.

Describe Domestic Violence and Elders. These are two seperate questions, and must be answered separatley with a minimum of 200 words. The reading provided must be utilized and cited within the questions. Question 1:Why might it be important to treat substance abuse and intimate partner violence simultaneously? Question 2: Describe how an integrated ecological model … Read more

Describe Latino experience in the US.

Describe Latino experience in the US. Instruction Structure and see you coherently fresh write a short paragraph of two or three sentences indicating the points you want to stress. Then write two or three short paragraphs to develop the point of your answers with idea, examples, and references concludes right around 300 words write directly … Read more

Discuss the role of establishing relationships within an organization

Discuss the role of establishing relationships within an organization Introduce the Relationships within Workplace and explain how it affect the employee’s behavior. At least 2 pages word limit: 604

Discuss Connected Health and the Digital Age of Medicine

Discuss Connected Health and the Digital Age of Medicine Explore the technology systems offered by Nanthealth, a provider of “telehealth” and health management services via the following link: http://nanthealth.com/ Prepare a brief (8-10 slides) PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following: Identify at least two technology innovations to connect patients, providers, and insurers across … Read more

Discuss the ideas that are essential while designing an organization.

Discuss the ideas that are essential while designing an organization. Discussion: Discuss the ideas that are essential while designing an organization.words 300 no plagiarism, apa format and references. Journal Article Summary 5: Pick one of the following terms for your research: analyzability, core technology, interdependence, joint optimization, lean manufacturing, noncore technology, service technology word limit: … Read more

Write an essay about child depression.

Write an essay about child depression. EXPLANATION OF FINAL EXAM: Child Development Research Paper Guidelines. The Process of Writing Your Child Development Research Paper Even for the most experienced professional, writing can be a difficult process. However, if you take the time to plan and organize the information you would like to communicate, writing a … Read more

Discuss about marketing strategy and formulation.

Discuss about marketing strategy and formulation. Review the article and prepare a 500 – 600 word response to the following discussion question: What are five best practices in marketing strategy formulation that you take away from this reading? This reading provides a basic framework for thinking through the key decisions in the marketing process. While … Read more

Evaluate revisiting the 14th amendment Act.

Evaluate revisiting the 14th amendment Act. Paper topic: Equal Protection clause I. Introduction & Background A. Introduction I have chosen to discuss the Equal Protection clause from the 14th Amendment, which serves to protect the privileges and rights of all Americans equally, either born or naturalized. This is a significant clause as it reinforces the … Read more

Discuss Amazon’s Supply chain integration

Discuss Amazon’s Supply chain integration Supply chain integration is a major contributing factor to organizational success. The goal of supply chain integration is alignment within the supply chain. As a business leader, how can you achieve greater supply chain integration with suppliers and customers? Amazon is a prime example of a company that has successfully … Read more

Discuss cancer and approach to care.

Discuss cancer and approach to care. The nursing process is a tool that puts knowledge into practice. By utilizing this systematic problem-solving method, nurses can determine the health care needs of an individual and provide personalized care. Write a paper (1,750-2,000 words) on cancer and approach to care based on the utilization of the nursing … Read more

Discussion about ‘The four agreements’.

Discussion about ‘The four agreements’.   After reading The Four Agreements, answer the following questions: 1. What general insights did you get from reading this book? 2. Can you give three examples of applying what you have read to where you work (or other classes) in the past week? 3. Give four ideas of what … Read more

Discuss CSR of Walmart company.

Discuss CSR Walmart company. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Review this link and research a multinational corporation (this … Read more

Evaluate family disaster plan checklist.

Evaluate family disaster plan checklist. For this assignment, you will complete Your Family’s Disaster Plan Checklist adapted from Appendix A of your ReadyRN text. This week you will gather and complete the recommended information and supplies listed on the Family Disaster Plan Checklist Checklist. Please note: You are not required to purchase any items on … Read more

Discuss the human resource information system.

