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Critical Thinking: Scope of the Modern Company

Critical Thinking: Scope of the Modern Company Critical Thinking: Scope of the Modern Company (105 points) In this module, we looked at technology-based industries and the management of innovation. For this week’s assignment, review Tesla: Disrupting the Auto Industry, Case 12 (in your textbook). Remember: A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and … Read more

Discussion on the Porters Five Forces Model

Discussion on the Porters Five Forces Model I am working on the Porter’s Five Force Model for Wireless Industry services like (AT&T,Verizon,T-Mobile). I need info about each individual carrier porter’s five forces and respective Industry revenue figures based on the market share and info about NY city level. Requirements: 10-12 Pages Please include journal references … Read more

Essay topic- Finance and Insurance Industry

Essay topic- Finance and Insurance Industry Describe your selected industry using the industry description at the NAICS website.. Don’t just copy and paste the NAICS text. Identify some of the major companies in this industry. You will probably have to do a Google search for this information. For example, you could search for “Biggest U.S. … Read more

Write a reflection on self assessment.

Write a reflection on self assessment. Self-awareness is essential for developing leadership skills. Recognizing your own strengths, weaknesses, and values, and understanding emotional intelligence and learning styles can help you to be a more effective nurse leader. For this assignment, you have the opportunity to take a variety of self-assessments to learn more about yourself … Read more

WALMART (Case Study)

WALMART (Case Study) Wal-Mart’s Global Strategies (100 Points) In Chapters 8 and 9, we reviewed several types of global expansion strategies a company can undertake when entering new markets. For this assignment, you will read Walmart’s Global Strategies case study (p. 279) and then respond to the following questions and make decisions based on those questions. What … Read more

Creating a Cultural Diversity Training Program

Creating a Cultural Diversity Training Program For this paper, you will be applying this knowledge by examining the creation of a cultural diversity training course. Imagine that you are in training and development for a global organization. You have been tasked with the creation of a cultural diversity training course that all employees will be … Read more

Decision theory-Global Expansion Strategies

Decision theory-Global Expansion Strategies Wal-Mart’s Global Strategies (100 Points) In Chapters 8 and 9, we reviewed several types of global expansion strategies a company can undertake when entering new markets. For this assignment, you will read Walmart’s Global Strategies case study (p. 279) and then respond to the following questions and make decisions based on those questions. … Read more

Decision Theory-Walmart’s Global Venture

Decision Theory-Walmart’s Global Venture Wal-Mart’s Global Strategies (100 Points) In Chapters 8 and 9, we reviewed several types of global expansion strategies a company can undertake when entering new markets. For this assignment, you will read Walmart’s Global Strategies case study (p. 279) and then respond to the following questions and make decisions based on those questions. … Read more

Reviewing the Expansion Strategy of Walmart Company

Reviewing the Expansion Strategy of Walmart Company   Wal-Mart’s Global Strategies (100 Points) In Chapters 8 and 9, we reviewed several types of global expansion strategies a company can undertake when entering new markets. For this assignment, you will read Walmart’s Global Strategies case study (p. 279) and then respond to the following questions and make decisions … Read more

Introduction to International Business

Introduction to International Business Please read Case 2: “Venezuela under Hugo Chávez and Beyond” available in your e-book (page no.611), and answer the following questions: Assignment Question(s): 1. Under Chávez’s leadership, what kind of economic system was put in place in Venezuela? How would you characterize the political system? (word limit: 80- 100) 2. During … Read more

Case Study Assignment Involving a 16-Year-Old White Pregnant Teenager and a 35-Year-Old Transgender White Male

Case Study Assignment Involving a 16-Year-Old White Pregnant Teenager and a 35-Year-Old Transgender White Male Write on both cases: A 16-year-old white pregnant teenager living in an inner-city neighborhood. 35-year-old transgender white male living in a homeless shelter. Questions What are the barriers to interpersonal communication? What are the procedures and examination techniques that will … Read more

