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Conduct an Evidence-Based Literature Review

Conduct an Evidence-Based Literature Review As a scholar, researcher, and educational leader, you will be using NCU’s Library this week. Through conducting a literature review, you will be able to garner an enhanced perspective. Relationships between ideas and professional practice must be validated. Literature helps a researcher to identify these relationships and puts a chosen … Read more

Write an essay- European Values at the Turn of the Millennium

Write an essay- European Values at the Turn of the Millennium Answer preview: word limit:637

Discussion-Social Media Plan for Health Promotion

Discussion-Social Media Plan for Health Promotion Instructions For this assignment you will be creating a social media plan to inform the public about a current health problem. First, click here to download a copy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Social Media Toolkit. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). Social Media Toolkit. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/socialmedia/tools/guidelines/p… … Read more

Music Reaction Assignment

Music Reaction Assignment watch and take notes on the following three (3) videos: 1。https://amara.org/en/videos/8DEzXeyNhvII/info/the-mongolian-traditional-art-of-khoomei/ https://youtu.be/oBUV5m6yazI https://youtu.be/LuVLjAhsw-w Then, thinking about the Five Propositions of Sound, the term ethnocentrism, and the concept Music versus Noise, complete the following: “Describe your reactions to each of the three (3) YouTube videos. Analyze your reactions in the light of these … Read more

Cabrini Green – Affordable Housing Case Study

Cabrini Green – Affordable Housing Case Study In this discussion board, I’d like you to evaluate Cabrini Green in the Chicago area. I found an ( article attached )that walks through the history of why it was built and what happened in 1997. Post #1 (or Video): Read the article and summarize what you believe … Read more

Case Study-Lead in Toys and Drinking Water.

Case Study-Lead in Toys and Drinking Water. Please read Case 5: “Lead in Toys and Drinking Water” available in your e-book (page no.615), and answer the following questions: undefined Assignment Questions: undefined Should there be a global standard for toy manufacturing? What are some of the benefits and what are some of the drawbacks of … Read more

The purpose of this assignment is to examine the role technology plays in health care ethics.

The purpose of this assignment is to examine the role technology plays in health care ethics. The purpose of this assignment is to examine the role technology plays in health care ethics. Though technology, in its increasing ubiquity, largely serves to simplify and make more convenient many daily processes, the extent to which people use … Read more

Essay-Acquisition and Strategic Competitiveness

Essay-Acquisition and Strategic Competitiveness Using the Internet, research acquisitions that are currently underway and choose one of these acquisitions to discuss. Based on the firms’ characteristics and experiences and the reasons cited to support the acquisition, do you feel it will result in increased strategic competitiveness for the acquiring firm? Why or why not? Of … Read more

Discuss the Fundamentals of Humanistic Thought

Discuss the Fundamentals of Humanistic Thought Answer preview: word limit: 915

Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions 1.Search “scholar.google.com” for a company or school that has reported issues, problems, concerns about their backup procedures. Discuss the issue of securing backups. There have been several incidents lately in which backup media containing personal customer information were lost or stolen. How should backup media be secured? What about off-site storage of backups? … Read more

Essay-Real estate and finance

Essay-Real estate and finance FIN 420 – Real Estate Finance & Investments Introduction Please complete the following questions (placing your responses after the assigned question) and post online by the assigned deadline. 1. What is the difference between real property and personal property? 2. What is meant by an estate? 3. What is an abstract … Read more

Describe the organization’s environment

Describe the organization’s environment This week, you have read about entrepreneurship in a global economy. For your written assignment this week, complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or “other” organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts: Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness to … Read more

Title: Evaluating the Corporate Performance of CVS Health

Title: Evaluating the Corporate Performance of CVS Health INSTRUCTIONS Write a 4–5 page evaluation of your chosen company’s performance with respect to its stated values. Do the following: Summarize the company’s primary products and or services. Suggest three ways in which the primary stakeholders can influence the organization’s financial performance. Provide support for your response. … Read more

Reflect on the Sovereign Paradox

Reflect on the Sovereign Paradox Please choose one from the following list and answer in 5-6 pages. Explain the persistence and non-persistence of estates in Europe (lectures) Explain the sovereign paradox (lectures and Bates) Explain the rulers monopoly strategies and illustrate them (lectures) book information: Bates, R. H. (2015). When things fell apart. Cambridge University Press The exam should … Read more

Topic: Comparing Oran to Seattle. Who is as heroic as Dr. Rieux?