Discuss the human resource information system. 1. How did Rio Tinto’s revamping of HR help with minimizing the potential problems with the reduction in force? What role would an HRIS (also called a Human Resource informationsystem) have to play in managing an RIF? <question type=”essay”> 2. Without a consistent philosophy, policies, andapproaches to reduction in … Read more

Discuss The Staggers Act and The Motor Carrier

Discuss The Staggers Act and The Motor Carrier Supply Chain and Logistics Management Course Research the Staggers Act and the Motor Carrier Act. Choose one of the acts and defend your stance as to whether the law that you have chosen was either a success or failure. Based on your research, suggest three specific ways … Read more

A critical discussion about stakeholders.

A critical discussion about stakeholders. Assignment Description Additional Information- APA Format with Citations and References- Stakeholder analysis: 2–3 pages + title and references The discussion on stakeholders went better than expected. Everyone seems to be on the same page. But now, the team is unsure of who should be included as stakeholders in the communication … Read more

Write an essay about managing change.

Write an essay about managing change. Question 1 – Reading: Palmer et al. (2017). – Chapter 1: Managing Change: Stories and Paradoxes. Read “The Story of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center” and summarize it. Question 2 – Reading: Goodman & Dingli (2017). Chapter 2: Key Business Decisions Why might a total reliance on the rational/analytical … Read more

Analysis of business communication and interviewing skills.

Analysis of business communication and interviewing skills Three Assignments in Business Communication. Read Chapter 12, Write 10 Observations, Comments(Word). 10 (PowerPoint) slides about Resumes and Interviewing Skills. Presentation Outline (Word). word limit:425

Discuss the revolutionary war.

Discuss the revolutionary war. After reading the article here, what are your thoughts? Did GW start a global war?  word limit:470

Describe change management.

Describe change management. o the self-assessment on page 48-49 and score on page 50. Then answer the following questions 1.What are your two highest scores? These are your “dominant” images. Check your understanding of those images with the descriptions in table 2.4. 2.Do any of these images of change management involve actions that you would … Read more

Discussion CINAHL complete and PubMed databases effectiveness.

Discussion CINAHL complete and PubMed databases effectiveness. Identify two GCU Library scholarly databases (CINAHL Complete and PubMed) that will help you find the best research articles to support your capstone project change proposal. Discuss why these two databases are better than Google Scholar or a general Internet search. word limit:355

An essay on film response.

An essay on film response. 1,000 words) on the following topic: Using a life-altering experience of a doctor and a hyperbolic, almost spoof-like, scenario in a hospital, how do the films, The Doctor and The Hospital, using plot and character, illuminate what people really need with respect to healthcare? Students should focus on analysis of … Read more

How did the end of the Atlantic slave trade impact Africa?

How did the end of the Atlantic slave trade impact Africa? word limit:620

Analyze Product Pricing Relative to Competition

Analyze Product Pricing Relative to Competition Assignment Details Pricing is controlled by the manufacturer or producer of the product or service. The manufacturer or producer understands the competition (competitive activity), the consumer, and its own company requirements. Please discuss a product whose price you have seen change in response to its competition. How did the price … Read more

Summary of the Villain in Blenkner Louis’ Article.

Summary of the Villain in Blenkner Louis’ Article. the villain One-two-page MLA-format summary of an individually chosen scholarly article. No plagiarism. word limit: 700

Answering “The doctor and the hospital” film questions.

Answering “The doctor and the hospital” film questions. The following questions are designed to stimulate student thinking for Forum postings.. Although students should consider all questions, it is not necessary for them to respond in writing to all of these questions. ( any two questions for each films) Study questions for The Doctor. (1) What … Read more

Write a discussion about leadership.

Write a discussion about leadership. Assignment Details Leadership is a very valuable skill in business. There are several different types of leaders who can adjust strategies based on the situation. For your main post, identify someone whom you would consider an effective leader, and describe the type of leadership he or she exhibits. Include in … Read more

Discuss effective procurement and warehousing strategies.

Discuss effective procurement and warehousing strategies. Develop a method that allows the company to procure items as needed and store them effectively in the warehouse. Be sure to address the following: Reverse logistics must be considered in this method. Your submission should be at least 4 pages in length with at least 5 references to … Read more

Discuss the logistics life cycle.

Discuss the logistics life cycle. For this assignment, imagine that an organization is sending products from South Africa to Canada and Germany. You will need to provide an answer on how the organization should use the logistics life cycle to create a draft plan on sending products from South Africa to Canada and Germany. Be … Read more

Why is evaluating training an important part of strategic training?