Essay topic-Nursing’s Role in Health Equity

Essay topic-Nursing’s Role in Health Equity The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Webinar: Nursing’s Role in Health Equity, Public Health Emergencies and Covid-19 Answer preview: word limit:600

Assess the likelihood of land disputes arising between landowners and the government

Assess the likelihood of land disputes arising between landowners and the government Case Study about “Assess the likelihood of land disputes arising between landowners and the government in the development of new tourist facilities and develop a plan for the Ministry of Interior” that responds to this threat by covering prevention, mitigation and response, utilizes … Read more

Psychology Question-Psychological Disorders

Psychology Question-Psychological Disorders Goal To raise awareness about a specific topic in psychology and provide concrete recommendations for addressing the issue using the concepts covered in class and evidence-based strategies. Project overview You can choose to create an infographic, a PSA, a social media page- whatever you want that you feel would best capture the interest of someone … Read more

Writing Question-journal-assignment

Writing Question-journal-assignment There are many examples of revelations of wrongdoing, criminal activity, or unforgivable actions from different types of artists: actors, authors, musicians, etc. Michael Jackson was controversial because of the persistent accusations during his lifetime which persist after his death. The question I would like you to respond to (in 200 words minimum) this … Read more

Economic Inequality is Inevitable, Discuss.

Economic Inequality is Inevitable, Discuss. For this final project, you will have to analyze an economic debate, process, or institution through a sociological perspective. Your project should address one and only one of the following prompts and use a case as evidence for your argument: 1. Is economic inequality inevitable? 2. How can organizations reduce the role … Read more

Topic: Franchising Business Model Article Critique

Topic: Franchising Business Model Article Critique ASSIGNMENT FORMAT: For this assignment you need to prepare and submit a critique of the attached article in week 10 Under the assignment # 4 in ulearn. Your critique must answer the following questions: 1. What was the intent of this research? 2. How was the research conducted (method)? … Read more

Business Question-Environmental scanning

Business Question-Environmental scanning Environmental scanning & strategy formulation 1. Briefly present your selected company (name, industry, nationality, location, size, activities, products…) (Max 200 words). (0.5 mark) 2. Determine the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of your selected company by completing the SWOT matrix in the answer sheet. (1 mark) 3. Does your selected company have … Read more

Essay-Identifying Tesla’s Core Competences

Essay-Identifying Tesla’s Core Competences Q1; Based on the concept of Core competencies discussed in Ch-6, Pick a company you are familiar with and identify some of its core competencies? undefined Q2; Forum: Saudi Arabia Adds Pressure on Global Firms to Move to Riyadh https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-15/saudi-arabia-aims-to-sideline-firms-without-base-in-the-kingdom Answer preview: word limit:348

Analyze the Challenges Facing Coca-Cola’s Business Environment

Analyze the Challenges Facing Coca-Cola’s Business Environment Create a 3–5-minute (approximately 6–8 slides) PowerPoint presentation that evaluates how well the company embodies its issue-related values. Your presentation should contain detailed speaker’s notes that flesh out and support main points, ideas, or conclusions and have supporting citations. Summarize your chosen company’s Supplier Responsibility information. In your … Read more

Expertise Question Prompt-Novice and Expert Teachers

Expertise Question Prompt-Novice and Expert Teachers GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Read and respond to the questions provided below under “Specific Question Prompt Instructions”. Your response must include references to the lecture, powerpoint, and/or text to ensure you have studied the material before you begin applying the material. See the rubric for guidelines regarding the exact manner in … Read more

Reflection on shifts in advanced registered nursing

Reflection on shifts in advanced registered nursing Discuss the shift to value-based health care and its impact on the roles and responsibilities of advanced registered nurses. What major evolving trends in the health care delivery system will affect your practice in the next 3-5 years, and how do you think advanced registered nurses will continue … Read more

Summary and Discussion-Arendt’s “Eichmann in Jerusalem

Summary and Discussion-Arendt’s “Eichmann in Jerusalem   1. Reading What is due? Read the assigned text (the extracts from Arendt’s “Eichmann in Jerusalem”) and underline its most important parts. Choose one small portion of the text, between 2 and 8 lines approximately (it’s ok if it’s slightly above or below that), that in your view … Read more

