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Small Business Management overview.

Small Business Management overview. Part 1 Identify a small business you’d like to open. What types of products or services do you plan to offer? Describe trends, your target market and major competitors (size, demographics). Conduct some research that supports your claims. Part 2 In a one-page, document, identify a change of people, structure or … Read more

Explain the Staffing Challenges Affecting the Healthcare System

Explain the Staffing Challenges Affecting the Healthcare System The final project paper should be eight pages in length, not to exceed 10 pages, excluding the title and reference pages. The paper will follow appropriate APA format including an appropriate title page and a properly formatted reference page. Page margins should be 1 inch all around. … Read more

Essay Topic: Information Governance

Essay Topic: Information Governance Question: We discussed how Social Media can be implemented into IG. What policy would you implement at your company to utilize Social Media in your IG or IT departments. What policy would you write to archive Social media data and what legal guidelines would you include as well? How do you … Read more

How to Improve Performance of Employees in the Workplace.

How to Improve Performance of Employees in the Workplace. DELIVERABLE LENGTH: Outline of Key Assignment Identify strategies for improving individual performance. Primary Task Response: Your first task is to post your own Key Assignment Outline to the discussion area so that other students are able to review your plan. Attach your document to the main … Read more

Critical Analysis: Withdrawal of Treatment in End-of-Life Care

Critical Analysis: Withdrawal of Treatment in End-of-Life Care word limit:1990

Reading Summary: Social Conformity

Reading Summary: Social Conformity Reading Summaries Instructions summary must be at least (1.5-2 pages) and must synthesize the information learned from all reading material. Feel free to use outside sources as well, but you are not required to do so. The summary should include an intro paragraph, three paragraphs each with a major theme supported … Read more

Chipotle Executive Summary

Chipotle Executive Summary Please write an Executive Summary of around 1,000 words that features the highlights and takeaways from each component of the analysis and Strategic Template Where appropriate among the various elements of the Strategic Case Analysis, address the following points: Recommend strategic plans to improve the company’s competitive advantage. Explain how leadership skills … Read more

Write a summary report of the scholarly activities.

Write a summary report of the scholarly activities. Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, journal club, grand rounds, morbidity and mortality meetings, interdisciplinary committees, quality improvement committees, and any other opportunities. five paragraphs a summary report of the scholarly activity, including who, what, where, when, and any relevant take-home point. Answer preview: word … Read more

Solution for Health Issues Related to Smoking in Glendale Community

Solution for Health Issues Related to Smoking in Glendale Community a.Provide an introduction to identified health concern/problem (identified health concern in Glendale community is COPD and lung diseases caused by smocking) ? What is the community setting and population?(glendale community) b.Provide supportive data from assessment of community, including at least TWO reputable statistical references from … Read more

Discuss the topic “Sea Ice” using the National Snow and Ice Data Center perspective.

Discuss the topic “Sea Ice” using the National Snow and Ice Data Center perspective. Internet Problems 10: Sea Ice Go to the National Snow and Ice Data Center webpage: http://nsidc.org/ then go to: http://nsidc.org/about 1) What is the National Snow and Ice Data Center? What do they do? At the top right select “About the Cryosphere” to answer … Read more

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan For your final Portfolio Project, pretend that you have been hired to write a Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery Plan for an organization. The organization has multiple locations within a state or states and only has an in-house infrastructure setup. No Cloud-based services for this organization are used. Using the material … Read more

Discussion Topic: Philosophy of moral objectivity

Discussion Topic: Philosophy of moral objectivity Assignment Description Choose one of the following topics and write a single-spaced essay of at least 2000 words. Your introduction and conclusion, if any, should be no more than two sentences each. I discourage you from doing any research beyond extremely careful reading of the assigned texts. The goals … Read more

Strategic Recommendations for Hilton.

