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Write a comprehensive discussion about fraud.

Write a comprehensive discussion about fraud. In order to allow us to thoroughly explore this interesting and important topic, Interviews and Deception, I have posted several videos, including a recorded presentation from a retired law enforcement officer and expert on Interviewing Skills. Doug Cash frequently trains law enforcement officers regarding interview skills and identifying signs … Read more

Explain the Hidden Fact About Free Shipping

Explain the Hidden Fact About Free Shipping One of the most interesting aspect about competitive advantage is that it usually is one of the memorable aspects of a business model that we as customers find exciting, valuable, and what makes the company. Consider free shipping provided by Amazon. It is without question one of the … Read more

Write a scene with a partner.

Write a scene with a partner. Activities:  1.  Scene with a partner – (Due June 17th)-  A scene is a sequence of continuous action in a play, movie, opera, or book where two or more characters speak to each other. This time you are going to be assigned with a partner from your acting course in order to … Read more

Evidence on Benefits of Physical Activity to Individual Health.

Evidence on Benefits of Physical Activity to Individual Health. Research shows that overweight and obesity are prevalent public health concerns. Over-consumption of foods coupled with sedentary lifestyles perpetuates this health issue. Search for research on the importance of physical activity to a healthy lifestyle. Briefly discuss an article presenting scientific evidence of physical activity to … Read more

Jazz Listening and Identification.

Jazz Listening and Identification. Instructions – Part 1: Listen to each of the recordings and identify the genre or style of Jazz that is best represented by the video clips below. Once you have decided the style provide one or two reasons why you made the choice that you did based on this week’s reading … Read more

Explain the clashes in culture, customs, and expectations that occurred in this situation.

Explain the clashes in culture, customs, and expectations that occurred in this situation. Turn back the clock to when Kelly was offered the position in Tokyo. What, if anything, should have been done differently and by whom? If you are Kelly, what should you do now? 1. Please critically analyze AstraZeneca’s expatriate management practices. 2. … Read more

Discuss Psychosocial Development in Children.

Discuss Psychosocial Development in Children. Define attachment in your own words. Describe Ainsworth’s “Strange Situation,” and summarize the four types of attachment. Next, read the article Four in 10 Infants Lack Strong Parental Attachments and weigh in on your opinion. Were you surprised by the findings? What tradition or routine can you share that your parents did when you … Read more

Describe the Lasting Legacy of the Civil War in United States

Describe the Lasting Legacy of the Civil War in United States Initial Post : What do you believe is the most important, lasting legacy of the US Civil War Era (let’s look at the *LONG* era, so approx. 1 855-1875, or, in other words, Chapters 13 and 14) and why? Respond to 1 peer’s opinion. Peer Response: Evaluate the impact … Read more

Discuss Newton’s third law of motion.

Discuss Newton’s third law of motion. Each week a physics video will be posted above. Your job is to post a journal entry about the video in your own words and what you learned from the video. Also, include any questions you may still be pondering after watching the video. Each weekly journal entry is … Read more

Describe The Value of Bedtime Pass.

Describe The Value of Bedtime Pass This week, we examine physical development in early childhood. As children become more active during this period, sleep is crucial. This article explains researchers’ to investigate the use of a “bedtime pass” as a creative solution to sleep problems. If your birthday is on an even numbered day, discuss the potential … Read more

Answer the following questions.

Answer the following questions. Write one paragraph for each for the following 8 topics below. (Remember a paragraph consists of at least 5-7 sentences. Then pick 2 of your 8 paragraphs and incorporate them into an essay. Why is obtaining a high school diploma important? The difference between colleges and vocational schools? Colonizing Mars is a dangerous task. Cosmic rays are … Read more

Incorporating Systemic Data Driven Approach in the Healthcare Setting.

