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Assignment: To discuss the market and firm overview of Louis Vuitton

Assignment: To discuss the market and firm overview of Louis Vuitton Market and Firm Overview This section includes information on how the firm makes money, who are the firm’s buyers and suppliers, and what are one or two major industry changes that have affected (or in your estimation will affect) the Company, its buyers, or … Read more

Case Studies Assignment

Case Studies Assignment A 26 year old single female calls and requests a breast exam at your clinic. She has recently noted a rubbery large mass in her left breast and she is concerned. She has no family history of breast cancer. She does not smoke. She is currently on oral birth control pills. Answer … Read more

Annotated Bibliography-big data

Annotated Bibliography-big data You are required to read two articles and complete an annotated bibliography for each article (scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles). Your AB’s should be 1.5 to 2 pages long. It should be double-spaced, and you are to use Times new Roman 12 font. Annotated bibliographies must be written in manner, in which, they are … Read more

History of Holocaust Muslim and Arab Responses to the Holocaust

History of Holocaust Muslim and Arab Responses to the Holocaust Students will write a series of short 1-2 paragraph essays on each of these five questions to upload to dropbox and also to post on discussion boards for class discussion. 1. Why are upstanders such as the individuals that you learned about in this lesson … Read more

Analyze the key differences between the film and the written play

Analyze the key differences between the film and the written play For Essay #3, you will be composing a 4-page essay on Ibsen’s play, A Doll’s House. The following requirements must be followed, regardless of which essay topic you choose: 1. You must cite the text using correct MLA formatting. 2. You must fully analyze all of … Read more

Vesuvius Analysis

Vesuvius Analysis Write a 2-3 pages with this instructions. These are not music theory or music history assignments, but an opportunity for you to investigate this music, and do some creative thinking and writing (your writing may include as much music theory and history as you like, however). We are not looking for a specific … Read more

Discussion Topic: Ethical Dilemmas in End of Life Decisions

Discussion Topic: Ethical Dilemmas in End of Life Decisions Ethical Dilemma (CLO 6) Ethical Dilemma PHIL 1C Revised: 11.17 Academic Affairs Department Page 1 of 1 Research and identify a contemporary media case that includes an ethical issues within society including abortion, capital punishment, cloning, euthanasia, war, sexuality, and animal testing; you may choose a … Read more

Identify independent and dependent variables

Identify independent and dependent variables Select one qualitative and one quantitative question that you are interested in investigating. Identify the independent and dependent variables. Next, create a hypothesis or set of hypotheses to go along with your research question. Identify your hypothesis as one of each of the four categories below and explain why your … Read more

Genres of Popular Culture and Mind Control- Assignment.

Genres of Popular Culture and Mind Control- Assignment. For those who start a fresh thread: Introduce a text from popular culture, where one gains access to the thoughts of others, and use it to address the following questions: What genre does the text fit into? What would you say it says (what commentary does it make) … Read more

Local or national response protocols

Local or national response protocols For this week’s discussion, we will be looking at local or national response protocols that were initiated during a critical incident, and you will choose your topic! Search reputable local and national media for a man-made disaster to discuss. Search for critical instances such as: hostage situations, mass shootings, multiple-vehicle … Read more

Topic: Performance Evaluation Process at Ford Company

Topic: Performance Evaluation Process at Ford Company ASSIGNMENT-2 Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate overall Human Resource concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organizations goals and strategies (Lo 1.1). Ability to carry out objective and scientific analysis of Employees’ performance management (Lo 2.3 & 2.6). Assignment Structure: A.No Marks Assignment- 2 CASE STUDY 10 Total 10 … Read more

Explain HR’s role in impacting the career development of employees

Explain HR’s role in impacting the career development of employees, How have virtual training methods and technology impacted HR’s role in employee development? minimum of 250 words Answer preview: word limit:350

Coaching Assessments

Coaching Assessments Prompt: There are many assessments that coaches use, initially or during the coaching relationship to support the client in creating greater self-awareness as well as a vision and goals. Chapter 8 (Moore) provides 13 different assessment. Locate one of these assessments and then administer it to a co-worker. After completing the assessment discuss … Read more

Answering one case question and provide one article related

Answering one case question and provide one article related Week 10 chapter 12 DB In this board, you will examine the Brexit & Rolls Royce Case. Please watch the following video (the Power Points accompanying the Video are located on Canvas). https://youtu.be/hpszPS_NvCk In a single post, provide your answer to one of the case questions and provide … Read more

Translation exposure: Multinational finance

Translation exposure: Multinational finance Week 9 chapter11 definition assignment Please watch the following video https://youtu.be/tlkae5AR2P0 Take notes while watching the video. Upload your answers in Word here. Answer preview: word limit:455  

