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Responses concerning disruptive innovations.

Responses concerning disruptive innovations. When it comes to being a provider, there is an array of skill sets that they must process to be acknowledged as providers. The healthcare industry is full of disruptive innovations that have corrupted the needed skillsets to be a provider. A person must possess the skills of being able to … Read more

Document your company choice for the case study

Document your company choice for the case study Select an American company Has fewer than 500 employees Has been in business for at least 5 years Is based in the United States but has some international connections (customers, suppliers, partners, or outlets) Write a 750–1,000-word paper that documents your company choice for the case study. … Read more

write two paragraphs about “Population health concerns”

write two paragraphs about “Population health concerns” word limit:300  

A Capstone Project Evaluation Plan

A Capstone Project Evaluation Plan Review your strategic plan to implement the change proposal, the objectives, the outcomes, and listed resources. Develop a process to evaluate the intervention if it were implemented. Write a 150-250 word summary of the evaluation plan that will be used to evaluate your intervention. word limit:288

Discussion Topic: Performance Appraisal Systems

Discussion Topic: Performance Appraisal Systems rimary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. The human resources department of Matrix … Read more

Discuss Plant Chemical Adaptations

Discuss Plant Chemical Adaptations Instructions You will create this assignment following the Assignment Detail instructions below. This assignment will be submitted in the Unit 5 – Submission Assignment lesson in intellipath. Review the tutorial titled How to Submit the Intellipath Submission Assignment. Please submit your work to this week’s Intellipath Unit Submission lesson. Click the Upload button … Read more

Explain Locomotor Strategies of Ardipithecus and Australopithecus

Explain Locomotor Strategies of Ardipithecus and Australopithecus The Hominins Beginning in the late Miocene and into the early Pliocene, upright walking tendencies began to develop among the hominin tribe. Upright walking tendencies slowly transformed into obligate bipedalism during the pliocene within the hominin lineage. This shift in locomotor strategy is notably marked by the gradual … Read more

Discuss Performance Management Systems

Discuss Performance Management Systems Senior leadership is requesting an executive summary from human resources that will help them understand the components of the performance management system at Matrix . This must be written as a brief that informs the senior leaders at Matrix so they can make strategic decisions. You must reinforce the importance of … Read more

What is the importance of motivating employees.

What is the importance of motivating employees. word limit: 1580

Reflection on Social Entrepreneurship and Responsibility

Reflection on Social Entrepreneurship and Responsibility Question of the Day: Simply Irresistible One quote says that “The job of the artist is to make the revolution irresistible.” You might be able to think of social entrepreneurs as artists as well, who are making and selling products and services to generate a social return. But social … Read more

Discuss the New Service Models

Discuss the New Service Models Develop a 750-1000 word written response paper to the following question. Papers must include a substantive elaboration on the topic as well as support from scripture. Do not use the question in your response. Twenty years ago the average length of stay in a hospital was about 5.7 days. In the coming … Read more

Discuss Conflict Mining in Democratic Republic of Congo

Discuss Conflict Mining in Democratic Republic of Congo Read the Central Case Study – Mining for …Cell Phone? in Chapter 11 of your course textbook. Explore the implications of the excessive demands for resources from Western nations. Share other newsworthy cases of conflict minerals and how these are extracted from the earth in order to … Read more

Explain the Staffing Challenges Affecting the Healthcare System

Explain the Staffing Challenges Affecting the Healthcare System Let me take this opportunity to clarify and provide you with more specific guidance regarding your outline that is due Saturday. Closely review the section in our syllabus entitled, “Guidelines for the Capstone Research Paper.” From this section in our syllabus, your topic must fit in one … Read more

Write an essay about organizational executives.

Write an essay about organizational executives. Different groups think and learn differently. For example, some artists are more liberal and tend to respond better to creativity. Executives are more concerned with how the learning relates to the bottom line. Some say there are differences with how men and women learn. Begin by choosing a particular … Read more

Discuss Saint Augustine Spiritual Interpretation.

Discuss Saint Augustine Spiritual Interpretation. In a brief essay of 300 words, discuss the following question. In his Confessions, St. Augustine proposes a process of spiritual interpretation that was to become influential for hundreds of years. For example, the book’s image of the spiritual journey became the model for medieval books of pilgrimage, such as … Read more

Literature Analysis for PICOT Problem

Literature Analysis for PICOT Problem While the implementation plan prepares students to apply their research to the problem or issue they have identified for their capstone project change proposal, the literature review enables students to map out and move into the active planning and development stages of the project. A literature review analyzes how current … Read more

Effective Listening in response to conflict and crisis.

