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Mass Shooting as a Social Problem- Discuss

Mass Shooting as a Social Problem- Discuss Eric Harris Profile Report (Columbine Shooter) Overview You are an investigator with the Department of Homeland Security. The Department seeks to review notorious mass murders over the last 30 years. You are assigned to write a profile of Eric Harris, one of the Columbine Shooters. This exam is … Read more

Weekly Reflection: Zapatistas and Global Capitalism

Weekly Reflection: Zapatistas and Global Capitalism Read these guidelines carefully. Each week, on 8 occasions, you will prepare a reflection essay of approximately 2-3 pages (single-spaced; 1000-1500 words in length). You are of course free to write more than the minimum required. These are not academic papers in which you need an introduction, hypothesis, conclusion, etc. … Read more

Reflection on movies.

Reflection on movies. I will provide the video later, and the writing is a page and a half reflection paper about your experience. Was there a particular piece that stood out? Something you particularly enjoyed or despised? Why? Your paper should include a reaction to the experience as a whole, as well as one or … Read more

So you want to talk about race-Ethnic Demographic Studies.

So you want to talk about race-Ethnic Demographic Studies. Optional Step 1: If you need to watch the following video to refresh yourself on how to annotate your chosen text, particularly concerning fiction. STEP 2: Look at the reading schedule you turned in Week 4: Create & Submit a Reading Plan, and set aside time … Read more

Beneficent Factors a Company could have taken during the Pandemic to Keep its Business Alive.

Beneficent Factors a Company could have taken during the Pandemic to Keep its Business Alive. During the Covid-19 pandemic and based on its natural a great deal of businesses has been impacted by it. Also, due to its rapid outbreak working from home and the limitation of travel become vital and critical to limit the … Read more

Discussion and Reply to Two Peers-‘Environmental ‘racism’

Discussion and Reply to Two Peers-‘Environmental ‘racism’ Topic: Policy Cycle, Agenda Setting, and News Media “The only security of all is in a free press.” –Thomas Jefferson The policy cycle is a process that explains how public policy is created, implemented, and evaluated. Although there are many different variations of the policy cycle, we shall … Read more

The Idea of Reincarnation in Hinduism and Buddhism

The Idea of Reincarnation in Hinduism and Buddhism Both Hindus and Buddhists believe in reincarnation; however, there is one huge, defining, difference between how the two traditions understand that process. What is it and why is it important? Please use only RELIABLE resources! approximately 500 words Answer  preview: word limit:559

Discussion and Reply to Two Peers

Discussion and Reply to Two Peers Throughout the course, you will engage in Discussions with classmates to share reflections on the concepts of each unit. The Discussions will also give you the opportunity to learn from the interpretations and perspectives of your classmates. This course itself will be a study in different social, political, and … Read more

Major Takeaways from Provided Resources

Major Takeaways from Provided Resources Here are three YouTube videos on Modigliani and Miller 1. Modigliani & Miller – Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX-UX_n-6mY 2. Modigliani & Miller – Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxKcxR5p6EA 3. Modigliani & Miller – Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxFfby_OrPk 1- https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/traditionalcapitalstructure.asp 2- https://seekingalpha.com/article/4380214-noble-midstream-partners-count-on-distribution-not- takeover Please read the articles above and watch the MM videos. What are the three takeaways (in total) … Read more

Using Boorstin Book the Image to answer the issue given

Using Boorstin Book the Image to answer the issue given Essay review (1500-2000 words) of Daniel Boorstin’s The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America (1961; 50th Anniversary edition, 2012) which will be sent v.i.a google drive. 1) Any references to outside sources (though not required!) must be properly cited using an acceptable reference notation … Read more

Creative writing-The sonnet form of writing

Creative writing-The sonnet form of writing This week is dedicated to thinking about creative writing through a critical lens. By recognizing techniques that work in great writing, we can refine our skills and pick up ideas . You may write about any genre or any specific piece we have covered so far. Possible topics are … Read more

Combined Immunotherapy in Patients with Advanced Cervical Cancer

Combined Immunotherapy in Patients with Advanced Cervical Cancer Answer preview: word limit:1128