Topic: Comparing Oran to Seattle. Who is as heroic as Dr. Rieux? Topic: Comparing Oran to Seattle. Who is as heroic as Dr. Rieux? Pages: 6 pages. Double-spaced. Deadline: To be announced. Part 1: p.1-3. 1. Comparing Oran to Seattle population: Oran (pop. 200,000) is like the size of Tacoma rather than Seattle (740,000). But … Read more

Identify Six (6) scholarly articles on “Determining Customer Requirements”

Identify Six (6) scholarly articles on “Determining Customer Requirements” write a 600-word summary of the selected articles. Answer preview: word limit:360

Healthcare Delivery Comparison

Healthcare Delivery Comparison Read “U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective” from The Commonwealth Fund. Research the health care delivery systems of at least two countries other than the United States. Compare and contrast the health care delivery systems you researched with that of the United States. Investigate the following: Structure of the health care system Expenditures Allocation of resources Quality indicators … Read more

Topic: The Philosophy of Knowledge

Topic: The Philosophy of Knowledge Write six (and only six) pages on one of the following essay topics. As a general rule, approximately four pages should be careful and sympathetic exposition of the relevant positions or arguments. Approximately two pages, at least, should reflect your critical or reflective engagement with the relevant positions or arguments. … Read more

Nursing Theories Assignment.

Nursing Theories Assignment. Select two different nursing theories and describe how they relate to patient care. How could you use them for inciting behavioral changes? Discuss the pros and cons of applying each theory and how they could be integrated into your future practice. Are there any particular ethical issues related to the integration of … Read more

Nursing Question-Nursing Informatics and the Nurse Informaticist.

Nursing Question-Nursing Informatics and the Nurse Informaticist. As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Team Perspectives of the Nurse Informaticist activity. Completion of this will help you succeed with the assessment as you explore the nurse informaticist’s role from the different perspectives of the health care team. Completing activities … Read more

Patient Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality-Discussion.

Patient Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality-Discussion. As you begin to consider the assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Breach of Protected Health Information (PHI) activity. The will support your success with the assessment by creating the opportunity for you to test your knowledge of potential privacy, security, and confidentiality violations of protected … Read more

Journal Article Summary, Answer the following 8 questions.

Journal Article Summary, Answer the following 8 questions. Answer the following 8 questions: What is the research problem that is being investigated? What is the purpose of the research being conducted? What is the research question? What are 2 or more theories that are discussed in the Introduction? How are they used to motivate (or … Read more

Advance care of family-Breast Cancer

Advance care of family-Breast Cancer This is a topic of extreme public and personal interest. Primary care providers deal with the diagnosis, and the screening of breast cancer on a daily basis. Therefore, in this discussion we will discuss about the importance of understanding the advantages and limitations of its screening Requirements: instructions given Answer … Read more

Answer the following questions.

Answer the following questions.   Question 1 0 pts True False Functionalists believe that hard work is always more important than intelligence when it comes to achieving success Question 2 0 pts True False Functionalists believe that economic inequality in society is to be expected because intelligence is not evenly distributed across society Question 3 … Read more

Analyze the Process Model by Dr. Lasswell’s

Analyze the Process Model by Dr. Lasswell’s n the reading of the process model created by Dr. Lasswell’s policy process included seven steps that a make up the decision process for a policy. Do you believe this process is outdated? Can it be adjusted to a modern policy process? Requirements: one page   |   .doc file … Read more

Discussion Board and Reply to Two Peers

Discussion Board and Reply to Two Peers Choose a current health policy issue or law that has ongoing relevance in public health. Some options include, but are not limited to, banning trans fats in local municipalities, controlling the size of sugary drinks sold in restaurants, requiring nutrition information on menus, indoor and outdoor smoking bans, … Read more

Analyze how health policy is used to address current public health challenges.

