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Discuss the Vulnerability in Christian Leadership.

Discuss the Vulnerability in Christian Leadership. After completing the Hall lecture and reading assignments, develop a 750-1000 word written response paper to the following question. Papers must include a substantive elaboration on the topic as well as support from scripture. Do not use the question in your response. Discuss how vulnerability can be utilized as a positive … Read more

What can movies and television shows communicate to people about gender roles and identities?

What can movies and television shows communicate to people about gender roles and identities? f you were to put on your cultural anthropologist “hat” and analyze a program, you would think about the messages it conveys regarding gender roles and identities. For example, “Leave it to Beaver” and other shows of Post-World War II America … Read more

Write an essay on Recognition of Cultural Diversity

Write an essay on Recognition of Cultural Diversity Assignment Details Review the scenario, and then use the following to create a journal entry. Journal entries provide the writer with an opportunity to collect their thoughts and reflect in a less formal way than they would in a traditional essay. Although a journal is not a … Read more

Discuss how the hunters and gatherers lived.

Discuss how the hunters and gatherers lived. Assignment Details Scenario One of the possible reasons that hunters and gatherers do not work more than they do may be to avoid overexploitation of their environment. Think about this: overhunting might allow people to feast for a few days, but over the long run, the effect would … Read more

Discuss about witchcraft in the USA an European nations.

Discuss about witchcraft in the USA an European nations. Assignment Details In the United States, “witches” take many forms—from the caricatures at Halloween, to Wiccans, to comic book characters. You have found from your readings that witchcraft is common to cultures throughout history and across the globe. Some have suggested that witchcraft and the threat … Read more

How do people in Japan feel about eating whale?

How do people in Japan feel about eating whale? Assignment Details Review the scenario, and then use the following to create a journal entry. Journal entries provide the writer with an opportunity to collect their thoughts and reflect in a less formal way than they would in a traditional essay. Although a journal is not … Read more

Journal entry about maternal leave.

Journal entry about maternal leave. Assignment Details Review the scenario, and then use the following to create a journal entry. Journal entries provide the writer with an opportunity to collect their thoughts and reflect in a less formal way than they would in a traditional essay. Although a journal is not a traditional essay in … Read more

Journal Entry on Parental Leave

Journal Entry on Parental Leave Assignment details Review the scenario, and then use the following to create a journal entry. Journal entries provide the writer with an opportunity to collect their thoughts and reflect in a less formal way than they would in a traditional essay. Although a journal is not a traditional essay in … Read more

Discussion board about witchcraft.

Discussion board about witchcraft. Assignment Details In the United States, “witches” take many forms—from the caricatures at Halloween, to Wiccans, to comic book characters. You have found from your readings that witchcraft is common to cultures throughout history and across the globe. Some have suggested that witchcraft and the threat of being cursed keeps members … Read more

How did the Italians portray women in the 14th century?

How did the Italians portray women in the 14th century? In a brief essay of 300, discuss the following question. The tales excerpted from Boccaccio’s Decameron in our book reflect contemporary attitudes toward women. The first tale describes the illicit escapades that a monk and his abbot each have with a young woman. The second … Read more

Describe the hunters and gatherers.

Describe the hunters and gatherers. Assignment Details Scenario One of the possible reasons that hunters and gatherers do not work more than they do may be to avoid overexploitation of their environment. Think about this: overhunting might allow people to feast for a few days, but over the long run, the effect would simply be … Read more

Describe Natural Habitats and their Significance

Describe Natural Habitats and their Significance After you have reviewed the Assignment Details below, click the Discussion Board link under the My Work heading above to open the Discussion Board and make your post. Review this tutorial on How to Post to the Discussion Board.   Assignment Details Please visit the UNESCO World Heritage List of world heritage … Read more

What is the significance of the quilt in the Alice Walker story, Everyday Use?

 What is the significance of the quilt in the Alice Walker story, Everyday Use? Assignment Details Review the scenario, and then use the following to create a journal entry. Journal entries provide the writer with an opportunity to collect their thoughts and reflect in a less formal way than they would in a traditional essay. Although … Read more

Discussion about health administration.

Discussion about health administration. more details-Discuss ways in which the Christian health administrator can mitigate the negative impact of toxic system practices on employee performance. word limit:312

Write a reflection about a family.

Write a reflection about a family. Assignment Details Review the scenario, and then use the following to create a journal entry. Journal entries provide the writer with an opportunity to collect their thoughts and reflect in a less formal way than they would in a traditional essay. Although a journal is not a traditional essay … Read more

In -House-Business-Proposal for International Food Processing

 In -House-Business-Proposal for International Food Processing Business Presentation Objective The project is intended to provide the student with a basic knowledge of utilizing mass media available for Business in the market place today. International Food Processing, LTD has moved passed its traditional role of have its staff located in office partially due the COVID-19 pandemic. … Read more

Discuss the importance of “moral compassing” for the Christian health administrator

Discuss the importance of “moral compassing” for the Christian health administrator word limit:325

Write a review about colonialism in Ghana.

