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Does Toyota Respond Just-In-time to Customer’s Orders? What Does It Do Just-In- Time?

Does Toyota Respond Just-In-time to Customer’s Orders? What Does It Do Just-In- Time? 1.    1.    Consider the following terms mentioned in the case, jidoka, just-in-time, heijunka, Kanban, kaizen. What role does each of these concepts play in the Toyota productionsystem, and how do these concepts support/enable each other? 2- Does Toyota Respond Just-In-time to Customer’s Orders? What Does … Read more

Policies of a Compliance Plan on Hand Washing  Between Patients

Policies of a Compliance Plan on Hand Washing  Between Patients Now, you are to present the policies for your two compliance plans in a way that all employees will understand at a large medical facility where you are the Compliance Officer. Look these over in your research, and then select just two of these key … Read more

Explain how the use of TQM could contribute to the improve-ment noted in McDonnell Douglas Corporation’s key business performance indicators.

Explain how the use of TQM could contribute to the improve-ment noted in McDonnell Douglas Corporation’s key business performance indicators. Complete discussion assignment McDonnell Douglas Corporation McDonnell Douglas is now part of the Boeing Company, but that does not diminish in any way the turnaround that took place at McDonnell Douglas between 1992 and 1997. … Read more

Describe why change management is important to ERP implementation

Describe why change management is important to ERP implementation Inventory Management and Aggregate Planning  Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:622 words

Describe at least three acts of legislation have had a significant impact on health in America.

Describe at least three acts of legislation have had a significant impact on health in America. Describe at least three acts of legislation have had a significant impact on health in American (Use Reference) APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:357 words

How machine learning algorithms impact policing roles

How machine learning algorithms impact policing roles Topic: Applied reflection on reforming the police Thesis statement: to reflect on how the use of machine learning algorithms are an opportunity and a challenge in the decision-making process in the police department.  Introduction How machine learning algorithms impact policing roles APA Answer preview: Get instant access … Read more

Describe research methodologies used in health science to collect new data on issues and trends in health science.

Describe research methodologies used in health science to collect new data on issues and trends in health science. APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:1129 words

What is the American Dream?

What is the American Dream? 1. Things to Consider Before Watching I Am Not Your Negro question 1, What defines a “journey?” What’s the difference between a journey and a trip? Have you ever been on a journey? question 2 , What is the American Dream? 2. Things to Consider After Watching I Am Not … Read more

Benefits of electric vehicles

Benefits of electric vehicles Chapter: Project Termination Several years ago, the U.S. Congress canceled funding for the development of a battery-powered electric vehicle. Do you think that was a good decision? Can you imagine what the pros and cons were? APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the … Read more

Computer Pioneers 

Computer Pioneers  You can include facts about: Their achievements Their education or early training Their work or the company that employed the pioneer Their work history The motivation behind their contribution APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:931 words

Things the US should do to transition to a universal system

Things the US should do to transition to a universal system Instructions Select a country with a universal healthcare system (Canada, Australia, New Zealand or any other). Once selected, compare their approach to healthcare spending to that of the U.S. Write a 2-3-page summary that includes the following: Module 06 Discussion Directions: Initial Post: Consider … Read more

Discuss the Five-Stage Team Development Model

Discuss the Five-Stage Team Development Model “Discuss the Five-Stage Team Development Model” “What is the difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict on a project?” APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:513 words

Identify the legal protection mechanisms (patents copyright, trademarks & service marks) used by it to safeguard its intellectual property. 

Identify the legal protection mechanisms (patents copyright, trademarks & service marks) used by it to safeguard its intellectual property.  chapter 9 “Protecting Innovation” from their book Strategic Management of Technological Innovation. Based on the conceptual knowledge and understanding obtained from the readings –  1-Select a world renowned company give a brief introduction and identify the … Read more

Discuss case study “Able planet”

Discuss case study “Able planet“ Students are supposed to read the attached Case 2- Able Planet. Based on your understanding of the case and basic concepts of Entrepreneurship. Answer the following question: 1. Experts say that entrepreneurs who need between $100,000 and $3 million often face the greatest obstacles when raising capital for their businesses. Why? (1.5 … Read more

Analyze a whistle-blowing case of your choice.

