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Dispute settlements

Dispute settlements John, Lesa, and Trevor form a limited liability company. John contributes 60 percent of the capital, and Lesa and Trevor each contribute 20 percent. Nothing is decided about how profits will be divided. John assumes that he will be entitled to 60 percent of the profits, in accordance with his contribution. Lesa and … Read more

Examine the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1980s. 

Examine the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1980s.  Examine the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1980s. Include the following in your discussion: What were the main reasons for the collapse? What role did the constant state of militarism and the costs of keeping up with the U.S. militarybuildup have on the Soviet economy? … Read more

Example of Tesla Business Plan

Example of Tesla Business Plan Financial Plan A. Financial Projections How will you fund the business? What are your desired debt and equity position? Who will provide capital debt funds? What role will leasing play in your financial strategy? Will you use outside investors for equity capital? How will you manage the financial risks your … Read more

Discuss on the case of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Discuss on the case of Ruth Bader Ginsburg APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:1193 words

History of the area, Club Nikki

History of the area, Club Nikki For the final paper please do you a write up about the case and your opinion about what happened. Please include: the facts about the case, in history of the area to include Club Nikki, the area the girls lived in and what the city was like during that … Read more

The problem with Hostile Tender Offers.

The problem with Hostile Tender Offers. The problem with hostile tender offers is that they are harmful to shareholders. How have world governments addressed this problem? APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:357 words

What does quality of life mean?

What does quality of life mean? ASSIGNMENT 4: APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:308 words

An internship experience.

An internship experience. Write 3-5 page Reflection Paper discussing what you gained from the internship experience. This includes the pros and cons. What were some of the things that you found professionally enjoyable, and what problems they encountered during the experience? Additional Information: I’m in a internship program called suicide prevention. In this program we … Read more

Discussion of “Stay Woke” documentary

Discussion of “Stay Woke” documentary Provide a thoughtful discussion of at least 3 things that you learned or found interesting fromthe documentary film, & quot; Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement & quot; (2016), which you canaccess here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIoYtKOqxeU “Policy Steps toward Closing the Gap” The authors provide a number of proposals for achieving socioeconomic … Read more

Providing Physical Security in Unoccupied/ Unattended Workplace Facilities

Providing Physical Security in Unoccupied/ Unattended Workplace Facilities Your task: You have been asked to give a presentation at Business Round Table Event. Attendees are owners of small businesses and corporate managers whose employees are now working from home due to the global pandemic. The need for physical security to protect equipment and other assets … Read more

Root Causes of Managerial Incompetence

Root Causes of Managerial Incompetence 1. The rationale for the team’s selection of the issue Organizational leadership in distinct spheres is a crucial factor in human affairsand organizational success There is a growing focus on aspects and role of management in the success ofbusiness undertakings 2. What is the importance of the issue to you … Read more

Shortest sleep duration areas in the U.S

Shortest sleep duration areas in the U.S Explore the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for sleep data by using the search terms “CDC data and statistics Short Sleep Duration Among US Adults”. Specifically explore the geographical differences in sleep duration for adults; the short sleep duration for age, sex, race, and ethnicity; and … Read more

Logitech Case Study. Primary and secondary components of Logitech’s value chain

Logitech Case Study. Primary and secondary components of Logitech’s value chain Logitech Case Study Read case 21 Logitech – page 272. In five (5) pages or less, 1.5 spacing, please consider and answer the following questions: Does Logitech have any core competencies, and if so, what are they? What are the primary and secondary components … Read more

Discuss about  famous whistleblower  Dr Jeffrey Wigand on the

Discuss about  famous whistleblower  Dr Jeffrey Wigand on the The 1999 movie “The Insider” Dr Jeffrey Wigand was Vice President at Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation in 1993. He is a famous whistleblower on the company’s manipulation of nicotine and lies about health concerns and tobacco. The 1999 movie “The Insider” was based upon Wigand’s experiences. … Read more

Cholera (Vibrio cholerae) .How the disease works

Cholera (Vibrio cholerae) .How the disease works Pick one of the bacteria from the list of organisms that causes a disease, and you will look up and provide more information about it. Use resources like the CDC or WHO websites, and describe (in your own words) how the disease works, where it is commonly found, … Read more

Explain how the Economic Opportunity Act and the War on Poverty

Explain how the Economic Opportunity Act and the War on Poverty Discussion Board 1: In 1933, Harry Hopkins, one of FDR’s top advisors, argued that public welfare should not be a haven for professional social work practice. In the 1960s, the Public Welfare Association asserted that having social workers in public welfare programs would not … Read more

Ways  accounting expert can help with fraud case

Ways  accounting expert can help with fraud case Discussion Questions APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:740 words

Application of forensic science in scenes of crime

Application of forensic science in scenes of crime Question Description: One of the most powerful parts of a case against a criminal can be the forensic evidence that is collected and presented. Dramatic breakthroughs in both the scientific and technological fields have greatly impacted the criminal justice system. Imagine that a recent crime wave has … Read more

Do you agree or not agree that  Supreme Court justices are appointed for life?

