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Discussion Board and Reply to Peers-Statistics.

Discussion Board and Reply to Peers-Statistics. In previous units we have looked at the frequency distribution and measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode). If we rely only on these tools to describe data, what important component are we missing? What is an example of this missing component? How can you apply to health … Read more

Discussion about epigenetics.

Discussion about epigenetics. When we think of the traits that we have we often think of them as being products of our genes. However, we never think of the fact that there are factors that control for the expression of our genes. Epigenes are important chemical tags siting on our DNA that are responsible for … Read more

Reflection questions on Promoting Children’s Wellness

Reflection questions on Promoting Children’s Wellness For this assignment you will answer respond to reflection questions . Read the attached Powerpoint and answer question 1 and 2 . Should be 2 pages not including title and reference. Should be Apa style with atleast 2 intext citations Read chapter 1 powerpoint . Once student has read … Read more

Discuss College Experience that Contributes to Alcohol Abuse

Discuss College Experience that Contributes to Alcohol Abuse Research findings indicate that alcohol consumption is particularly prevalent on college campuses. What is it about the college experience that contributes to the high rates of alcohol abuse among students? Need 500-600 words Must have intro/body/conclusion and cite references in the text (APA Style) Please only use … Read more

Self Concept Discussion

Self Concept Discussion Self Concept Discussion 1. List 10 words or phrases you would use to describe yourself. They can be physical descriptions (like thin, or overweight, average), moods and feelings (optimist, pessimist) gender or gender identity, personality traits (talkative, quiet, shy, funny), roles you play, talents you have, religious identity, political beliefs, ethnicity, etc. … Read more

Teacher Supervision and the Evaluation Process.

Teacher Supervision and the Evaluation Process. Instructions Understanding and employing effective teacher supervision and evaluation is a fundamental responsibility of educational leaders. As a new principal at a school level (e.g., elementary, middle, or high) of personal interest to you, develop a speech to be presented to your teachers at a staff meeting early in … Read more

Explain The Concept of the Status Quo

Explain The Concept of the Status Quo SIM – Status Quo is an Assignment where you explore the concept of the status quo, define keepers and changers of the status quo, and analyze how dimensions can be used to theoretically explain the status quo. The Concept of the Status Quo Any simulation centers on the … Read more

Discussion: Integrating Art in the Classroom

Discussion: Integrating Art in the Classroom Select two of the videos about arts integration from the Topic 7 study materials to complete the “Integrating Art in the Classroom” template while watching each video. Watch: “Art as Text: Bridging Literacy and the Arts,” located on YouTube (2019). URL:https://youtu.be/esUawrdkxEo Watch “Arts Integration in Action: “The Water Cycle” … Read more

Understanding the Origin of Living Things

Understanding the Origin of Living Things Read the article below and write a two paragraph, single spaced reflection. In one of the most provocative and misunderstood studies of the year, scientists in the U.S. and Switzerland have made an astonishing discovery: All humans alive today are the offspring of a common father and mother – … Read more

Analyzing Research Design as Used in the Article.

Analyzing Research Design as Used in the Article. Journal articles are peer-reviewed publications that help scholars communicate ideas, theories, empirical analyses, and conclusions. Instructions STEP 1: DOWNLOAD PDF OF THE ARTICLE – Nackenoff, Carol. 2014. “The Private Roots of American Political Development: The Immigrants’ Protective League’s ‘Friendly and Sympathetic Touch,’ 1908–19241.” Studies in American Political Development … Read more

Write a 300 words response on a Walt Whitman poem.

Write a 300 words essay on a Walt Whitman poem. In “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,” Whitman imagines that each subsequent traveler on the ferry would look into the water and see the same visions that he saw. “Closer yet I approach you…I consider’d long and seriously of you before you were born,” he writes. In this … Read more

Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations

Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations  Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations (250 WORDS) Imagine that you are a public health nurse, and you and your colleagues have determined that the threat of a deadly new strain of influenza indicates a need for a mass inoculation program in your community. Answer preview: word … Read more

How Do I Become the Leader I Want to Be?

