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Life in the Bronx during COVID-19: Project Results

Life in the Bronx during COVID-19: Project Results This is much closer, although I hope you are putting in an appropriate amount of hours. This reads like an essay and all that was required were responses to six basic proposal questions. Project Proposal (please include each of these questions in yourproposal): 1. Which Project Option … Read more

Discuss Appraising Performance Methods

Discuss Appraising Performance Methods Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Senior leadership has emphasized that effective performance … Read more

Research on crime in America.

Research on crime in America. The research paper for this class will come from one of the following topics. Violence in the public schools Community Policing Prison Crowding Juvenile Probation System Please make sure that your paper follows the guidelines listed below. Not all may apply to your paper. An example of the paper and … Read more

Answer the Two short questions on risk management.

Answer the Two short questions on risk management. Q1: Focus on “10 Common Oversights in Project Risk Management”. Consider one of the following the oversights “Risk event is not identified (but, rather the assumption, constraint, impact)” or “Risk identification is limited to project scope, schedule, budget “. Note the oversight you are addressing, why might … Read more

Benchmark – Capstone Project Change Proposal

Benchmark – Capstone Project Change Proposal components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. For this project, the student will apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in … Read more

Evaluate the Environmental Sustainability of planet earth.

Evaluate the Environmental Sustainability of planet earth. Below mentioned are the topics you can choose for the short essay. There are 9 Short answer questions apart from this. Attached is the assignment requirements and the rubric and referencing style in the PDF. Let me know if you have any questions. A. The Pebble Mine Project … Read more

The Lipton Tea case study.

The Lipton Tea case study. Requirements: 1000-1500 words. Attached is the document containing all the requirements for this assignments. -Describe your brand’s Marketing Mix -Describe the different steps of the purchasing decision process, followed by a typical customer of your brand. -Explain the Research Methodology that you would suggest to find out consumer uses and … Read more

Analysis of South West Airlines

Analysis of South West Airlines Please analyze Southwest Airlines, identify the reasons why the company has been successful in the unattractive industry, and predict its future. You need to research the company, using a variety of reliable sources such as books, journal articles, library database, trustworthy news media, credible Web sources, etc. After collecting relevant … Read more

The Laplace and Fourier Transform.

The Laplace and Fourier Transform. 1A) Discuss what is meant by poles and zeros of a transfer function. 1B) How does the determination of each help in understanding the response of a circuit? Some key points to think about when discussing this topic are: The poles and zeros of transfer functions allow for a determination … Read more

Martin Luther King: ‘I Have a Dream’

Martin Luther King: ‘I Have a Dream’ You should begin your initial research about your chosen literature with some biographical information about the author then begin to read as much analysis of your particular selection as possible. When you are ready to begin writing your research paper, the biographical information should be very brief as … Read more

Make a Pediatric PICOT

Make a Pediatric PICOT Review your problem or issue and the study materials to formulate a PICOT question for your capstone project change proposal. A PICOT question starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention used to address the … Read more

Prepare a written report that includes the following information:

Prepare a written report that includes the following information: Choose an organization that you have not studied before in class and prepare a written report that includes the following information: 1. Describe the organization of the structure in terms of its functions and processes that need to be done and how these might be organized … Read more

Explain the great city builds.

Explain the great city builds. Answer all four of these prompts. Study the Discussion rubric so you understand how you will be graded. Each prompt response should be at least 100 words and should reference one of the readings for the unit. For each prompt, you must reply to at least one of your classmates. … Read more

Essay Topic: Critique of American Son

Essay Topic: Critique of American Son critic writing assignment about the play American son or henries law, step one watch the play American son-in-law on Netflix or The video of the play Henry law on YouTube to incorporate assigned reading and both primary and secondary source you must write it 2 pages paper based on … Read more

Discuss Substance Abuse in Adolescents

Discuss Substance Abuse in Adolescents This assignment requires critical thinking to develop a reasoned, supported opinion of your target population’s vulnerabilities. A. Discusses the cultural background of the selected population and any relevant history pertaining to the population. B. Discusses the psychosocial concerns and/or norms of the population. C. Discusses the economic concerns of the … Read more

Explain the Legal Structures in Healthcare Organizations

Explain the Legal Structures in Healthcare Organizations You are the healthcare administrator for a large health services organization that is part of a large healthcare delivery network. The board has just completed an urgent meeting and has called you in. The board has decided to revisit its current legal structure and would like to determine … Read more

Summarize the data breach in BestBuy

Summarize the data breach in BestBuy According to the authors, privacy and security go hand in hand; and hence, confidentiality cannot be protected without implementing proper security controls and technologies. Today, organizations must make not only reasonable efforts to offer protection of privacy of data, but also must go much further as privacy breaches are … Read more

Impact of Mishandled Radioactive Sources on the Planet Earth.

