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Writing essays and answering questions based on a journal.

Writing essays and answering questions based on a journal. I’m working on a Writing exercise and need support. Since we are writing our first formal essay this week, please review the following PowerPoints and videos below on my expectations of your essays and suggestion on writing in general. This is adding to the information we … Read more

My topic is to compare women’s position of leadership in China pre-1980 versus post-1980.

My topic is to compare women’s position of leadership in China pre-1980 versus post-1980. Answer preview: word limit:1080

Discuss the Social Status of Women in Leadership

Discuss the Social Status of Women in Leadership Social Status of Women in Leadership 1.Women involvement in government leadership 2.Women involvement in Enterprises leadership 3.Women involvement in NGO leadership 4.Compiling the information on women leadership 5.delivering the interviews Answer preview: word limit:1957

Essay on Servant Leadership

Essay on Servant Leadership One model of leadership being adopted by many organizations, disciplines, and vocations is servant leadership. Describe this model and discuss two reasons why these groups are adopting this model.  between 250-500 words in APA format, thank you. Answer preview: word limit:314

Research on Adaptogenic herbs

Research on Adaptogenic herbs Please read the marketing for Biohacked Boerboels LLC. Explain how these puppies are bred to improve the breed of the Boerboels? Research Adaptogenic herbs – These are herbs that promote full-spectrum health, immunity, etc. (Provide the top Adaptogenic and give reason and provide data research to explain why it provide additional … Read more

Nonhuman Primate Communication – Discussion

Nonhuman Primate Communication – Discussion Primate Social Communication Among social primates communication is key. Nonhuman primates do not have language but they communicate nonetheless. Among many primate species, facial expressions, gestural communication and vocalizations can be used to communicate information among members of a troop that can increase the fitness of a collective group. In … Read more

Explain how primate hand features increase fitness and give one example.

Explain how primate hand features increase fitness and give one example. primate Hand Features Webquest: Primate Hand Features Introduction The primary features that define primates as a taxonomic order are mainly found in the skull and on the hands and feet. The reason for this has to do with the fact that the hands and feet and … Read more

Addressing Premium Rates in Saudi Arabia

Addressing Premium Rates in Saudi Arabia Assignment Question(s):(5 Marks) Q1. Discuss methods of setting premium rates in insurance companies (Manual rating, merit rating, judgement rating) (1 Marks) Answer: Q2. Identify any two insurance companies in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and explain any two insurance products offered by them. Your answer should be based on following … Read more

Reflect on your thoughts about death and dying

Reflect on your thoughts about death and dying Reflect on your thoughts about death and dying. What are your personal beliefs about death and dying? How comfortable are you talking about your own mortality? How comfortable would you be discussing your patient’s mortality? Have you thought about your health care proxy? Journal entries should be … Read more

Listening Skills: Reflection Writing

Listening Skills: Reflection Writing Listening Exercise Begin this assignment by practicing your listening skills. I want you to take an opportunity to listen to someone and try to give them your full attention. You can do this over the phone, via zoom or skype, but it is best to do it in person, if that … Read more

Essay-Bacteria Behaving Tastefully

Essay-Bacteria Behaving Tastefully In this class we focus on Bacteria behaving badly. However, Bacteria are by far more beneficial than harmful, and one of the ways they help us out is to ferment foods. In this week’s discussion, you get a chance to take a break from bad bugs and disease and focus on foods … Read more

Comprehensive plan to integrate spiritual assessment into your nursing practice.

Comprehensive plan to integrate spiritual assessment into your nursing practice Please share with me a comprehensive plan to integrate spiritual assessment into your nursing practice. Please use at least APA 3 citations. Share 1 positive affirmation. Answer preview: word limit:582

Discuss why you think Joint Venture are a business form

Discuss why you think Joint Venture are a business form Discuss why you think Joint Venture are a business form that you might or might not someday use in construction. Also discuss why the phrase “a joint venture is as good as the the agreement it is written on.” Answer preview: word limit:308

Self-Concept Essay

Self-Concept Essay This is an assignment designed to help you identify and express your self concept. It is a creative project. You are to put together an essay which represents your self concept (how you see yourself). Format The essay should be at least 3 pages in length if you want to cover the subject … Read more

Essay on Leading the Process of Organizational Change

Essay on Leading the Process of Organizational Change Lewin’s Change Theory  One of the seminal studies and theories related to change management is Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory. Components of his work are identified in many other theories, so understanding this theory offers insight into the change management process. In this assignment, provide a brief overview … Read more

Global Economics- USA

Global Economics- USA Select a country of your choice and discuss its comparative advantage—the sources and the challenges. What is the role of the government? Does the government provide additional investment? What could increase their advantage? (not less-than 270 words ) Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories, which require supporting citations along with at least … Read more

Social work discussion

Social work discussion Now that you have had an opportunity to consider the functions and logistics of field supervision, what are you hoping to get out of supervision? What do you need from your field instructor for supervision to be a productive and helpful activity? What are your concerns, if any about field supervision? What … Read more

