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Thesis Proposal: Educational Barriers

Thesis Proposal: Educational Barriers Describe how you have worked to face and overcome an educational barrier in your life and why it is important to stick with your educational goals. (This is piggybacking on the paragraph you just wrote last week.) Describe one educational barrier that effects student success and how one might overcome that … Read more

Describe the Management of a Dynamic Environment

Describe the Management of a Dynamic Environment Managing Dynamic Environment Please make 5 files for this discussion, no outline, 2-3 paragraphs, 2-3 references. Two principle impediments to effective and lasting organizational change are structures and systems within the organization. In other words, for change to become a part of an organization, managers often have to … Read more

Preparing for a Speech on Challenging Environment for Security Directors

Preparing for a Speech on Challenging Environment for Security Directors Project 1: Preparing for a Speech Before a Security Professional Organization Scenario: You are the Corporate Security Director for a Fortune 500 company and a recognized leader in the security profession. You accept an invitation to speak at the ASIS International Seminar and Exhibits about the various security … Read more

This paper analyses the scope creep present in a provided case study

This paper analyses the scope creep present in a provided case study Assignment-1-Case Study Assignment Question:(Marks 5) Please read the Case-4.2 “The Home Improvement Project. ”from Chapter 4 “Defining the Project” given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 132 also refer to specific concepts … Read more

Managing Dynamic Environment – Discussion

Managing Dynamic Environment – Discussion Managing Dynamic Environment Please make a file for this discussion, no outline, 2-3 paragraphs, 2-3 references. Two principle impediments to effective and lasting organizational change are structures and systems within the organization. In other words, for change to become a part of an organization, managers often have to change the … Read more

Discussion about the Key Terms in Business

Discussion about the Key Terms in Business Discussion: This week we discuss some key terms in business. Please define what a business process is and note the tools of documentation within business processes and why they are important to understand. Instructions: Need minimum 300 words Need 3 APA References Answer preview: word limit:334  

The Nature of Development of Clean Meat-Essay.

The Nature of Development of Clean Meat-Essay. QUESTIONS 1. What were the potential advantages of developing clean meat? What were the challenges of developing it and bringing it to market? (1.5 marks) 2. What kinds of organizations were involved in developing clean meat? What were the different resources that each kind of organization brought to … Read more

The Atheistic Stance

The Atheistic Stance Please confine your report to 500 words and cite passages from specific readings to substantiate your arguments. Submit your report in the dropbox below in the form of a word document. You will be graded on the following rubric: 1. Clear, cogent discussion; 3 2. Use of relevant examples drawn from the text: … Read more

Answer the following questions on Operational Excellence

Answer the following questions on Operational Excellence Questions: Please answer the following questions How do you define Operational Excellence? What factors are involved in achieving Operational Excellence? Who (within an Organization) is responsible for Operational Excellence? Why this is Important? Instructions: Need minimum 300 words Need 2 APA References User side headings to address the … Read more

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians Reflect upon and analyze your own cultural beliefs, values and attitudes and the influence these may have on health care with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Thank you. For this assessment, you are required to present your personal and reflective opinions and thoughts in a reflective journal … Read more

Conflict Experienced in an Organizational Setting

Conflict Experienced in an Organizational Setting Summary: Each student will write an 5-7 page paper on a conflict that he or she experienced in an organizational setting. The submission must be typed, double-spaced, and have uniform 1-inch margins in 12-point Times New Roman font. The organizational analysis will contain the following sections: Background and history … Read more

Identify waste heat recovery technologies

Identify waste heat recovery technologies Objective: Name and describe three existing waste heat recovery technologies and their applications. You can find reading materials on waste heat recovery approaches in this section on Blackboard. Please study these materials and identify technologies or applications of interest to you. In addition, please identify at least three additional resources … Read more

