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Topic: Division of housework and gendered expectations

Topic: Division of housework and gendered expectations Like firms (or companies) households are often considered essential units of the economy: they are the sites or organizational units where labor is homed, fed, cared for, and reproduced. Yet households are also critically important spaces from a sociological perspective given how they are tied to the making … Read more

Case Study Assignment-Offering New Insights in Customer Experience

Case Study Assignment-Offering New Insights in Customer Experience   Review the case, KT Corporation: Offering New Insights in Customer Experience After reviewing the case, prepare responses to the following questions: 1. How can KT resolve internal conflicts generated by implementing innovations to maximize customer value? What is the most effective way to adjust the relationship … Read more

Family Centered Care Approach

Family Centered Care Approach Describe the problem. What is the focus of your group’s work? • Explain the significance of the problem in terms of patient outcomes. What health outcomes result from your problem? Or what statistics document this is a problem? You may find support on websites for government or professional organizations. • PICOT … Read more

Fill the following care plan table.

Fill the following care plan table Instructions 1.Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade. 2.In your textbook, Physical Examination and Health Assessment, read: a.Chapter 1: Evidence-Based Assessment b.Chapter 2: Cultural Assessment 3.Download and review the Nursing Process PowerPoint presentation.  4.Access an additional resource available to you to help with creating care plans, … Read more

Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination

Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for that audience. Create a detailed narrative script for your presentation, 4-5 … Read more

Discussion: Assessing Musculoskeletal Pain, Case 3: Knee Pain

Discussion: Assessing Musculoskeletal Pain, Case 3: Knee Pain Discussion: Assessing Musculoskeletal Pain, Case 3: Knee Pain In the case study that has been presented, a 53-year-old patient experiences dull pain in both knees. Also, at times the patient also experiences one or both knees click and he also describes a catching sensation under the patella. In … Read more

Pitch Report for the Iraq War and the Involvement of Western Countries

Pitch Report for the Iraq War and the Involvement of Western Countries Paper outline. Part A  Par 1: What ABC News needs to address  Par 2: Changing perceptions of the public and role of American administrations  Par 3: What should ABC News do to address the existing gaps? Part B  Par … Read more

Analyze the Low Income Hispanic Population

Analyze the Low Income Hispanic Population Identify a population that you will likely serve as an advanced registered nurse that you think is particularly vulnerable to issues of health disparities/inequity. Discuss the contribution of your particular specialty to health promotion and disease prevention for this population. How do issues of diversity and global perspectives of … Read more

Essay on Interdisciplinary Team

Essay on Interdisciplinary Team As technologies and the health care industry continue to evolve, remote care, diagnosis, and collaboration are becoming increasingly more regular methods by which nurses are expected to work. Learning the ways in which evidence-based models and care can help remote work produce better outcomes will become critical for success. Additionally, understanding … Read more

Discussion: Apply systems thinking to build relationships with public health stakeholders.

Discussion: Apply systems thinking to build relationships with public health stakeholders. Assignment 3: HS315-2: Apply systems thinking to build relationships with public health stakeholders. Instructions Systems thinking in public health looks at how different disciplines work together to create the public health system. When we examine the public health system as a whole, we can see … Read more

The role of rhetoric in ancient Rome

The role of rhetoric in ancient Rome : great roman rhetors and rhetoric schools. it should be a presentation. Answer preview: 7 slides

Business Discussion on Employee Retention and Turnover

Business Discussion on Employee Retention and Turnover Please examine the sample synthesis literature review, “Employee Retention and Turnover.” (BE AWARE: This paper is cited and lists references using APA 6th Edition) undefined (The essay can be found in the Week 3 Content or under the Content heading “Sample Papers for WRTG 394.”) undefined Answer the … Read more

Personal Worldview Discussion Question

Personal Worldview Discussion Question What is your personal worldview? Connect your worldview to cultural and spiritual competence. How will your worldview and cultural and spiritual competence affect your future practice and role? Consider both the provision of safe, quality care to diverse populations and interprofessional relationships. Requirements: between 250-350 words in APA format. Answer preview: … Read more

What’s the problem with charity?

