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Discussion Board Assignment

Discussion Board Assignment The first discussion : In this assignment you will choose one of the following topics to research: Q1: Research the differences between United States and Saudi Arabian types of business organizations, especially regarding business partnerships. Q2: Read this post and respond to it : The distinguishing features of the partnership are the … Read more

Professional Trajectory-How to improve the writing skill in graduate school

Professional Trajectory-How to improve the writing skill in graduate school The Instructions for Essay #2 are the following: In 2-paragraphs, answer the following: What have been the most important and interesting topics in your course readings and discussions? In 2-paragraphs, answer the following: How have your previous views (or opinions) been reshaped or changed? Have … Read more

Behavior Change-Assignment.

Behavior Change-Assignment. You are to choose one aspect of your health or an unhealthy habit which you want to improve or change for yourself. Explain why this aspect of your health or this unhealthy habit is your concern and if you don’t improve on or change it what might be the health consequences, and how (plans and strategies) you are going to improve or change … Read more

Court Engagement with a Regulatory Inspection That Permits the Viewing of Business Records in Electronic Format

Court Engagement with a Regulatory Inspection That Permits the Viewing of Business Records in Electronic Format Discuss legal issues concerning searches of digital devices: a) What legal standards have been used by the courts to determine whether an illegal search has taken place? b) What is the “third-party” doctrine? c) Does a person have a … Read more

International Market Analysis Report

International Market Analysis Report This assignment involves preparing an assessment for your (hypothetical) company of the marketing a specified product in the designated country. Using all of the material presented in this course, the report will include a comprehensive analysis of the key factors affecting business in that country and an assessment of the probability … Read more

Article Reflection and Responses

Article Reflection and Responses The BBC has a good article that relates to our class: Coronavirus: How can society thrive post-pandemic? (Links to an external site.) Please read through the articles and comment/reflect on some or several of them. Post your thoughts on this article or one of the following ones (80 points). Post your reply to … Read more

Watch an approved TV show that deals with Human Anatomy & Physiology.

Watch an approved TV show that deals with Human Anatomy & Physiology. TYPE a two paragraph summary of the show. Approved shows: Discovery Channel Human Body Series, Dr. G Medical Examiner, ER, House, CSI, Grey’s Anatomy, Bones, Night Detective…see me with other options. Your summary should include the following: Paragraph 1:Answer the following questions: Paragraph 2:Answer … Read more

Discussion-“The Destructors”

Discussion-“The Destructors” I could tell from your responses to Greene’s “The Destructors” prompts, there was some angst and consternation over the story and what those kids did. I deliberately juxtaposed “The Destructors” with “The Nightingale of Kabyle” to showcase extremes of art– life destroying and life saving. These descriptions don’t entirely fit, yet they are … Read more

“Getting a Grip: From Prohibition to Harm Reduction”

 “Getting a Grip: From Prohibition to Harm Reduction” Two of the most important policy strategies for dealing with alcohol problems and their damaging consequences are prohibition and harm reduction. The materials assigned for this week’s readings and posted in Unit 8 of the Online Review provide numerous examples of these alternative strategies. Based on those materials and other … Read more

Eating disorder discussion

Eating disorder discussion Pick one of these eating disorders and present it to the group. You can choose from Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge-Eating, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder or Orthorexia. You can also describe a disorder that maybe hasn’t been fully established but that is interesting to you. Make sure to describe 1. The characteristics … Read more

Review the Lecture for the Portfolio Project

Review the Lecture for the Portfolio Project STEP ONE: REVIEW THE MATERIALS If you are writing Theme Analysis, review the following: LiteraryArguments.pptx Minimize File Preview “How To Find a Theme” | D4Darious https://youtu.be/rIuKNVny9cM “How to Do Literary Analysis (It’s Easy)” | English Nerd  https://youtu.be/dI34pqtNRHA If you are writing Rhetorical Analysis, review the following: Rhetorical Strategies.ppt … Read more

