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Reviewing a Natural Selection Article.

Reviewing a Natural Selection Article. In simplest terms, evolution can be defined as a change in allele frequency over time. A fact of nature is that allele frequencies for any given gene are always in a state of flux and for that reason evolution is a fact of nature. At the same time we have … Read more

Recognize healthy body systems.

Recognize healthy body systems. Part A: Answer the following questions: 1. Explain the main differences between tissues, organs, and organ systems? Cells are the smallest functional unit of the body and group together to form tissues. Cells are the smallest functional unit of the body and while all cells have similar attributes, there are also … Read more

Write few paragraphs Analyzing an artwork

Write few paragraphs Analyzing an artwork Choose one image from the following page, and in a paragraph, discuss how the artist used the elements and principles of art. Remember, you can’t talk about the principles without talking about elements. Make sure you include both in your answer. Then, write a paragraph about how you feel … Read more

Benchmark – Creative Arts Integration K-3RD grade.

Benchmark – Creative Arts Integration K-3RD grade. Description Please be sure to submit TWO separate lesson plans and a reflection. Please view the rubric for the lesson plans to make sure you cover all areas. I will grade the reflection based on my modifications Create an art lesson plan that integrates SS and ELA. Since … Read more

Explain the five educational philosophies

Explain the five educational philosophies Order Instructions 1.Write an essay that includes the following: 1. You must include an introduction that outlines what your essay is about. (1st paragraph) 2.Summarize (in your own words) each of the five educational philosophies (perennialism, idealism, realism, experimentalism, and existentialism.) You must have one paragraph for each summary. (2, … Read more

Answer the following questions about Beta and Capital Budgeting

Answer the following questions about Beta and Capital Budgeting Part 1: Beta Visit the following web site or other websites: https://finance.yahoo.com/ 1. Search for the beta of General Motor(GM) company. 2. In addition, find the beta of 3 different companies within the same industry as GM company. 3. Explain what beta means and how it can … Read more

Create a business idea

Create a business idea What is the business idea? What is the pain the business idea will relieve? Who is the customer, and who is the consumer? (These may be the same person.) What does the market look like? Answer preview: word limit:418

Develop an alternative marketing solution

Develop an alternative marketing solution This week your challenge is to develop an alternative marketing solution. Go back and re-evaluate your marketing framework. Assume that your marketing strategy is not working. What changes would you implement to your marketing strategy in order to take an alternate approach? Present your old marketing framework along with a … Read more

Essay Topic: Teacher Professional Learning, Motivation, and Improvement

Essay Topic: Teacher Professional Learning, Motivation, and Improvement Instructions To effectively support teacher improvement, a professional learning and growth plan should consist of several important elements, including measurable goals, related objectives with activities to be completed, needed resources, required evidence of completion, and a timeline for completion. Learning activities should involve research-based instructional strategies and … Read more

Discussion about Environmental challenges

Discussion about Environmental challenges Please find an article that discusses some environmental challenge that we as a society are facing in this century and summarize and discuss the article in a short write-up (1-2 pages).  NASA Satellite Data Show 30% Air Pollution Drop over the Northeastern US https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2970/nasa-satellite-data-show-30-air-pollution-drop-over-the-northeastern-us/ Answer preview: word limit: 510

Discuss An Emotionally Supportive and Equitable Learning Environment

Discuss An Emotionally Supportive and Equitable Learning Environment This week you will Read Chapter 2 “An Emotionally Supportive and Equitable Environment” use the book. The name of the book is Creating Environments for Learning Author: Julie Bullard ISBN: 978-0-13-401455-5. The book is in the book shelf. You will need to log in to retrieve the … Read more

Article analysis: The Nature of the Firm

Article analysis: The Nature of the Firm The Nature of the Firm Author(s): R. H. Coase Source: Economica, New Series, Vol. 4, No. 16 (Nov., 1937), pp. 386-405 Published by: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of The London School of Economics and Political Science and The Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines … Read more

Leading the Process of Organizational Change.

Leading the Process of Organizational Change. Lewin’s Change Theory (100 points) One of the seminal studies and theories related to change management is Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory. Components of his work are identified in many other theories, so understanding this theory offers insight into the change management process. In this assignment, provide a brief overview … Read more

Learning changes over time impact organizational culture

Learning changes over time impact organizational culture Paper 2: Review the section on Linear Development in Learning Approaches. Discuss how learning changes over time impact organizational culture. What is the impact of this cultural change on the success of IT projects? Instructions: Need minimum 300 words Need 2 APA References Use side headings to address … Read more

Discuss the phases of change

Discuss the phases of change Discussion: This week we focus on the social and organizational issues that exist with better understanding why changes occurs. This week discuss the phases of change noted in the Linear Development in Learning Approaches section in the Information Technology and Organizational Learning text. Instructions: Need minimum 300 words Need 2 … Read more

Answer the following questions about data.

