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Reading Annotations

Reading Annotations Optional Step 1: If you need to watch the following video to refresh yourself on how to annotate your chosen text, particularly concerning fiction. https://youtu.be/EJ8nhlzYx9o STEP 2: Look at the reading schedule you turned in Week 4: Create & Submit a Reading Plan, and set aside time during the week to read and annotate … Read more

Assignment Questions on Marketing Management

Assignment Questions on Marketing Management Assignment Questions: There are four macro strategies to create and deliver value to customers and that can help a firm to develop a sustainable competitive advantage. Think of companies from the local market who you are very loyal to in many categories like (food, electronics, personal care etc.). Is it … Read more

Complete the following reflections on environment.

Complete the following reflections on environment. For this assignment follow the instructions This week you will read Chapter 3,4 and complete the weekly reflection assignment. For this week, you can complete one reflection and combine the two chapters together. Meaning… you can just discuss what was interesting to you in both chapters. use the book. … Read more

Describe the Chinese’s APP—WeChat

Describe the Chinese’s APP—WeChat Describe the Chinese’s APP—WeChat, you can find the information and details from Google or Wikipedia. Write a 1-2 page research paper In the paper, be sure to cover all of the below: who uses the product what problems they have how the product solves those problems what problems it doesn’t solve Your paper … Read more

Topic: Group Activity: Resolving Issues with Conflict Management

Topic: Group Activity: Resolving Issues with Conflict Management Course outcome assessed in this Discussion Assignment: PC-1.3: Apply conflict management skills to resolve issues and/or build team alliances. Break into two teams based on the first letter of your last name. There will be two response threads setup in this unit’s Discussion—one for each team. Team … Read more

Develop a nursing care plan for a person with a nutritional concern

Develop a nursing care plan for a person with a nutritional concern You will develop a nursing care plan for a person with a nutritional concern from the following list using the care plan guide on Blackboard. Please choose a patient condition type and share in your group messaging so everyone does something a little … Read more

Answering questions on Nike’s Core Competency

Answering questions on Nike’s Core Competency write 4 page response paper, addressing the questions below along with the summary of case study The paper should be in APA format and use additional references. 1. The MiniCase indicates that Nike’s core competency is to create heroes. What does this mean? How did Nike build its core … Read more

Bridging is an Assignment where you explain how the Political Actor you are representing thinks abstractly

Bridging is an Assignment where you explain how the Political Actor you are representing thinks abstractly About SIM – Bridging is an Assignment where you explain how the Political Actor you are representing thinks abstractly, strategically, and tactically. Additionally, you are asked to explain the connection between the status quo and network by answering three … Read more

Discuss the Challenges Facing Australian Local Courts

Discuss the Challenges Facing Australian Local Courts Project Details Paper Topic : Human Rights, Human Services and Law Style : APA Language Style : English (U.K.) Type of Assignment : Assessment Deadline : 5 Days Academic Level : Graduate Level Number of words : 2000 Number of Sources : Answer preview: word limit:2010

Healthcare Improvement project.

Healthcare Improvement project. Clinical Assignment: Quality Improvement Project Part 2 Goal: To assess a clinical issue that is the focus of the Quality Improvement Project. Create a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis for the project. Content Requirements: Identify strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats for improvement related to the clinical issue identified. Analyze the SWOT … Read more

Clinical Assignment: Quality Improvement Project

Clinical Assignment: Quality Improvement Project Clinical Assignment: Quality Improvement Project Part 2 Goal: To assess a clinical issue that is the focus of the Quality Improvement Project. Create a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis for the project. Content Requirements: Identify strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats for improvement related to the clinical issue identified. Analyze … Read more

Discussion in operation management and demand forecasting.

Discussion in operation management and demand forecasting. Demand forecasting results in an estimate of future demand and gives an organization a basis for planning and making sound business decisions. Since the future is unknown, it is expected that some errors between a forecast and actual demand will exist, so the goal of a good forecasting … Read more

Discussion forum :Managing the Boundary Between Public and Private Policing

Discussion forum :Managing the Boundary Between Public and Private Policing In “Managing the Boundary Between Public and Private Policing,” the author provides the class with yet another opportunity, at least for the purposes of the document, to define private policing, identify the providers of private policing, and to take another look at the significant issues and concerns … Read more

Answer all the questions and knowledge about the second meditation.