Decision Skills Self-Assessment

Decision Skills Self-Assessment You will recall this Decision Skills Self-Assessment from the beginning of the course. Now that you have completed the course, it’s time to re-visit what you wrote at the beginning of the course, and answer the following questions and upload your answers: Refer to what you submitted before. How would you change … Read more

Discuss the Conditions for Creating a Market Economy

Discuss the Conditions for Creating a Market Economy Answer preview: word limit:1357

Explain the effects of low price-guarantee on the price

Explain the effects of low price-guarantee on the price 1. Explain the effects of low price-guarantee on the price. (1.5 Marks) 2. If a group of sellers could form a cartel, what quantity and price would they try to set? (1.5 Marks) 3. What do you understand by discriminatory monopoly? Bring out the conditions that … Read more

Discuss one of the Saudi Vision 2030 economic objectives.

Discuss one of the Saudi Vision 2030 economic objectives. What are the policy instruments to achieve this objective? Consider policies and perspectives that you have observed through this course. Provide a specific example that you identified. Direction: – two scholarly peer-reviewed – One page – APA style Answer preview: word limit:278  

Discussion Question on Saudi Vision 2030

Discussion Question on Saudi Vision 2030 The Saudi Vision 2030 is a plan to diversify the economy and develop sectors such as education, infrastructure, and tourism. The government encourages private investment in transportation and renewable energy. It emphasizes economic and investment activities and increasing non-oil industry trade between countries. What would be the role of … Read more

Question One: Exports from China Generate Record Trade Surplus

Question One: Exports from China Generate Record Trade Surplus 1. Read the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, or any other major newspaper or weekly publication and select a single article or articles that (1) either report on interesting economic news such as globalization, outsourcing, the IMF, the WTO, NAFTA, the EU, trade, immigration, etc. that … Read more

Answer the following question: Motown Music

Answer the following question: Motown Music Our final discussion is a reflection on the influence of the music of Motown. Please identify a song that you feel reflects the influence of Motown. How you define this influence is subjective: it may be lyrics, music, a sample, etc. While the choice is yours, you need to … Read more

Discussion Board and Reply to Two Peers-Civic Engagement and Social Movements

Discussion Board and Reply to Two Peers-Civic Engagement and Social Movements Civic Engagement and Social Movements “It is estimated that the population of the age of 60 and above in the United States is somewhere between nine and twelve million. I suggest that the national government retire all who reach that age on a monthly … Read more

Life cycle of a butterfly- Discussion.

Life cycle of a butterfly- Discussion. What are the implications for the initial theory or empirical question you asked? What do we know now?  Provide alternative explanations of your results? o Might there have been a confound? o What other variables should you have been measuring or controlling? o Might these results have been … Read more

Maple Leaf Case Study

Maple Leaf Case Study In preparing your report you should consider the answers to the following questions. Please note these are not exhaustive in terms of questions. These are only starting points to answer in your analysis and submission! Clark has asked your team to submit a report for a profit-sharing plan. You are wondering … Read more

Potential Data Safeguard against Human Error, Computer Crime, and Natural Disasters

Potential Data Safeguard against Human Error, Computer Crime, and Natural Disasters Question 3: Describe a potential data safeguard for each of the threats you identified in your answer to question 1. If no data safeguard is appropriate to a business, explain why. Question 4: Describe a potential human safeguard for each of the threats you … Read more

Intercoil international company

Intercoil international company Lean manufacturing is a philosophy of production that focuses on the minimization of resources used throughout the organization in the production of goods and services. Lean manufacturing involves identifying and eliminating non-value adding activities in design, production, supply-chain management, and in dealing with the customers. Select a manufacturing business in the Middle … Read more

Operation Management DQ

Operation Management DQ Lean manufacturing is a philosophy of production that focuses on the minimization of resources used throughout the organization in the production of goods and services. Lean manufacturing involves identifying and eliminating non-value adding activities in design, production, supply-chain management, and in dealing with the customers. Select a manufacturing business in the Middle … Read more

Brief Summary: A Growing Support for Dank Dividend Return

Brief Summary: A Growing Support for Dank Dividend Return Obtain a story from the media (e.g., Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Business, Yahoo Finance) related to some of the concepts discussed in this course. You need to combine the article with a brief write-up (1-2 pages) summarizing the article and then showing how relevant concepts in … Read more