Economic Critical Thinking-OPEC

Economic Critical Thinking-OPEC In Chapter 7 of your International Economics textbook, Carbaugh (2019) provided a historical account of OPEC and its power in controlling the global petroleum supply. In a critical essay, investigate the dynamics OPEC has faced in the global market in the last ten years. You may select a member country and analyze … Read more

Human Rights-Yasmin’s Case study

Human Rights-Yasmin’s Case study Project Details Paper Topic : Human Rights Style : APA Language Style : English (U.K.) Type of Assignment : Assessment Deadline :  Hours Academic Level : Undergraduate Level Number of words : 1000 Number of Sources : 1 Order Instructions Answer preview: word limit:1245

Evaluate the Change Management in Saudi Arabian Organizations

Evaluate the Change Management in Saudi Arabian Organizations Change Management Plans (100 points) Any change management plan must consider the culture of an organization. For instance, some organizations prize the inclusion of their employees in all aspects of operations, while other organizations have a top-down approach to management. Creating a plan without taking this cultural … Read more

Diversity through 21st Century Teaching and Learning-Discussion.

Diversity through 21st Century Teaching and Learning-Discussion. Discuss how the Framework for 21st Century Learning (Links to an external site.) can be applied to each prompt using specific examples of the actions you would take to apply the framework. Your response to each of the prompts should be 1 paragraph. Analyze how you can maintain high standards and … Read more

Digital Technology and E-Management Assignment.

Digital Technology and E-Management Assignment. During the Covid-19 pandemic and based on its natural a great deal of businesses has been impacted by it. Also, due to its rapid outbreak working from home and the limitation of travel become vital and critical to limit the spread of Covid-19 as well as the safety of the … Read more

Discuss various Research Techniques

Discuss various Research Techniques Q1.Differentiate between Quantitative vs. Qualitative research. Give examples from the articles you have referred in assignment 1 (150 words minimum ) Q2.a. From the the articles you referred in assignment 1 explain one of the quantitative analysis used by the any author. b. Explain, what is ANOVA and Regression Analysis and its … Read more

Identify and discuss the importance of ethics in the workplace.

Identify and discuss the importance of ethics in the workplace. More details: Identify and discuss the importance of ethics in the workplace. What do you think the business world would be like without them? Why? Please respond to the initial question by day 5 and be sure to post two additional times to peers and/or … Read more

Write a discussion on Labor and Dignity

Write a discussion on Labor and Dignity After having read sections I and II of Laborem Exercens, please address one of the following prompts in no more than one paragraph. Please read previous posts to avoid duplication and repetition of ideas. What are the bases for labor’s being imbued with dignity? Use the Pope’s text to … Read more

Discuss the Barriers to Entry that Keep Companies Oligopolistic

Discuss the Barriers to Entry that Keep Companies Oligopolistic I need help to write one article about three examples and answers five questions. If you can write in the first example of companies oligopolies is Tesla and Lucid will be good. Answer preview: word limit:683

Discuss the Benefits of Strategic Philanthropy

Discuss the Benefits of Strategic Philanthropy Benefits of Strategic Philanthropy Describe strategic philanthropy in your own words. Does strategic philanthropy influence your brand loyalty? Why or why not? Please respond to the initial question by day 5 and be sure to post two additional times to peers and/or instructor by day 7. The initial post by … Read more

Writing assignment for a political budget class

Writing assignment for a political budget class prepare a budget testimony : outlining the mission justifying increases indicating what you intend to accomplish developing your own initiative more details in the file Answer preview: word limit:1394

Thea’s Challenge Assignment.