Strategic Recommendations for Hilton. [This section should include at least 4 strategies. Two strategies should be business level strategies that focus on the business operations and two strategies should be corporate level strategies that focus on the big picture moves/adjustments for the organization. This section should be approximately one page in length.] Business Level Strategies 1. 2. Corporate … Read more

Write an essay in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet.

Write an essay in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. Pick TWO of the following questions and answer them in a well-developed essay (compelling title, introduction, thesis, body, conclusion, and work cited). Post your work in the Hamlet Discussion forum and respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. One of the most prominent themes in Hamlet … Read more

Discussion about King Arthur.

Discussion about King Arthur. In this lesson, you read an excerpt from the famous Le Mort d’Arthur. As discussed in the lesson, King Arthur shows up in modern media all the time. For your Apply, locate an instance where King Arthur or a character from these legends appears in a television show, book, movie, or … Read more

Case analysis for CAMPBELL:How to keep the soup simmering

Case analysis for CAMPBELL:How to keep the soup simmering My case is CAMPBELL: HOW TO KEEP THE SOUP SIMMERING I have the CAMPBELL information. ISSUES: You should identify the key issues of the case. ANALYSES: You then need to conduct the following three analyses on your case: financial, SWOT, and Porter’s Five-Forces. RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on … Read more

A reflection Creating Commerce Business.

A reflection Creating Commerce Business. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Develop an idea for a prospective small business, and select a name for the company. Identify its key competitors and summarize the strengths and weaknesses of one of the competitors. Prepare a mission statement that encompasses the purpose of … Read more

Discussion Topic: Performance Optimization of Employees

Discussion Topic: Performance Optimization of Employees Key Assignment Part 1 Matrix is interested in how performance management systems are designed effectively and how they adhere to legal requirements. Your supervisor Annalise has asked you to prepare a two-part executive report for the VP of HR that demonstrates some key factors to consider when designing a … Read more

Report Questions-Human Rights, Human Services, and the Law

Report Questions-Human Rights, Human Services, and the Law Discuss: “The achievement of justice in the Local Court is affected by factors including the high volume of cases and the pressure to plead guilty. The focus on efficiency means that justice is often compromised” 1. What are the reasons for this? 2. Discuss the effect on … Read more

Community and Social Action – Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

Community and Social Action – Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Format: Questions: What are the main ideas in Freire’s ’Pedagogy of the Oppressed’? How can we apply this theory to our own work as activists working towards social justice and social change? Length: 900 words Curriculum Mode: Critical Review First, answer this question: 1. What … Read more

Discuss the role of demographics in relationship to integrated marketing communications

Discuss the role of demographics in relationship to integrated marketing communications min 350 words and APA format with references Answer preview: word limit:404

Evaluate the Application of Freire’s Theory

Evaluate the Application of Freire’s Theory .Format: Questions: What are the main ideas in Freire’s ’Pedagogy of the Oppressed’? How can we apply this theory to our own work as activists working towards social justice and social change? Length: 900 words Curriculum Mode: Critical Review First, answer this question: 1. What are the main ideas … Read more

Explain the Use of Chivalric Code in the Play and Televisions

Explain the Use of Chivalric Code in the Play and Televisions choosing a theme in Gawain and describing how the story deals with that theme. Essentially, summarize the moral of the story. Then, write a contrast paragraph of 200­-250 words. How do modern stories in books, television, or movies deal with this theme The information … Read more

Describe the impact of teamwork and collaboration.

Describe the impact of teamwork and collaboration. Personal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) assessment gives the associate a new perspective of how well the associate is doing, where challenges lie and which avenues to pursue for their career goals. SWOT analysis helps the associate become the best version of themselves because self-assessment is a … Read more

Discuss Demand Price Elasticity and Total Revenue

Discuss Demand Price Elasticity and Total Revenue ● Explain the relationship between the price elasticity of demand and total revenue. What are the impacts of various forms of elasticities (elastic, inelastic, unit elastic, etc.) on business decisions and strategies to maximize profit? Explain your responses using empirical examples, formulas, and graphs. ● Is the price … Read more

Journal Article Summary that relates to social psych topic.