Do you agree or not agree that  Supreme Court justices are appointed for life? Supreme Court justices are appointed for life. Do you agree or disagree with this? Why? Please use your own words. APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:376 words

Describe Ashley Stewart’s retail strategy Case Study entitled “ASHLEY STEWART”

Describe Ashley Stewart’s retail strategy Case Study entitled “ASHLEY STEWART” Case Study Read the Chapter Case Study entitled “ASHLEY STEWART” from Chapter- 17 “Retailing and Omni-channel Marketing” Page:535 given in your textbook – “Marketing” (7th Edition) by Dhruv. Grewal and Michael. Levy (2020) and answer the following Questions: Assignment Question(s): 1.   Describe Ashley Stewart’s retail strategy using the 6 Ps. … Read more

Role of UK in fighting against climate change

Role of UK in fighting against climate change COP26 is trying to tackle climate change and the impacts of the conference will be felt for your lifetime. If you choose to do this extra credit assignment, the expectation is that you will read the “explainer” document and then read/watch at least an hour videos/articles on … Read more

Demonstrate an understanding of human resource and ethics management  in the workplace

Demonstrate an understanding of human resource and ethics management  in the workplace  Harmful conduct  to corporate reputation? After completing her Bachelor of Arts and Juris Doctor degrees, Simone Prieto joined the small butprestigious law firm of Hassard, Wolfram and Cox (HWC Law). Simone, who finished third in her lawschool class, is a specialist in patent … Read more

Reasons behind the reorganizing of the finance department in this foods company

Reasons behind the reorganizing of the finance department in this foods company 1. What are the key reasons behind the reorganizing of the finance department in this foods company? (Words 150–200) 2. What do you think the major concerns will be of employees and managers in the new design? (Words 150–200) 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a gradual versus a rapid … Read more

What are the economic and political issues raised by having an imbalance between free and slave states?

What are the economic and political issues raised by having an imbalance between free and slave states? Articles and videos, answer the questions below; quote or use events from from 2 separate sources for each question. Be sure to cite the source by name and page, if available. When you quote something, do not make … Read more

Discus the elements of Situational Analysis ( SWOT Approach) 

Discus the elements of Situational Analysis ( SWOT Approach)  APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:510 words

Discuss on ethical leadership

Discuss on ethical leadership Pick one of the following terms for your research: Balanced scorecard, ethical leadership, emotional intelligence, sustainability, or authentic leadership.(300 words APA format) APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:379 words

Discuss the concept of personhood as used in the nursing as caring theory.

Discuss the concept of personhood as used in the nursing as caring theory. Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:591 words

Able Planet Case Study

Able Planet Case Study Students are supposed to read the attached Case 2- Able Planet. Based on your understanding of the case and basic concepts of Entrepreneurship. Answer the following question: 1. Experts say that entrepreneurs who need between $100,000 and $3 million often face the greatest obstacles when raising capital for their businesses. Why? … Read more

Electric and Hybrid Cars

Electric and Hybrid Cars 1. Do you think electric cars may become a viable alternative to gasoline-powered vehicles?What is the future of the electric car? Explain your answer especially in the context ofKSA as Saudi Arabia is moving towards carbon free economy.2. Given a business strategy of being the word leader in manufacturing electric cars … Read more

How did you identify and support language demands associated with the key content learning activity?

How did you identify and support language demands associated with the key content learning activity? Question: How did you identify and support language demands associated with the key content learning activity? (Note: This question asks you to explain how you identify the language demands related to the key content activity. For example, if you are … Read more

Example of Project Scheduling Activity

Example of Project Scheduling Activity Develop a spreadsheet application for project scheduling that calculates the early start, early finish, late start, late finish, total slack, and free slack for each activity Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:316 words

Strategic alliance between Starbucks and Barnes 

Strategic alliance between Starbucks and Barnes  Noble.1. Briefly introduce your chosen firms, partners of the strategic alliance (industry,nationality, size, market position…).2. What is the type of strategic alliance used by your chosen firms? Explain its differentreasons.3. What is the method used by the firms to manage their cultures after alliance?Underline the pros and cons of … Read more

Discuss the relationship between science and media.

Discuss the relationship between science and media. There is nothing like reading a good book or watching a great movie for a little escapism and entertainment. With all of the television channels available and easy access to the internet, you can watch just about anything you want at any time. Earlier in the course you … Read more

Cultural Genocide in Canada

Cultural Genocide in Canada A cultural genocide on an example of indigenous people of Canada (first nations). present ideas of the Canadian government to repair mistakes from the past. Summarize main issues, reasons of phenomena and in this way inspire your colleagues to find more about the topic. indicate some useful sources. APA Answer preview: … Read more

Why is an organization’s culture perhaps the most evident during crisis situations?