Impact of Mishandled Radioactive Sources on the Planet Earth. Radiation What Have We Learned? https://youtu.be/ITEXGdht3y8 After viewing this video comment on the potential impact our planet faces from mishandled radioactive sources word limit:303

Describe Human rights in regards to health care system during covid-19

Describe Human rights in regards to health care system during covid-19 It is a group project and I am doing a part of it . our group has decided to work on ethics in health care system during covid 19 . and the topic I have to cover is what happen to human rights during … Read more

Glendale CA Population Assessment

Glendale CA Population Assessment 1.After arrival in the designated community (Glendale) a.What evidences of a minority culture do you see? How does this affect the environment? (Are there advertising billboards, graffiti, etc., that reflect ethnic characteristics of community?) b.Who do you see on the streets: elderly, young males, children, and women? (Indications of unemployment, constituencies, … Read more

Implementing a Conducted Energy Weapon Program

Implementing a Conducted Energy Weapon Program You are employed on the staff of the Association for Municipal Cities, a “think-tank” organization of researchers who take on projects for various mayors and city managers. You specialize in research on the organization and operation of the police department. The League’s latest client is the City of Virtual. … Read more

According to the ACC/AHA guidelines, what medications should this patient be prescribed?

According to the ACC/AHA guidelines, what medications should this patient be prescribed? Chief complaint: “I’m here for a medication refill because I ran out of my medicines”. HPI: Mrs. Allen is a 68-year-old African American who presents to the clinic for prescription refills. The patient indicates that she has noticed shortness of breath which started … Read more

Explain the Benefits of Universal Pre-K

Explain the Benefits of Universal Pre-K In 2016, Philadelphia passed the Philadelphia Beverage Tax it offer free, quality pre-K to children ages 3-4 across Philadelphia. PHLpreK currently offers 2,250 children free, quality pre-K each year with plans to expand to 5,500 seats by Fall 2023. You are in charge of the marketing campaign to convince … Read more

Discuss the Healthcare Data Breaches Caused by Human Factors.

Discuss the Healthcare Data Breaches Caused by Human Factors. Choose a cyber-security topic which interests and challenges you. Picked Topic: Healthcare data breaches caused by human factors. 1.Literature Review It needs more content to address the problem .I mean that it needs more content to address the problem and variables of study. Talk more about PACS word … Read more

Explain Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood

Explain Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood NBC’s “Today” Cheers Cross-Dressing Children’s Book “My Princess Boy” This week, we investigate psychosocial development in early childhood. Please watch the interview of the author of “My Princess Boy”. Discuss your opinion based on the terms of gender identity, gender stereotypes, and gender role as outlined in the text. … Read more

Discussion on Homeric Worldview

Discussion on Homeric Worldview Discuss the Homeric world view. How did the characters in the Iliad see themselves and the world in which they lived? What is the theme of the Iliad, and in what ways can we apply it to the modern world? Compare the image of Achilles to our modern idea of the … Read more

Practices of culturally sensitive care

Practices of culturally sensitive care write two paragraphs about “Practices of culturally sensitive care” word limit:338

Explain The Treatment of Recurrent Miscarriages

Explain The Treatment of Recurrent Miscarriages Please write 250 words addressing how the effects of recurrent miscarriage and its complexities might be best managed in nursing practice. Please provide four to five reference and when writing PLEASE make sure to do intext citation correctly with correct citation. Please also please provide DOI in a reference … Read more

A Strategic Plan Summary

A Strategic Plan Summary Write a 150-250 word strategic plan defining how the nursing practice intervention will be implemented in the capstone project change proposal. word limit:369

Explain “Battery Gate Scandal by Apple”

Explain “Battery Gate Scandal by Apple” Please not use “I believe”, “In my opinion” and “I” please. Please use “we” instead of “I”. We picked “Apple” and questions are 1)Information about a company that has faced an ethical dilemma or a scandal in the past 10 years. 2)Has the company implemented any CSR initiatives since? … Read more

Discuss the benefits of social distancing.

Discuss the benefits of social distancing. Assignment Topic: Please draft a Phone Text Message highlighting the benefits of the Social Distancing during COVID 19. CEO will approve and text all employees. Format: Phone Text Message Format (Business Communication Today Ch 5 page 144) Background: 1. Company: DPF Brewing 2. Specialization: Provider of fine craft beers. … Read more

Discussion board about health hazards.

Discussion board about health hazards. Describe some environmental health hazards that you think you may be living with indoors. How do you think you may have been affected by indoor or outdoor hazards in the past? How could you best deal with these hazards in the future? word limit:302  

Discussion about fuel price fluctuation.

Discussion about fuel price fluctuation. For this Discussion Question, complete the following. 1. Read the two articles below that discuss why fuel prices fluctuate. Research two of these types further. 2. Locate two JOURNAL articles which discuss this topic further. You need to focus on the Abstract, Introduction, Results, and Conclusion. For our purposes, you are … Read more

Describe briefly the AHIMA Code of Ethics.

Describe briefly the AHIMA Code of Ethics. As a Health Information Manager, what are the ethical challenges and opportunities that help to improve the health care information system? Use high-quality resources within the last five years from AHIMA, CDC, and National Association of Social Workers word limit:558

Discussion about firms and customers.