Effective Listening in response to conflict and crisis.  Discuss how Christian health administrator might use effective listening to respond to conflict and crisis. word limit:317

The Greatness of Misty Copeland in New York

The Greatness of Misty Copeland in New York Biography and Evaluation of Impact Directions: Using the template provided, write a 3-5 page typed essay on a figure important to the athletic or cultural life and history of New York City. Begin with an introduction that briefly discusses the value of role models, heroes or villains. … Read more

How a Christian health administrator might use effective listening to respond to conflict and crisis.

How a Christian health administrator might use effective listening to respond to conflict and crisis. word limit:340

Discuss how Christian health administrator might use effective listening to respond to conflict and crisis.

Discuss how Christian health administrator might use effective listening to respond to conflict and crisis. word limit:322

Discuss why conflict is either helpful or harmful in the accomplishment of organizational goals

Discuss why conflict is either helpful or harmful in the accomplishment of organizational goals word limit:312

Discuss why conflict is either helpful or harmful in the accomplishment of organizational goals

Discuss why conflict is either helpful or harmful in the accomplishment of organizational goals word limit:316

Motivation Theory and Incentives: Group and Individual’s Motivation

Motivation Theory and Incentives: Group and Individual’s Motivation part 1 1.Define motivation and explain three motivational theory from the chapter. What kinds of needs motivate employees? Is a good reward good enough? How do other factors affect motivation? 2.What are the types of incentives I might use to influence employee behavior? How can I use … Read more

Discuss why conflict is either helpful or harmful in the accomplishment of organizational goals

Discuss why conflict is either helpful or harmful in the accomplishment of organizational goals word limit:338

Draft an Email Response to the customer denying his request for a new phone

Draft an Email Response to the customer denying his request for a new phone The Assignment will be:  Brief (1-page, 12 Font, double spaced).  Cover the key areas and objectives of the Lessons and assigned reading.  Provide research, opportunities and to solutions for the topic given that week. Assignment Topic: Draft an Email … Read more

Analyze Authentic and Servant Leadership Approaches.

Analyze Authentic and Servant Leadership Approaches. Analyzing the authentic and servant leadership approaches can be helpful for understanding how to benefit your leadership style. Utilizing the assigned readings for the course, as well as additional applicable scholarly sources, compare and contrast these two leadership approaches in sufficient detail with supportive reference citing to include: 1) … Read more

Himmelstein’s Presentation on Affordable Healthcare

Himmelstein’s Presentation on Affordable Healthcare Essay (1,000 words). Discuss the following: 1)How Dr. David Himmelstein’s presentation supports Michael Moore’s vision of healthcare in the U.S, prior to 2010, 2) The effect of the 2010 ACA on healthcare in the U.S., 3) How the 2010 ACA could be improved (as the prior administration intended), 4) How … Read more

Factors for the Increase in Popularity of Mobile Computing Within the Last Decade

Factors for the Increase in Popularity of Mobile Computing Within the Last Decade In addition, CTIA asserted that over 326 million mobile devices were in use within The United States as of December 2012 – an estimated growth of more than 100 percent penetration rate with users carrying more than one device with notable continues … Read more

Explain the mirror neurons.

Explain the mirror neurons Part 1 Begin by learning more about Mirror Neurons Read about mirror neurons in your textbook (pg. 495-498) Read about the discovery of mirror neurons in this article, “The Mirror’s Mind (Links to an external site.)“ Read more about the discovery and hypotheses related to mirror neurons in this article, “Mirror Neurons: … Read more

How HRIS software can support HR Departments

How HRIS software can support HR Departments A human resources information system (HRIS) helps to streamline the management of people, policies and procedures into a simple, efficient and effective process for organizations of all sizes. The purpose of this assignment is to introduce you to the world of HRIS software and what it can do … Read more

Discuss product launch problem.

Discuss product launch problem. select a problem that a firm might have bringing out a new product or service and discuss how the firm could overcome that problem. word limit:429

Discuss Cyber Threats in Social Networking Websites

Discuss Cyber Threats in Social Networking Websites nformation Ethics 1. Browse the electronic information resoucres in the available databases and write a report about “Cyber Threats In Social Networking Websites” form your Information Ethics course perspectives. The following points will help you do your assignment: a. Create a cover page includes the needed data (College … Read more

An essay on business ethics.

An essay on business ethics. Instructions This assignment provides you with an opportunity to summarize ethics in financial responsibilities and to evaluate ethical considerations of executive compensation by writing a persuasive essay. In your essay, take a position on the following topics, and support it with evidence. Evidence can be facts, statistics, and quotes from … Read more

Discuss the Civilization of the Mesoamericans.

