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Assignment on Group Analysis and Self Evaluation

Assignment on Group Analysis and Self Evaluation Please complete this assignment with your group and discuss your responses with your group. Some of these questions can be answered with a name, or just a few words. Some of the questions require a couple of sentences or a paragraph to answer them fully. Please be especially … Read more

Explain the Benefits of Professional Communications Course

Explain the Benefits of Professional Communications Course For Professional Experience #5, you will develop a promotional message. This can be an email, letter, info graphic, image, or any other relevant material that answers the following question: Why should students take a Professional Communications course? .doc file | Essay | 1 pages, Double spaced Answer preview: … Read more

Understanding the Protections and Limits of the First Amendment or Free Expression On College Campuses amid the COVID-19 Disruption

Understanding the Protections and Limits of the First Amendment or Free Expression On College Campuses amid the COVID-19 Disruption Topic Understanding the Protections and Limits of the First Amendment or Free Expression on College Campuses amid the COVID-19 Disruption The Issue This paper is an opportunity to engage in Socratic Reasoning: Examine assumptions about what … Read more

Knowledge Assignment: Evidence-Based Skin Care

Knowledge Assignment: Evidence-Based Skin Care Maintaining patients’ skin integrity decreases hospital-acquired infection rates and reduces patients’ length of stay. Respond in one well-developed page paper Complete the Pieper Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test. (https://www.ahrq.gov/professionals/systems/hospita…) Check your answers against the answer key. (https://www.ahrq.gov/patient-safety/settings/hospi…) Provide your score and, in no more than one paragraph, develop three to five objectives that … Read more

A comprehensive research on Learning Evaluation

A comprehensive research on Learning Evaluation 750+ words 3 Concepts or Ideas you have learned about writing, conducting research, or advocating in this course Provide a concrete example for each from your writing and experiences Offer a brief introduction, 3 ideas or concepts you learned with specific examples, and a brief conclusion Works Cited page … Read more

Research on Human Factors in Air Traffic Control Aviation

Research on Human Factors in Air Traffic Control Aviation In depth explanation about Human factors in air Traffic control tower in aviation field. APA.  Answer preview: word limit:1127

Discussion about of American History in 1930s and 1960s

Discussion about of American History in 1930s and 1960s The 1960s were like a return to the 1930s — both were turbulent, traumatic, conflictual times.” In what ways do you find this comparison persuasive? In what ways do the contrasts between the two decades seem greater than the similarities? only can use the sources I … Read more

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment and Section B: Proposal/Problem Statement and Literature Review In order to formulate your evidence-based practice (EBP), you need to assess your organization. In this assignment, you will be responsible for setting the stage for EBP. This assignment is conducted in two parts: an organizational … Read more

Discussion Board and Reply to Two Peers

Discussion Board and Reply to Two Peers Discussion Overview “Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in a while, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.” –John Muir Interest groups are non-profit, voluntary organizations that seek to affect public policy. Although there are a … Read more

What are some examples of artists who have either addressed the pandemic directly

What are some examples of artists who have either addressed the pandemic directly, or who have shifted their practice to focus on smaller/local/online projects?. *** Words count = 200 words. *** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style. Answer preview: word limit:254

Japanese Film Review-Shin Gojira

Japanese Film Review-Shin Gojira This week’s keyword: Multimedia Here are some explanation from the lecture to explain this keyword in detail: But I think there’s a very strong and consistent tendency after the 19 sixties, which can be called the Age of multimedia, the media medium has changed from, let say, TV to video to … Read more

Discussion question on management dynamics.

Discussion question on management dynamics. Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines Change involves moving from one circumstance or situation to another. Since organizations involve many components and systems, the ability to effectively communicate any changes throughout the organization becomes a critical component of employee morale and commitment. In this … Read more

Managerial Accounting-Triple bottom line (TBL) reporting .

Managerial Accounting-Triple bottom line (TBL) reporting. Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines While it is not required, some firms are now including triple bottom line reporting in their annual report to shareholders. Define triple bottom line reporting and expand on its importance in management’s reports to shareholders. Answer preview: … Read more

Essay on the global population problem.

Essay on the global population problem. Global population will rise to approximately 10 billion by 2100. Developing nations’ total fertility rates (TFR) are around 3 children for each woman; whereas, TFR for more developed nations has dropped to less than 2 children for each woman. At the same time for all nations, life expectancy (LE) … Read more

Discussion on Triple Bottom Line

Discussion on Triple Bottom Line Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines While it is not required, some firms are now including triple bottom line reporting in their annual report to shareholders. Define triple bottom line reporting and expand on its importance in management’s reports to shareholders. Answer preview: word … Read more

Managerial Accounting-Discussion.

Managerial Accounting-Discussion. Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines While it is not required, some firms are now including triple bottom line reporting in their annual report to shareholders. Define triple bottom line reporting and expand on its importance in ’s reports to shareholders. Answer preview: word limit:210

Write an essay on Managing Dynamics.

