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Business Question-Employee Turnover

Business Question-Employee Turnover The report must incorporate the results of your own primary research. When integrating primary research, you must explain the method(s) you used to gather that research and insert a copy in your report’s appendices of any collection instrument you used. For example, if you interviewed some people for the report, you would … Read more

Accounting Question

 Accounting Question Please Complete both cases study memos attached for the assignment First Case study memo response should be 250-500 words. Write a research memo on the problem. Cite two resources from an acceptable academic source. For this assignment, use the “Memo Template” provided with this for an example memo format. Second case study response … Read more

PowerPoint on current public health issue-Obesity.

 PowerPoint on current public health issue-Obesity. HS315-6: Propose solutions for public health problems using evidence-based approaches. (6: Evaluation) General Education Level Outcome GEL-1.03: Demonstrate college-level communication through the oral delivery of original materials in Standard English. Introduction The purpose of this oral presentation is to inform a group of community stakeholders of a public health … Read more

Does Market Saturation Suggest Stability Strategy for the Enterprise or are there Other Opportunities Globally?

Does Market Saturation Suggest Stability Strategy for the Enterprise or are there Other Opportunities Globally? CASE STUDY Organizational strategies include three dimensions, which are defined as corporate, firm, and business level. It must be understood that all of these dimensions although seemingly operate separately- they act are interrelated and assisting the firm to achieve a … Read more

Develop a marketing strategy/plan and template for a medical center

Develop a marketing strategy/plan and template for a medical center Create a Marketing strategy for a medical center -creative template or layout -include a timeline -persons responsible for tasks Methods or avenues by which tasks will be completed Add company logo and colors Answer preview: word limit:600

Discussion-Nature versus Nurture

Discussion-Nature versus Nurture Consider your own genetics (traits received from your parents) and the environment in which you grew up. Which do you think has a greater impact on a person’s life decisions—”nature” (the genes people have) or “nurture” (the environment people in which grow up)? Explain your choice and support it with examples if … Read more

Business Law: Case Study Analysis

Business Law: Case Study Analysis Analyze the case of SeaWorld of Florida v. Perez, 2014 U.S. App. LEXIS 6660 (D.C. Cir.) located in your textbook on pp. 559-564, including the opinion of Judge Rodgers as well as the dissenting opinion of Judge (now-Supreme Court Justice) Brett Kavanaugh. Write a case study review of the court’s opinion … Read more

Computer Science Question on Crisis Recovery

Computer Science Question on Crisis Recovery Topic: Crisis Recovery Research the paper in the university’s electronic library from only academic (refereed) journals. You will need at least three journal references. APA Format References Library: https://www.ucumberlands.edu/library Need it 3-4 pages without including cover page and references page. Requirements: 3-4 pages You have everything, please use the below … Read more

Marketing Question about COVID pandemic.

Marketing Question about COVID pandemic. Under the Covid Pandemic Situation, many organizations move to functionalize virtually. The different fields like health care, education, entertainment, media, marketing, communication, services etc.,. Restrictions on movement and trade because of the Covid-19 pandemic have led to a significant shift in consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia, with locals increasingly turning … Read more

What do you believe about the influences of theory on nursing practice?

What do you believe about the influences of theory on nursing practice? Topic: Reflection What do you believe about the influences of theory on nursing practice? What value do you place on using a model for practice as an advanced practice registered nurse? Has your philosophy of advanced practice nursing changed? Requirements: two pages   | … Read more

Evaluate how well the company embodies its issue-related values

Evaluate how well the company embodies its issue-related values Create a 3–5-minute (approximately 6–8 slides) PowerPoint presentation that evaluates how well the company embodies its issue-related values. Your presentation should contain detailed speaker’s notes that flesh out and support main points, ideas, or conclusions and have supporting citations. Summarize your chosen company’s Supplier Responsibility information. … Read more

Explain how human capital theory helps in understanding how college education improves earnings

Explain how human capital theory helps in understanding how college education improves earnings Empirical studies in Economics and Education have proven without a doubt that a college education is worth it, from a cost-benefit analysis. While obviously not all colleges and college degrees are created equal, earning a college degree significantly boosts annual wages, on … Read more

Topic Post-Business Sustainability, Corporation Governance & Organization

Topic Post-Business Sustainability, Corporation Governance & Organization Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions: Do research on the impact of Hurricane Sandy on business organizations. What have been … Read more

Explain and illustrate Plato’s distinction between a “knack” and a “craft.”