Discussion about firms and customers. Discuss the notion that firms should stop doing business with customers who constantly generate losses versus the notion that the customer is always right. Min 350words …APA format and 2 references word limit:430

Discuss the Development of Numerical Operations

Discuss the Development of Numerical Operations When early number and operation concepts are taught well, children move from understanding “10” as ten ones to understanding “10” as one unit of ten. This knowledge can be applied in many mathematical operations, including addition and subtraction. Select at least three number and operations in base ten standards … Read more

Explain Coping with Stress during COVID-19 Pandemic

Explain Coping with Stress during COVID-19 Pandemic Consider what you have learned from this course regarding stress (chronic and acute) and coping approaches. What makes the covid19 pandemic amenable to various coping styles? Discuss each one in relation to covid19. What (if anything) do you plan to incorporate into your coping “toolbox”? How have you … Read more

Write an essay explaining the five main branches of chemistry.

Write an essay explaining the five main branches of chemistry. Start a document and save it as “Science 2-1_Chemistry” Once you have completed all learning activities, click on the “Assignment” button and upload your work. Write an essay explaining the five main branches of chemistry: 1. organic chemistry, 2. inorganic chemistry, 3. analytical chemistry, 4. physical … Read more

McDonald’s Hot Coffee Case Study

McDonald’s Hot Coffee Case Study Case to read in your case briefing assignment: Case 6.12: Hot Coffee at McDonald’s– find this article in your textbook pages 299-300 First: Introduce the case – provide a brief Introduction Next: Answer the questions as listed below – in paragraph form, do not use bullet points unless you really need … Read more

Discuss the Hindu religion.

Discuss the Hindu religion. What were the essential features of Vedic religion? What were the essential features of the Upanishads? In what ways were they a response to the Vedic religion? From the Bhagavad Gita animation, what are the paths that help one to find one’s way to “knowledge” Who are the heroes of the … Read more

Behavioral Leadership Approaches discussion prompt.

Behavioral Leadership Approaches discussion prompt. Analyzing the trait, skills, and behavioral leadership approaches can be helpful in understanding how to improve your leadership style. Utilize the assigned readings for the course, as well as additional applicable scholarly sources, to describe (in sufficient detail) by using supportive references that cite the following: 1) each of these … Read more

Explain the Medical Issues Portrayed by Films

Explain the Medical Issues Portrayed by Films Essay should reflect your analysis of the medical issues dealt with in the films, the way the films illuminate those issues, as well as your related research. Discuss the following: (1) How does Dallas Buyers Club reveal the struggle of early AIDS activists, as well as the limitations they faced … Read more

Write a reflection on Christian Health Administrators.

Write a reflection on Christian Health Administrators. After completing the lecture and reading assignments, develop a 600-800 word written response paper to the following question. Papers must include a substantive elaboration on the topic as well as support from Scripture. Do not use the question in your response. How Christian health administrators can apply the … Read more

Capstone Project: Implementation Plan

Capstone Project: Implementation Plan Capstone Project is designed to be completed in sections. This is part two of the assignment. Revise your Change Proposal Topic, using feedback from your instructor, and attach it to your paper. Add any necessary transitions to bridge the sections of the paper. Directions: Write an implementation plan for your Change … Read more

An essay about healthcare transformation.

An essay about healthcare transformation. Discuss the importance of Christian worldview to the role of the health administrator in the transformation of health care. word limit:337

Create a literature evaluation table.

Create a literature evaluation table. In nursing practice, accurate identification and application of research is essential to achieving successful outcomes. The ability to articulate research data and summarize relevant content supports the student’s ability to further develop and synthesize the assignments that constitute the components of the capstone project. The assignment will be used to … Read more

Describe Net Neutrality and Implementing Body Cameras.

Describe Net Neutrality and Implementing Body Cameras. The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has the authority to regulate the internet. After gathering information and reviewing data and hearing from experts it has announced in Decmber 2017 that it will void the “net neutrality” FCC regulations put in place during the Obama Administration. Do research on this … Read more

Write a discussion on servant leadership.

Write a discussion on servant leadership. Discuss how the Christian health administrator might practice servant leadership in a time of complexity and chaos in healthcare word limit:340


Article review: DEREGULATION OF RAIL TRANSPORTATION. Select an article based on the DEREGULATION OF RAIL TRANSPORTATION. After reading through the article, review the article using the following format with the headings indicated in bold below: Citation: Rhode, D. L., & Luban, D. J. (Eds.). (2006). Legal Ethics: Law Stories. New York, New York: Foundation Press Summary: The article should … Read more

Standard Block Business Letter.

Standard Block Business Letter. Assigned Topic: Please draft a Standard Block Business Letter to the company at large (John Deer International) that addresses the need for business etiquette while observing cultural differences that might be encountered by the company’s expansion to Toronto Canada. Format: Standard Block Business Letter Background: 1. Company: John Deer International 2. Specialization: Agricultural Machinery 3. … Read more