Analyze how health policy is used to address current public health challenges. General Education Literacy Outcome GEL-7.3: Analyze the effects of ethical decision making on human behavior. Instructions The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017) “defines [health] ‘policy’ as a law, regulation, procedure, administrative action, incentive, or voluntary practice of governments and other institutions. The … Read more

Art history class essay- Icons in the Byzantine Empire

Art history class essay- Icons in the Byzantine Empire Assignment: Choose one of the questions below and write a 3-4 page, double spaced essay. For your answer draw from lectures, discussion sections, the assigned readings, and the Met timeline when pertinent. Use MLA in text citation for references or quotations drawn from the assigned readings. MLA in-text … Read more

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Throughout this course, you have developed a formal, evidence-based practice proposal. The proposal is the plan for an evidence-based practice project designed to address a problem, issue, or concern in the professional work setting. Although several types of evidence can be used to support a proposed solution, a sufficient and compelling base … Read more

Art history class essay-Byzantine Icons

Art history class essay-Byzantine Icons Assignment: Choose one of the questions below and write a 3-4 page, double spaced essay. For your answer draw from lectures, discussion sections, the assigned readings, and the Met timeline when pertinent. Use MLA in text citation for references or quotations drawn from the assigned readings. MLA in-text citation style uses the author’s … Read more

TOPIC:  Nurse Burnout During the covid-19 Pandemic

TOPIC:  Nurse Burnout During the covid-19 Pandemic The purpose of this paper is to interpret the two articles identified as most important to the group topic. So, follow this clinical problem to do the paper: CLINICAL PROBLEM OF INTEREST FOR THE TOPIC IS. How nurses burnout during this pandemic? Answer preview: word limit:1360  

How did the social housing program in Vienna evolve in the 1920s?

How did the social housing program in Vienna evolve in the 1920s? Weekly Prompt #3: Read through Andreas Rumpfhuber’s article “Vienna’s ‘wild settlers’ kickstart a social housing revolution” and the 10 chapters of the online exhibition “The Vienna Model,” curated by Wolfgang Foerster et al. 1)How did the social housing program in Vienna evolve in … Read more

Write an essay on The Concept of Race

Write an essay on The Concept of Race Are quotes and references required? Are they allowed? Quotes and references are not required, but they are allowed. If you quote, you should acknowledge the author, and add the reference at the end of the paper, in a separate paragraph titled “References”. U can not use reference, if … Read more

Forecasting – Discussion

Forecasting – Discussion This week, we learned about the importance of forecasting future sales and profit for companies. Of course, there are many factors which can affect the reliability of these forecasts, such as interest rate fluctuations, competitive innovations, new customers, etc. But still, finance leaders must make every attempt to build their business strategy … Read more

Public Pensions – Discussion

Public Pensions – Discussion After reading the Dorfman article, “Public Pensions are Still Marching to Their Death (Links to an external site.)”, respond to the following questions: What are the political reasons public pensions are underfunded? If the pension problem is political, what steps would have to occur to remedy the problem? Do you think … Read more

Based on your observations of the environment at the school, discuss the following

Based on your observations of the environment at the school, discuss the following 1. Overall, do you think the plan was successfully implemented? 2. Pick one of the four goals. Was the goal achieved? 3. If you were writing the next five year plan for technology at the school, name one goal that you would … Read more

Write a discussion about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Write a discussion about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).   This week’s discussion is about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), focusing on the briefcase study TOMS Puts Its Right Foot Forward, (p. 102). As a leader, Blake Mycoskie’s decision to make the “One for One” philosophy the central tenet for his organization brings Corporate Social Responsibility to the forefront … Read more

Discussion Question, Decision Theory course

Discussion Question, Decision Theory course This week’s discussion is about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), focusing on the briefcase study TOMS Puts Its Right Foot Forward, (p. 102). As a leader, Blake Mycoskie’s decision to make the “One for One” philosophy the central tenet for his organization brings Corporate Social Responsibility to the forefront of the company. Thinking … Read more

Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures – Discussion

Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures – Discussion What are the major differences between negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and litigation? Make a chart showing each one’s advantages and disadvantages and justify why and when you would use each one. Present your views in approximately 250 words in your post. Utilize at least one scholarly source. APA format Requirements: … Read more

Soap note for Herpes simple genital.