Thea’s Challenge Assignment. The character of Thea Kronborg in Willa Cather’s The Song of the Lark is not necessarily lauded as a protagonist of heroic proportions or even a character it’s easy to get behind. “The growth of an artist is an intellectual and spiritual development which can scarcely be followed in a personal narrative. This story … Read more

The Monkey and the Metaphor: What Every King Kong Movie Is Really About

The Monkey and the Metaphor: What Every King Kong Movie Is Really About DIRECTIONS: This week we are starting Unit 3 on Monster Culture. Because we are going to be looking at monsters through the lens of race and culture, I would like us to read an article from Vanity Fair by Nathan Rabin. This … Read more

14-line poem with a volta

14-line poem with a volta Ready to try it? Below are six sentences in iambic pentameter. If you want, use them as starting points for your own poetry. You might use one as your first line, or even find a way to combine several of them in the same poem. Remember that you can write … Read more

Discussion Topic: Dynamics of Entrepreneurship

Discussion Topic: Dynamics of Entrepreneurship ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES Describe the dynamics of unleashing innovation and creativity Identify characteristics of entrepreneurs who recognize and seize business opportunities and new ventures Recognize the behavior attributes of those who become entrepreneurs The discussion assignment for this week includes a review of the Key Assignment Outline completed by one of … Read more

Construct a project scope control system based on a decomposed Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Construct a project scope control system based on a decomposed Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Unit 1 Assignment: Locking Scope In this assignment, you will be assessed based on the following Outcome: GM593-1: Construct a project scope control system based on a decomposed Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). This assignment is designed for you to evaluate your ability … Read more

Kneeling Debate in Sports

Kneeling Debate in Sports Leaving Memorable ImpressionsJust as introductions are important because they are the first impression readers receive of your writing, conclusions tend to be what readers remember most. And this makes sense, it’s just our memories work. We tend to remember what we read last. Thus, you want to be sure that you … Read more

Benchmark – Assessment and Communication with Families

Benchmark – Assessment and Communication with Families For this benchmark, you will create an assessment pamphlet that informs families of the shared responsibility and value for assessing young children, areas of assessment, and practical homebound assessment tools and approaches across the five domains. Assessment Pamphlet Your three-fold assessment pamphlet should include: Outline of the five … Read more

Effects of Technology on Society: Outline

Effects of Technology on Society: Outline Select either Topic A or Topic B for your informative speech. Topic A: How Technology Has Impacted Society. Topic B: History of Your Hometown. Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word. Download the Sample Outline [DOCX], which provides guidance for the structure of an outline. Focus your speech … Read more

Usability Testing-PDA software

Usability Testing-PDA software Based on your research and what you know about usability testing, write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following: Will the tests adopted for these products work for the drug dosage application you are investigating? Describe which kind of test (or tests) might you do? Explain your rationale. Provide in-text … Read more

W9-6 Operation Management Critical Thinking

W9-6 Operation Management Critical Thinking Six Sigma  Six Sigma is a continuous improvement strategy that aids an organization in identifying, reducing, and eliminating defects from any product, process, or transaction. When using Six Sigma, a solution is not generally known at the beginning but becomes clear through use of the Six Sigma strategy. Address the … Read more

What is a Research Paper? (Review Lecture)

What is a Research Paper? (Review Lecture) Since we are starting our first essay requiring outside research this week, please review the following PowerPoints and videos below on what goes in a research paper. you may have already a lot of experience writing research papers, but I wanted all of us to have a refresher. … Read more

Answer the following questions about environment science

Answer the following questions about environment science 1. How might Sea-Level Rise be estimated to be 1-3 meters by 2100 affect the coastlines in Boston Harbor? 2. How do you measure Global Average Temperature? How will a 3oC increase average temperature affect your lives? At least 300 words for each question Answer preview: word limit:694

Managing a Dynamic Environment- Critical Thinking

Managing a Dynamic Environment- Critical Thinking Change Agents in the Change Management Process One of the most fascinating components of the change management process is the change agent. The change agent, who can be a leader, manager, employee, consultant, or customer, is a person who is often at the center of the change management process … Read more

This paper addresses a case study on a debate on the benefits of personal consumption versus personal income tax.

