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Identify Emotions Based on Facial Expressions

Identify Emotions Based on Facial Expressions To identify emotions based on facial expressions. INSTRUCTIONS Please take this quiz (Links to an external site.) on identifying facial expressions What was your score? What expressions did you have the most trouble identifying? What facial expressions were easy to identify? Based on the textbook and your own life experience, why is … Read more

Discussion board- Writing Persuasive Messages

Discussion board- Writing Persuasive Messages we will work on plans and drafts for the course writing projects, the first of which is to write a message to a specific audience, persuading that audience to consider supporting/adopting the Green Dorm Proposal. Here are some questions to get you started thinking about that: 1. If you haven’t … Read more

Discussion Questions on Decision Theory Management

Discussion Questions on Decision Theory Management This week’s discussion will focus on cultural decision-making using the case study about Coca-Cola in India (p. 248). This case focuses on the cultural differences of the U.S. company Coca-Cola and the country of India. In this situation, the people in the area around the Coca-Cola plant accused Coca-Cola … Read more

This discussion focuses on cultural decision-making using case study about Coca-Cola.

This discussion focuses on cultural decision-making using case study about Coca-Cola. This week’s discussion will focus on cultural decision-making using the case study about Coca-Cola in India (p. 248). This case focuses on the cultural differences of the U.S. company Coca-Cola and the country of India. In this situation, the people in the area around … Read more

Discussion Questions Decision Theory

Discussion Questions Decision Theory Discussion question, 15 Lines, 2-3 paragraphs, 2-3 references and no outline, Within 38 hours. This week’s discussion will focus on cultural decision-making using the case study about Coca-Cola in India (p. 248). This case focuses on the cultural differences of the U.S. company Coca-Cola and the country of India. In this … Read more

American Airline Analysis.

American Airline Analysis. Question 1: Read the  articles (Links to an external site.) https://www.millerjw.com/dom/gsb622online/week6/GSB622W6CombinedPDF.pdf about American Airlines. American Airlines treats some customers differently than others when they call or visit the web site. How do they get the knowledge required to do this? Question 2: Name one other example of how an airline could treat customers … Read more

Walmart Annual Report

Walmart Annual Report Obtain the most recent Form 10-K of WALMART. The corporation must sell a product and carry inventory on its balance sheet. You can access public company Form 10-K reports on your specific company’s website under Investor Relations. For Section 1 of the Annual Report Project, prepare a professionally written summary of 250-500 … Read more

Applying the Scientific Method to Psychological Research

Applying the Scientific Method to Psychological Research In this chapter, you learned about the different ways psychologists collect data- including surveys, archival research, naturalistic observation, and experiments. Now that you know how the scientific method works and how research is conducted in psychology, I want you to apply that knowledge to designing your own research … Read more

W5-5 Discussion Questions Decision Theory

W5-5 Discussion Questions Decision Theory This week’s discussion will focus on cultural decision-making using the case study about Coca-Cola in India (p. 248). This case focuses on the cultural differences of the U.S. company Coca-Cola and the country of India. In this situation, the people in the area around the Coca-Cola plant accused Coca-Cola of … Read more

Critical Thinking Assignment.

Critical Thinking Assignment. Critical Thinking: Organizational Implementation This week, our focus is on organizational structure and strategy implementation. For this critical thinking assignment, read the case study, W.L. Gore (Gore) & Associates: Rethinking Management (Case # 22) from your textbook. In addition, read Chapter 6, “Organizational Structure and Management Systems: The Fundamentals of Strategy Implementation.” … Read more

Strategy Planning MGT 510

Strategy Planning MGT 510 This week, our focus is on organizational structure and strategy implementation. For this critical thinking assignment, read the case study, W.L. Gore (Gore) & Associates: Rethinking Management (Case # 22) from your textbook. In addition, read Chapter 6, “Organizational Structure and Management Systems: The Fundamentals of Strategy Implementation.” Name and describe … Read more

Explain The long term effects of racial segregation

Explain The long term effects of racial segregation Redlining and other forms of residential segregation are intimately tied to the history of race in America. By zoning cities along to racialized lines, redlining has created and reproduced disparities in the lives and opportunities of different racial groups that are carried over generation after generation. Indeed, … Read more