What’s the problem with charity? After watching the video on philanthrocapitalism and reading the article from The Guardian (The trouble with charitable billionaires), write a short, 500 word reflection on the role of charity in reproducing inequality. The exercise is not a criticism of charitable giving, bur rather of how income and wealth are taxed, … Read more

Apply systems thinking to build relationships with public health stakeholders.

Apply systems thinking to build relationships with public health stakeholders. Instructions Systems thinking in public health looks at how different disciplines work together to create the public health system. When we examine the public health system as a whole, we can see several different parts; health education, health communication, the public health workforce, information technology, … Read more

Double standards. Writing assignment

Double standards. Writing assignment Sarah Thebaud and Amanda Sharkey’s paper (“Unequal hard times“), highlights the role of gender in decisions about entrepreneurial lending through an intriguing puzzle: while gender stereotypes generally assume that women are safer investors because they are–on average–more risk averse then men, after the 2008 financial crisis, women entrepreneurs were less likely … Read more

Sexual Orientation and Social Attitudes-Essay.

Sexual Orientation and Social Attitudes-Essay. In your submission, you are to address the following points: Provide an overview of the theme/topic that you selected and why it is of importance to you. (Sexual Orientation/LGBTQ community vs. Heterosexuals Describe the methodology you employed and the process undertaken when conducting the research and identify the specific sources … Read more

What’s the problem with charity?

What’s the problem with charity? The Problem with Charity After watching the video on philanthrocapitalism and reading the article from The Guardian (The trouble with charitable billionaires), write a short, 500 word reflection on the role of charity in reproducing inequality. The exercise is not a criticism of charitable giving, bur rather of how income … Read more

Write an essay on Remote Teams and Sustainability

Write an essay on Remote Teams and Sustainability 1) Remote Teams In weeks 7 and 8, you will work with other student in the class on a team project. It is important to understand what makes a team successful. Research on the internet and in the Grantham Online Library about teamwork, particularly remote teams composed of … Read more

Evaluate Globalization and Decision-Making

Evaluate Globalization and Decision-Making For our first discussion, let us discuss globalization and decision-making. You all have some idea of how globalization has affected your life, so let’s expand on that and talk about: How has globalization affected different world regions? What are some of the benefits and costs of globalization for different sectors of … Read more

Explain Saudi Telecom Company and its Role in Saudi’s Vision 2030

Explain Saudi Telecom Company and its Role in Saudi’s Vision 2030 To launch the rich dialogue of what is expected throughout this course, choose a company that has been recognized recently as successful and is located in Saudi Arabia. Then, in an original post, present well-written answers to the following questions: Identify the organization and its … Read more

How has globalization affected different world regions?

How has globalization affected different world regions? For our first discussion, let us discuss globalization and decision-making. You all have some idea of how globalization has affected your life, so let’s expand on that and talk about: How has globalization affected different world regions? What are some of the benefits and costs of globalization for … Read more

Strategy Planning DQ

Strategy Planning DQ To launch the rich dialogue of what is expected throughout this course, choose a company that has been recognized recently as successful and is located in Saudi Arabia. Then, in an original post, present well-written answers to the following questions: Identify the organization and its ownership Describe the organization’s products/services Describe the organization’s … Read more

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Evaluation of Process

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Evaluation of Process In 500-750 words, develop an evaluation plan to be included in your final evidence-based practice project. Provide the following criteria in the evaluation, making sure it is comprehensive and concise: Describe the rationale for the methods used in collecting the outcome data. Describe the ways in which the … Read more

Write an essay on Globalization and Decision-Making

Write an essay on Globalization and Decision-Making For our first discussion, let us discuss globalization and decision-making. You all have some idea of how globalization has affected your life, so let’s expand on that and talk about: How has globalization affected different world regions? What are some of the benefits and costs of globalization for … Read more

Discussion question on strategic planning.

Discussion question on strategic planning. To launch the rich dialogue of what is expected throughout this course, choose a company that has been recognized recently as successful and is located in Saudi Arabia. Then, in an original post, present well-written answers to the following questions: Identify the organization and its ownership Describe the organization’s products/services Describe … Read more

Who is critical? Investigating the gendered features of ‘essential workers’

Who is critical? Investigating the gendered features of ‘essential workers’ For this week, I want you to think about how occupations (jobs) are stratified (organized in hierarchies) according to gender. The two papers for this week (on both care work and the glass escalator) should give you an idea of how to tackle this writing assignment. Basically, I … Read more

In what way do you expect to use nonverbal communication to influence your close relationships in the future?