How Do I Become the Leader I Want to Be? This competency will allow you to analyze leadership styles and behaviors and apply them to a personal and/or professional life experiences. Leadership is either formal or informal, and it is important to discover which one is a better fit for you as you grow in … Read more

Strategies for the Integration of the IT and Non-IT Staff within an Organization

Strategies for the Integration of the IT and Non-IT Staff within an Organization Discussion: Focus on the movement of traditional IT staff. To facilitate cultural assimilation, IT and non-IT must become more integrated. What are some strategies to implement to allow this type of interaction to occur? Instructions: Need minimum 300 words Need 3 APA … Read more

Discuss the Scope and Benefits of Philosophy

Discuss the Scope and Benefits of Philosophy let us focus on the nature and scope as well as the value or benefit for studying philosophy or engaging in the philosophic life (as different from the other academic disciplines). So click on the following three links as provided and read or watch the video, and then … Read more

XYZ Restaurant – Start-up Process

XYZ Restaurant – Start-up Process For this assignment, you were to do the following. Conduct a Feasibility Study Establish criteria for identifying and evaluating investment opportunities. Consider the following components: Market factors Competitive advantage Economics Regarding management, is there a good fit between the entrepreneur and the opportunity? The feasibility analysis was to be conducted … Read more

Power point on Unemployment Rates in Brazil

Power point on Unemployment Rates in Brazil Assignment Details As an employee of a company that is considering investing in a foreign economy, you have been asked to research a country and make a presentation to your colleagues about an area of economic concern in the country. Select a country in Africa, Asia, or Latin … Read more

Answer the following questions on Information Systems

Answer the following questions on Information Systems Paper 1: Answer the following questions Develop your own definition of software being certain to explain the key terms. What are the primary functions of an operating system? Which of the following are operating systems and which are applications: Microsoft Excel, Google, Chrome, iTunes, Windows, Android, Angry Birds? … Read more

Answer the following questions on Information Technology.

Answer the following questions on Information Technology. Paper 2:    Question 1: Review the strategic integration section. Note what strategic integration is and how it ties to the implementation of technology within an organization.      Question 2: Review the information technology roles and responsibilities section. Note how it is divided based on operations and … Read more

Family Session for Mentally Impaired Clients.

Family Session for Mentally Impaired Clients. Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a family therapy session. Note: The two clients you select must have attended the same family session. Then, address in your Practicum Journal the following: Using the Group Therapy Progress Note in this week’s Learning Resources, document the family … Read more

Reflection: The white Privileges’

Reflection: The white Privileges’ What is White Privilege? Peggy McIntosh first identified the concept of White Privilege in the 1970s. She noted, “As a white person, I realized I had been taught about racism as something that puts others at a disadvantage, but had been taught not to see white privilege, which puts me at … Read more

Discussion board- keystone species

Discussion board- keystone species This video (about 20 minutes) provides some in-depth details about ecological research behind the concept of a keystone species: Please watch the video and answer the following questions: 1) Describe the difference between “bottom up” and “top down” controls on a food chain. How does this relate to the “green world … Read more

President Trump Travel band and the 1965 Immigration law

President Trump Travel band and the 1965 Immigration law Is the Trump travel band constitutional? Yes or No explain why quoting the law and legal Answer preview: word limit:340

The nature and scope as well as the value or benefit for studying philosophy

The nature and scope as well as the value or benefit for studying philosophy let us focus on the nature and scope as well as the value or benefit for studying philosophy or engaging in the philosophic life (as different from the other academic disciplines). So click on the following three links as provided and … Read more

Address the following in your Practicum Journal:

  Address the following in your Practicum Journal: Select one nursing theory and one counseling theory to best guide your practice in psychotherapy. Explain why you selected these theories. Support your approach with evidence-based literature. Develop at least three goals and at least three objectives for the practicum experience in this course. Answer preview: word … Read more