Write an essay on Managing Dynamics. Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines Change involves moving from one circumstance or situation to another. Since organizations involve many components and systems, the ability to effectively communicate any changes throughout the organization becomes a critical component of employee morale and commitment. In … Read more

Discussion on Employee Layoff

Discussion on Employee Layoff Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines Change involves moving from one circumstance or situation to another. Since organizations involve many components and systems, the ability to effectively communicate any changes throughout the organization becomes a critical component of employee morale and commitment. In this scenario, … Read more

Write a discussion on Operation Management

Write a discussion on Operation Management Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a set of business applications that are integrated to provide support for core business process activities. Core business process activities may include actions around manufacturing production, logistics, sales, marketing, finance, … Read more

Discussion on Enterprise Resource Planning

Discussion on Enterprise Resource Planning Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a set of business applications that are integrated to provide support for core business process activities. Core business process activities may include actions around manufacturing production, logistics, sales, marketing, finance, accounting, … Read more

Discuss the Role of Triple Bottom Line in Organizational Reporting

Discuss the Role of Triple Bottom Line in Organizational Reporting Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines While it is not required, some firms are now including triple bottom line reporting in their annual report to shareholders. Define triple bottom line reporting and expand on its importance in management’s reports … Read more

Management Operation of ERP

Management Operation of ERP Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a set of business applications that are integrated to provide support for core business process activities. Core business process activities may include actions around manufacturing production, logistics, sales, marketing, finance, accounting, human … Read more

Operation Management Discussion question.

Operation Management Discussion question. Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a set of business applications that are integrated to provide support for core business process activities. Core business process activities may include actions around manufacturing production, logistics, sales, marketing, finance, accounting, human … Read more

Managing Workplace During and After Layoff

Managing Workplace During and After Layoff Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines Change involves moving from one circumstance or situation to another. Since organizations involve many components and systems, the ability to effectively communicate any changes throughout the organization becomes a critical component of employee morale and commitment. In … Read more

Discussion-Managing ERP Implementation

Discussion-Managing ERP Implementation Discussion question, No outline, 2-3 Paragraphs, 2 references and around 15 lines An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a set of business applications that are integrated to provide support for core business process activities. Core business process activities may include actions around manufacturing production, logistics, sales, marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, … Read more

Discussion prompt-Substance Abuse

Discussion prompt-Substance Abuse This assignment has two parts Part 1: Compass of Pleasure: Why Some Things Feel So Good. The main focus on neuroscience of addiction, especially the dopamine system. Part 2: Listen to one more mini-podcast What Vietnam Taught Us About Breaking Bad Habits. Very short, fascinating discussion of what government and public health … Read more

Write an essay on Consumer Behaviors

Write an essay on Consumer Behaviors 1- Give  examples of Search, Experience and Credence goods. For your Experience and Credence goods, argue what is the best way for consumers to gather information about the goods. Short answers 1. Can a market be vertically differentiated and horizontally differentiated at the same time? If not, why not? … Read more

Answer the following questions on Holographic Organization

Answer the following questions on Holographic Organization Search for the journal article entitled as ‘Implementing a Holographic Organization Design: The Case of GABO:mi’ by Jacobi, E. (2015) in South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases. 4 (1), 2– 13  Read the research article thoroughly alongside Chapter 12 in your textbook and answer the … Read more

Assignment on Daily Standup Meeting

Assignment on Daily Standup Meeting Think about the Daily Standup meeting, discuss the true value of the Daily Standup meeting. Is it part of planning as the Scrum books seem to suggest, or is it just a status meeting? Please give a comprehensive view of Daily Standup meeting. Thank you Answer preview: word limit:345  

Hewlett-Packard Company’s Case Study

Hewlett-Packard Company’s Case Study Can investors successfully sue a company for the economic harm created by the public disclosure of the breach of a company’s code of ethics by its CEO & Chairman? This assignment requires to read a case (provided below). At its core, this lawsuit is reasonably simple: can investors successfully sue a … Read more

Explain the Origin and development of Islamic law

Explain the Origin and development of Islamic law Origin and development of Islamic law Please provide me with the sources in the bibliography page at the end and the essay should be MLA format. It is my final essay for the university so please make sure there should not be plagiarism. I am stuck with … Read more

Alzheimer’s disease, its causes and, management-Discussion

Alzheimer’s disease, its causes and, management-Discussion It’s a 9-10 page paper over Alzheimer’s. Must be in APA format, and at least 12 sources from peer-reviewed material. 9 of them must be from peer-reviewed academic journals. Answer preview: word limit:2392

Write an essay on the accordion dreams music

Write an essay on the accordion dreams music watch any of the videos I post, or videos or ANY other Latin American or Spanish music video you like… as long as they are Latin American or Spanish. A report, 2 pages, double spaced must be submitted for each concert addressing the following: -Titles and composers … Read more

The Global Marketplace assignment.