In what way do you expect to use nonverbal communication to influence your close relationships in the future? Answer preview: word limit:470

Discussion Topic: Cultural and Competitive Advantage

Discussion Topic: Cultural and Competitive Advantage Research the paper in the university’s electronic library from only academic (refereed) journals. You will need at least three journal references. APA Format No plagiarism References Library: https://www.ucumberlands.edu/library Need it 3-4 pages without including cover page and references page. Requirements: 3 pages without including cover page and references page. Requirements: … Read more

Clinical SOAP Notes: Irregular Menstruation

Clinical SOAP Notes: Irregular Menstruation The Soap Note must follow all the steps as an example. use as example only the last one : herpes Zoster and this is the case. Age: 21 years Race: Hispanic Gender: Female Insurance: Private insurance Referral: No referral Clinical Information Time with Patient: 45 minutes Consult with Preceptor: 15 … Read more

Essay on Workplace Motivation and Job Satisfaction

Essay on Workplace Motivation and Job Satisfaction This assignment is designed to help you prepare for the final paper. Keep in mind that your final paper will be a report in which you define a problem in your workplace or community persuasively and accurately and propose a solution or solutions to the problem or issue. … Read more

Memorandum: Examining Law in Saudi Arabia

Memorandum: Examining Law in Saudi Arabia Memorandum: Examining Law in Saudi Arabia Assume you work for a hospital that has a pharmacy in-house. You have been tasked to write a memo to your manager detailing the Executive Regulations of Health Practice Law that prohibits pharmacists from dispensing antibiotics without prescription. For more information review the … Read more

Research paper-Ethical Behavior in Businesses.

Research paper-Ethical Behavior in Businesses. It was 9:05 p.m. and Tyler Simms was facing a dilemma. He was at the office working late, again, completing a report that his boss asked him to have ready for the next morning. She had received the draft report ten days earlier but waited until 4:33 p.m. that afternoon … Read more

Key Trends in Workforce Management and New Challenges for HR-Article analysis.

Key Trends in Workforce Management and New Challenges for HR-Article analysis. Read the article “Key Trends in Workforce Management and New Challenges for HR.” located in the Business Source Complete database of the CSU Online Library by clicking the link below: Moschetto, M. (2013). Key trends in workforce management and new challenges for HR. Employment Relations Today, … Read more

Essay on The Case of Walmart

Essay on The Case of Walmart For this discussion, you will explore the relationship between financial analysis and strategic analysis in a review of the case study Walmart, Inc. in 2018: The World’s Biggest Retailer Faces New Challenges (from your textbook). In addition, read: Chapter 2, “Putting Performance Analysis into Practice.” A case study is a puzzle … Read more

Human Growth and Development-Discussion.

Human Growth and Development-Discussion. This module introduces the topic of puberty and explores how children develop physically, psychosocially, and cognitively during this time. Often, parents/caregivers are not comfortable talking with children about the changes they experience during puberty and, consequently, leave children to figure things out on their own. As a parent/guardian, what do you … Read more

Analysis of Walmart, Inc. Performance

Analysis of Walmart, Inc. Performance For this discussion, you will explore the relationship between financial analysis and strategic analysis in a review of the case study Walmart, Inc. in 2018: The World’s Biggest Retailer Faces New Challenges (from your textbook). In addition, read: Chapter 2, “Putting Performance Analysis into Practice.” A case study is a puzzle to … Read more

Healthcare Policy And Financial Management- Payment Mode Analysis

Healthcare Policy And Financial Management- Payment Mode Analysis Assignment Content Complete the Payment Mode Analysis worksheet. Include scenarios and reference page at the bottom of the template. Be sure to integrate citations for references and quotation marks when using the words of others. While this assignment is formatted as a worksheet, consider the writing to be like … Read more

Reflect on Government Regulation of Business

Reflect on Government Regulation of Business Please write an analysis (2,000-2,500 words) regarding the regulation of financial reporting, as established through the Securities Act of 1933, Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) auditing standards effective December 31, 2016. Discussion should include the following: … Read more

What exactly does John O’Sullivan mean by Manifest Destiny?