Analyze a whistle-blowing case of your choice. Instructions: – criteria 1) Information about the case; description of the whistleblowing Application of method: Was the whistleblowing justified? (Outcome Case description) 2) Step 1: Was there a serious issue and unbiased evidence? (OutcomeMethod step 1: issue and evidence) 3) Step 2: Were there alternative ways to address … Read more

Explain what OSHA is, its purpose, and what responsibilities there are under the law. 

Explain what OSHA is, its purpose, and what responsibilities there are under the law.  1) Explain what OSHA is, its purpose, and what responsibilities there are under the law. Additionally, explain how it can be violated, and the penalties for any violation.2) Peter Plaintiff had his constitutional rights violated by a county sheriff’s department. What … Read more

Quality Healthcare- Effectiveness of care.

Quality Healthcare- Effectiveness of care. The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) was formed to ensure quality of patient care and measurement of patient outcomes with set standards. Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) is a performance measurement tool used by millions of health insurance plans. There are 6 domains of care: APA Answer … Read more

Describe what you believe what these employers will want to see in your resume or CV. 

Describe what you believe what these employers will want to see in your resume or CV.  List at least three different job titles/options you can search for using your degree in health science`. Next, search for a job description for each of the three you chose (Anything that could relate to dental), listing the description, … Read more

The Environment Affect on Daily Health

The Environment Affect on Daily Health Topic: The Environment Affect on Daily Health Describe at least three ways that your environment might negatively affect your daily health. Consider your indoor and outdoor air quality, water quality, food safety, waste removal, workplace hazards and/or other elements. Discuss the preventive measures you take to protect your health … Read more

 Financial Derivatives-Provide an explanation and example when futures contracts have negative prices.

 Financial Derivatives-Provide an explanation and example when futures contracts have negative prices. 1.Provide an explanation and an example of when futures contracts might have negative prices. (600 words) 2.Explain what is a ‘short squeeze’ and provide a real example of it. (300-500 words) APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com … Read more

Explore the six PESTEL external factors: political, economic, sociocultural, technological, ecological, and legal.

Explore the six PESTEL external factors: political, economic, sociocultural, technological, ecological, and legal. ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES Acquire skills in conducting strategy, developing strategic options, analyzing action alternatives, making strategic decisions, and effective policy and strategy implementation. Develop the ability to manage the organizational process by which policies and strategies are formed. Understand strategic planning terminology, concepts, … Read more

Which type of leader do you inspire to be like

Which type of leader do you inspire to be like ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES Describe managerial psychology skills that can be applied to common situations encountered in the workplace. For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:263 words

Discuss Significant “Noise” Factors

Discuss Significant “Noise” Factors Format for Your Initial Post You must use the following numbers and corresponding headings for each part of your response to a particular issue. 1. Understanding the Need for Innovation. 2. Significant “Noise” Factors 3. Obstacles to the Acceptance of Change 4. An Effective Change Management Technique 5. Possible Decision-Making Oversight … Read more

Develop a Cause-and-Effect Diagram

Develop a Cause-and-Effect Diagram What are the main problem and subproblems of the case? Based on the followingtechnique, identify the causes of problem? [Marks 2]a. Cause of the problem- 5 Why Techniquea. Why-1b. Why-2c. Why-3d. Why-4e. Why-5b. Develop a Cause-and-Effect Diagram2. What information should you gather, that would be helpful to know before making adecision? … Read more

Discuss sexual consent policy and college students.