Incorporating Systemic Data Driven Approach in the Healthcare Setting. In this assignment, you will propose a quality improvement initiative from your place of employment that could easily be implemented if approved. Assume you are presenting this program to the board for approval of funding. Write an executive summary (750-1,000 words) to present to the board, … Read more

Describe Homo Sapiens and Homo Neanderthals

Describe Homo Sapiens and Homo Neanderthals If we maintain a strict biological definition of “species”, H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis were NOT separate species as they successfully interbred. What impact might this information have on assigning a date to the origin of humans? Does this change your definition of “human”? Why or why not? word limit:502  

Discussion Topic: The Issue of Standardized Testing in Schools

Discussion Topic: The Issue of Standardized Testing in Schools Assignment Two / Argument/Persuasion This paper requires that you design a thesis that will develop a debatable point. Do Not use any researched material or outside sources in this paper. This project requires designing a thesis that will refute conflicting points of view. It follows a … Read more

Discuss International Financial System

Discuss International Financial System A regional bank has decided to open an office overseas for serving those businesses that are expanding internationally. Choose a country with a large financial center that you believe would be helpful to your customer base. Will your presence in this country be helpful in your attempts to invest in other … Read more

Literature Evaluation Table.

Literature Evaluation Table. For this assignment, provide a synopsis of the review of the research literature. Using the “Literature Evaluation Table,” determine the level and strength of the evidence for each of the eight research articles you have selected. The articles should be current (within the last 5 years) and closely relate to the PICOT … Read more

Discuss any 3 population or community based problems

Discuss any 3 population or community based problems. INSTRUCTIONS: Go to http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/default.aspx and review the Healthy People 2020 initiative. Pay close attention to the objectives, goals, and indicators. Using your city or county public health department or the CDC, choose 3 population or community based problems such as disease, disaster, crimes, accidents, falls etc… from the topics outlined … Read more

Discuss professional ethics and responsibilities.

Discuss professional ethics and responsibilities. Create a 5- to 6-slide PowerPoint presentation that explores professional ethics and responsibilities. You can use information from the CSU Online Library or other reliable sources. (Note: Websites such as Wikipedia are not acceptable academic sources.) You may use the slide notes function to explain slide contents as necessary. In … Read more

Critique of “Why Evolution is True”.

Critique of “Why Evolution is True”. For this course, you are required to submit a 10-page critique and personal reflection on the textbook Why Evolution Is True. This draft is worth 3% of you grade. The final draft of this assignment is worth 23% of your grade and APA style is required. Your paper should allow … Read more

How the Coronavirus Pandemic will affect the Hotel Industry.

How the Coronavirus Pandemic will affect the Hotel Industry. How the Coronavirus Pandemic will affect the Hotel Industry. Background In BUMKT2601, you have learned about redesigning processes in services industries. Currently, many newspaper and Internet articles are covering how the hotel industry will redesign its processes in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Any redesign will … Read more

Comparative analysis of two or more complementary film and literary texts

Comparative analysis of two or more complementary film and literary texts To assess these goals students will write a 3 page argumentative research essay based on a comparative analysis of two or more complementary film and literary texts, including at least one we have studied this semester. Your essay must display an awareness of recent … Read more

Explore the different ethics laws that apply to Florida State workers

 Explore the different ethics laws that apply to Florida State workers and do research and find an ethics opinion involving that law or rule. Florida administrative agency workers have the ability to petition the Florida Ethics Commission on advisory opinions as to their pending or contemplated actions. The Florida Ethics Commission itself is an administrative … Read more

Write an essay about American independence.

Write an essay about American independence. Your academic paper should be a 4-page essay. It should elaborate further the comparison and contrast between two selected readings that was envisioned in the 1st paragraph. It should include an introductory paragraph where you mention the texts you will compare/contrast, your topic, your argument, and the structure that your paper … Read more

Discuss Estradiol in the Management of Menorrhagia

Discuss Estradiol in the Management of Menorrhagia Write an analysis describing how the selected medication class relates to the selected systems disorder. (7 points/28%)•300 words minimum. •Analysis must be typed.You are encouraged to use writing resources, such as  TurnItIn and Grammarly, when composing the analysis. •A strong connection and correlation are made between the selected … Read more

Discuss Global Integrated Supply Chain systems.