Appreciating Behavior, Attitudes, and Values in Organizations-Discussion

Appreciating Behavior, Attitudes, and Values in Organizations-Discussion Assignment 1 Reference Source: Textbook:- Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019). Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Case Study: – Case: Google Please read the case “Google” from Chapter 6 “Motivation.” Page: – 187 given in your textbook … Read more

Evaluate the significance of AI in the entertainment

Evaluate the significance of AI in the entertainment “AI in Entertainment”  1) Summary – a concise overview of the main content highlighting the presenter(s) and the presentation itself; 2) Evaluation – a critique of the session (you may wish to comment on the content, methodology, model, measures, conclusions, presentation style, etc.; and 3) Application – … Read more

Discuss the Modern Manifestation of Buddhism Religion

Discuss the Modern Manifestation of Buddhism Religion Write about a modern manifestation of Buddhism religion, what is going on now. You should use at least one outside source. .doc file | MLA | Research Paper | 2 pages, Double spaced Answer preview: word limit:625

Case study-Muscat Bank and Glee Toys

Case study-Muscat Bank and Glee Toys Case study 1-Muscat Bank Think about Muscat Bank considering its staff, customers, materials and daily operations. This assignment requires you to describe and analyze operations taking place at Muscat Bank. You can do so by addressing the following questions: (Q1) Present the operations taking place at Muscat Bank as an … Read more

Reflection of a major theme of our film “The Sixth Sun: Mayan Uprising in Chiapas”

Reflection of a major theme of our film “The Sixth Sun: Mayan Uprising in Chiapas”  in relation to what you’re learning from our lecture and readings from: “End of the Cold War, Democratization, Neoliberalism, Globalization 3.0 and the Remaking of the Americas in the late 20th and early 21st Century, Part I” (my important lecture, … Read more

Art Report-Dali Museum

Art Report-Dali Museum Dali Museum is an artwork institution situated in St. Petersburg, Florida. It is the United States museum dedicated to relinquishing the rest of its artwork to the visitors from all sections of the globe. Dali museum houses a large section of artwork in and outside of Europe. Answer preview: word limit:2290

Literary Analysis-Racial Discrimination in America

Literary Analysis-Racial Discrimination in America Objectives Use all phases of the writing process to create a largely error free essay, understand and use an academic article to analyze an element of culture, research, synthesize, integrate, and contextualize multiple outside sources (through quotations, paraphrasing, and summary) with their own voice, analysis, or position, while avoiding plagiarism. … Read more

Saudi Construction Case Study Part 1

Saudi Construction Case Study Part 1 To assess your ability to: Apply legal issues and concepts related to the duty of loyalty to create appropriate solutions in case study scenario. Apply main concepts of Saudi Company law in case study scenario. Saudi Construction Case Study : Asad and three business associates have decided to start … Read more

Whole Class Discussion-The Beauty of Being a Misfit

Whole Class Discussion-The Beauty of Being a Misfit This is our last TED Talk for the class, and I wanted us to watch one that wasn’t really connected with the material we were covering this week directly, but a powerful nonetheless. This week we are discussing a wonderful TED talk by author Lidia Yuknavitch. To … Read more

Reading Annotations for Your Supplemental Book (Portfolio Project)

Reading Annotations for Your Supplemental Book (Portfolio Project) Annotation Worksheet Source: I. Rhetorical Context (Who wrote it or created it? Why was it written? What is it trying to do to or for its readers? What is it? Where does it appear? When was it published? What is its genre?) II. Summary (What does the … Read more

Drama Class Discussion

Drama Class Discussion Present a link from a website or article that inspires, interests, or excites you and then share with our group why that particular piece is of interest to you personally. Here are some great resources for you to explore and consider: Theatre Communications Group (Links to an external site.)– the national organization for … Read more

Discussion on Uranium occurrences.