Journal Article Discussion

Journal Article Discussion 1.Review the two articles about bank failures and bank diversification that are found below this. Economic history assures us that the health of the banking industry is directly related to the health of the economy. Moreover, recessions, when combined with banking crisis, will result in longer and deeper recessions versus recessions that … Read more

“Entrepreneurial finance” Case study questions

“Entrepreneurial finance” Case study questions General Instructions: Unless instructed otherwise, please answer all questions concisely and accurately on no more than two pages. Case #1 Feed Resources Recovery 1. What is your assessment of the business for the short and long term? Please be specific and state your reasoning. 2. Please give 3 reasons as … Read more

Write a 2 page paper on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy

Write a 2 page paper on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy Assignment: Pharm WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT CASE SCENARIO Posted on: Monday, September 7, 2020 4:20:18 PM EDT Class, Please find below the case scenario for this week’s assignment: Patient HM has a history of atrial fibrillation and a transient ischemic attack (TIA). The patient has been diagnosed with … Read more

Grit Discussion.

Grit Discussion. DIRECTIONS: For our TED Talk discussion this week, please watch the following video on the concept of grit. I think grit is a very important concept for all students to consider, so I hope you will find the idea interesting. This is very much connected to fixed and growth mindset which is discussed … Read more

The Politics of Addiction – Discussion

The Politics of Addiction – Discussion Please watch The Politics of Addiction (57:23) from Films On Demand. Next post a summary. Is substance abuse a disease or is it criminal? Finally why are “street drugs” illegal and the sale and consumption of alcohol under many conditions not illegal? Please briefly explain your answers. Feel free … Read more

Explai Importance of Pre-reading

Explain the Importance of Pre-reading DIRECTIONS: By now, you should have access to your book choice for our class. This week I want to you to get comfortable with the text and put a plan together for how you are going to tackle the reading. To support what you have learned about the importance of … Read more

Ethical Assignment-Essay on Ancient Greek or Judeo-Christian.

Ethical Assignment-Essay on Ancient Greek or Judeo-Christian. Answer preview: word limit:2100

Does Artificial Intelligence Serve or Hinder Humanity?

Does Artificial Intelligence Serve or Hinder Humanity? Answer preview: word limit:1300

Research on a current event within the realm of information and technology in the public sector.

Research on a current event within the realm of information and technology in the public sector. Research and identify a current event within the realm of information and technology in the public sector (ex: governance, social media, hardware/software, cyber security, etc). Events can be a news article, technology, an initiative, campaign, or process. Please provide … Read more

Reflection-Creating Environments for Learning

Reflection-Creating Environments for Learning For this assignment follow the instructions This week you will read Chapter 1 and complete your first weekly reflection use the book. The name of the book is Creating Environments for Learning Author: Julie Bullard ISBN: 978-0-13-401455-5. The book is in the book shelf. You will need to log in to … Read more

Discussion-Monitoring Patients’ Progress

Discussion-Monitoring Patients’ Progress Describe a client family you are counseling that you do not think is adequately progressing according to expected clinical outcomes. Note: Do not use the client family members’ actual names. Explain your therapeutic approach with the client family, including the perceived effectiveness of your approach. Identify any additional information about this client … Read more

Write Summary of Chapter and Response.

Write Summary of Chapter and Response. Also, provide a response to each of the following questions: In January 2017, a U.S. grand jury indicted six current and former VW executives for their alleged role in the emissions scandal and its subsequent cover-up. The U.S. Justice Department decided to bring charges against these executives after a … Read more

First Generation (Viewing and Reflection).

First Generation (Viewing and Reflection). DIRECTIONS: We have now seen the challenges/barriers some successful individuals have had to overcome on their way to an education. But now, I want us to think a little closer to home, in something that may be more relevant to what you may be experiences. To do so, we will … Read more

What consequences does divorce produce?