Discuss sexual consent policy and college students. Demonstrate important analytical writing skills like: 1) the ability to comprehend complex, multi-faceted arguments 2) the ability to reference and integrate specific details from outside source materials APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:642 words

How does Luther Standing Bear describe the “civilizing” process?

How does Luther Standing Bear describe the “civilizing” process? American History-Americanization of Native Americans At the conclusion of the “Indian Wars” , Native Americans were placed on reservations. As part of the “Americanization process” Native American children were sent to boarding schools that were far from the reservation and their families. The following document contains … Read more

Discuss on transfer of traits between organisms.

Discuss on transfer of traits between organisms. consider the process of lateral gene transfer, which is the ability of bacteria to pick up or swap genes in their own life time. Discuss some benefits and some drawbacks that an organism can have if it picks up external genes from the environment or from other organisms. … Read more

Discuss Uber and Spotify strategic alliance

Discuss Uber and Spotify strategic alliance From real national/international market, select any type of strategic alliance between two firms and answer the following questions: APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:1191 words

Describe management, organization, and leadership in relation to criminal justice organizations. 

Describe management, organization, and leadership in relation to criminal justice organizations.  In this unit, we learned about management, organizational structures, and open and closed systems. Write an essay in which you expand on the following topics. Describe management, organization, and leadership in relation to criminal justice organizations. What are the main differences between management and … Read more

Facebook 533 Million Data Breach

Facebook 533 Million Data Breach The purpose of this written assignment is to analyze a historical event from the perspective of its impact on an organization and its systems for continuity of business processes. This assignment focuses on business continuity planning and the ability to recover from unforeseen circumstances. APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the … Read more

International Healthcare Systems -Australia, Japan,Germany Healthcare Coverage Pros & Cons

International Healthcare Systems -Australia, Japan, Germany Healthcare Coverage Pros & Cons Upon graduating from college, you are offered jobs in 3 different countries: Australia, Germany, and Japan. You have diabetes so you want to make sure you will be able to have healthcare coverage that will provide you with your insulin, along with any other … Read more

Discuss economic and political arguments for regional economic integration

Discuss economic and political arguments for regional economic integration Answer in your own words Discuss economic and political arguments for regional economic integration. Given these arguments, explain why don’t we see more substantial examples of integration in the world economy? APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the … Read more

Discuss the global, ethical, and cultural issues facing companies

Discuss the global, ethical, and cultural issues facing companies For this discussion, visit the website of three publicly traded companies of your choice. Then, address the following: APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:371 words

Scope of a  licensed practical nurse (LPN) reflection paper

Scope of a  licensed practical nurse (LPN) reflection paper You will write a reflection paper discussing the scope of practice of an LPN. There are 4 sections in this assignment. Each section must be at least 2 paragraphs (approximately 3-5 sentences each) and in your own words. Section 1: Discuss the LPN scope of practice and … Read more

Communications Security for Remote Workers & Mobile Platforms

Communications Security for Remote Workers & Mobile Platforms Before you begin, read: https://us.norton.com/internetsecurity-privacy-what-is-a-vpn-tunnel.html OR search for “tunneling protocols used in vpn” and choose an appropriate resource from the Internet. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic forced many organizations to rapidly transition existing employees to a “work from home” situation. The overall success of such arrangements has encouraged many companies … Read more

Discuss the assumptions that must be made about the data in order to use the Wilcoxon

Discuss the assumptions that must be made about the data in order to use the Wilcoxon APA Answer preview Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:584 words


ROBERT BROCKMAN TAX FRAUD CASE STUDY For this assignment, please prepare a case study focused on tax fraud from the current Robert Brockman tax evasion case. Attached are some articles to help you get started. Prepare the Case Study as outlined in “Writing Case Studies.” Your paper must be between 1,500-1,750 words. Complete the following … Read more

What does synergistic integration mean?