The Global Marketplace assignment. How do governments attempt to control foreign businesses operating within their borders? When U.S. companies do business in other countries, what issues do they face? Describe the responsibilities and ethical concerns that you feel are important for U.S. companies to consider when doing business in other countries APA format for references, … Read more

Nature vs. Nurture-Essay prompt

Nature vs. Nurture-Essay prompt Socialization plays a fundamental role in personal and societal development. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: How is nature different from nurture in the process of socialization? Define each term, and explain your response. Consider an individual to use as an example to apply the nature versus … Read more

Integrity in Practice- Discussion

Integrity in Practice- Discussion These are the Nurses Service Organization legal cases link above Summarizes the legal issues present in the case 25% of total grade4533.7522.511.250 Lists risk-mitigation techniques 25% of total grade4533.7522.511.250 Includes potential nurse actions for improving the outcome 25% of total grade4533.7522.511.250 Cites at least 3 evidence-based, peer-reviewed sources published within the last … Read more

Discussion and Reply to Two Peers

Discussion and Reply to Two Peers Almost overnight Kemal Ataturk banned the fez, secularized the state, gave women the vote and set Turkey on a course toward the West Turkey’s teahouses are charming places. Plane trees shade small tables set along white walls. Men play backgammon or huddle overwater pipes. Steam rises from boiling samovars. … Read more

Discuss the ethical issues educators face and how they can and should be resolved.

Discuss the ethical issues educators face and how they can and should be resolved. STICKING TO YOUR GUNS It’s Spirit Day during Homecoming Week at Central High School and the students are excited. The week is full of special events, and the upcoming football game, parade, and dance are all anyone is talking about. Today … Read more

Knowledge Assignment: Alarm Fatigue

Knowledge Assignment: Alarm Fatigue Alarms are intended to alert caregivers of potential patient problems. But if alarms are not properly managed, they can compromise patient safety. After completing the assigned readings: Respond in one strategy per level. Develop one alarm management and patient safety strategies for each of the following levels of care: Organizational Unit … Read more

Leading Negotiations for Multinational Ventures-Discussion.

Leading Negotiations for Multinational Ventures-Discussion. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. You are about to embark on … Read more

Reflection Writing

Reflection Writing Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions: Explain what OSHA is, its purpose, and what responsibilities there are … Read more

Discussion Prompts

Discussion Prompts For this assignment, you will dive a bit deeper into several concepts presented in this chapter. It is also encouraged for you to make connections with previous chapters! Address the following three prompts (your answers should be approximately one paragraph). Which do you think is a better way of determining quality of life: … Read more

The Classic Change Curve

The Classic Change Curve Briefly summarize the “classic change curve.” post your response with minimum 400 words with 2 peer references. Answer preview: word limit:458

Marketing Plan Part I

Marketing Plan Part I Part 1 OK, your turn. Conduct a web search for examples of firms that have successfully employed user generated content; there are lots of great ones to choose from. If they can do it, so can you! How would you employ user generated content to promote, brand, and sell the product … Read more

Assignment On the Use of Telemedicine

Assignment On the Use of Telemedicine Read Chapter 13 in the textbook and answer the following questions: 1. Have you used telemedicine before? If not, how will you use it? 2. Talk about the cost of employees driving to see a healthcare provider during working hours. 250-300 words, your answer should include at least one … Read more

Discussion Questions on Hospitality Technology Investment

Discussion Questions on Hospitality Technology Investment Hospitality Technology Investment Read Jon Inge’s article on “Why Aren’t Hotels Quicker to Adopt Innovative Technology?” which is in the attachment and is available in this week’s module. Discuss the following questions: What is CAPEX? What does “total cost of ownership” of a hotel PMS mean? What are the … Read more

Criminal and Restorative Justice

Criminal and Restorative Justice Post your response to the following: What are they key differences between the current mainstream criminal justice system and restorative justice? What difference would the two approaches make for someone harmed by a crime, and for someone who committed a crime? Include your own overall question that you had about the … Read more

Management Concept Review

Management Concept Review Reflection is an important part of the learning process. It enables you to look back on what you learned and think about its usefulness and practicality to your life. In this case, consider the usefulness of what you have learned in relation to your future career in the business field. Please discuss … Read more

Discussion and Reply to Two Peers

Discussion and Reply to Two Peers To make the most out of your learning experience and earn a good Discussion grade, you must answer the Discussion question and then respond substantially to at least two classmates’ postings for each unit Discussion. You should write at least 200 words in the original post; then you should … Read more

The Great Depression Assignment.

The Great Depression Assignment. For this assignment, your task is to write an essay that characterizes the Great Depression. Use the textbook, the video lectures, and other sources for information. (Make sure that you cite your sources; use MLA or APA.) Your essay should be between 1000 and 2000 words. In particular, make sure to … Read more