Discussion: Don’t Stand So Close To Me

Discussion: Don’t Stand So Close To Me CIVILITY IN DISCUSSIONS Although you are encouraged to share your point of view freely, when posting to any discussion, you must remain civil. We all know how easy it is to say something online that you wouldn’t say in person. Please think twice and don’t post anything hurtful … Read more

Systematic review of Literature Article

Systematic review of Literature Article Use the systematic review of literature article, meta-analysis, or white paper rubric in the PICOT assignment for this research review. You must upload the article so that your peers can verify information and provide feedback. Answer preview: word limit:607

Pre lecture Biomolecules: Proteins and Nucleic acids

Pre lecture Biomolecules: Proteins and Nucleic acids Answer the following question. 1. What are some functions of proteins? 2. Protein shape is critical for the function of proteins. Explain this statement. 3. What is the monomer (building block) of proteins? Describe /draw the general structure. 4. What is the same in the structure of the … Read more

Essay on religious Death

Essay on religious Death :Mimi Zhang’s Obituary Answer preview: word limit: 512

Discussion: The Small Business Environment

Discussion: The Small Business Environment To assist the students in evaluating their personal preparedness for entrepreneurship. To enhance each student’s likelihood for future successful new business ventures. To help students become aware of the small business environment and the many aspects involved in the development of a new venture. Review and reflect on the knowledge … Read more

PIE Body Paragraph Structure Journal.

PIE Body Paragraph Structure Journal. DIRECTIONS: In formal, academic writing, we want to write clearly so that our readers can easily understand us. One way to ensure that our writing is clear and well organized is to follow PIE paragraph structure. PIE structure allows us to clearly state our paragraph’s point, prove our point with … Read more

Assessment: Legal and Ethical Issues in Health

Assessment: Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Critiquing Australian Law on Abortion Answer preview: word limit:1717

Discussion Questions on project management.

Discussion Questions on project management. Is project management an art or is it a science? How can project management help organizations improve business performance? Give an example.Reminder: A high quality post is one that explicitly links your personal opinion or experience with the course materials or other relevant outside sources using proper APA format. Both … Read more

Discussion on Herbal Supplement supplement/ Alternative therapies

Discussion on Herbal Supplement supplement/ Alternative therapies Please utilize Karch Pharmacology text any pre-reveal article (No Google search) Please describe medical use, medical contraindications, Side or adverse affects of use, any drug interaction. Please post by Friday, September 18 yor herb is listed after you your name. Please take a look on the list I’m … Read more

Benchmark – Risk Management Program Analysis

Benchmark – Risk Management Program Analysis The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a health care risk management program. Conduct research on approaches to risk management processes, policies, and concerns in your current or anticipated professional arena to find an example of a risk management plan. Look for a plan with sufficient content to … Read more

Essay on Management Consulting

Essay on Management Consulting You have to peer review assigned “(W2) Assignment” for accuracy and informativeness. The minimum or maximum word count required is 200-250. You must submit peer-review post, which provides the following: General assessment of the assignment’s writing quality including grammar and information delivery. No corrections are necessary simply a commentary. Whether or … Read more

Emerging Threats and Countermeasures– Practical Connection Assignment

Emerging Threats and Countermeasures– Practical Connection Assignment Topic: Emerging Threats & Countermeasures– Practical Connection Assignment Question: Practical Connection Assignment – Outcomes from the course related to workplace Instructions: Need 500 words explaining outcomes from course to my work Assignment should be written in own words on how the knowledge, skills or theories of this course have … Read more

Discussion: Critically thinking about Ethical issues

Discussion: Critically thinking about Ethical issues Discussion-Part 1 The information that you will need for the discussion can be found in Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues. As in all cases for this course, you must identify the parties and the moral issue(s) at stake. Then, concentrate on identifying which universal moral duties are at stake; also … Read more

Reflection of Knowledge Gained

Reflection of Knowledge Gained Evaluation of your skills in relation to the BSN Core Competencies for Nursing Care of Older Adults & use of EBP/Clinical Guidelines/Best Practice is an important component of patient care. As you complete this course, take some time to reflect upon your new knowledge gained to answer the following questions: Describe … Read more

Financial Discussions.

Financial Discussions. 1. The results of the Fed buying treasury securities from the public on the financial balance sheets of the parties. 2. relationship between risk and coupon rates and maturity. Duration must be in your answer. 3.Required rate of return. 4. Effect on market interest rate changes on money market maturities vs. capital market … Read more

Response for Justice in the Workplace by way of Aristotle

Response for Justice in the Workplace by way of Aristotle    A Short 2 page response on Justice in the Workplace by way of Aristotle or Locke. written assignments should follow MLA style, double space, font Times New Roman, 11 or 12, with 1″ margin on all sides, with a Works Cited page. Answer preview: … Read more

Make a claim to answer the question: What is Biology?