Discussion on Uranium occurrences. a) List the different deposits of uranium in Nova Scotia and their locations, Use locations on the map or give information such as south of Truro or something similar. b) What rock types should each of these deposit types occur in? Answer preview: word limit:320

Demonstrate a solid understanding of the concepts and models for making strategies to face challenges and improve the performance of technology based enterprises.

Demonstrate a solid understanding of the concepts and models for making strategies to face challenges and improve the performance of technology based enterprises. Answer preview: word limit:880

Cultural Revolution impacts-Discussion.

Cultural Revolution impacts-Discussion. In the course, cultural revolution is defined as a major change that impacts the way people in a culture lead their lives. This could be anything from a major terrorist attack like September 11, 2001 that impacts a feeling of security, or a change in technology that changes how people interact and … Read more


Globalization Existentialism, the quest for equality, and information-age technology are three themes in this chapter. What are some of the landmarks generated by each? Why do we call the decades from the middle of the twentieth century to the present the “information age”? What landmarks characterize this age? What are the major differences between the … Read more

Define triple bottom line reporting and expand on its importance in management’s reports to shareholders

Define triple bottom line reporting and expand on its importance in management’s reports to shareholders Answer preview: word limit:280

Descriptive Epidemiology-Listeria Monocytogenes

Descriptive Epidemiology-Listeria Monocytogenes • Descriptive epidemiology of listeriosis (describe how disease incidence and mortality are distributed by person, place, and time). This will comprise the largest portion of the Introduction/Background section. Be sure to include data! Feel free to include figures and short tables from publications (e.g. CDC publications) – be sure to cite with … Read more

Discussion-War and Conflict in the Contemporary World

Discussion-War and Conflict in the Contemporary World Implications of Electronic Technologies, Especially Of the Internet, For World Politics Answer preview: word limit:617

Community meeting review.

Community meeting review. City council and school board proceedings are a good opportunity for students to learn “first hand” and evaluate the operations of government at the most basic level: the community. This project encourages students to gain some insight into the development, implementation, and arbitration of public policy. And hopefully, whatever the experience, good … Read more

Make up with a synopsis of a criminal act

Make up with a synopsis of a criminal act Make up with a synopsis of a criminal act. This should be no longer than a paragraph. It should include the elements needed to answer the following questions. Identify the crime(s) committed and the response by the police (this should detail the probable cause element for … Read more

Writing a paper following the instructions-Kingdom Rideshare Company

Writing a paper following the instructions-Kingdom Rideshare Company Describe the main objectives/goals of your case study project, and provide an overview of the main questions and issues your paper will address. Overview of the business (1 page) You should describe briefly about the business, such as industry, sales, profits, number of employees, gender, age, educational … Read more

Managing Dynamic-Dealing with Layoffs

Managing Dynamic-Dealing with Layoffs Change involves moving from one circumstance or situation to another. Since organizations involve many components and systems, the ability to effectively communicate any changes throughout the organization becomes a critical component of employee morale and commitment. In this scenario, assume you are serving as a Human Resource Manager for a company … Read more

Personal Jurisdiction-Transnational Cybercrimes

Personal Jurisdiction-Transnational Cybercrimes Discuss problems in investigating and prosecuting transnational cybercrimes. What things can impair international cooperation and what practical steps can investigators/lawyers take facilitate matters? Elaborate on process that applies in order to obtain personal jurisdiction over a person who physically resides in a foreign country. How is that process exercised? Question: Laws that … Read more

American Dream-Assignment

American Dream-Assignment Step 1 Read the following prompt: Several of the readings in our textbook (“RIP, the Middle Class: 1946-2013,” “The American Dream: Dead, Alive, or on Hold?,” and “What’s Killing Poor White Women?,” among others) have discussed the demise of the American Dream. After reading these authors, do you believe the American Dream is … Read more

Write a 2 page summary of the movie Con Man (2017) about Barry Minkow

Write a 2 page summary of the movie Con Man (2017) about Barry Minkow Write a 2 page review/summary of the movie Con Man (2017) about Barry Minkow. Have the time line Have the motive Have the rationalization Have the opportunity .doc file | Admission Essay | 2 pages, Double spaced Answer preview: word limit:512