Explain and illustrate Plato’s distinction between a “knack” and a “craft.” 1.Explain why Ryle believes there is a fundamental difference between "knowing how " and "knowing that " using an example. 2. Explain and illustrate Plato’s distinction between a “knack” and a “craft.” 3. Calicles claims that “the superior should take by force what belongs … Read more

Familiarizing with the Culture of the Deaf People

Familiarizing with the Culture of the Deaf People Paper Prompts: Write on ONE of the following topics: (1) Explain the paradox of constitution. Ted Sider distinguishes four solutions to the paradox of constitution. Which of these solution strikes you as plausible and why? What, if anything, is problematic about your favorite solution to the paradox of … Read more

Discuss The Rise of Cyber-bullying

Discuss The Rise of Cyber-bullying You may address any one of three sets of questions about your social problem. 1) Why has the problem become such a problem? Why has it become as serious or widespread as it has? You might compare an individualistic perspective with a sociological one, or a functionalist explanation with a … Read more

Define physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, and discuss their ability to influence one another.

Define physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, and discuss their ability to influence one another. Purpose This assignment requires students to define physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, and discuss their ability to influence one another. Process Students will approach this assignment by first defining and describing the following four domains of health: physical, mental, … Read more

AB-752 Child Care: State Preschool Programs: Expulsion

AB-752 Child Care: State Preschool Programs: Expulsion I’m working summary of a bill. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextC… the guideline paper will upload to the chat of files or browese Requirements: 3-5   |   .doc file Answer preview: word limit:1006  

In music, what constitutes authorship?

In music, what constitutes authorship? In thinking about the songwriters, producers, and performers you have encountered so far in this course and after you watch Standing in the Shadows of Motown this week, respond to these questions for the discussion this week: In music, what constitutes authorship? What factors contribute to your opinion? What are some of … Read more

Computer Science Question-Memo.

Computer Science Question-Memo. Activity I -Visit the website of Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. (ISS), a provider of corporate governance solutions, at http://www.issgovernance.com/. Go to the “Policy Gateway” tab and select a recently adopted ISS policy. Write a memo to shareholders explaining the policy and how it will affect the corporate governance of companies. You also should … Read more

Discussion-Gender Wage Gap and Sex Segregation

Discussion-Gender Wage Gap and Sex Segregation Topic: Investigate the gender wage gap and sex segregation. Information for the United States is available at the following website: bls.gov/cps/cpsaat11.pdf. Pick some occupations you are interested in and look up the percent female in that occupation, and then calculate the gender wage gap. What is surprising about this information? … Read more

Write an essay-Wooden on Leadership

Write an essay-Wooden on Leadership INTRODUCTION In the current business world, managing a project team is commonplace. This assignment will use John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success, its different facets, and how it relates to leading and managing project teams. The pyramid interaction works best with Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge. You’ll also refer back to the … Read more

Evidence-Based Research-Alcoholism Prevention

Evidence-Based Research-Alcoholism Prevention Regarding alcoholism develop the following steps of the Evidence Based Practice (EBP), reflecting them in the APA paper Ask a clinical question in PICOT format. Search for and collect the most relevant best evidence. Critically appraise the evidence, and then synthesize that evidence. Use reasoning, processing, defining, planning, and documenting to guide … Read more

Daisy MiMiller and Jing-mei (the narrator in the two kids)

Daisy MiMiller and Jing-mei (the narrator in the two kids) Assignment: An essay (including an intro, body and conclusion) on the following topic. 1. Choose ONE of the following pairs of characters/authors. Of the two in the pair, which one would you rather have as a roommate? Why? Why is the one you choose preferable … Read more

ZEN Motors Marketing Research

ZEN Motors Marketing Research This is a paper for a Marketing Research Class, Approximately 1250-1500 words Summary: You have been made CEO of Global Motors, a new division of a large automobile manufacturer, ZEN Motors. ZEN is the leading brand by Global Motors, with international presence and sales all over the world. ZEN’s products have … Read more