Answer all the questions and knowledge about the second meditation. 5 page paper, Topic: By the end of the second Meditation, Descartes concludes that a reasonable person would not believe that she or he has hands. Set out carefully how Descartes comes to arrive at such extreme skeptical view, and summarize what you take to … Read more

Different aspects related to Negotiation

Different aspects related to Negotiation Each student will select any one of the key terms listed below and conduct a search online. Key Terms: Influence as it Relates to Negotiation Persuasion as it Relates to Negotiation Power as it Relates to Negotiation Pressure as it Relates to Negotiation DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by … Read more

How to build teams in terms of designing the task.

How to build teams in terms of designing the task. Designing Team and Team Identity Part 1: Think about how to build teams in terms of designing the task, selecting the people, and then, managing their relationships. How would compose a team for completing a course/work project in terms of the three dimensions listed above. How … Read more

Essay-Managing Dynamic Environment Critical Thinking

Essay-Managing Dynamic Environment Critical Thinking Paramount to the success of any organizational change is a leader’s ability to “know where the organization needs to go.” This is called the vision, and the ability to create the right vision can determine the success or failure of a change management strategy. Think of an organization you are … Read more

Essay on Balanced Scorecards

Essay on Balanced Scorecards Discussion: This week we focus on the concept of the balanced scorecard. Please note what it is and how organizations use balanced scorecards. Note any alternative methods organizations use instead of the balanced scorecard and why they would use these methods over the balanced scorecard. Instructions: Need minimum 300 words Need … Read more

Explain how balance scorecards impact knowledge creation

Explain how balance scorecards impact knowledge creation Paper 2: Review the section on knowledge creation, culture, and strategy. Explain how balance scorecards impact knowledge creation, culture, and strategy. Why are these important concepts to understand within an organization? Instructions: Need minimum 300 words No References required Use side headings to address the content according to … Read more

Family Nurse Practitioners: Advanced Practice

Family Nurse Practitioners: Advanced Practice Visit the following website and answer the following question. https://nurse.org/resources/family-nurse-practitioner/ After reviewing the different setting in which Family Nurse Practitioners work. What setting will be your career choice and why? Answer preview: word limit:359

Reflection on good research strategies.

Reflection on good research strategies. Reflection (3-step Method): Good reflection involves critical, independent thought in response to the prompt for each entry. • Good entries will show that you are thinking seriously about your development as a researcher, and that you are trying to connect ideas from RD1 to your own context and personal research … Read more

‘The 400 Blows’ an introduction to French New Wave.

‘The 400 Blows’ an introduction to French New Wave. Watch: The 400 Blows (Truffaut,1959, France) Read: Richard Brody. Truffaut’s Last Interview. The New Yorker. 29 July, 2010. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/richard-brody/tr… Read: François Truffaut. A Certain Tendency of the French Cinema. Cahiers du Cinéma. 1954. Response (~600 words): 1. Apply concepts from the readings to the analysis of one scene from The 400 Blows examining … Read more

Case Study – McDonald’s Globalization Strategies

Case Study – McDonald’s Globalization Strategies Read the Chapter Case Study “McDonald- A Global Giant” from Chapter 8 “Global Marketing” Page: – 257 given in your textbook – “Marketing” (7th Edition) by Dhruv. Grewal and Michael. Levy (2020) and answer the following Questions: Assignment Question(s): 1. Which sociocultural factors have informed McDonald’s global expansion? Explain. … Read more

Essay Assignment on an art work.