Organizational Change Structures and Systems-Discussion

Organizational Change Structures and Systems-Discussion Managing Dynamic Environment Please make a file for this discussion, no outline, 2-3 paragraphs, 2-3 references. Two principle impediments to effective and lasting organizational change are structures and systems within the organization. In other words, for change to become a part of an organization, managers often have to change the … Read more

Discussion Topic: E-Supply Chain Management

Discussion Topic: E-Supply Chain Management Critical Thinking 3 | Page The scientific community agrees that major outbreaks of communicable diseases, like COVID-19 will be highly likely in the future, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Furthermore, we are also likely to experience additional disruptions to supply chains that result from climate change and political … Read more

Please answer the following questions on Business Processes

Please answer the following questions on Business Processes What does the term business process mean? What are three examples of business process from a job you have had or an organization you have observed? What is the value in documenting a business process? What is an ERP System? How does an ERP System enforce best … Read more

The U.S History

The U.S History Explain where this primary source could be useful. Explain how this primary source could be useful. Point out ways this primary source challenges or contradicts materials in the curriculum. Offer an assignment that uses this primary source to make points for this curriculum.  Answer preview: word limit:1313

Small Group Discussion: “Defining American”

Small Group Discussion: “Defining American” Directions: For small group discussion this week I want you to watch a short, informative video entitled “Defining American” by The Future of StoryTelling and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas which centers around cultural borders and the topic of immigration. After you have watched the video, please answer … Read more

Discussion: The Cultural Power of Food and Dance

Discussion: The Cultural Power of Food and Dance For our video discussion this week, I want us to watch two videos centered on two of what I believe are the biggest parts of someone’s culture: food and dance. The first video is a short film (PBS Short Film Festival) called “Sweetheart Dancers” focusing on “Sean … Read more

Discussion Topic: Change Management in Organizations

Discussion Topic: Change Management in Organizations     Two principle impediments to effective and lasting organizational change are structures and systems within the organization. In other words, for change to become a part of an organization, managers often must change the formal and informal structures of an organization to better support the change initiative. For … Read more

Entrepreneurial Personality Traits and Behaviors paper.

Entrepreneurial Personality Traits and Behaviors paper. Identify characteristics of entrepreneurs who recognize and seize business opportunities and new ventures Recognize the behavior attributes of those who become entrepreneurs DELIVERABLE LENGTH: 1,200–1,500 words, not including interview transcript Complete the following for this assignment: Research and profile an entrepreneur who has inspired you in some way. This entrepreneur … Read more

Description of the Tibetan Book of the Dead

Description of the Tibetan Book of the Dead Write a brief paper describing ONE of the following: (1) The Tibetan Book of the Dead; (2) The Egyptian Book of the Dead; (3) The Epic of Gilgamesh; (4) Zoroaster and Death; (4) Hel and Valhalla in Norse Legend. Make sure to cite your sources and to … Read more

Discuss The Power of Code Switching

Discuss The Power of Code Switching Katelynn Duggins (TEDx) | “To Code Switch or Not to Code Switch? That is the Question.” Lera Boroditsky (TED) | “How Language Shapes the Way We Think” Transcript Matt Thompson (NPR) | “Five Reasons Why People Code Switch” Five Reasons Why People Code-Switch.pdf Minimize File Preview Then, answer the following questions in journal form: … Read more

Articles on Team Designing

Articles on Team Designing Team Management Team Assignment 2: Designing Team. Using the Internet, read at least 3 academically reviewed articles on Designing Team. Summarize the articles in 300 words or more. Provide appropriate reference. Combine each summarize in one paper but do not change the wording of the original summary. Include the team member’s … Read more

Whole Class Discussion

Whole Class Discussion To help us with the materials we have covered over the last two weeks, we shall be discussing as a group the materials from Week 8 and 9. As a reminder here is the list of materials, we covered for Week 8 and 9: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | “The Danger of a … Read more