Writing Question-Codex Vaticanus

Writing Question-Codex Vaticanus Assignment: Choose one of the questions below and write a 3-4 page, double spaced essay. For your answer draw from lectures, discussion sections, the assigned readings, and the Met timeline when pertinent. Use MLA in text citation for references or quotations drawn from the assigned readings. MLA in-text citation style uses the author’s last name … Read more

Expanding a Business into Services

Expanding a Business into Services Expanding a Business into Services Introduction: Services provide an additional form of revenue for companies. The service component can be a standalone offering, or a component of a product offering. In this Assignment you examine either a consumer service or a business service that is a market growth initiative to … Read more

Write an essay about this topic: Police officers’ perspectives on policing and reform

Write an essay about this topic: Police officers’ perspectives on policing and reform Answer preview: word limit:618

Review the case, Porcini’s Pronto: “Great Italian cuisine without the wait!”

Review the case, Porcini’s Pronto: “Great Italian cuisine without the wait!” Review the case, Porcini’s Pronto: “Great Italian cuisine without the wait!” After reviewing the case, prepare responses to the following questions: How has Porcini’s maintained high product and service quality, and how does it plan to do so for its new pronto concept? What … Read more

Topic: Innovation Management at Tesla Company

Topic: Innovation Management at Tesla Company In this module, we looked at technology-based industries and the management of innovation. For this week’s assignment, review Tesla: Disrupting the Auto Industry, Case 12 (in your textbook). Remember: A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific case study questions, develop your proposed solution … Read more

Leadership and Management in Healthcare industry

Leadership and Management in Healthcare industry From your experience in the health care industry, what is the difference between leadership and management? How can an advanced registered nurse both lead well and provide management? Think about interactions with patients, team members, daily tasks, and responsibilities as you formulate your response. Requirements: 250-350 words in APA … Read more

Essay topic-Security and Privacy

Essay topic-Security and Privacy Assignment Content In this assignment, you will explore how regulatory bodies monitor and enforce the compliance of security and privacy laws. Visit the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services‘ website. Locate and read the press releases of five resolution agreements within the last year involving HIPAA security violations. Study the corrective action plan section of the … Read more

Essay-Policy and Presidential Powers

Essay-Policy and Presidential Powers TOPICS: POLICY & PRESIDENTIAL POWER INSTRUCTIONS (NOTE KEY CHANGES FROM THE MIDTERM IN RED): Compose two comprehensive analytical essays that respond to each prompt. Things to consider: address each point in each prompt in two separate essays. Each prompt has 3 key ideas that are numbered. analyze (opinionate) on each point. … Read more

Research on Servant Leadership

Research on Servant Leadership The underlying principle of servant leadership is that leaders address the needs of the team before their own and serve others before serving the self. After reviewing the topic materials and conducting your own research on servant leadership, describe how the vocation of the nurse is similar to the goals of … Read more

Topic: data mining in transit system

Topic: data mining in transit system After reading the chapter by Capri (2015) on manual data collection. Answer the following questions: What were the traditional methods of data collection in the transit system? Why are the traditional methods insufficient in satisfying the requirement of data collection? Give a synopsis of the case study and your … Read more

Demonstrate knowledge of intercultural communication processes.

Demonstrate knowledge of intercultural communication processes. ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES Demonstrate knowledge of intercultural communication processes. Develop effective intercultural communication skills. Examine regional, international, and cultural differences in communications. Explain how different cultures use verbal communications and how cultural intelligence can positively affect communication outcomes. Produce effective cross-cultural approaches, styles, and tones of written and verbal business … Read more

Applying Decision Matrix in Euro Disney Scenario

Applying Decision Matrix in Euro Disney Scenario Euro Disneyland (100 Points) This week you were introduced to several decision-making tools in the course content. Using the Decision Matrix Analysis ( You have to check the website )along with the Decision Matrix Analysis video ( you have to check video ), make the following decisions relative to the case study … Read more

Question 3: The Bystander at the Switching Scenario

Question 3: The Bystander at the Switching Scenario Paper length: 1200 – 1800 words. Grading: The paper is graded on your understanding of the assigned readings and the lectures as well as on your ability to write in a clear and concise manner. You are neither required not encouraged to use sources other than the … Read more