Essay Assignment on an art work. For this Assignment, you will have an opportunity to see how creative expressions can broaden your perspective. You will write a 500-word descriptive essay reporting on your experience with a work of art or creative expression and how it taught you something new. Select a work of art, literature, … Read more

International Marketing case analysis

 International Marketing case analysis “Everything Is Awesome, Everything Is Cool” at LEGO When Jørgen Vig Knudstorp stepped down as the CEO of LEGO in January 2017, he was widely regarded as one of the world’s best corporate leaders. After becoming CEO in 2004, Knudstorp had moved quickly to turn around the fortunes of the maker … Read more

Reflection in the Early Family Lives Cultivation of Integration and Differentiation

Reflection in the Early Family Lives Cultivation of Integration and Differentiation please read the article “The Early Family Lives of Highly Creative Persons: The Influence of the Complex Family” by Gute, Gute, Nakamura, and Csikszentmihalyi (2008). Drawing from a subset of the participants who provided the sample for the study reported in Csikszentmihalyi’s book Creativity: Flow … Read more

Essay: Managing a Dynamic Environment.

Essay: Managing a Dynamic Environment. Paramount to the success of any organizational change is a leader’s ability to “know where the organization needs to go.” This is called the vision, and the ability to create the right vision can determine the success or failure of a change management strategy. Think of an organization you are … Read more

Answer the following questions on Information Systems Security

Answer the following questions on Information Systems Security Paper 1: Answer the following questions. Briefly define each of the three members of the information security triad. What does the term authentication mean? What is multi-factor authentication? What is role-based access control? What is the purpose of encryption? What are two good examples of a complex … Read more

Managing Dynamic Environment Critical Thinking

Managing Dynamic Environment Critical Thinking Paramount to the success of any organizational change is a leader’s ability to “know where the organization needs to go.” This is called the vision, and the ability to create the right vision can determine the success or failure of a change management strategy. Think of an organization you are … Read more

Developing a Vision Statement for Change Management

Developing a Vision Statement for Change Management Paramount to the success of any organizational change is a leader’s ability to “know where the organization needs to go.” This is called the vision, and the ability to create the right vision can determine the success or failure of a change management strategy. Think of an organization … Read more

Philip Barry’s Message about Living Life.

Philip Barry’s Message about Living Life. You have the option to complete Paper 2 on Willa Cather’s The Song of the Lark or on the upcoming play by Philip Barry, The Youngest. If you did not complete Paper 2 on Cather’s novel two weeks ago, you MUST complete the paper on Barry’s play this week. If you plan to go … Read more

Outline assignment on Policy theories

Outline assignment on Policy theories Policy theories are academic models that seek to understand why some public policies are implemented or not implemented. Those concerned with an analysis of public policy use policy theories to understand the intersection of policy-making and public policy. Whereas there are many, many different policy theories; you will focus on … Read more

Reviewing Dan Pink’s Work on Motivation

Reviewing Dan Pink’s Work on Motivation Select a book that either addresses an area of business in which you have an interest or a book that addresses the business side of the professional practice you wish to open or in which you might practice. Write a review of that book. You may select any of the … Read more

Homo Specific Adaptations

Homo Specific Adaptations Homo: The Humans During the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition the Homo genus appeared in the fossil record. The Homo genus is a a continuation of the Gracile Australopithecines. Like those that came before, Homo is an obligate biped, but unlike its precursors Homo displays a unique set of physical adaptations along with behaviors that … Read more

Discuss Mid to Late Pleistocene Homo

Discuss Mid to Late Pleistocene Homo For this week’s discussion board I would like you to research your choice of the following Human species (remember that in this context, human is a reference to the genus Homo): Homo naledi, Homo floresiensis, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo luzonensis and Homo denisova. You will have to provide the following … Read more

Case study: How to grow in an increasingly competitive market.

Case study: How to grow in an increasingly competitive market. Read carefully the Mini case N. 33 ATTACHED (entitled: Whole Foods Market (2010): How to grow in an increasingly competitive market?) and answer the following questions: 1. Explain the contribution of the different functional areas to the overall well-being of Whole foods. 2. Describe the … Read more

Political Borders Assignment.