Discuss Global Integrated Supply Chain systems. Complete the remaining parts of an Integrated Global Logistics and Supply Management Plan. Generate the following models, which will then be used for execution: Communications Model Leadership Model 2 pages utilizing a communications model and leadership model that would be best for a logistics company APA references all academic … Read more

Write an essay about environmental economics.

Write an essay about environmental economics. Please write a 1200 word essay that address the following concept. You will want to include graphs, diagrams and figures to help illustrate key concepts.Please be sure to use other sources of information as needed. It is very important that you properly reference your sources of information. “Cite your … Read more

Discuss Healthcare data breaches caused by human factors.

Discuss Healthcare data breaches caused by human factors. Data Analysis The data analysis is presented in three distinct sections that progress from a problem scoping data to problem data to mitigation data. Problem scoping data expounds on the systematic review and rating process identified in the methodology. Next, the problem data section presents information pertinent … Read more

Discuss the impacts of enhanced human relations.

Discuss the impacts of enhanced human relations. QUESTION 1 Identify the parts of the model for improving interpersonal skills. Select one of the parts, and explain the importance of the part and how it contributes to interpersonal skills development. Would you consider it in identifying with personality types and cognitive styles? Why, or why not? … Read more

Explain International Trade and Investment

Explain International Trade and Investment Compare alternative organizational structures for international operations. Discuss current management practices and principles used in the current global business environment. Discuss strategies organizations can pursue for international market expansion. Summarize the opportunities and risks of doing business in foreign countries. Use effective communication techniques. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board … Read more

Discuss the importance of the use of Radio Frequency Identification in global logistics

Discuss the importance of the use of Radio Frequency Identification in global logistics Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions Discuss the importance of the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in global logistics. Be sure to address the following: Provide at least 3 pros of RFID, with … Read more

Write a character biography-One-Minute Monologue

Write a character biography-One-Minute Monologue .  Write a character biography – A character biography or profile is a detailed description of a fictional character’s life and personality  Start creating your character’s biography according to what you know about them.  If you do not know some of the information, you can use your imagination to create to help you … Read more

Discuss a Communicable and Infectious Disease

Discuss a Communicable and Infectious Disease Read chapter 25 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation; once done write an essay on one of the news or recurrent infectious/communicable disease that has emerged in the last ten 10 years. Below you can find the link for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), … Read more

Best Practices in Family Therapy Intervention on War Trauma.

Best Practices in Family Therapy Intervention on War Trauma These are two separate questions, and must be answered separately with a minimum of 200 words. The reading provided must be utilized and cited within the answer. Question1: War Trauma DISCUSS three possible mental health implications of being exposed to war trauma. Reply to at least … Read more

Discussion prompt about cryptography.

Discussion prompt about cryptography. Case Project 4-1 Most common input values for cryptographic algorithms are salts, nonces, and initialization vectors. Search the Internet for information regarding each of these. How are they used? What are their strengths? How can they be compromised? Write one page combined report for each of three values. 2. Case Project … Read more

Reflection essay on a class activity.

Reflection essay on a class activity. Please write a short reflection about what you learned or took away from the activity, and how it will inform your learning and application of course theory in the future (for this and other classes or learning opportunities.) Words : 150 or more and here is the recording lecture … Read more

Explain Interprofessional Collaboration

Explain Interprofessional Collaboration write and elaborate on “Interprofessional collaboration“ http://medical errors word limit:300

Explain the fear of performance.

Explain the fear of performance. Prompt: Explain the fear of why managers dread performance appraisals. What can be done to help prevent the fear? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply word limit:300

Explain the role of mentors.