Cyber Security Question

Cyber Security Question Activity Overview For this activity you will use the common network diagram below to assess the security posture within this architecture. There are many combinations of security, and philosophies on how to best protect this network and you have full reign to “think outside of the box” – there is no right … Read more

Discussion-Conflict Resolution

Discussion-Conflict Resolution what is the reservation price ? what does Best Alternative to the Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) ? what is the negotiators Dilemma? Answer preview: word limit:330

Explain your understanding of the APP PUSH system.

Explain your understanding of the APP PUSH system. Question 1: Please briefly explain your understanding of the APP PUSH system. Write 5 daily PUSH notifications for a social APP, explaining your target group, PUSH time, what content it jumps to and so on. Question 2: Please answer in English – according to recent events and festivals, … Read more

Reflect on the Adoption of Telehealth in the US

Reflect on the Adoption of Telehealth in the US The shortage of nurses in the U.S. is likely to get worse in the coming years due in part to the declining nurse workforce and its aging population. Making this shortage even more critical is that as the population of adults past retirement grows so does … Read more

General Motors Organizational Culture

General Motors Organizational Culture For this scholarly activity, develop a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy by completing the following tasks: Research a company that has undergone (or attempted to undergo) a shift in organization or culture within the past five years. This shift must have been a result of innovation. Some … Read more

Discuss the issues organization’s face with regards to the protection of its customer information.

Discuss the issues organization’s face with regards to the protection of its customer information. Part 1 Search “scholar.google.com” or your textbook. Discuss the issues organization’s face with regards to the protection of its customer information. How might an organization notify its users that all communications are being monitored and preserved? How will end users typically … Read more

Creative Writing Question-Technology Elimination

Creative Writing Question-Technology Elimination Background Innovation is all around us and those living 30, 50, or 100 years ago would consider our world highly convenient (and confusing). However, sometimes we take for granted the history of innovation and how the objects around us came to be. Even more so, we don’t appreciate what the world … Read more

W.H.O HIV Testing HTS Guidelines Results

W.H.O HIV Testing HTS Guidelines Results we have a group project and we have sections to do .. my section will be finding the “RESULTS” of this Consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services… i will attach file that has everything about this article and HIV testing services please only use this to look for the … Read more

Financial Research Report

Financial Research Report This assignment will be 6–8 pages Include your rationale, primary reasons for stock selection, and client’s profile from Part 1, making any revisions based upon Part 1 feedback if applicable. Select any five financial ratios that you have learned about in the text. Analyze the past 3 years of the selected financial … Read more

Summarize what is logistics performance priorities.

Summarize what is logistics performance priorities. Critical Writing undefined The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest logistics performance priorities. To this purpose, you should search and review about these companies through secondary available information. Think about how you can apply the concepts/tools that you … Read more

Business Analytics Proposal

Business Analytics Proposal Write an APA 7 style professional proposal using the methods described in the links following this. The proposal should be at least 1,000 words. You may choose from one of the following, or anything related to data analytics, that interests you: 1. Returns to Amazon, Returns to Costco 2. Telematics 3. Cyber risk 4. Risks in … Read more

Discussion- Self care.

Discussion- Self care. Discussion 1 Personally, self-care means to improve our moods in order to reduce our anxiety. While life is not going the way we expected it to, it is significant to take the time to take care of ourselves, no matter what that means to us since everyone does it differently. Growing up, … Read more

Managing Performance – Quality Management Programs

Managing Performance – Quality Management Programs Comparative systems and absolute systems are two types of systems that can be used to evaluate employee performance and competencies. As discussed in Chapter 5, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with these systems. As the newly hired HR Director for a large manufacturing organization, which makes parts for … Read more

Analyze the Effective Use of Personal Space in Communication

Analyze the Effective Use of Personal Space in Communication What steps will you take to change your use of personal space across a variety of contexts in order to be a better communicator? Each 1-2-page reflection assignment. You will be given the prompts for each reflection assignment on the week they are assigned. You will … Read more

What is knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)?

