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Management of Technology-Assignment

Management of Technology-Assignment Case Study Weight: 5 Marks Students are supposed to read the Opening Case of Chapter-2 ‘Sources of Innovation’ (Page Number-15) of their e-textbook. Based on your understanding of the case and concepts studied until now answer the following question in 300- 500 words each. QUESTIONS 1. What were the potential advantages of … Read more

Critical Thinking Case studies: Jadawel

Critical Thinking Case studies: Jadawel Critical Thinking Case studies: “Jadawel” a major retailer of household products in Saudi Arabia, had experienced steady growth during the past ten years since inception i.e. 2009. Mr. Badar, Marketing manager of the company has left the company in 2019. Mr. Hesham al Harby, who was working with Mr. Badr … Read more

Write a letter to the Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division, recommend a communicable disease/condition

Write a letter to the Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division, recommend a communicable disease/condition Assignment instructions “Periodically states consider additions, modifications, or deletions to their list of reportable conditions. Criteria and justifications for adding a disease vary. For example, a health agency may justify the addition of a new disease to its list by … Read more

Organizational behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace-Google

Organizational behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace-Google Textbook:- Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019). Organizational behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Case Study: – Case: Google Please read the case “Google” from Chapter 6 “Motivation.” Page: – 187 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: … Read more

Management Consulting paper.

Management Consulting paper. Take this time to do some self-reflecting, consider yourself the consultant closing a deal… -Do additional research on your own on the art and science of closing a deal. -Reflect on the questions below. -This assignment should be a minimum of 500 words. -Be sure to provide citations for your outside resources. … Read more

Write a paper on Logistics Management

Write a paper on Logistics Management    select a fast-food company of your choice, research the impact of Covid-19 on that company. Explain why you have come to your conclusions:- The Answer should be 4- 5 page The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder. you advised to make their … Read more

What are Cultural Borders?

What are Cultural Borders? DIRECTIONS: This journal is split into two parts. Make sure to complete both for this journal assignment. Part I In our last unit, we talked about educational borders. Now, we will switch gears, and think about a different kind of border, a cultural border. These borders, like our educational ones, aren’t … Read more

“Leaving Your Name at the Border” by Manuel Muñoz.

“Leaving Your Name at the Border” by Manuel Muñoz. DIRECTIONS: This week we are starting Project 2 on Cultural Borders. As we have talked about a little bit now, language can create a cultural border. The way we perceive and pronounce names can contribute to that. We are starting this unit by reading “Leaving Your … Read more

Describe Risk Management in Healthcare

Describe Risk Management in Healthcare The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS), and the Joint Commission (JC) require that health care organizations maintain risk management programs to address infection control. Detail three measures that your health care organization (or any health care organization) could implement, beyond what … Read more

Healthcare Leadership-Essay.

Healthcare Leadership-Essay. Describe one strategy that you as a leader in health care can use to increase the likelihood of clear and complete organizational communication. How will you use this strategy to be effective? Provide an example of how you can incorporate this strategy. APA format 250-500 words. Answer preview: word limit:325

Answer the Two questions on CFOs.

Answer the Two questions on CFOs. Please read the articles above and answer the following question: How can a CFO make an informed decision about selecting projects that add value to a company?https://www.investopedia.com/articles/financial-th…https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/070914/wh…https://www.investopedia.com/articles/fundamental-… Strategic CFO is a good source to figure out how CFOs manage a company. What lessons have CFOs learned about managing during … Read more

 Write a reflection on Thinking critically about ethical issues

 Write a reflection on Thinking critically about ethical issues Part 1 P132, C 19: A social caseworker learns that one of her clients is secretly playing in a band two nights a week and earning $20 a night. Because the client is physically disabled and receiving full welfare benefits for himself and his family, he … Read more

Affirmative Action Annotation

Affirmative Action Annotation Optional Step 1: If you need to watch the following video to refresh yourself on how to annotate your chosen text, particularly concerning fiction. https://youtu.be/EJ8nhlzYx9o STEP 2: Look at the reading schedule you turned in Week 4: Create & Submit a Reading Plan, and set aside time during the week to read and … Read more

Answer the following questions on Investigating Cyber Threats

Answer the following questions on Investigating Cyber Threats You have been assigned to investigate whether or not an employee at a local hospital has been accessing patient records and setting information to online pharmacies. It is your first day of the investigation. Put together a list of data sources that must be examined during the … Read more

Write a Personality Essay

Write a Personality Essay The benefits of the Big Five personality dimensions test are very simple. By knowing yourself and knowing the personality composition of others, you will be able to more effectively and efficiently communicate, negotiate, handle conflict, and comprehend the perspectives of others. Part I Complete the Big Five personality dimensions test using … Read more

Emerging Threats and Countermeasures: Article Review

Emerging Threats and Countermeasures: Article Review Topic: Emerging Threats & Countermeasures Question: For this assignment, review the article: Abomhara, M., & Koien, G.M. (2015). Cyber security and the internet of things: Vulnerabilities, threats, intruders, and attacks. Journal of Cyber Security, 4, 65-88. Doi: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.414 Address the following: What did the authors investigate, and in general how did … Read more