What exactly does John O’Sullivan mean by Manifest Destiny? What exactly does John O’Sullivan mean by Manifest Destiny? Using the template for the Cornell note taking process, please generate an outline of Sullivan’s argument. Detailed instructions for this assignment will be posted in the Intro. video for week 4. Please remember to use spell check and … Read more

Strategy Planning Course Discussion question.

Strategy Planning Course Discussion question For this discussion, you will explore the relationship between financial analysis and strategic analysis in a review of the case study Walmart, Inc. in 2018: The World’s Biggest Retailer Faces New Challenges (from your textbook). In addition, read: Chapter 2, “Putting Performance Analysis into Practice.” A case study is a puzzle to … Read more

Explain the persistence and non-persistence of estates in Europe (lectures)

Explain the persistence and non-persistence of estates in Europe (lectures) Please choose one from the following list and answer in 5-6 pages. Explain the persistence and non-persistence of estates in Europe (lectures) Explain the sovereign paradox (lectures and Bates) Explain the rulers monopoly strategies and illustrate them (lectures) book information: Bates, R. H. (2015). When things fell apart. Cambridge University Press … Read more

Discussion-Family and Relationship Structures

Discussion-Family and Relationship Structures As societal-norms evolve, a variety of popular entertainment media (books, movies, TV shows, etc.) feature stories of characters who are a part of traditional and non-traditional family or relationship structures. Examples include but are not limited to: traditional families, cohabitation, single-parent households, blended families, same-sex couples, and grandparents as the primary … Read more

Aesthetic Experience of Video Games-Essay.

Aesthetic Experience of Video Games-Essay. Respond to one of these prompts and be clear about which one you are referring to (and please also remember that you must post two replies to other students’ posts every week in order to get full credit): PROMPT #1: TWO WORLDS. Imagine two words, said G.E. Moore, one beautiful, one ugly. Imagine … Read more

In Rivera’s study, what criteria do elite firms use to hire their employees?

 In Rivera’s study, what criteria do elite firms use to hire their employees? In your memo, please answer the following questions. 1) In Rivera’s study, what criteria do elite firms use to hire their employees? 2) Do the criteria promote meritocracy (reward systems based on one’s ability and achievement) or inequality (reward system based on … Read more

Strategy Planning Discussion Question

Strategy Planning Discussion Question For this discussion, you will explore the relationship between financial analysis and strategic analysis in a review of the case study Walmart, Inc. in 2018: The World’s Biggest Retailer Faces New Challenges (from your textbook). In addition, read: Chapter 2, “Putting Performance Analysis into Practice.” A case study is a puzzle to be … Read more

Need write research paper on public Storage Company Individual Company Project

Need write research paper on public Storage Company Individual Company Project I need 3 to 4 pages for a research paper on the public storage company: In that Research and then describe your company’s primary business activities. below topic The company’s position within the industry, Recent developments within the company/industry need to include the below point in … Read more

Financial Accounting – Merchandising Operations

Financial Accounting – Merchandising Operations This week, we will be reviewing Chapter 5 on Merchandising Operations. Companies like Wal-Mart, Target, and Amazon are all examples of companies that purchase inventory from suppliers, and then sell those products to consumers. 1). Describe the 2 formats for the income statement of a merchandising company, and list the … Read more

Comprehensive SOAP Template

Comprehensive SOAP Template 1. Week 9 Case Study Assignment This week there are 3 case studies. You are writing and submitting a comprehensive SOAP note. Be sure to follow the SOAP template and rubric to assure that you are completing the assignment correctly. The assignments for this week are as follows: Case Study #1- Last name … Read more

Short Discussion Memo

Short Discussion Memo This discussion will enable you to plan for the third writing assignment. For this discussion, you will propose some problem you wish to solve, either in the workplace or your community, a target audience—specifically the decision-maker that you will eventually write to—and some primary. Answer preview: word limit:290