Critical Thinking Strategy Planning

Critical Thinking Strategy Planning Critical Thinking: Organizational Implementation This week, our focus is on organizational structure and strategy implementation. For this critical thinking assignment, read the case study, W.L. Gore (Gore) & Associates: Rethinking Management (Case # 22) from your textbook. In addition, read Chapter 6, “Organizational Structure and Management Systems: The Fundamentals of Strategy … Read more

Discussion questions about Hospitality

Discussion questions about Hospitality First: you will compare and contrast HR functions in your chosen country with the USA. Choose 3 different HR functions from the following list: recruitment, orientation, training, supervision, compensation and benefits, human resources development, performance evaluation, and/or discharge and describe how they may be the same or different in your chosen … Read more

Coca-Cola in India – Decision Theory

Coca-Cola in India – Decision Theory This week’s discussion will focus on cultural decision-making using the case study about Coca-Cola in India (p. 248). This case focuses on the cultural differences of the U.S. company Coca-Cola and the country of India. In this situation, the people in the area around the Coca-Cola plant accused Coca-Cola … Read more

Management question-Saudi Vision 2030 

Management question-Saudi Vision 2030 Saudi Vision 2030 details the long-term goals that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) hopes to achieve. These ambitious goals are well defined, extremely detailed, and impact all levels of society. Review the message from HRH Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Aziz Al-Saud about Saudi Arabia’s Vision for the future: https://vision2030.gov.sa/en/vision/crown-message/. After reviewing … Read more

Select and address a mental health issue through the lens of the Community Nurse

Select and address a mental health issue through the lens of the Community Nurse Define and describe the issue (1-2 slides) * Explain why this is a nursing issue. Describe the background and history of the issue (2-3 slides) Perform a review of the literature (3-4 slides) * Summarize what is known about the issue * Discuss solutions to the … Read more

Analyze The Fundamentals of Strategy Implementation

Analyze The Fundamentals of Strategy Implementation This week, our focus is on organizational structure and strategy implementation. For this critical thinking assignment, read the case study, W.L. Gore (Gore) & Associates: Rethinking Management (Case # 22) from your textbook. In addition, read Chapter 6, “Organizational Structure and Management Systems: The Fundamentals of Strategy Implementation.” Name … Read more

Boss Two: Edible Ethnography

Boss Two: Edible Ethnography Think about Dempsey, Bourdain, Choi, and Rao, and how they describe how a particular food means more to them than a simple meal. Then think about your own life and experiences. And then… Write about a time that a particular food, or an experience with food, changed your perspective OR how … Read more

Summary: Recreate an important scene from the short story ‘This Blessed House’

Summary: Recreate an important scene from the short story ‘This Blessed House’ Unit: Literature and Short Story Summary: Recreate an important scene from the short story ‘This Blessed House’ General Rubric (Remember, as always, you are graded on how well you follow the instructions in the prompt.) Background: Narrator is one of the key components of any story. … Read more

Strategic Planning – AirAsia

Strategic Planning – AirAsia Review AirAsia: The World’s Lowest Cost Airline and discuss the concept of cost advantage. Review textbook Figure 7.10, Using the value chain in cost analysis. A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps: Read the … Read more

Communications Question-Delivering a Speech with Professional Excellence

Communications Question-Delivering a Speech with Professional Excellence Writing assignment please follow this format, so your paper should look like this: Page 1: APA Cover Page 7th edition. Pages 2-3: Two pages of 12-font double-spaced writing critically. Your paper should be clearly organized with an introduction, body, and conclusion. You should discuss how the assigned readings(from … Read more

Reflection on Leadership Development

Reflection on Leadership Development It may sound intuitive, or commonplace, that the promotion of teams should be a prominent component of an organization’s strategic plan. However, when created and managed ineffectively, the utilization of teams can be met with indecision, incessant delays, conflict, dissention and eventually a dramatic loss in productivity. Compose an essay that … Read more

Essay on Cervical Lesion Treatment

Essay on Cervical Lesion Treatment J.R. is a 36-year-old white, middle-class woman who has been sexually active with one partner for the past 2 years. She and her partner have no history of STIs, but her partner has a history of fever blisters. She reports genital pain, genital vesicles and ulcers, and fever and malaise … Read more

Discuss the meaning of food in the German culture

Discuss the meaning of food in the German culture Hyde Pfiefer, a retired 70-year-old German American, has lived in the United States for the last 50 years. A widower of 5 years, Mr. Pfiefer prepares his own meals following his wife’s recipes from the old country. Nine months ago, Mr. Pfiefer was told that his … Read more