Critical Thinking Activity – Decision Making on Contraceptives

Critical Thinking Activity – Decision Making on Contraceptives Informed decision making Activity The chapters you are studying in this section are very important and useful especially for your sexual health. Please read the scenario that is given below and provide the best answer for which contraceptive might be the right one for Veronica and John. … Read more

Discussion topic-Managed Care Reforms

Discussion topic-Managed Care Reforms Health care organizations continually face challenges from various regulatory and government agencies while also being bound by Managed Care Organization (MCO) standards. View the video located in the study materials entitled “College of Nursing and Health Care Professions: Do We Know What Our Future Is?” for insight into the challenges of … Read more

Privilege Annotation Worksheet

Privilege Annotation Worksheet DIRECTIONS: To continue the theme of cultural borders, I would like us to read an essay by Mexican-American artist and storyteller Mireya S. Vela. In her work, she discusses how growing up in an abusive household and as an introvert cultural impacts how she navigates the relationships with her neighbors. STEP 1: … Read more

Technology in Healthcare Essay.

Technology in Healthcare Essay. Technology plays an important role in health care. Informatics and telemedicine are just two ways that technology is changing the health care delivery system. Health care has made incredible progress towards creating and expanding the use of informatics. What is the role of the health care leader in implementing and integrating … Read more

Education should be Online in Colleges during the Coronavirus Pandemic- Discussion.

Education should be Online in Colleges during the Coronavirus Pandemic- Discussion. Topic Proposal Assignment Objectives: Now that you have at least a rough idea of the topic for your researched argument paper, I want to give you a chance to do some preliminary research to better understand the conversation surrounding your particular topic/argument. Further, this … Read more

Assignment Questions on Insurance companies.

Assignment Questions on Insurance companies. Assignment Question(s):(5 Marks) Q1. Insurance companies invest in many areas, but most of all they invest in bonds. This makes sense because bonds are perhaps the safest of all investment categories. Insurance companies – being in the business of risk assessment – would logically find the low risk that bonds represent appealing, … Read more

Child development Discussions.

Child development Discussions. The goal of this assignment is to encourage you to integrate your notes on genetics by answering questions on a video about feral children. After watching the video posted on feral children, answer the questions below. You must upload your answers via Brightspace by the specified due date. Your document should be … Read more

Kneeling Debate in Sports-Essay.

Kneeling Debate in Sports-Essay. Thesis Statement/Argument Thesis Statement: NBA players sports teams should be allowed to kneel during the national anthem if they feel it is right with no backlash from the public. In my essay, the topic I will be talking about is about NBA teams and the privilege to kneel during the national … Read more

Questions on Crucial Resources for Running a Business

Questions on Crucial Resources for Running a Business What are the types of resources that entrepreneurs need to gather to start a new venture? Which one resources is the most important in your opinion, and why? What is the difference between a feasibility study and a business plan? What do you think is the critical … Read more

Discussion Question-Allocation of Support Department Cost

Discussion Question-Allocation of Support Department Cost 2-3 Paragraphs, 15-20 lines, 2-3 references and no outline Chapter 5 in the textbook provides examples of allocation of support department costs in manufacturing settings for determining product costs. Why would allocation of support department costs be important in-service businesses, such as hospitals or universities? Answer preview: word limit:322

Organizational Change – Saudi Aramco

Organizational Change – Saudi Aramco Managing Dynamic Environment MGT521 Each organization has its own background perceptions, ethics, values, history, and ambitions. Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization. Given this understanding, … Read more

Support Department Costs in Manufacturing Settings

Support Department Costs in Manufacturing Settings 2-3 Paragraphs, 15-20 lines, 2-3 references and no outline Chapter 5 in the textbook provides examples of allocation of support department costs in manufacturing settings for determining product costs. Why would allocation of support department costs be important in-service businesses, such as hospitals or universities? Answer preview: Word limit:294