Answer the following questions about data. Paper 1: Answer the following questions What is the difference between data, information and knowledge? Explain in your own words how the data component related to the hardware and software components of information systems. What is the difference between quantitative data and qualitative data? In what situations could the … Read more

Applying Kurt Lewin’s Change Model in an Organization

Applying Kurt Lewin’s Change Model in an Organization Subject is MGT-521: Managing Dynamic Environment Lewin’s Change Theory (100 points) One of the seminal studies and theories related to change management is Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory. Components of his work are identified in many other theories, so understanding this theory offers insight into the change management process. … Read more

Introduction to logic and study of argument.

Introduction to logic and study of argument. the textbook used is Intro to Principles of Reasoning (Logic) 1. Define these Logical Terms or Concepts (in your own words and from the book, not using the internet): a) What is logic? ______________________________________________________________________ _ b) Deductive and Inductive: ________________________________________________________ c) Proposition: Simple Proposition and Compound Proposition: ____________________________ … Read more

Leading the Process of Organizational Change

Leading the Process of Organizational Change Subject is MGT-521: Managing Dynamic Environment Lewin’s Change Theory (100 points) One of the seminal studies and theories related to change management is Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory. Components of his work are identified in many other theories, so understanding this theory offers insight into the change management process. In this … Read more

Discussion questions about social justice.

Discussion questions about social justice. 1. Think about the movements for social justice that have made a difference in your life and in the lives of your family members. Think about specific rights and privileges that you enjoy that were secured by the efforts of engaged citizens. Try to list at least five of these … Read more

Expert in Integrating Technology System into Business Operation

Expert in Integrating Technology System into Business Operation You’ve likely hear the term “elevator pitch.” What is an elevator pitch exactly? It is a brief, persuasive speech that you use to spark interest. I mean BRIEF 30 seconds – it is called an elevator pitch because it should be able to be completed in a … Read more

Write a Journal For spirituality

Write a Journal For spirituality Journal to instruction talk about your believes religions and spirituality. Reflect on your personal value. How does increase one’s understanding of religions and spiritual believes and personal values enhance your spiritual care of others? What was your biggest challenge this week? Journal entry should be at least 350 words with … Read more

Explain Role of Accreditation

Explain Role of Accreditation Explain the role of accreditation in mitigating risk compliance issues. Provide an example of a health care organization that was placed on probation by its accrediting body or by CMS within the last 3 years for a risk compliance issue. What caused the probation or loss of accreditation and how could … Read more

Assessing the need for a capital budget item

Assessing the need for a capital budget item Nursing Goal: To Assess the need for a capital budget item. To also, investigate the information needed to prepare a budget proposal. Content Requirements: Identify the capital budget item. Identify the need and consequences if it is not purchased. Identify the cost of the piece of equipment … Read more

What you have learned from Information Governance?

What you have learned from Information Governance? How has this course changed your perspective? What topics or activities would you add to the course, or should focus on some areas more than others? Instructions: Need minimum 300 words Need 3 APA References answer preview: word limit:337

What is The Role of Nurse Managers in Healthcare Organizations

What is The Role of Nurse Managers in Healthcare Organizations Answer preview: word limit:4099

Just Imagine I’m working as java developer in IT field and write how these PMBA courses related to Java developer job

Just Imagine I’m working as java developer in IT field and write how these PMBA courses related to Java developer job Answer preview: word limit:428

Assignment -systems integration

Assignment -systems integration Directions There are a number of strategies for the final implementation of a new system. Each strategy has specific implications for the organization and therefore should be considered carefully. Furthermore, preparation for deployment requires planning in the event that things do not go well. The chief medical officer of the health system … Read more

What to Do Before Writing Essay

What to Do Before Writing Essay THE IMPORTANCE OF PARAPHRASING There are essentially two ways in which writers reference the ideas of others in their essays: paraphrase and direct quotation. You may already know this, but to paraphrase means to translate someone else’s ideas into your own words. Thus, with a paraphrase, you are still citing someone … Read more

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals: Building Value from the IP Estate

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals: Building Value from the IP Estate The Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Case Study describes a commercialization scenario in which Alnylam has filed a lawsuit against the co-owners of a patent pending application. In addition, to addressing the validity of patent(s) pending, the case illustrates the importance of the outcome of the aforementioned litigation on the … Read more

Discuss Transmission Distance, Pulse Radar Techniques

Discuss Transmission Distance, Pulse Radar Techniques Transmission Distance Compare and contrast the operation of a one-quarter wavelength vertical antenna to that of a one-half wave-length dipole. Discuss how the transmission distance of a UHF signal can be increased Pulse Radar Techniques Discuss how you could build a microwave power amplifier with a power rating of … Read more

Reflect on Foundations of control and Operations Management.

Reflect on Foundations of control and Operations Management. Part 1 In this discussion, you must demonstrate your understanding of the control function. Apply your knowledge of control and discuss your control article. Share knowledge while responding to classmates. Summarize your control article. What did you learn from the article? Cite it (in-text, references). How would … Read more

Paper Topic: Covid-19 As A Great Equalizer

Paper Topic: Covid-19 As A Great Equalizer Answer preview: word limit:822

Think about your own reading and how it can improve.