Make a claim to answer the question: What is Biology? Open the Claim Evidence Reasoning _CER_ Template.docx Claim Evidence Reasoning _CER_ Template.docx – Alternative Formats Make a claim to answer the question: What is Biology? Information presented in the video and the rest of the chapter will provide EVIDENCE to support your claim or you may find evidence that … Read more

The Genetic Drift Webquest

The Genetic Drift Webquest Introduction The Amish in the US began as a small group of Swiss-Germans that immigrated to the US in the 1700’s. Over the course of a few centuries they grew from a small founding population of 200 to a current population of more than 250,000. The most interesting thing about the … Read more

Discussion about production reports.

Discussion about production reports. Production reports are used in process costing environments to track and accumulate information on total units, equivalent units, and costs by departments rather than by individual products. How could the production reports in process costing also be used for controlling or improving operations? Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (requires … Read more

Journal articles are peer-reviewed publications that help scholars

 Journal articles are peer-reviewed publications that help scholars JAA – Anatomy of a Journal Article What does Journal Article Analysis Consist of? Journal Article Analysis consists of reading journal articles and analyzing them. You are responsible for identifying twelve parts of a journal article: title, main point, question, puzzle, debate, theory, hypotheses, research design, empirical … Read more

Identify the ways to secure network components

 Identify the ways to secure network components Topic: Identify the ways to secure network components – Emerging threats and counter measures Instructions: Minimum more than 3-4 slides of PPT excluding Title and References Need 4-5 APA 7th References Notes needed for each slide Refer 11th and 12th chapter in textbook. Textbook attached Single space No plagiarism please. Answer preview: … Read more

Organizational Change in Saudi Arabia

Organizational Change in Saudi Arabia We have learned that organizational change is a process rather than an event. It often starts with knowing what to change, continues through how to change, and then concludes with when to change. Using these steps as a foundation, submit an assignment that addresses the following: Research organizations in Saudi … Read more

Advertising, Media and Branding for Fairy Dishwashing Liquid

Advertising, Media and Branding for Fairy Dishwashing Liquid Advertising, Media and Branding SUMMER II, 2020 FINAL ASSESSMENT Task brief & rubrics Task Individual project, each student will be assigned a different brand. Students may consider their brand from a global perspective or from their own country’s perspective. Use official cover provided on Moodle, table of … Read more

Research scholarly articles related to current issues in the assessment of young children K-3RD GRADE

Research scholarly articles related to current issues in the assessment of young children K-3RD GRADE PLEASE NOTE ARTICLES CHOSEN Create a graphic organizer that identifies the likenesses and differences from the chosen articles. Write a supporting narrative of 750-1,000 words. Explain the central themes, similarities, and differences found within each of the articles., This assignment uses … Read more

Reflection: Culture and Community

Reflection: Culture and Community Reflection: You will need to write a reflection about your experience in the workshop. Think about the workshop. What did you learn ? Your reflection must include the following: What is the title of the workshop? What date and time was the workshop help? Who presented the workshop? What did you … Read more

Writing a Paragraph: A Barrier in My Education

Writing a Paragraph: A Barrier in My Education OVERVIEW: Write a 300 – word narrative paragraph about a specific barrier or border that had an important influence on your education. The experience you choose should be one that you struggled to overcome or taught you a lesson. It could be an external barrier such as an experience … Read more

Article Critique and Case Study of Waterways Company

Article Critique and Case Study of Waterways Company ****ARTICLE CRITIQUE**** Instructions Select a current, professional journal article that is at least three pages in length. You must write a critical assessment of this article for this assignment. Keep in mind, the research databases found in the CSU Online Library are a great source for quick … Read more

Typical Anatomy of a Journal Article in Political Science.

JAA – Anatomy of a Journal Article What does Journal Article Analysis Consist of? Journal Article Analysis consists of reading journal articles and analyzing them. You are responsible for identifying twelve parts of a journal article: title, main point, question, puzzle, debate, theory, hypotheses, research design, empirical analysis, policy implications, and contribution to the discipline, … Read more

Ethics in Business Question (Ethical Business Practice)

Ethics in Business Question (Ethical Business Practice) Choose an existing business and do the project on that. Evaluate their ethical business practice. All the information needed is in the PDF. Answer preview: word limit:1230

Uncertain and Bewildered: The Choice of a Sustainable Diet

Uncertain and Bewildered: The Choice of a Sustainable Diet Answer preview: word limit:625

Answer the following questions about networking and communication.

Answer the following questions about networking and communication. Paper 1: Please answer the following questions What were the first Four locations hooked up to the internet (ARPANET)? What does the term packet mean? Which came first, the Internet or the World Wide Web? What was revolutionary about Web 2.0? What was the so-called killer app … Read more

Managerial Accounting Discussion

Managerial Accounting Discussion Production reports are used in process costing environments to track and accumulate information on total units, equivalent units, and costs by departments rather than by individual products. How could the production reports in process costing also be used for controlling or improving operations? Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (requires supporting … Read more

Answer the following questions on Information Communication

Answer the following questions on Information Communication Paper 2: Review the Roles of Line Management and Social Network and Information Technology sections. Note the various roles in the organization and note the similarities and differences within each role. Also, note how innovation technology management shapes how we communicate amongst coworkers within an organization (Information Technology … Read more