Write a review about colonialism in Ghana. Assignment Details Though colonialism may have officially ended, the effects of colonialism are still very much present today. This is true in modern-day Africa. Review the following resources for additional information on the slave trade in Africa: Origins of African Slaves: Slave Trade Routes Lasting Effects of Slavery … Read more

Discussion about UNESCO World Heritage List

Discussion about UNESCO World Heritage List Assignment Details Please visit the UNESCO World Heritage List of world heritage sites. Click on different sites within the United States and all over the world. Pick 2 sites (at least 1 should be from outside the United States) that you find particularly interesting, and focus your discussion of the following: … Read more

Write an essay about any Hawaiian organization.

Write an essay about any Hawaiian organization. 2 to 3-page writing assignment (minimum 2 FULL pages!), covering a specific Hawaiian organization. word limit:616

How do family, friends, and community influence individual health and lifestyle?

How do family, friends, and community influence individual health and lifestyle? Identify at least 3 positive and 3 negative effects. Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources in the past 5 years B-How effective are the … Read more

Discuss the Factors that led to popularity of Mobile Computing

Discuss the Factors that led to popularity of Mobile Computing In addition, CTIA asserted that over 326 million mobile devices were in use within The United States as of December 2012 – an estimated growth of more than 100 percent penetration rate with users carrying more than one device with notable continues growth. From this … Read more

Write an essay about Historic Sites and National Parks

Write an essay about Historic Sites and National Parks Assignment Details Please visit the UNESCO World Heritage List of world heritage sites. Click on different sites within the United States and all over the world. Pick 2 sites (at least 1 should be from outside the United States) that you find particularly interesting, and focus your discussion … Read more

Evaluate the Training Needs for Managers and Employees

Evaluate the Training Needs for Managers and Employees Describe critical training needs for managers and employees for performance improvement. Your supervisor, Annalise, the Human Resources Director at Matrix, has reviewed your research on performance appraisals and is very impressed with your work. She asks you to continue research into the link between training and performance … Read more

Write two paragraphs about “Leadership and economic models”

Write two paragraphs about “Leadership and economic models” Write two paragraphs in total: one about “Leadership and economic models” and one about “Health disparities” word limit:323

Entry barriers for new-comers into asset-based supply chain and logistics.

Entry barriers for new-comers into asset-based supply chain and logistics. Conduct research surrounding potential barriers to entry for new-comers into asset-based supply chain and logistics. Taking the vantage point of a consulting firm, write a short white paper whose audience is a client that is considering starting-up an asset-based supply chain and logistics company. The … Read more

Which is more detrimental to a firm, pricing your product or service too high, or pricing your product or service too low?

Which is more detrimental to a firm, pricing your product or service too high, or pricing your product or service too low? min 350 Words word limit:380

Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic

Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic The possibility of the 3F methodology includes Feel, Fit, and Finish. Feel signifies having a sentiment of being careful. Every individual ought to understand that he is equipped for produce realizes the affiliation where he works. He ought to guarantee he improves the vision of the … Read more

Impact of COVID-19 towards Becoming a Physician Assistant

Impact of COVID-19 towards Becoming a Physician Assistant lease describe how COVID-19 has impacted your pathway to becoming a Physician Assistant. The questions below will help you get started, but do not limit your responses to only these considerations. Academic: Did your school move to an online-only curriculum? Were you able to interact with your … Read more

Discuss how Biblical worldview frames innovation for the Christian health administrator.

Discuss how Biblical worldview frames innovation for the Christian health administrator. word limit:332

Discuss how the skill sets needed by providers are influenced by disruptive innovations.

Discuss how the skill sets needed by providers are influenced by disruptive innovations. word limit:314

Write a comprehensive paper on Dealing with Hypertension

Write a comprehensive paper on Dealing with Hypertension Context The principles and philosophy of primary healthcare, health promotion and community development practice will be called upon in exploring the health of individuals and communities. Health professionals need to develop their capacity for empathy and understanding of the lived experience of vulnerable population groups as well … Read more

Updated Therapy Guidelines for H. Pylori with Patient Education

Updated Therapy Guidelines for H. Pylori with Patient Education Primary Diagnosis: Recurrent H. Pylori infection gastritis Secondary Diagnoses: Dyspepsia Differential Diagnosis: Peptic Ulcer Disease PMH: H. Pylori infection gastritis Diabetes Mellitus, type 2 Social history: High school graduate, married and no children. He frequently eats out in restaurants. He drinks one 4-ounce glass of red … Read more

Discuss how New York is Portrayed in Movies.

Discuss how New York is Portrayed in Movies. Comparison and Contrast Directions: Using the template provided, write a 3-5 page typed essay comparing Marathon Man (1976) and another film where New York plays a crucial role in the action. If you cannot think of a suitable film on your own, you may choose one from the list … Read more

A comprehensive research about Nike

A comprehensive research about Nike Specific instructions for completion of the assignment  Final Assignment (8-page Research Paper)  Choose a topic from the textbook that we covered during the semester (e.g., CSR, Sustainability, Justice & Economic Distribution) –feel free to choose any topic that we’ve covered or will cover before the end of the … Read more

Case study about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Case study about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Jordan is a 35-year-old woman who presents with intermittent diarrhea with cramping that is relieved by defecation. The diarrhea is not bloody or accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Review of past medical history includes some childhood “stomach issues”, HTN, and a recent cholecystectomy. She works in the environmental … Read more

Case study about the human organ systems.