Political Borders Assignment. Click on the attached document for instructions on how to complete the assignment for political geography. The assignment invites you to consider all the concepts learned in the course up to this point, and how we can continue connecting these components together. Answer preview: word limit:605

Subject: Proposal on TESOL major

Subject: Proposal on TESOL major Isolate, and describe one specific instance of your own classroom teaching or an observed session. Total word count 300 words max. (excluding references) 1Describe the context, the incident and why you have chosen to explore it 2Outline in bullet points how you will develop a critical reflective essay on this … Read more

Identify an article or advertisement that shows an example of a kind of retailer

Identify an article or advertisement that shows an example of a kind of retailer Identify an article or advertisement that shows an example of a kind of retailer (instore or non store) discussed in the chapter. Describe the channel(s) of distribution for the company’s products. Where are the company’s products sold? Research the supply chain … Read more

E-Commerce Project.

E-Commerce Project. Payment and Security. What are the methods of payment available in the online store? What other methods can be added? Explain why? What are the technologies used on the website to secure the online transactions? What other technologies can be added? Explain why? What is the current privacy policy of the online store? … Read more

Critical Analysis of Contracts

Critical Analysis of Contracts Describe an example of a contract that you or someone you know entered into (e.g., rental agreement, cell phone agreement, property purchase or lease [e.g., car, home, furniture, etc.], home or car repair, or student loan agreement). In your description, be sure to provide specific contractual details including parties and subject … Read more

How does data become knowledge and finally wisdom?

How does data become knowledge and finally wisdom? Explain the relationship between knowledge acquisition, knowledge processing, knowledge generation, knowledge dissemination, and wisdom. Then provide examples from your clinical practice (or past work experiences) according to the following: Examples of knowledge acquisition Examples of knowledge generation Examples of knowledge processing Examples of knowledge dissemination Examples of … Read more

Reflections on Centering and Protection

Reflections on Centering and Protection In Ch. 7, Orloff reflects on centering and protection. What can you do to center yourself as you transition into the role of health care provider? What have you done to put yourself first this week? Journal entries should be at least 350 words. Include at least 1 APA citation … Read more

A project involving studying the IT infrastructure of a relevant information system.

A project involving studying the IT infrastructure of a relevant information system. The project involves studying the IT infrastructure of a relevant information system (IS)/ information technology (IT) used by selecting any organization of your choice locally or internationally The idea is to investigate the selected organization using the main components of IT (Hardware, software, … Read more

Discussion questions in Strategy planning

Discussion questions in Strategy planning This week, our discussion thread is centered on the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm and clarifying capabilities. Select a Saudi Arabian company with which you are familiar and reinforce the approach to resource and capability analysis by appraising the strategic worth of key resources and capabilities using Barney’s VRIO … Read more

Case Study : Contracting for Success

Case Study : Contracting for Success Assignment-1  Please read the case study entitled as “Contracting for Success: Scoping Large Organizational Change Efforts.” available in the textbook “Cases and Exercises in Organization Development & Change” 12 th edition by D. Anderson and answer the following questions: Assignment Question(s):  Q.1 In considering the case, provide … Read more

An assessment survey focusing on articles on the field of nursing and midwifery

An assessment survey focusing on articles  on the field of nursing and midwifery Answer preview: word limit:4500

Discussion: Procrastination

 Discussion: Procrastination DIRECTIONS: For our TED discussion this week, I want us to discuss procrastination. Mainly because this class is doesn’t give us a lot of options to procrastinate, and we are writing Essay 1 this week, and I want us to discuss and develop tools that will make us successful writers. How many of … Read more

Museum Report

 Museum Report For this assignment, you will visit a virtual art museum and write an analysis of one artwork. Download and read the instructions in their entirety before proceeding with this assignment. Keep in mind that the Museum Report is a process paper, to be completed in two (2) stages. These are instructions for Part One. Feedback … Read more

Accounting Information System – Assignment Questions

Accounting Information System – Assignment Questions Data is raw, unorganized fact that need to be process. Whereas Information is the processed data. Keeping this fact in view provide at least two examples of Data and Information. The Quality of information that assures that information is reasonably from error and bias and faithfully represents what is … Read more