My First and Second Language-Annotation Worksheet

My First and Second Language-Annotation Worksheet DIRECTIONS: To continue the theme and how much language plays a part In creating a cultural border, the second reading for our unit is a memoir piece by Arab-Australian poet Omar Sakr. This piece centers on the deep well that language and memory play is creating culture, and also … Read more

Subject: Importance of Cargo Damage Prevention

Subject: Importance of Cargo Damage Prevention Answer preview: word limit:578

Lobbying Funds from the Legislators to Support Nursing Staffing

Lobbying Funds from the Legislators to Support Nursing Staffing Topic – The impaired nurse Create a 6- to 8-page paper in APA format including a minimum of 4 to 5 references (max 5 year old). Explain how you would lobby your legislators or local government for funds to support your issue or trend. Include the … Read more

Discussion-Affordable care act

Discussion-Affordable care act The Affordable Care Act (ACA) identifies requirements related to provider compliance with fraud, waste, and abuse laws that have been enacted to protect consumers. Research three of these requirements and describe the corresponding measures that your health care organization has initiated, or could initiate, to comply with the ACA. Support your analysis … Read more

Chapter Summary and Response to Question-Nike

Chapter Summary and Response to Question-Nike Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. Also, provide response to each of the following questions: Nike is a large and successful firm in the … Read more

What are the most distinctive landmarks of African culture?

What are the most distinctive landmarks of African culture? DIRECTIONS Write a response of two or three well-developed paragraphs. Aim for a posting of 150 to 250 words when answering the following question. What are the most distinctive landmarks of African culture? How do these reflect the preservation of cultural values? Answer preview: word limit:250

Write a discussion on an innovator, practice and guidelines in a hospital

Write a discussion on an innovator, practice and guidelines in a hospital Part II Schmidt & Brown (2011) content that an innovator is someone who is willing to try new things in practice settings using evidence to enhance quality care of patients. They identify four essential factors for an individual to be an innovator. They … Read more

Discussion-Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues

Discussion-Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues Part 1 p 46 c3: Gay marriage is now legal in all states. However, many people believe that marriage should continue to be, as it has been historically, only between a man and a woman. Consider the case of the operator of a wedding chapel who holds that belief. If … Read more

Responses to Instruments of Measuring Resiliency

Responses to Instruments of Measuring Resiliency Respond to two colleagues: Discuss how you would use the data collected by your colleague to guide the next step in the planned change process or to inform future work with clients. Colleague 1: Siani Fieldwork Experience and Identify a Case using Resiliency Theory During my undergrad experience while interning … Read more

Organizational Behavior – Case Study

Organizational Behavior – Case Study Reference Source: Textbook:- Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019). Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Case Study: – Case: Google Please read the case “Google” from Chapter 6 “Motivation.” Page: – 187 given in your textbook … Read more

Topic: Amusia – Perceptual Disorder

Topic: Amusia – Perceptual Disorder This course focuses on sensation and perception and we sometimes briefly discuss disorders or conditions that affect perceptual abilities. For this assignment, you will further explore a perceptual disorder or condition. You will pick one perceptual disorder to discuss in a 2-3 page paper. You should pretend you are trying … Read more

Integrating Spiritual Assessment in Nursing Practice

Integrating Spiritual Assessment in Nursing Practice Please share with me a comprehensive plan to integrate spiritual assessment into your nursing practice. Please use at least APA 3 citations. Share 1 positive affirmation. Answer preview: word limit:624

Describe The Importance of Peer Review Submit Assignment

Describe The Importance of Peer Review Submit Assignment DIRECTIONS: Since we will be participating in a Peer Review Workshop this week, I want us to think and write about the process. Peer review is super important for writers. Writing is truly a process, and it can always be revised and improved. Peer review, then, gives … Read more

“DRE” exercise assignment.

“DRE” exercise assignment. Watch the first segment of the video below which is about the film “They Live” (timecode: 01:00-07:52). It is not necessary to view the remainder of the film for this class, though many students find this entire video to be quite insightful. The main point I wish for you to draw from … Read more

Why sales is important-Annotated Bibliography

Why sales is important-Annotated Bibliography List research materials in bibliographic form that you have found on the topic WHY SALES IS SO IMPORTANT NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE OR WHAT YOU DO and evaluate these sources as an annotated bibliography. You should find five sources as follows: One Book One Scholarly Journal Article One Newspaper or Magazine Article … Read more

Discuss Economic Hardships as Barriers to Educational Success

Discuss Economic Hardships as Barriers to Educational Success Introduction Going to college is a dream come true for thousands of students a year. But getting there and staying there is not always an easy task. Coming into a college is often perceived as crossing a border of a kind, coming into an institution of higher … Read more

How is Billy Bob able to present an authentic depiction of the place where he came from?