Race through Organizations

Race through Organizations Organizations are central to social (and economic) life. The complexity of the contemporary world would simply be impossible were it not for the existence of equally complex, rationalized, and bureaucratic organizations that allow us to become highly specific in our jobs yet contribute to the creation of widely multifaceted outcomes. Organizations are … Read more

Practical Connection Assignment: Managing in a Global Environment

Practical Connection Assignment: Managing in a Global Environment Course Name: Managing in a Global Environment The executive-format programs are a unique approach to higher education. With the required Applied Learning Practicum each semester, you are taking education beyond the cognitive level and learning how to apply your knowledge to the real-world profession within your field … Read more

Topic: Starbucks Company

Topic: Starbucks Company Assignment Questions Briefly present your selected company (name, industry, nationality, location, size, activities, products…) (Max 200 words). Determine the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of your selected company by completing the SWOT matrix in the answer sheet. Does your selected company have social responsibility? If yes, discuss its impact on competitive advantage of the … Read more

Discussion prompt-Strategy and Society

Discussion prompt-Strategy and Society 1. In what ways can business and society benefit each other? 2. What are the most common justifications businesses use to pursue corporate  and what are their shortcomings according to the authors? 3. How do authors suggest business social priorities should be organized and what are the benefits of their suggested … Read more

Critical Thinking: Organizational Implementation

Critical Thinking: Organizational Implementation This week, our focus is on organizational structure and strategy implementation. For this critical thinking assignment, read the case study, W.L. Gore (Gore) & Associates: Rethinking Management (Case # 22) from your textbook. In addition, read Chapter 6, “Organizational Structure and Management Systems: The Fundamentals of Strategy Implementation.” Name and describe … Read more

Why do you think My Twinn decided to outsource their customer call center?

Why do you think My Twinn decided to outsource their customer call center? Read the article (Links to an external site.) on My Twinn. Question 1: Why do you think My Twinn decided to outsource their customer call center? Question 2: All of the outsourcing companies had good technology available to them for tracking capturing customer data and … Read more

Has your position changed with respect to IS management throughout this course?

Has your position changed with respect to IS management throughout this course?   Introduction For this project, you will work individually on a written analysis of the alignment between the IS and business strategies. You will compare these elements for your current work position or an organization for which you have worked in the past. … Read more

Trader Joe’s Case-value chain.

Trader Joe’s Case-value chain. 1. Read the case. 2. Develop a general value chain of the industry. 3. Discuss where Trader Joe’s adds value. 4. Does Trader Joe’s have a competitive advantage? Use the Resource Based View of the firm to explain by describing their tangible, intangible resources, as well as their capabilities. I have … Read more

Biology Question-Diabetes.

Biology Question-Diabetes. Choose and research a topic related to human biology. Imagine that you are creating a small booklet that will become available at a local health clinic. The booklet should be educational and understandable by the general public. You may select one topic that relates to either homeostatic mechanisms or to a disease that … Read more

Walmart Annual Report

Walmart Annual Report Respond to one of these prompts and be clear about which one you are referring to: PROMPT #1: ROBOT PERSONS. Should we allow robots to become moral agents and thus persons? Explain your answer. PROMPT #2: MORAL RESPONSIBILITY. When there are crashes involving driverless cars, who should be held responsible? Explain your answer. PROMPT … Read more

Topic: Mercedes Benz – Social Responsibility and Branding

Topic: Mercedes Benz – Social Responsibility and Branding A 5-7 slides PowerPoint Presentation (max. 7 slides) Topic: Mercedes Benz – Social Responsibility and Branding 1 cover page 3-5 main contents (bullet points with explanations, please refer to the attached template for specific questions to be focused on, total words should be more than 800) 1 … Read more

Health Promotion Plan Presentation

Health Promotion Plan Presentation Build a slide presentation (PowerPoint preferred) of the hypothetical health promotion plan you developed in the first assessment. Then, implement your health promotion plan by conducting a hypothetical face-to-face educational session addressing the health concern and health goals of your selected group. How would you set goals for the session, evaluate … Read more