What does synergistic integration mean? In Stoddart, Pinal, Latzke, and Canaday (2002), the authors proposed the notion of synergistic integration as a conceptual framework for science-language integration. Please write a post with about 300-400 words to discuss the following questions. APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words … Read more

Roles and Responsibilities of a Compliance Officer (Job Description)

Roles and Responsibilities of a Compliance Officer (Job Description) Now that you’ve chosen two compliance plans, you can better understand the role of Compliance Officer and similar positions. You are developing two compliance plans in a way that all employees will understand at a large medical facility where you are the Compliance Officer. To help … Read more

What are the key elements of a valid contract?

What are the key elements of a valid contract? In 1999, a Seattle man took a popular soft-drink company seriously when one of its commercials made an offer of a Harrier jet, the famous high-tech jump jet used by the U.S. Marines. In a television commercial that aired in 1995, the company jokingly included the … Read more

Discuss turn-around technology integration pedagogy and planning (TTIPP) model and its use in  curriculum

Discuss turn-around technology integration pedagogy and planning (TTIPP) model and its use in  curriculum For this assignment, create a technology integration plan that can be presented to educators for help with incorporating educational technology into their curriculum. Your assignment consists of two parts: Describe how the turn-around technology integration pedagogy and planning (TTIPP) model can be … Read more

Ethics in Policing Roles

Ethics in Policing Roles For this assignment, you must locate one peer reviewed article in which a criminal justice official faced scrutiny surrounding an incident that questioned his or her ethical decisions. The article you review must be at least two pages in length. This does not need to be a criminal incident. Discuss the … Read more

Liability claim from falling objects

Liability claim from falling objects To identify whether there is a liability claim against the company for the injury caused to its employee by a falling object.  Overview of falling object scenarios Determining whether the company is required to record a liability for this incident When? For what amount? Disclosures required My opinion about the … Read more

From the autobiography of Malcom X

From the autobiography of Malcom X  From the autobiography of Malcom X From Gorilla, My Love From Poetry is not a luxury From Larry Neal the Blacks Arts Movement From the development of the black revolutionary artist APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button … Read more

Mini Research (Case)

Mini Research (Case) On January 31, an improperly stacked box fell from the top shelf of a warehouse, injuring an employee. The employee was hit, fell, and broke his wrist. Your company self-insures for the risk of such incidents rather than paying an insurance company to absorb the risk of such claims. The employee has … Read more

Start-up Business Plan

Start-up Business Plan 1. Utilize strong analytical skills and tools to formulate an effective Bootstrap Marketing Planon which a small business can build a competitive edge in the market place. (Lo 1.8).2. Deliver and communicate marketing massages in coherent and professional manner. (Lo4.4). Start-up Business Plan Imagine you started a new business as an entrepreneur … Read more

Discussion on Introduction to Quality

Discussion on Introduction to Quality Please use proper English not text messaging comments. Document your references with citations using APA formatting. Information can be found at apastyle.org. The length of discussion should be at least 1/2 page to 1 page with well thought out ideas. Benchmarking at Xerox By the late 1970s, Xerox was losing significant … Read more

Demonstrate a solid understanding of  “Able Planet”

Demonstrate a solid understanding of  “Able Planet” Course Learning Outcome: Assignment Workload: This assignment is an individual assignment. Case Study Students are supposed to read the attached Case 2- Able Planet. Based on your understanding of the case and basic concepts of Entrepreneurship. Answer the following question: 1. Experts say that entrepreneurs who need between … Read more

How new HR Strategy Makes Lloyds a “Best Company”

How new HR Strategy Makes Lloyds a “Best Company” Part 1 Provide Answers to the following questions. Explain why you agree or disagree with Black’s view on skills employees need to be successful in the area of HR? Explain the skills. What outcomes have been realized due to the new HR strategy? What challenges do … Read more

Trader Joe’s Company Analysis

Trader Joe’s Company Analysis Paper Includes: Presentation: summary of the project using PowerPoint including the script of each slides. APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:12 slides