Think about your own reading and how it can improve. Strategies for Reading Critically Pre-reading Preparation: You will need a pencil or other writing utensil to underline, make notes, jot questions, and otherwise mark up your reading material; a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words; highlighters and/or sticky notes for marking your book. If you … Read more

Discussion board-Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Discussion board-Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs View objectives for this assignment: To help students become aware of the small business environment and the many aspects involved in the development of a new venture. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 600–800 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This … Read more

Visual Art in the Kindergarten to Grade Three Cohort.

Visual Art in the Kindergarten to Grade Three Cohort. Write a 500-word reflection based on two videos that you find that are based on this activity (Each video response should be a minimum of 250 words). Please provide the links to the videos on your reference page. Each video should have the following response: Strengths … Read more

Paper Topic: Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development

Paper Topic: Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development Answer preview: word limit:6017

Drama and Movement/Music (BIRTH -AGE 5/PRE-K)

Drama and Movement/Music (BIRTH -AGE 5/PRE-K) Lesson Plans need to be added along with both Reflection Essays for Birth- Age 5/Pre-K Please Use the “Lesson Planning Ideas for Integration” to document ideas for the lesson plans – Music – Drama and Movement lesson plan for Birth to Age 5/Pre-K Answer preview for music plan: word … Read more

Analyze Organizational Development.

Analyze Organizational Development. Instructions Understanding the various components of organizational development can provide important insights into how to best develop and operate schools and school districts, as well as how to work with teachers, students, parents, and other community stakeholders effectively. Utilizing the assigned readings for the course as well as additional applicable scholarly sources, … Read more

Q and A: Why Our Future Depends on Libraries

Q and A: Why Our Future Depends on Libraries I. Rhetorical Context (Who wrote it or created it? Why was it written? What is it trying to do to or for its readers? What is it? Where does it appear? When was it published? What is its genre?) II. Summary (What does the text say? … Read more

Discussion questions about human resource management.

Discussion questions about human resource management. Part I: Traditionally, human resource management practices were developed and administered by the company’s human resource department. Some companies are abandoning or don’t have HR departments. Why is this occurring? Is it a good idea for companies not to have an HR department or HR professionals? Explain your position. … Read more

Case study on Comprehensive Care for Pulmonary Embolism.

Case study on Comprehensive Care for Pulmonary Embolism. Answer preview: word limit:1527  

Discuss Issues of Illegal Mining

Discuss Issues of Illegal Mining Write a 500-word (no more than 600) essay on “In what ways is this issue specifically Peruvian, and in what ways is this part of a wider global problem? Use specific examples from Dr. Goldstein’s work to make your argument.” The essay needs to engage with the materials provided. The materials attached … Read more

Discuss the Role Community Organizations In The Society

Discuss the Role Community Organizations In The Society   word limit:1446

Discussion Topic: small business and entrepreneurship

Discussion Topic: small business and entrepreneurship To help students become aware of the small business environment and the many aspects involved in the development of a new venture. DELIVERABLE LENGTH: 1,000–1,200 words Describe the role of an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur. Identify the skills and traits that are needed to start a new business. Identify a … Read more

Discussion Questions on Human resource management.

Discussion Questions on Human resource management. Here are the topics. Why is it important for HR management to transform from being primarily administrative and operational to a more strategic contributor? Discuss how globalization has changed jobs in an organization where you have worked. What are some HR responses to those changes? Instructions: need minimum 200 … Read more

Subject: Operational Excellence

Subject: Operational Excellence Discussion 1: Resistance to change is a normal everyday aspect in the workplace. Note what happens to the organizational climate when this resistance occurs and any tactics to reduce negative connotations when dealing with change. Instructions: Need minimum 300 words Need 3 APA References Paper 1: What are the five major components that … Read more

Write an essay on Application of Nursing Informatics.

Write an essay on Application of Nursing Informatics. Discuss ways that nursing informatics could be applied to all areas of professional nursing practice, including clinical practice, administration, education, and research. Provide examples of each. What do you see as the biggest significance of nursing informatics, and why? Feel free to give examples of informatics that you … Read more

Demographic Report: San Francisco

Demographic Report: San Francisco The city I choice is San Francisco Purpose: Learn how to access U.S. Census and American Community Survey (ACS) data. Learn how to manipulate and analyze the data in Excel (or similar spreadsheet program) to draw conclusions about urban planning topics of interest. Connect the data to urban planning issues. Background … Read more

Introduction to Paraphrasing vs Quoting

 Introduction to Paraphrasing vs Quoting Watch the following Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=oiM0x0ApVL8&feature=emb_logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=j3A0UVGrjb8&feature=emb_logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q97YcIFS1zQ&feature=emb_logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQauIJGgLfs&feature=emb_logo Then In a short one page journal, tell me what you understand about the difference between paraphrasing and quoting and include at least three takeaways or things you want to remember from this lecture. Answer preview: word limit:312