Journal Article Summary that relates to social psych topic. Journal Article Summary Instructions You will complete 1 Journal Article Summary that relates to the Social Psych Topic. You will read the article and then summarize the article in approximately 350 words or more. Make sure that you include: Title and authors of the article Why … Read more

Discuss Registered Nurses Scholarly Activities

Discuss Registered Nurses Scholarly Activities Throughout the RN-to-BSN program, students are required to participate in scholarly activities outside of clinical practice or professional practice. Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, journal club, grand rounds, morbidity and mortality meetings, interdisciplinary committees, quality improvement committees, and any other opportunities available at your site, within your … Read more

Answer the following questions on organisational structure.

Answer the following questions on organisational structure. Students will apply their knowledge of the human resource management function to the discussion question. Students will also consider internal factors and their relationship to human resource tasks and strategic management. Some critics claim that corporate HR departments have outlived their usefulness and are not there to help … Read more

Assignment: Examining Mean, Median and Mode

Assignment: Examining Mean, Median and Mode Unit outcomes: Differentiate between mean, median, and mode. Interpret distribution shapes, especially with respect to skewness and outliers. Explain the concept of bell curve. Course outcome practiced in this Assignment: HS311-3: Examine summary statistics of health data in terms of central tendency. Calculate the median, mean and mode of the … Read more

Assignment: Creating a Frequency Distribution from Collected Data

 Assignment: Creating a Frequency Distribution from Collected Data Unit outcomes: Identify and apply common types of variables and measurement scales. Create and examine a frequency distribution. Course outcome: HS311-2: Research the types of data and organization of data within the health industry. In your own words, briefly describe the purpose and utility of a frequency distribution. … Read more

Critical Evaluation of Mental Health Case

Critical Evaluation of Mental Health Case Project Details Paper Topic : Critical Evaluation of Mental Health Case Task Summary In this 1800 word Report, respond to the challenges and issues in the case scenario. You are asked to research and find studies/research/journal articles/government and international health agency reports relating to the case study. These peer-reviewed … Read more

Using Judith Jarvis’ Argument to Discuss Jill’s Scenario

Using Judith Jarvis’ Argument to Discuss Jill’s Scenario ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION Choose one of the following topics and write a single-spaced essay of at least 2000 words. Your introduction and conclusion, if any, should be no more than two sentences each. I discourage you from doing any research beyond extremely careful reading of the assigned texts. … Read more

The Impact of Benefits and Compensation on an Organization

The Impact of Benefits and Compensation on an Organization On average, companies spend 20-40% of operating costs on employee-related expenses. These include employee wages, bonuses, insurance, and additional benefits. Manually tracking these expenses is very labor-intensive and has a high likelihood of errors. In this discussion, let’s address how an HRIS can be used to … Read more

Describe a time when you’ve been interviewed

Describe a time when you’ve been interviewed, Describe the interviewing system and what it entails Answer preview: word limit:245

Learn and write about specific elements of a health care worker’s career.

Learn and write about specific elements of a health care worker’s career. The purpose of this paper is to research, learn and write about specific elements of a health care worker’s career. Students are recommended to choose the health care worker in the field they are planning to enter. Registered Nurse; These Career paper is … Read more

Discussion topic:DFW Mitigation Plan amid COVID-19

Discussion topic:DFW Mitigation Plan amid COVID-19 To develop emergency risk mitigation strategies to help manage the situation at the DFW Company amid COVID-19 pandemic. Answer preview: word limit:1599

Practicum Reflective Journal

Practicum Reflective Journal Students maintained and submitted weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to explore the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. This assignment combines those entries into one course-long reflective journal that integrates leadership and inquiry into current practice as it applies to the Professional Capstone and Practicum course. This final submission … Read more