Quality Measure and Specialized Electronic Health Information and Issues

Quality Measure and Specialized Electronic Health Information and Issues AHRQ states that safety practices require a culture of safety across healthcare. Safety is one of the 6 critical areas for Nursing. Describe a “just culture”. How does this culture improve patient Care? Describe how this would relate to incident reporting and discipline of staff. The … Read more

Understanding the Key Concepts of Operating Exposure

Understanding the Key Concepts of Operating Exposure Week 10 chapter 12 definition assignment Please watch the following video: https://youtu.be/hrpi3avULX4 Take notes while watching the video. Upload your answers in Word here Answer preview: word limit:458

Basic note taking: Multinational Finance

Basic note taking: Multinational Finance Week 10 chapter 13 definition assignment Please watch the following video https://youtu.be/wmOxCbOV0xw Take notes while watching the video. Upload your answers in Word here. Answer preview: word limit:603

Write a Discussion on Metamorphosis

Write a Discussion on Metamorphosis INSTRUCTIONS Choose one of the following assertions and write a 200-word response supporting why you agree or disagree with it. When you are done posting your response, reply to at least one classmate in no fewer than 75 words. Gregor’s transformation highlights his isolation and alienation before his metamorphosis. Or Despite having become an … Read more

Internet Problem 9 Ocean Sediment

Internet Problem 9 Ocean Sediment The map is from NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center is constructed using ocean core data and seismic reflection profiles showing the thickness of the sediment “sitting” on top of the oceanic crust (or continental crust along continental margins). You should remember that the map in IP1 was a map showing … Read more

Prepare a Power point presentation of an integrated research review paper

Prepare a Power point presentation of an integrated research review paper 15 slides. Answer preview: slides limit:17

Electronic Medical Records power point.

Electronic Medical Records power point. Prior to the 1960’s, all medical records used to be stored on paper and manual filling systems that were manually stored. Following the development of the clinical information system, other institutions ventured into the development of electronic health systems that gained prominence towards the beginning of the twenty-first century and … Read more

Nature of the Job of a Data Scientist

Nature of the Job of a Data Scientist Overview and Rationale As you look to start your program and look towards your future job prospects, it is important to have a clear picture of your career. In this assignment, you will research a single job function/role within analytics that is of your interest. Module Objectives … Read more

Critical Review of Human Factors

Critical Review of Human Factors The aim of this assessment task is for students to respond to 3 self-selected topics that are based on the content in Modules (1 & 2) and associated readings. This assessment task enables students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of key concepts related to quality and safety in health … Read more

Data Analyst Workflow and Roundtable power point.

Data Analyst Workflow and Roundtable power point. Data Analysis “is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data.”[1] Data analysts work with spreadsheets, collections of spreadsheets (also called databases), and data analysis software. We typically use software by “pointing and clicking”. However, software can be … Read more

Controlling airborne transmission of coronavirus and/or bioaerosols fact sheet and discussion

Controlling airborne transmission of coronavirus and/or bioaerosols fact sheet and discussion This is an ungraded assignment that will require you to look up a scientific journal article that examined the transmission of coronaviruses (SARS, MERS, or SARS COV-2) or bioaerosol transmission in indoor air using PubMed (Links to an external site.) or Web of Science (Links to an external site.). … Read more

Answer the following questions on Media Activism

Answer the following questions on Media Activism Instructions: Answer one of the questions below. 300 word minimum. Don’t forget to include quotes and page numbers and to use analysis and evaluation. Refer to grading rubric. Be sure to include your free write reflection from the Lecture in your response to one of the questions below: … Read more

Essay Topic: Costs and Benefits of Labor Mobility in a Country

Essay Topic: Costs and Benefits of Labor Mobility in a Country The Saudi Arabian economy has developed with the use of large numbers of expatriate workers. In a critical essay, indicate the benefits and risks associated with the dependence on large numbers of expatriate workers. Should Saudi Arabia seek to include or exclude labor mobility … Read more

Discussion Topic: Policy Cycle, Policy Formation, and Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Actions

Discussion Topic: Policy Cycle, Policy Formation, and Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Actions “Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.” –Franklin D. Roosevelt The policy … Read more

Discussion about industry

Discussion about industry 1- Pick out any industry you are familiar with ( or local market). Based on the theories presented in Chapter 7, discuss how the firms in this industry/market compete. I need Just one page or less Short answers for the five questions. 4. Explain why prices are usually strategic complements and capacities … Read more

Answering case study questions about President Andy Byford.

Answering case study questions about President Andy Byford. A case study (New York’s Subway System Is Crumbling) I’ll upload the case file. The Instructions is cleared in the word file please avoid plagiarism. Just three Questions about the case. 1- What is the underlying problem in this case from NYCTA President Andy Byford’s perspective? 2- … Read more

To understand how to manage effective teams

To understand how to manage effective teams NETWORKING: A KEY TO SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK A. Consider the different teams presented in your reading assignment. How do the teams manage their team boundaries? What are the trade-offs between internal cohesion and external ties within each type of team? Support your discussion with at least two (2) external … Read more

Discussion on defensiveness.