Explain the role of mentors. Prompt: Do you have a mentor? If so, describe the relationship and how the relationship has helped. If not, who are some people in your life that you could consider being a mentor to you and why? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply word limit:300

Discuss the causes of American revolution.

Discuss the causes of American revolution. Initial Post: In a post of approx. 1 paragraph, answer this question using references to the course material: What factor do you believe was the largest factor in the colonists’ desire to break free from the crown? Economic, philosophical (e.g. inspiration from the Enlightenment) , social, political? Peer Responses: In a … Read more

Write a discussion on nursing simulation

Write a discussion on nursing simulation. You will need to complete this simulation in order to answer your Discussion Prompt this week! Throughout the course, you have learned about research ethics. This simulation will let you see how some of those ethical concerns play out in the clinical setting along with the real-life consequences that can … Read more

Evaluate Positive Customer Experience

Evaluate Positive Customer Experience Assignment Details The level of customer service that a business provides is critical to customer loyalty and organizational success. Customers expect a certain level of service when interacting with a business. In your main post, share a time that you had a good or bad experience with a business. Answer the … Read more

Discuss Customer Relationship Management.

Discuss Customer Relationship Management. Assignment Details Customer relationship management (CRM) is the company’s strategy for managing their customer relationships. Relationship marketing means selling customer satisfaction—with the company’s people and its brand—as part of its product. Select a local company with which you have a relationship. Include the following in your discussion: Describe your level of loyalty to the … Read more

Discuss current factors that influence the public’s image of professional nursing?

Discuss current factors that influence the public’s image of professional nursing? After reading Chapter 5 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab), please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references included in your post. APA format and check for plagiarism 1. Discuss current … Read more

Distinguish the qualities that produce an effective performance in any medium.

Distinguish the qualities that produce an effective performance in any medium Learning Objectives:   Distinguish the qualities that produce an effective performance in any medium:  audience engagement and attention; truthfulness and believability; the fulfillment of dramatic function.   Chapter 3: Your Voice and Speech (June, 2nd) Explore the working of the student’s mechanism, beginning with basic breath support and the production of … Read more

Write an opinion about articulation.

Write an opinion about articulation.  The Actor In you Chp3 (1).pdf 1.  After reading chapter 3, what can you say about articulation, pronunciation, and projection? 2.  Go to page 32 and do Exercise 3.9 Speech in Life, then write about your experience with the different parts of the exercise. word limit:400

Explain actor’s Job and purpose.

Explain actor’s Job and purpose. 1.  After reading chapter one, how can you describe the actor’s job and purpose? 2.  Go to page 8 and do Exercise 1.1 Writing a Review, then write your answers here. word limit: 570

Discuss about teen pregnancy.

Discuss about teen pregnancy. This week, we investigate prenatal development and birth. While teen pregnancy rates in the United States are dropping, they are still among the highest in the world. Watch an episode of 16 and Pregnant (can be found on MTV). Does this episode accurately portray what was discussed in the course material … Read more

The New Rules of Crisis Management.

The New Rules of Crisis Management. You will SUBMIT THREE KEY POINTS PER CHAPTER from chapters 1-4 of The New Rules of Crisis Management. Be succinct in your points. No essays here, just a concise description of the three major points (in your view) presented in each of the assigned chapters. word limit:800

How do you control variation to improve outcomes?

How do you control variation to improve outcomes? How might health care administration leaders implement approaches to control for variation for their health services organization? Within a health services organization different processes and workflows contribute to the overall aim of delivering health services. Not surprisingly, when resources become constrained—for example, with influxes of new patients … Read more

Discuss about data of a selected industry.

Discuss about data of a selected industry. Based on the company you have identified for your Final Paper (Uploading below), discuss The data that matters to the executives in that industry. Who, within that industry, needs that data? Some methods for ensuring that the critical data gets into the users’ hands. Instructions: Need minimum 300 … Read more