To investigate the role of financial institutions in Canada during the Covid-19

To investigate the role of financial institutions in Canada during the Covid-19 Q. Write an article on topic: “How has the Financial Institutions and regulators reacted to the Covid pandemic in Canada? Is this consistent with other participants in the US, UK or Australia (pick one for comparison)” Global Financial Institutions Management     Word … Read more

Operation Management Discussion Question

Operation Management Discussion Question 2-3 Paragraphs, 15-20 lines, 2-3 references and no outline. When the capacity of an organization to produce goods or services and the demands of its customers to purchase goods or services is not matched, then the result is inefficiency, either in under-utilized resources or dissatisfied customers. Choose a local organization that … Read more

Clinical Practice Assignment.

Clinical Practice Assignment. THINGS THAT’S NEEDED FOR THE QUESTION 1.reference needs to be 5yrs old 2. questions needs to be 200 words each Post 1. I don’t see the relevance of learning about clinical leadership now, as a third year student about to course complete. My focus is really about getting a grad year first. … Read more

Describe one of the safety committees your organization

Describe one of the safety committees your organization Describe one of the safety committees your organization uses and how it reduces risk within your organization. Who are the general members of the group, how often do they meet, and is there a regulatory requirement that they report or publish notes? Is this a good use … Read more

Support Department Costs – Discussion

Support Department Costs – Discussion 2-3 Paragraphs, 15-20 lines, 2-3 references and no outline Chapter 5 in the textbook provides examples of allocation of support department costs in manufacturing settings for determining product costs. Why would allocation of support department costs be important in-service businesses, such as hospitals or universities? Answer preview: word limit:242

Discuss Management Consulting

Discuss Management Consulting For this week’s discussion board be sure to provide your OWN authentic initial post and peer replies meeting the expectations for discussion posts as outlined in the course syllabus. 1. Provide an example from your own workplace or industry when an expert consultant would be a better fit than a process consultant. … Read more

Managing a Dynamic Environment-Essay.

Managing a Dynamic Environment-Essay. Each organization has its own background perceptions, ethics, values, history, and ambitions. Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization. Given this understanding, we need to research and … Read more

Dynamic Management within an Organization

Dynamic Management within an Organization Each organization has its own background perceptions, ethics, values, history, and ambitions. Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization. Given this understanding, we need to research … Read more

Managing Dynamic Environment-Almarai company

Managing Dynamic Environment-Almarai company Each organization has its own background perceptions, ethics, values, history, and ambitions. Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization. Given this understanding, we need to research and … Read more

SABIC Chemical Manufacturing Company summary.

SABIC Chemical Manufacturing Company summary. Each organization has its own background perceptions, ethics, values, history, and ambitions. Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization. Given this understanding, we need to research … Read more

The European and Northern Renaissance

The European and Northern Renaissance Choose one question from Section 1 on the European Renaissance and one question from Section 2 on the Northern Renaissance. Post your ideas by Thursday. If you come to the discussion after there are postings, try to answer a question that has not already been answered. Respond to two students … Read more

Critical Thinking: Trade barriers

Critical Thinking: Trade barriers In a critical essay, evaluate trade barriers. Why do countries impose trade barriers? What is the effect of trade barriers on the trade balance, the employment, and the economic growth? Now choose a country (other than Saudi Arabia) and evaluate the arguments for and against erecting trade barriers in your chosen … Read more

Text Analysis and Discussion – Self-Evaluation and Action Plan

Text Analysis and Discussion – Self-Evaluation and Action Plan Successful discussion participation requires an inquiring attitude and thorough preparation drawing on critical reading skills. As a critical reader, you should be able to: (a) prepare annotations and recognize how and why the essential elements in a text are connected; (b) identify assumptions and implicit meaning … Read more

Essay Reflection

Essay Reflection Reflecting on the work we have done so far often helps us identify strengths and weaknesses that can then help us do even better next time. To reflect a little on your first essay, please respond to the following questions in at least a one page journal (300+ words) with full sentences and … Read more