What is knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)? In Introduction to Data mining book attached > introductory chapter please review data mining and the key components of data mining. In an essay format answer the following questions: What is knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)? Review section 1.2 and review the various motivating challenges. Select one and … Read more

Advanced Primary Care Part II

Advanced Primary Care Part II 1 work: N95.0 – POSTMENOPAUSAL BLEEDING 2. work Preeclampsia Name: A.D Date: 02/2/2021 Advanced Directive: None Allergies NKA Age: 40 Sex: Female SUBJECTIVE CC: 36-week routine prenatal exam, with headaches and swelling of hands and feet HPI: 40 y/o white female presents at the clinic for 36-week OB appointment. Patient … Read more

Hector Gaming Company-Case Study

Hector Gaming Company-Case Study Assignment Question: (Marks 5) Please read the Case-2.1 “Hector Gaming Company.” from Chapter 2 “Organization strategy and Project Selection” given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8 th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 61 also refer to specific concepts you have learned from the chapter to … Read more

Writing Question-Antidemocratic coalitions

Writing Question-Antidemocratic coalitions word limit:1509

Project Management discussion

 Project Management discussion Answer the following discussion questions 1.You are the father or mother of a family of four (kids ages 13 and 15) planning a weekend camping trip. Develop a responsibility matrix for the work that needs to be done prior to starting your trip. (The answer should be in the form of a … Read more

Consumer Behavior Discussion prompt.

Consumer Behavior Discussion prompt. Subject is Consumer Behaviour. 1. Analyse (break down and examine) and illustrate with your own examples the 5-stage decision-making process. Make sure to justify each stage and illustrate with clear reference to the example(s) chosen. 2. Critically evaluate marketing ethics and social responsibility/ethical marketing and the principles that should be followed. … Read more

Discuss the importance of Developing Interprofessional Relationships

Discuss the importance of Developing Interprofessional Relationships From your experience, how can developing strong interprofessional relationships increase collaboration and benefit patient outcomes or organizational initiatives? What are some ways you can form an interprofessional team and collaborate with other advanced registered nurse roles? Make sure to incorporate the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies in your … Read more

Gilbert Ryle’s Criticism of Descartes-Discussion.

Gilbert Ryle’s Criticism of Descartes-Discussion. Answer preview: word limit:1613

Neuroplasticity discussion

Neuroplasticity discussion Goal: To apply the concept of neuroplasticity to your own life. INSTRUCTIONS: Please look up the difference between structural and functional neuroplasticity and do the following: Define neuroplasticity in your own words. Define structural neuroplasticity and provide an example in your own words. Define functional neuroplasticity and provide an example in your own … Read more

Writing Question -Indian Farmer’s Protests

Writing Question -Indian Farmer’s Protests Farmers in India have recently organized one of the largest protests in history. What connections are there between this protest and the ongoing processes of neoliberal globalization? How might the protest of these farmers in India be related to other protests going on in other parts of the world? Use … Read more

Essay-Business Forecasting and Budgeting

Essay-Business Forecasting and Budgeting In the first two assignments, you looked at: (1) how AMD and Intel are positioned to take advantage of opportunities and manage risks, and (2) how well each is currently managing their performance. As part of this analysis, you identified potential areas for improvement and considered whether a merger or acquisition … Read more

Strategies in Health Education and Promotion Program

Strategies in Health Education and Promotion Program i have selected “United states Hispanics” to be my group of focus. also a brief of proposal (Must read). 12 pages Answer preview: word limit:3530

Noble County Community Health Report

Noble County Community Health Report Health Professionals in Nobles County The report is to analyze the condition of Health Professionals in Nobles County(MN) and create information about primary care health care providers that would be useful for planning and hiring purposes, including expected salary, projected shortages or oversupply, workplace setting, self-employment options, and other. Overview: … Read more