Research health care legislation

Research health care legislation Research health care legislation that is being considered in your state. What impact might this legislation have on your future practice? What impact does it have on the collective practice of nurses in your state? How do you envision yourself potentially becoming involved in political advocacy for the profession in your … Read more

Investigating Volcanic Eruptions and their Effects on Humans and the Society

Investigating Volcanic Eruptions and their Effects on Humans and the Society Purpose: To investigate real-world geologic processes and the effects they have on humans and society. The secondary purpose is to familiarize you with scientific writing and the use of in-text citations/References in APA-style. Assignment Outline: For this assignment, you will search for Geology-related stories in … Read more

Discussion on Kalief Browder’s Suicide.

Discussion on Kalief Browder’s Suicide. Read the story about a prisoner suicide from the link below. After Kalief Browder’s Suicide, Officials Call for Bail Reform What amendment protects people from excessive bail? Is bail designed to punish or assure the defendant will appear for trial? Should there be a limit on how long a person … Read more

Discussion Board and Reply to Two Peers

Discussion Board and Reply to Two Peers Cultural competency is an important part of public health. In order to reach our target audience, or those who need health information, we must understand the population’s unique needs. This is especially true during a disease outbreak. After reviewing the Readings for Unit 8, answer the following questions: … Read more

World Literature-Stories from the Odyssey and Gilgamesh

World Literature-Stories from the Odyssey and Gilgamesh Purpose: For this assignment, you’ll explore one of the topics below, comparing and contrasting Gilgamesh and the Odyssey, and write a 6-10 paragraph essay arguing for and supporting your conclusions. This assignment will build your writing and analysis skills. You may be able to further flesh out the writing you have … Read more

In your own words, what is a “Tectonic Plate”?

In your own words, what is a “Tectonic Plate”? (1 pts) 2.In your own words, what is a “Plate Boundary”? (1 pts) 3.What two factors determine the type of Plate Boundary that will form when two tectonic plates meet? (2 pts) 4.Why do Divergent boundaries and transform boundaries tend to co-exist or form in the … Read more

Team Leadership: Leadership and Decision Making

Team Leadership: Leadership and Decision Making It may sound intuitive, or commonplace, that the promotion of teams should be a prominent component of an organization’s strategic plan. However, when created and managed ineffectively, the utilization of teams can be met with indecision, incessant delays, conflict, dissention and eventually a dramatic loss in productivity. Compose an … Read more

Research paper-Operations Management at Nissan Motor Company

Research paper-Operations Management at Nissan Motor Company CASE STUDY Nissan Company Nissan Motor Company, Ltd, shortened to Nissan, is a Japanese multinational automaker. Head quartered in Japan, founded 1932. It formerly marketed vehicles under the "Datsun" brand name and is one of the largest car manufacturers –revenue appx $90 billion USD (2007) and Employees 190,000 … Read more

Exploring the Process of Theory Creation by a Nurse Theorist

Exploring the Process of Theory Creation by a Nurse Theorist Where Did Theory Come From The purpose of this Assignment is to explore how a theorist explicates his or her philosophy and thoughts behind a theoretical field. As in other fields of study, nursing has a plethora of theorists and theories. These theorists have developed … Read more

Identify three professional nursing organizations that interest you

Identify three professional nursing organizations that interest you Provide a brief summary of their purpose, requirements, and any differences in focus, population, scope, or intent. How do these organizations align to your goals and worldview? Requirements: 250-350 APA format Answer preview: word limit:321

Research project- Value Creation Strategies

Research project- Value Creation Strategies This assignment is an individual-specific assessment of the industry in which you currently work or of the industry in which you intend to work after completing your MBA. You should discussion the sources of the value created within your particular industry. Your brief document should address the following issues: Brief … Read more

Quality Reporting-VA Health System

Quality Reporting-VA Health System Assignment Content Nurse informaticists may be called upon to qualify data collected in their organizations for both internal and external stakeholders. In this assignment, you will examine the data your organization collects and analyze ways to compare, augment, and improve existing systems and processes. If you are not currently employed, choose … Read more