Case study about the human organ systems. Instructions You will create this assignment following the Assignment Detail instructions below. This assignment will be submitted in the Unit 4 – Submission Assignment lesson in intellipath. Review the tutorial titled How to Submit the Intellipath Submission Assignment. Please submit your work to this week’s Intellipath Unit Submission … Read more

Discuss human organ systems.

Discuss human organ systems. You will create this assignment following the Assignment Detail instructions below. This assignment will be submitted in the Unit 4 – Submission Assignment lesson in intellipath. Review the tutorial titled How to Submit the Intellipath Submission Assignment. Please submit your work to this week’s Intellipath Unit Submission lesson. Click the Upload … Read more

Discussion Topic: Chick-Fil-A Case Study Analysis

Discussion Topic: Chick-Fil-A Case Study Analysis The assignment should be between 8-12 pages in APA format, double spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font and with a 1” margin. Please include a title page and a reference page (not part of the 8 – 12 pages). The paper should include at least 6 references (one … Read more

Reflect on Cisco Systems Corporation and Social Media

Reflect on Cisco Systems Corporation and Social Media Discuss the risk companies face over unstructured data raises concerns that need to be addressed when a company uses social media. Select any Company you want and Identify and Discuss these concerns and address how this can be effectively handled. Instructions: Need minimum 300 words Need 3 … Read more

Discuss the ‘power of ten”

Discuss the ‘power of ten” To start your video journals, click on the title Weekly Video Journals, and remember to create a new entry for each weekly video. Give your journal entry the title of the video you’re writing on… Please don’t attach separate files, write in the space provided. https://youtu.be/Ww4gYNrOkkg word limit:312

Describe globalization and international patterns of health and disease

Describe globalization and international patterns of health and disease Describe globalization and international patterns of health and disease. Identify international health care organizations and how they collaborate to improve global nursing and health care. Identify and discuss the major indicators of women’s health. Identify and discuss the barriers to adequate health care for women. As … Read more

Explain the Health Effects of Fast Food

Explain the Health Effects of Fast Food Write a letter to the president of a major fast-food chain. Explain, from a developmental perspective, the hazards of a poor, high-fat diet for children’s development. Discuss the inappropriateness of luring children (or their parents, rather) to purchase such meals with the special kid’s meal and accompanying toy. … Read more

Read this article and answer questions

Read this article and answer questions Please read the attached article published in Vanity Fair Magazine and answer the following questions on the discussion board. 1. How has the media changed the “American Dream“? a. Give a minimum of 3 specific examples from the article you read. b. Give a minimum of 2 specific examples … Read more

Discuss the Role of Sports in Middle Childhood Development

Discuss the Role of Sports in Middle Childhood Development This week, we investigate physical development in middle childhood. Consider the role sports played in your grade school years. What particular sports did you participate in? How well did you play? How competitive were these sports? How involved were your parents? How do you think sports … Read more

Essay on Apple Information Governance

Essay on Apple Information Governance Topic: Information Governance Question: This week covered how privacy and security align with IG. I want you to research an articles from any company from 2015 until now on how they implemented their Privacy and Security Policy for their organization. Identify the areas you feel were beneficial to the organization … Read more

A reflection on Using Technologies to Mitigate Crimes

A reflection on Using Technologies to Mitigate Crimes Questions: 1. What, if any, technologies should a police agency utilize to prevent and mitigate crime and acts of terrorism? Where the use of technology may compromise Constitutional rights (e.g., privacy) which consideration is more important? 2. Should a police chief seek financial assistance from federal and … Read more

Discuss your self-assessed communication style.

Discuss your self-assessed communication style. Write 2–3 paragraphs (400 words) to address the following: Discuss your self-assessed communication style using the information from this Web site. How does style affect team performance? Summarize effective team formation and performance strategies. How will you use this information during the simulation? Use at least 1 cited source. https://communicationstyles.org/how-to-identify-communication-styles/ … Read more

Answer the following four questions as they relate to your chosen topic:

Answer the following four questions as they relate to your chosen topic: Now choose ONE of the following topics: Volkswagen exhaust testing on monkeys Testing the safety of cosmetics Alzheimer’s treatments tested in animals Alzheimer’s treatments Answer the following four questions as they relate to your chosen topic: Explain the rationale and main benefit of the testing process you chose. Debate … Read more

Response on Christian Health Administrator.

Response on Christian Health Administrator. As previously stated, it is impossible to avoid change. As the world evolves, people become smarter, and techniques become quicker and easier to perform. To stay ahead of an emerging world, leaders must be proactive and prepare for this change. We are aware that certain skill sets are needed to … Read more