Discussion on defensiveness. TOPIC Before posting on this Discussion Board, listen to the lecture video from this week’s module called, “Defensiveness.” Choose the defense mechanism that you use most often. Your initial post for this week should answer the following questions. Each of us use these defense mechanisms regularly. Think of a time over the … Read more

Managing Time Effectively- Essay

Managing Time Effectively- Essay 6 to 8 about what I did with my time Answer preview: word limit:425

This paper discusses a cultural experience in India, and responds to two peers.

This paper discusses a cultural experience in India, and responds to two peers. You should write at least 200 words in the original post; then you should post with content and detail on the posts to your peers. Aim for at least four sentences in each post to your peers, building the Discussion with references … Read more

Describe your overall brand strategy and brand positioning

Describe your overall brand strategy and brand positioning -Brand Strategy and Brand Positioning for a Dry Cleaning/ Tailoring Business Answer preview: word limit:320

Provide a short description of the product or service and highlight why it is unique, as well as the current trends

Provide a short description of the product or service and highlight why it is unique, as well as the current trends Half to full page double spaced. Provide citations if possible Answer preview: word limit:300

Health Leadership essay.

Health Leadership essay. In your readings this week, focus on the discussion of leadership in health care as a relational act that really is acting on our own sense of identity, self-esteem, and abilities. Considering these characteristics of yourself, how can you as a leader use these traits to improve and engage in communications within … Read more

Describe the incel movement and how this movement inspired A. Minassian to become a mass murderer.

Describe the incel movement and how this movement inspired A. Minassian to become a mass murderer. Write a 400 word essay that describes the incel movement and how this movement inspired A. Minassian to become a mass murderer. To do so, (1) fully describe the incel movement (use the Beauchamps article to do this) and … Read more

Aspects of Law Enforcement- Case Study

Aspects of Law Enforcement- Case Study Case brief should be no less than 2 pages and no longer than 4 pages in length. Each case brief will have a reference page which will not count toward the total number of pages. Each case brief will be double spaced and will be typed using Times New … Read more

Critical Decision making for providers

Critical Decision making for providers View the scenario called “Critical Decision Making for Providers” found in the Allied Health Community media. In a 1,000-1,250-word paper, examine the scenario involving Mike, the lab technician, and discuss the following: Discuss the consequences of a failure to report. Explain the impact his decision had on patient safety and … Read more

Aspects of Law Enforcement- Case Study

Aspects of Law Enforcement- Case Study Case brief should be no less than 2 pages and no longer than 4 pages in length. Each case brief will have a reference page which will not count toward the total number of pages. Each case brief will be double spaced and will be typed using Times New … Read more

Discussion and reply to two peers: Civics, Citizens, and Public Policy

Discussion and reply to two peers: Civics, Citizens, and Public Policy Topic: Civics, Citizens, and Public Policy “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! ” — Emma Lazarus … Read more

Why is it critical for company managers to have a clear strategic vision regarding their organization?

Why is it critical for company managers to have a clear strategic vision regarding their organization? 300 words min. and APA format with references Answer preview: word limit:320

Analysis of a current problem or issue in health care.

Analysis of a current problem or issue in health care. Write a 4-6-page analysis of a current problem or issue in health care, including a proposed solution and possible ethical implications. INTRODUCTION In your health care career, you will be confronted with many problems that demand a solution. By using research skills, you can learn … Read more

The Buddhist and Hindu Religion Concept

The Buddhist and Hindu Religion Concept Two cities of worship for two different religions that you need to place into dialogue 1. Buddhist  https://mbtchicago.org/ (Zen Shin meditation; livestream Sundays 9-10 am; registration needed) 2. Hindu Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago (Lemont), livestream and recordings, http://htgc.org/HTGC/index.php (1800-2000 words, about 6 pp) These online “visits” will serve as … Read more

Write a Research Paper for Sexual Health Education

Write a Research Paper for Sexual Health Education This is a research paper for a psychology course in APA format. I already completed the abstract that will guide the rest of the paper. The requirements are a 9 page paper with no title page. There is a minimum of 15 peer reviewed references that are … Read more

Job Description Assignment.

Job Description Assignment. Assignment Type Individual File-based Due Oct 8th (by Midnight) I recommend you use the Word Template below. Instructions Select a current job posting that you would consider applying for. Write a 300-word analysis of the job description that includes details as to the extent to which the position fulfills certain criteria. Use … Read more

Chapter summary and response on mergers and acquisitions.

Chapter summary and response on mergers and acquisitions. Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. Also, provide a response to each of the following questions: In the fall of 2016 Yahoo … Read more

Research Paper on Mergers and Acquisitions

Research Paper on Mergers and Acquisitions 1. Given the poor track record of M&As, what explains the continuing trend for mergers and acquisitions in many industries? What steps can a firm take to improve the chances of successful M&As? The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be … Read more