Why is an organization’s culture perhaps the most evident during crisis situations? Case Study: – Case: Delta / UnitedPlease read the case “Delta / United” from Chapter 16 “ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE”Page: – 533 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance andcommitment in the workplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & … Read more

Elements of Technological Environment Impacting the Hospitality Sector

Elements of Technological Environment Impacting the Hospitality Sector Choose one element in the technological environment that impacts your chosen industry(hospitality) either favorably or unfavorably. Please describe this element in detail and if you believe this will be a long-term or short-term impact and if this poses an opportunity or a threat to your industry segment. APA Answer … Read more

Type of strategic alliance used from real national/international market.

Type of strategic alliance used from real national/international market. Learning Outcomes: From real national/international market, select any type of strategic alliance between two firms and answer the following questions: APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:1003 words

Economic and Industry Recovery from COVID-19

Economic and Industry Recovery from COVID-19 The purpose of this assignment is for you to examine and analyze economic and social issues and their impacts upon managerial practice in the global hospitality industry. Review the attached assignment document for full details. Please be sure to answer EACH question, and put your references used after each … Read more

Analyze and apply critical thinking skills in the psychopathology of mental health patients.

Analyze and apply critical thinking skills in the psychopathology of mental health patients. Scenario: Kel is a 42-year-old certified public accountant (CPA) who dreams each year that she will board a cruise ship the day after Tax Day and go somewhere, anywhere, except Portsmouth, Virginia. Each year the dream, like the ocean, ebbs and flows, … Read more

Start-up Business Plan

Start-up Business Plan Marketing Plan a. Market Research- Why? (1 Mark) b. Market Research- How? Primary or Secondary Data? (1 Mark) c. In your marketing plan, be as specific as possible; give statistics, numbers, and sources. The marketing plan will be the basis, later on, of the all‐important sales projection. (3 Marks) Product Customer • … Read more

Discuss the movie “our planet”

Discuss the movie “our planet” 1.What surprised you in the film and why? (~50 words) 2.What did you find upsetting in the film and why? (~50 words) 3.Overall, how did the film make you feel? (~50 words) APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. … Read more

 Discuss External Economic Environment 

 Discuss External Economic Environment  Choose one element in the external economic environment that impacts your chosen industry(Food & Beverage or Hospitality) either favorably or unfavorably. Please describe this element in detail and if you believe this will be a long-term or short-term impact and if this poses an opportunity or a threat to your industry segment. APA … Read more

Explain common measures of system performance

Explain common measures of system performance Many businesses utilize waiting lines to manage customer service. For example, banks, amusement parks, supermarket checkouts, fast food restaurants, call centers, check-in counters at airports, emergency departments of hospitals, and so many more. In the course of your week, consider an experience you had that led to a temporary … Read more

Minimum wage and defend your viewpoint.

Minimum wage and defend your viewpoint. What would you advise senior HR managers in organizations that are concerned abouthow raising the wage might result in losses? What is your counsel to an employee who is struggling financially because they are beingpaid the minimum wage? Is there a happy medium  to this debate? APA Answer preview: … Read more

Why is an organization, culture perhaps the most evident during crisis situations

Why is an organization, culture perhaps the most evident during crisis situations Define the impact of company,culture, structure and design can have on its organizationalbehavior.  Assignment 3 Reference Source:Textbook:-Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019). Organizational behaviour: Improvingperformance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Case Study: … Read more

Discuss the approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of HRM practices, and use examples

Discuss the approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of HRM practices, and use examples APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:364 words

What were the main arguments pro-slavery southerners used to defend the institution of slavery against accusations that slavery was barbaric and backward?

What were the main arguments pro-slavery southerners used to defend the institution of slavery against accusations that slavery was barbaric and backward? What were the main arguments pro-slavery southerners used to defend the institution of slavery against accusations that slavery was barbaric and backward? What were the limits of these arguments (in other words, how … Read more

Discuss the case study Zoom and the entire  Web conferencing industry.

Discuss the case study Zoom and the entire  Web conferencing industry.  Role                   Organizational Health                     2×2 Matrix Tool (Performance Matrix) APA Answer preview; Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. … Read more

The Lack of African American Male Educators

The Lack of African American Male Educators Dissertation Topic: A Phenomenological Study on Student Responsiveness to African American Male Educators in the Urban vs. Suburban School Setting (The Lack of African American Male Educators in the Field) Part 1: Locate five peer-reviewed articles published within the past 5 years related to a topic of interest … Read more

THE BENEFITS OF LEAN MANUFACTURING what lean thinking offers the process Industries

THE BENEFITS OF LEAN MANUFACTURING what lean thinking offers the process Industries Read out the research paper carefully and based on your understanding you should answer the following questions. Questions: APA Answer preview: Get instant access to the full solution from www.essaycounter.com by clicking the purchase button below. words limit:1609 words