Discuss the Civilization of the Mesoamericans. Many people have been extremely critical of Mesoamerican civilizations practice of human sacrifice yet many of these civilizations (Olmec, Toltec, Aztec, Maya, Inca) were extremely sophisticated and very accomplished in various fields. Explain a contribution from one of the Mesoamerican civilizations. What are your thoughts on this civilization even … Read more

Describe the characteristics of patient-centered care

Describe the characteristics of patient-centered care 1. Describe the characteristics of patient-centered care AND the importance of each characteristic. 2. You are taking care of an 80 African-American year old male patient in a medical surgical unit who was hhospitalized with congestive heart failure. He is being discharged with multiple medications and home health care. … Read more

Palm Oil Dilemma Case Study Questions

Palm Oil Dilemma Case Study Questions Specific instructions for preparation and writing your paper: Articles to use in your case briefing assignment: Palm Oil and Its Problems (Case 7.5 in your textbook), and article: The Palm Oil Dilemma Orsato & Weiss et al., 2014 – find this article in Blackboard Use both cases for the analysis and as … Read more

Discuss Marketing and Other Functional Areas

Discuss Marketing and Other Functional Areas Individually, students will prepare a 3-5 page essay (excluding cover page, abstract, and references) on the relationships and interdependencies between marketing and other functional areas. APA methodology applies to this assignment. word limit:864

What does Professionalism mean for Registered Nurses?

 What does Professionalism mean for Registered Nurses? Share details about 3 area from the iCARE Self-Assessment 1 where you have significant opportunity for improvement during your BSN program. How will you work to improve your own professionalism in this area? 2.Share details about how you would like your instructors to demonstrate care for students while … Read more

Biblical world view on crisis management.

Biblical world view on crisis management. The question is Discuss how Biblical worldview guides leader role actions related to conflict and crisis management. word limit:312

Leadership in crisis management.

Leadership in crisis management. The question is Discuss how Biblical worldview guides leader role actions related to conflict and crisis management. word limit:333

The Bible and leadership.

The Bible and leadership. The question is Discuss how Biblical worldview guides leader role actions related to conflict and crisis management. word limit:311

Identify and discuss the major indicators of men’s health status.

Identify and discuss the major indicators of men’s health status. Identify and discuss the major indicators of men’s health status. Mention and describe the physiological and psychosocial factors that have an impact on men’s health status. Mention and discuss barriers to be improving men’s health. Mention and discuss fa Men’s health Read chapter 18 of … Read more

Discussion topic :Integrative Managerial.

Discussion topic :Integrative Managerial. Part 1 You are on the board of directors for an American toy company. The CEO just presented a proposal that involves moving your company’s manufacturing operations overseas. Board members are in an uproar. Some members are for this change. Others are against it. Describe your position. Are you for or … Read more

How Children Succeed With Character Not Test Scores.

How Children Succeed With Character Not Test Scores. Please watch Paul Tough’s “‘How Children Succeed’ With Character Not Test Scores” presentation. In Chapter 12, Martorell describes the IQ controversy and presents the positive and negative aspects of IQ testing. Write a letter to your favorite teacher from elementary school. Discuss how your teacher went beyond … Read more

Research on The Rising Costs of Healthcare

Research on The Rising Costs of Healthcare Closely review the section in our syllabus entitled, “Guidelines for the Capstone Research Paper.” From this section in our syllabus, your topic must fit in one of the “Description of Issues in Healthcare” categories under #1 (System, Clinical, Organizational, or Policy). I suggest that you begin your outline … Read more

Article critique on Human Relation.

Article critique on Human Relation. Instructions As a leader, it is expected for you to be able to identify with the workers within the organization. This process can take place during basic observation, performance evaluations, attendance, interaction with others, and basic characteristics or behaviors. The leader must identify different personality types or behaviors and apply … Read more

write two paragraphs on The role of technology in improving health care outcomes  

write two paragraphs on The role of technology in improving health care outcomes word limit:330

Evaluate the Middle Childhood Issues.

Evaluate the Middle Childhood Issues. This week, we continue to analyze issues in middle childhood. Please read this article from Huffington Post, “I Don’t Want My Daughters to Be Popular at School“. Examine the positive and negative effects of peer relationships. What are the benefits of popularity, as discussed in the text? What one piece … Read more

Journal Entry on Musical Fire Table.

Journal Entry on Musical Fire Table. To start your video journals, click on the title Weekly Video Journals, and remember to create a new entry for each weekly video. Give your journal entry the title of the video you’re writing on… Please don’t attach separate files, write in the space provided. https://youtu.be/2awbKQ2DLRE word limit:258

Life in the Bronx during COVID-19: Key Cultural Informant Project

Life in the Bronx during COVID-19: Key Cultural Informant Project word limit:619