This paper addresses a case study on a debate on the benefits of personal consumption versus personal income tax. When taxes induce people to change their behavior—such as inducing Jane to buy less pizza—the taxes cause deadweight losses and make the allocation of resources less efficient. As we have already seen, much government revenue comes … Read more

Annotations (Choose Your Own Adventure)

Annotations (Choose Your Own Adventure) If you need to watch the following video to refresh yourself on how to annotate your chosen text, particularly concerning fiction. https://youtu.be/EJ8nhlzYx9o STEP 2: Look at the reading schedule you turned in Week 4: Create & Submit a Reading Plan, and set aside time during the week to read and annotate … Read more

Discuss The Six Sigma Strategy

Discuss The Six Sigma Strategy Six Sigma Six Sigma is a continuous improvement strategy that aids an organization in identifying, reducing, and eliminating defects from any product, process, or transaction. When using Six Sigma, a solution is not generally known at the beginning but becomes clear through use of the Six Sigma strategy. Address the … Read more

Eight Bites Annotation Worksheet

Eight Bites Annotation Worksheet DIRECTIONS: This week we are going to be reading some fictional short stories for our Monsters Unit. The story “Eight Bites” addresses one such danger, the toxic messages women internalize about body image (Links to an external site.), which contribute to, if not engender, the various pathological conditions described in the Diagnostic and Statistical … Read more

Differentiate the impact of various communication technologies on safety and quality improvement

Differentiate the impact of various communication technologies on safety and quality improvement Scenario You are a staff nurse voted as the nursing delegate to sit on the Emerging Innovations Steering Committee. In preparing for your first committee meeting you have read through the last year of meeting minutes and determined what the past nursing delegate … Read more

What should be taxed – Personal Income or Personal Consumption and why?

What should be taxed – Personal Income or Personal Consumption and why? Q1: What should be taxed – Personal Income or Personal Consumption and why? Provide your opinion based on the case given below. (200 words) Q2: How may it affect Saudi Economy if an income tax is imposed in KSA?(200 words) Guidelines for the … Read more

Vapor power Cycle Condenser Waste Summary

Vapor power Cycle Condenser Waste Summary Constraints, numerical info regarding waste from vapor power cycle condenser. Talk about how the city specifically wants power for city infrastructure and electric charging (talk about power needed for said demand, at least one to two source. no need for figures because there’s one already there.  there’s a paragraph … Read more

Change Agents in the Change Management Process

Change Agents in the Change Management Process Change Agents in the Change Management Process One of the most fascinating components of the change management process is the change agent. The change agent, who can be a leader, manager, employee, consultant, or customer, is a person who is often at the center of the change management … Read more

Legal Roles of Government and the Private Sector in a National Information Warfare-Defense

Legal Roles of Government and the Private Sector in a National Information Warfare-Defense Identify the reasonable legal roles of government and the private sector, alone and in concert, in creating, managing, and operating a national information warfare-defense capability. About 5-7 pages following APA Forma Answer preview: word limit:1336

Joining Economic Rationality with Psychology in Decision Making-Response

Joining Economic Rationality with Psychology in Decision Making-Response I will venture a guess that you never expected to see the word neuroscience used in an economics course, yet here it is describing the tenants of behavioral economics. Richard Thaler has now won a Nobel Prize developing the theory on this new approach to economic decision … Read more

Discussion :’My Monster Boyfriend’ and ‘Falling in Love with the Monster’

Discussion :’My Monster Boyfriend’ and ‘Falling in Love with the Monster’ We are going to be watching two video essays this week by YouTubers that cover the subject of monsters. The first video we are going to be watching a video essay by YouTuber Lindsay Ellis instead of a TED talk. (I really enjoy watching … Read more

Therapeutic Use of Medicines: Case Study

Therapeutic Use of Medicines: Case Study Project Details Paper Topic : Therapeutic Use of Medicines. Style : APA Language Style : English (U.K.) Type of Assignment : Case Study Acedemic Level : Specialized Level (Law, Nursing) Number of words : 1500 Number of Sources : 12 Order Instructions Project preview: word limit:1649

When They See Us (Viewing & Reflection)

When They See Us (Viewing & Reflection) This week, our extra credit opportunity comes in the form of a miniseries from Netflix called When They See Us. In this series, “Five teens from Harlem become trapped in a nightmare when they’re falsely accused of a brutal attack in Central Park. Based on the true story” (Netflix). This … Read more

Information Management and Technology in Nursing

Information Management and Technology in Nursing Discussion 1: Read and Review Nursing Essential I: Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice. Post one paragraph addressing the following: How does a solid base in liberal education provide the cornerstone for the practice and education of nurses? Write a second paragraph describing how you met Essential I … Read more