Quality and Safety Gap Analysis

 Quality and Safety Gap Analysis Write an analysis, 4–5 pages in length, of the gap between current and desired performance, with respect to the provision of safe, high-quality patient care. Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course … Read more


Philosophy-Utilitarianism 1. Reading What is due? Hi, for this week assignment, please read carefully Bentham on utilitarianism and Carritt’s criticism of it. Chose one of the three criticisms that Carritt thinks are valid (number 2, 3 or 4), and write a short essay DEFENDING utilitarianism against the objection. Write 150 to 400 words (note that … Read more

Starting a business Saudi Arabia vs UAE statistical tools report

Starting a business Saudi Arabia vs UAE statistical tools report Write a 600 to 800 words discussion describing the correlation table, all the t-test tables and the graph in sheet 1 only in the attached excel file. For example, which country is better in score, what is the correlation is it strong or weak? Is it negative … Read more

Inquiry question and Observation Protocols

Inquiry question and Observation Protocols watching these videos and complete 2 questions below. Please separate into two documents. Cross Language Connections Así se dice – Transitional Bilingual Program The Dictado – 2nd Grade Teaching for Biliteracy (several K-8 classroom lesson videos) Scaffolding Literacy Instruction (Middle Grade) SIOP Model for Teaching ELLs Creating a Welcoming ELL … Read more

Discussion on White and Black Americans.

Discussion on White and Black Americans. As Berry Gordy Jr. has said many times, Motown was not making music for white America or Black America, it was making music for young America. Being the savvy businessman that he was, Gordy was also conscious of the prejudice and racism in the music business. Some of the … Read more

Health and Medical Question-P4P Programs

Health and Medical Question-P4P Programs Since P4P has been around for a number of years, one would think that its effectiveness should be clearly documented. However, Peter Kongstvedt says that results have been mixed. He concludes that “positive results remain ambiguous, at least on a broad basis.” Review various P4P program results and effectiveness on … Read more

Write about “The Dealing with Slackers Reflection”

Write about “The Dealing with Slackers Reflection” This week, you will be working on the Dealing with Slackers Reflection assignment, which requires you to read HR Ethics: Working with Slackers Hurts Motivation in the textbook (p. 169) and think about some of the “slackers” with whom you have interacted over the last several years when … Read more

It’s all income flows: financialization in everyday life,

It’s all income flows: financialization in everyday life, For this assignment, you will have to read a couple of magazine articles from Teen Vogue (Links to an external site.) and The Hechinger Report (Links to an external site.). You should also listen to the Extremely Offline (Links to an external site.) episode on higher education. Having seen how financialization affects colleges, I want … Read more

Discuss the strategic reasons for globalization of a business and value chain activities.

Discuss the strategic reasons for globalization of a business and value chain activities. Today’s environmental scanning is not limited to domestic industry landscape–rather it has been already a global competition. Please provide your definition of global economic world. Discuss the strategic reasons for globalization of a business and value chain activities. And do you agree … Read more

Discussion prompt- Non-nursing Theories in Nursing Practice

Discussion prompt- Non-nursing Theories in Nursing Practice Child development theories, educational theories, ethical theories all provide information that support communication and patient care. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Lewin’s theory of planned change reinforce a relationship between nursing and other disciplines. Non-nursing and nursing theories can work together to inform and guide nursing practice, education, … Read more

Business Admission Case Writing

Business Admission Case Writing PURPOSE Demonstrate your ability to analyze a case, synthesize and apply tools and frameworks to evaluate options and reach a recommendation for a firm. Develop an action plan for implementation that will help management successfully implement your recommendation. Demonstrate your proficiency in business writing and communication. This case memo also requires … Read more

Reflect on TV Advertising in the 1960s

Reflect on TV Advertising in the 1960s CHOSEN TOPIC: I will be analyzing advertisements from the 1960s by their similarities, characteristics, and overall message and tone the ads are trying to sell. I will be presenting this in an essay format. The ads found will be through a playlist on YouTube and will analyze around … Read more

Discussion board Malia Hulleman as a water protector activist

Discussion board Malia Hulleman as a water protector activist Toward the middle of the week, after you have had a chance to read 1. Youth to Power Chapter 8 – Peaceful Direct Action; 2. Challenge Everything Part 4 (pages 105-144) – Challenge Yourself; and 3. Guidelines on creating brochures here and here, ideally by midnight Friday but no later than midnight Saturday, … Read more