Soap note for Herpes simple genital. Make a soap note for each case provide. Other Questions About This Case Nutritional Status: Good Smoking Assessment: Non-smoker Trimester: Patient’s primary language: Spanish Ethnicity: Spanic/Latin History of present illness (HPI): 29 y/o female who comes because she ahs a lesion in her vagina Other current meds/herbals/vitamins: no TIme … Read more

Narrative concept on physics and its applications.

Narrative concept on physics and its applications. Imagine you are a writer for Physics Today (or insert whatever physics pop journal you wish), and you are to create a travel vlog for your an overseas trip. In your presentation, your editor wants you to include all relative physics concepts that you encounter in your journey. For the … Read more

Write about Computer Security

Write about Computer Security Choose one of the following topic options and write a 1500 word (min 1100 words, max 2500 words) paper on the topic. The paper is to be submitted electronically but should be formatted as if you were going to print it. OPTION B: If OPTION A is not feasible, choose a … Read more

Declining Union Memberships: Discussion

Declining Union Memberships: Discussion The decline of union membership in the United States raises questions about whether unions will continue to exist in their present configurations. What do you think are the major problems with unions that are costing them membership? Do you think that unions will survive, or do you think they will have … Read more

Name two trends that emerge from the demographic data about age and the impact on health care

Name two trends that emerge from the demographic data about age and the impact on health care Question: Name two trends that emerge from the demographic data about age and the impact on health care. I attached my textbook pages, those pages should be the primary reference source. Please use proper APA citation. The word … Read more

Thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility

Thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility This week’s discussion is about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), focusing on the briefcase study TOMS Puts Its Right Foot Forward, (p. 102). As a leader, Blake Mycoskie’s decision to make the “One for One” philosophy the central tenet for his organization brings Corporate Social Responsibility to the forefront of the … Read more

Write an essay on obsessive-compulsive disorder

Write an essay on obsessive-compulsive disorder Requirements: essay 750 words atleast Answer preview: word limit:897

Merging Corporate Social Responsibility with the Company’s Strategy-Discussion.

Merging Corporate Social Responsibility with the Company’s Strategy-Discussion. This week’s discussion is about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), focusing on the briefcase study TOMS Puts Its Right Foot Forward, (p. 102). As a leader, Blake Mycoskie’s decision to make the “One for One” philosophy the central tenet for his organization brings Corporate Social Responsibility to the forefront of … Read more

Write an essay on Vaccine controversies.

Write an essay on Vaccine controversies. Vaccine controversies have occurred since almost 80 years before the terms vaccine and vaccination were introduced, and continue to this day. Despite scientific consensus that recommended vaccines are safe and effective, unsubstantiated scares regarding their safety still occur, resulting in outbreaks and deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases. Please provide your input regarding this subject. Answer preview: word limit:172

History Tool Kit

History Tool Kit This week we are are learning about the struggle for women to obtain the right to vote. The movement for women’s suffrage is steeped in the early 19th century, nonetheless women were not granted the right to vote until 1920 with the passage of the 19th amendment. The 100 year anniversary of … Read more

Decision Theory Discussion

Decision Theory Discussion This week’s discussion is about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), focusing on the briefcase study TOMS Puts Its Right Foot Forward, (p. 102). As a leader, Blake Mycoskie’s decision to make the “One for One” philosophy the central tenet for his organization brings Corporate Social Responsibility to the forefront of the company. Thinking about the … Read more