What consequences does divorce produce? Part 1 The information that you will need for the discussion can be found in Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues. As in all cases for this course, you must identify the parties and the moral issue(s) at stake, then concentrate on identifying the benefits and burdens that pertain to the parties … Read more

Review response about jobs.

Review response about jobs. What industries do you think may offer the best U.S. (or domestic) job opportunities in the future? Which industries do you think may offer the greatest job opportunities in the global market in the future? Use the PESTEL framework and the five forces model to think through a logical set of … Read more

Question and Answer: Addressing Diversity in Australia

Question and Answer: Addressing Diversity in Australia What does Australia as a country say about diversity? 2-3 sentences for answers. What does the Australian code of Human Rights say about diversity? What does UNESCO say about diversity? client will provide the resources. presentation for each in bullet points. Write 2-3 sentences for each question for … Read more

Individual vs Structural-Cultural Theories Response

Individual vs Structural-Cultural Theories Response Respond to at least two colleagues: Evaluate one identified strength and one identified limitation your colleague may encounter when employing an individual-related theory and a structural/cultural-related theory to formulating interventions for poverty. Colleague 1: Kelly For my individual related theory on poverty, I choose Intelligence-based psychological theory. This theory states … Read more

Self-Evaluation – Discussion Questions.

Self-Evaluation – Discussion Questions. https://youtu.be/rFpDK2KhAgw 2) Watch this Kio Stark TED Talk: 3) Kio Stark Questions: After watching the Kio Stark video above, review the Kio Stark handout, type out the questions, answer them in a word document and submit that document to Blackboard. Remember to follow the format for the homework as listed in … Read more

Brainology Annotation Worksheet.

Brainology Annotation Worksheet. DIRECTIONS: Since our first unit is focused on barriers in education, in this assignment we are going to be looking at the concepts of growth and fixed mindset when it comes to education in preparation to discuss how having a growth and fixed mindset impacts education, and affect how one might overcome … Read more

Homework Topic: Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Homework Topic: Complementary and Alternative Medicine Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question posed below. Submit this assignment as a Microsoft Word document. Define CAM. Describe the patient who uses CAM the most. List some common misconceptions about CAM. Identify methods of including the use of CAM in patient education. Discuss the safe … Read more

Identify one personal characteristic and attribute that makes you fit the position of the police officer

Identify one personal characteristic and attribute that makes you fit the position of the police officer Please identify one (1) personal attribute or characteristic that makes you an ideal candidate for the position of Police Officer with Police Department, and indicate why you believe this attribute/characteristic will enable you to benefit the organization. You have … Read more

Pre lecture Biomolecules: Carbohydrates and Lipids.

Pre lecture Biomolecules: Carbohydrates and Lipids. Answer the following using your textbook and lecture slides. Textbook chapter 2 section 2.3 not including proteins and nucleic acids. Term  Definition macromolecule carbohydrate lipid protein enzyme dehydration amino acid polypeptide nucleic acid nucleotide 1.  What are dehydration/condensation reactions? And hydrolysis reaction? (lecture slides) 2.  When is each of … Read more

A summary on Urban Development and Planning

A summary on Urban Development and Planning 1,Provide a brief summary of The changing landscape from Evelyn Gonzalez The Bronx .What is one thing you learned about the Bronx from this chapter? Be specific and include the page number. 2,How did Robert Moses shape the Bronx? what did you know about him before the class? … Read more

Culture and Community Circle Workshops

Culture and Community Circle Workshops First Discussion: According to the speaker, what is the definition of “grit’? How does she come to her conclusions? How does grit affect success? As Duckworth defines it, grit is passion and sustained persistence applied toward long-term achievement, with no particular concern for rewards or recognition along the way. It … Read more

Discussion board and reply to two peers.

Discussion board and reply to two peers. Unit 7 Discussion In descriptive epidemiology, the objective is to describe a specific health condition from three different perspectives: time, person, and place. For example, some diseases are seasonal. Some people are more at risk for a particular illness than others. Some diseases are endemic in one country … Read more