Why is evaluating training an important part of strategic training? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply word limit:300

Evaluate The Merits of Harry’s Interlocking Causation.

Evaluate The Merits of Harry’s Interlocking Causation. The Merits of Harry’s Interlocking Causation word limit:560

Describe Ways Nurses can participate in Quality Control.

Describe Ways Nurses can participate in Quality Control. Explain one or more ways nurses can become involved in setting and auditing patient care standards or participating in other quality control/improvement activities within their organization. word limit: 350

Discussion: Our survival is dependent upon growing the business.

Discussion: Our survival is dependent upon growing the business. Through his of the Six Sigma Chain of Causation Dr. Mikel J. Harry Academy states: Our survival is dependent upon growing the business. Our business growth is largely determined by customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is governed by quality, price and delivery. Quality, price and delivery are … Read more

Discuss using data in outcome evaluation.

Discuss using data in outcome evaluation. How is data used to evaluate outcomes? Provide an example as it relates to an area of nursing. word limit:340

Discussion on stakeholders analysis.

Discussion on stakeholders analysis. Assignment Description Additional Information- APA Format with Citations and References- Stakeholder analysis: 2–3 pages + title and references The discussion on stakeholders went better than expected. Everyone seems to be on the same page. But now, the team is unsure of who should be included as stakeholders in the communication management … Read more

Write a discussion about interviews.

Write a discussion about interviews. Prompt: What is the best interview question and/or the most inappropriate question you have ever been asked? Why do you feel that way and how did you respond? Questions or Topics for Review • What are the steps in the selection process? • Why is a structured interview better than … Read more

What are the social effects of the Chinese cultural revolution during 1966 to 1976.

What are the social effects of the Chinese cultural revolution during 1966 to 1976 . Summary The Cultural Revolution has been long regarded as a historical tragedy, bringing solely catastrophe and massive chaos to the society of China. In this essay, I am going to analyze both domestic effects that Cultural Evolution has caused to … Read more

Write an essay about ‘new practice approaches’.

Write an essay about ‘new practice approaches’. Write and elaborate about “New practice approaches” It will be a contribution to a journal word limit:300

Discuss Tata consultancy services(TCS)

Discuss Tata consultancy services(TCS) Assignment Details This week, you will address a real company that does global business. Note: Please refrain from using assignments from other classes that you have taken. The Analysis Select a global company of your choice in the service industry. Using your selected global company as the subject matter, research the … Read more

Discuss theories of child development.

Discuss theories of child development. This week, theories of childhood development are introduced. If Erikson, Skinner, Vygotsky, and Bronfenbrenner were watching two children interact on a playground, what might be some differences in the ways that each explains what they observe? The purpose of this paper is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the … Read more

Write an essay about law and disaster.

Write an essay about law and disaster The 1st and 3rd question are the ones that are wrong. Let me send you my friend’s response and you can go by it According to the American Nurse Association Code of Ethics provision 2 states “ The nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, … Read more

Write a Summary of the Fatal Attraction.

Write a Summary of the Fatal Attraction. One-two-page MLA-format summary of a critical essay on Fatal Attraction (1987). No palgarism word  limit: 677

A case study about Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

A case study about Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) Case Study L.L. is a 67-year-old male who has been diagnosed with BPH. He is having difficulty with urination. He is currently on Cozaar 100 mg for HTN and his BP is well controlled. He is taking no other medications. The doctor has recommended medication for his … Read more

A Case study – Comparing and contrasting two leadership theories.

A Case study – Comparing and contrasting two leadership theories: (Transformational leadership theory compared to Leader-member exchange theory) An essay of Comparison & Contrast takes two aspects of an issue and compares them. The introduction of the essay presents the context for comparing the two different aspects. Also, the introduction presents why (thesis statement) you … Read more

Discuss Global Integrated Supply Chain Systems Techniques

Discuss Global Integrated Supply Chain Systems Techniques write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions. . Discuss reverse logistics, and provide a stance for or against using it in the organization. Be sure to address the following: Provide at least 3 pros with supporting references. Provide at least 3 cons with supporting references . … Read more