Discuss various Themes from Knight’s and Miller’s Stories

Discuss various Themes from Knight’s and Miller’s Stories For this Apply, choose another of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales to read. Visit this website to find a tale. (If you do not necessarily have a preference, try the Wife of Bath!) After you read, write a one ­page response of no more than 250 words, comparing and contrasting the style … Read more

Write a discussion about Gun control

Write a discussion about Gun control Submit five (5) internet sites and write a two (2) page, double spaced response to your findings. Select one of the following subject areas: “Youth Gangs”, “Gun Control” “Dirty Cops”. Please make sure that your paper follows the guidelines listed below. Not all may apply to your paper. An … Read more

Write an essay on human nutrition.

Write an essay on human nutrition. Topic: NUTR2001 Human Nutrition 1 Words Counts: 250 words Instructions: Students are to discuss all of the macronutrients and construct a draft for an academic report plan on these macronutrients; The Role of Macronutrients in Health. For this assessment, students should be including the following features: The macronutrients to … Read more

Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Healthcare System

Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Healthcare System Develop an 800-1000 word written response paper on one of the following topics. Papers must include substantive learning elements on the topic, as well as support from Scripture. Do not use the question in your response. If you worked in the healthcare industry during the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, what lessons did you … Read more

Designing a Performance Management System.

Designing a Performance Management System Design a performance management plan starting with a job analysis and ending with approaches for employee development. Discuss the legal and ethical issues associated with performance and rewards. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. … Read more

You have been assigned a topic according to the first letter of your last name (M)

You have been assigned a topic according to the first letter of your last name (M) You have been assigned a topic according to the first letter of your last name (Moye). Please identify the topic assigned to you below. For each topic, find a health science example of it in a published research study … Read more

Lessons for Office Clerks in Healthcare

Lessons for Office Clerks in Healthcare Develop an 800-1000 word written response paper on one of the following topics. Papers must include substantive learning elements on the topic, as well as support from Scripture. Do not use the question in your response. If you worked in the healthcare industry during the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, what lessons … Read more

Reflection Writing:Drama and Movement Arts

Reflection Writing: Drama and Movement Arts Write a 500-750-word reflection based on the feedback you received from your classroom teacher and personal observations about the experience, explain the following: Strengths and opportunities for growth. Provide specific evidence from your activity. What would you do differently if you taught this activity again? Be sure to provide … Read more

Use of Quixotic in the Literature of Don Quixote

Use of Quixotic in the Literature of Don Quixote Occasionally, truly iconic figures from literature can give their names to words in our language that have meaning rooted in the text, but still exist outside it. We can use an example from a selection we read in the last unit: The Odyssey. The word Odyssey … Read more

Case Study Assignment: Patient-Centered Care

Case Study Assignment: Patient-Centered Care Ms. B was told that she had a brain aneurysm. She made an advance statement of wishes saying that she did not want surgery if the aneurysm burst. However, shortly after she made this statement of wishes, the aneurysm burst and a team of surgeons took her to surgery believing … Read more

Relating the Classic Narrative of the Windmills to Modern Social and Political issues

Relating the Classic Narrative of the Windmills to Modern Social and Political issues For this Apply, consider the scene in Don Quixote where the title character shows “bravery” by fighting “giants” ­ even though they are, in reality, windmills. Think about a modern political or social issue that seems to be treated as a “giant” … Read more

Managerial Accounting Discussion Question

Managerial Accounting Discussion Question Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines The controller at Ranyah Corporation analyzed a proposed equipment purchase for the firm and decided that the investment met all the firm’s criteria regarding payback, net present value, and internal rate of return. Notwithstanding the positive results, top management … Read more

Companies that show the aspect of Supply Chain Management

Companies that show the aspect of Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management  Visit the websites of three Middle Eastern companies like or any others of your choosing. Identify information on the companies’ supply chain management activities. Address the following requirements: Identify your selected companies in no more than three paragraphs. In the remaining pages, break … Read more