How is Billy Bob able to present an authentic depiction of the place where he came from? Answer preview: word limit:455

Identify the major components of international business management

Identify the major components of international business management Learning Outcomes: Identify the major components of international business management (Lo 1.2) Explain the forces driving and evaluate the impact of globalization (Lo 1.3) Discuss the reasons for and methods of governments’ intervention in trade (Lo 1.7) Carry out effective self-evaluation through discussing economic systems in the … Read more

Disaster Recovery Plan Improvements

Disaster Recovery Plan Improvements Disaster Recovery In this assignment, you study how disaster recovery plans have evolved over the last decade. Read “EHR Meltdown: How to Protect Your Patient Data,” which is about how, in 2008, team members from a family practice handled the loss of their data and their suggestions. Find articles that cover disaster recovery … Read more

Annotations (Choose Your Own Adventure)

Annotations (Choose Your Own Adventure) Optional Step 1: If you need to watch the following video to refresh yourself on how to annotate your chosen text, particularly concerning fiction. https://youtu.be/EJ8nhlzYx9o STEP 2: Look at the reading schedule you turned in Week 4: Create & Submit a Reading Plan, and set aside time during the week to … Read more

Impact of Nursing Understaffing on Patient Health

Impact of Nursing Understaffing on Patient Health Issues and Trends interactive case study. Compare this case study to your nursing practice and give a similar example from your nursing experience in which you might have run into on staffing or a similar situation. Compare this case study to your nursing practice and give a similar … Read more

Topic: Human Resource Management at Marriott Company

Topic: Human Resource Management at Marriott Company Assignment-1  Please read the Managing People “Marriott: HR Practices….” Page no. 64 of Chapter 1, “Human Resource Management: Gaining a competitive advantage” available in your textbook Human Resource Management: Gaining A Competitive Advantage-Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright,11e., and answer the following questions: Assignment Question(s): (Marks 5) 1. Which … Read more

Personal Reflection on Adding Artistry to Work

Personal Reflection on Adding Artistry to Work For this reflection, you may consider a job that you currently have or the job/career you see yourself in after graduation. Please consider one action or one course of action you can take to add artistry to your line of work, possibly on a day-in and day-out or … Read more

Trump Administration on the Environment

Trump Administration on the Environment Environmental law is in the news all the time. Therefore, we ask that you keep an eye on environmental law issues in the news during the course of this semester. Each student shall turn in four 1-2 page papers (double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font with 1” margins) providing … Read more

Reflection on the Crisis Simulation

Reflection on the Crisis Simulation During the week 5, 6, and 7 discussions our class conducted a simulation in which the class was asked to act as the National Security Council advising the president as to what response to take with regards to a simulated terrorist crisis. This simulation was similar to a real world … Read more

Benchmark – Electronic Health Record Implementation Paper

Benchmark – Electronic Health Record Implementation Paper One way informatics can be especially valuable is in capturing data to inspire improvements and quality change in practice. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) collects data related to adverse events and safety concerns. If you are working within a practice setting to implement a new … Read more

Interview a person from a different culture (Chinese)

Interview a person from a different culture (Chinese) Interview a person from another culture – from China Background information Family to interview I will like to interview an Asian family particularly a Chinese family. This family lives in New Hope and they have been my neighbor for about five years. I became close to this … Read more

The Diamond-Water Paradox

The Diamond-Water Paradox Subject: Re: Critical Thinking 1: The diamond-water paradox In “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” published in 1776, Adam Smith wrote: “Nothing is more useful than water: but it will purchase scarcely anything… A diamond, on the contrary . Answer preview: word limit:830

Human Physiology: From Cells to Systems 9th Edition

Human Physiology: From Cells to Systems 9th Edition You need the book to complete it, it’s not too long for each question you need 3-5 sentence, please keep it short and straight to the point. To complete this assignment, answer all of the Test Taking Tips and the Unit 2 Short Answer. Produce accurate, concise responses … Read more

Medical diagnosis Experience

Medical diagnosis Experience Reflect on your life experience and write about a procedure or diagnosis that you, a friend, or family member may have experienced. As you write the experience, include 3 medical terms as you explain. Provide the definition of the medical terms used at the END of your post. Answer preview: word limit:530

What steps might you take to gain the cooperation of the third party

What steps might you take to gain the cooperation of the third party Hypothetically speaking, you are assigned to a committee of three to decide on a dress code for Campbellsville University Staff and Faculty. All three committee members must agree to pass this policy. In this situation you are one of the two agreeing … Read more

Negotiation Article

Negotiation Article Each student will select one of the key terms listed below and search online Library resources to find 1 recent peer reviewed article (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to the concept. Your submission must include the following information in the following format: Key Terms: Multiparty Negotiation Haggling in Negotiation Counter-offering in Negotiation Adversarial Bargaining … Read more

Discussion-Top Security Threats and Management Issues

Discussion-Top Security Threats and Management Issues Top Security Threats and Management Issues Facing Corporate America” is a periodic Securitas Security Services USA, Inc., publication that assists security directors in completing their security planning. After reading the results of the their most recent Survey of Fortune 1000 Companies and the “Emerging Trends” section of the publication, discuss … Read more

Write about an ethical medical case

Write about an ethical medical case The request is to write (800 – 1000 words) about the ethical case of Nancy Oliveiri and her legal battle against the drug company Apotex. Identify the research misconduct happened and the decision of the REC if any. You can use the link below for getting some information .Please … Read more