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Explain the Impacts of Affordable Care Act

Explain the Impacts of Affordable Care Act for this review explores how disparities in health coverage by race were affected from the expansion of the Affordable Care Act in Kentucky. For this review, craft an essay in which the following requirements are satisfied: Describe the hypothesis proposed by the authors. Describe the population studied and … Read more

Management Assignment-SABIC

Management Assignment-SABIC Report Writing Select a Saudi company that operates in Europe and/or Africa, and write (a minimum of 500 word) report covering the following points: 1.Present the study report with clear Introduction and Conclusion including your own views. 2.Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research. Strengths: List the strengths of … Read more

why do you think hypothesis testing is important in statistics?

why do you think hypothesis testing is important in statistics? For this week’s discussion, why do you think hypothesis testing is important in statistics? In your response, please connect your comments to the concept of null and alternative hypotheses and describe what these mean. Please post a response of at least 150 words to the … Read more

what are the major sales promotional strategies used in the company?

what are the major sales promotional strategies used in the company? Answer preview:   word limit:2401

Describe the Effects of Environmental Factors on a Body’s Respiratory System

Describe the Effects of Environmental Factors on a Body’s Respiratory System DESCRIPTION In this discussion, you will examine how environmental factors can affect the body’s respiratory system. OBJECTIVES Describe factors that can influence breathing. INSTRUCTIONS Step 1: Respond to the following: Suppose after a high-smog alert day in your city, a 5-year-old child with asthma, a … Read more

Discussion- Walmart Inc. Reward System

Discussion- Walmart Inc. Reward System In today’s turbulent economic times, reward systems, in many organizations, have been revised/modified, thereby resulting in frustration, uncertainty, loss of security, etc. In fact, many organizations have cut base pay, reduced short-term incentives, eliminated long-term incentives, and more. Due to COVID-19, organizations are struggling to maintain financial stability. Unfortunately, employees … Read more

Discussion Motivation Theories

Discussion Motivation Theories This week, we learned about motivational strategies and why to use different strategies with different cultures. For this discussion, choose a country other than your own, and then decide which of the Motivation Theories described in the chapter would be the best to use with employees in that country. Then give an … Read more

Ethical Decision Making Discussion

Ethical Decision Making Discussion Your required reading by Mladenovic, Martinov-Bennie, and Bell (2019) provides business students’ insights into their development of ethical decision making. Examine ethical decision-making processes and provide research on that information. Next, describe your beliefs and assumptions about ethics. Suggest areas for improvement in student education relative to ethical decision making. Requirements: … Read more

Emerging Healthcare Technology: Blockchain Technology

Emerging Healthcare Technology: Blockchain Technology New health care innovations offer the advanced registered nurse an opportunity to apply emerging technologies in practice to improve quality and patient outcomes. For this assignment, research an emerging health care technology that you think has the potential to overcome current or emerging barriers to care. Write a 500-word brief … Read more

Food security Management topic

 Food security Management topic The assessment task is designed to specifically test how well you have engaged with and understood the key concepts presented by the author of the unit. That is, how well you can demonstrate an ability to discuss concepts within your chosen focus. Wider research is good and for this, Food Security, … Read more

Philosophy Question-Ethics in Mask Wearing

Philosophy Question-Ethics in Mask Wearing Is it ethical (not talking about legal) not to wear a mask to the grocery store (during this global pandemic)? In your answer, explain what German philosopher Immanuel Kant would say (please focus on the first formulation of the Categorical Imperative), and explain what Aristotle would say. In your argument … Read more

Comparative Health Project

 Comparative Health Project Deliverables See rubric as well as instructions for more information regarding your submission. You will submit a 4-6-page paper that compares the United States to your assigned country ( Switzerland) Turnitin will be used within the submission portal to check for originality of your submitted work. You will submit a 5 – 6 … Read more

Proposal for Improved Oral Care in Elderly Care

Proposal for Improved Oral Care in Elderly Care The Attitudes of Nurses towards the Care of the Elderly.  I observed that Staffs are finding it difficult to care for the elderly. Staffs are burnt out as moCst of the time staffs call in sick. Proposal for Improved Oral Care in Elderly patients. I have noticed … Read more

Research paper-Data Warehouse Architecture, Big Data, Green Computing

Research paper-Data Warehouse Architecture, Big Data, Green Computing The final portfolio project is a three-part activity. You will respond to three separate prompts but prepare your paper as one research paper. Start your paper with an introductory paragraph. Prompt 1 “Data Warehouse Architecture” (3 pages): Explain the major components of a data warehouse architecture, including … Read more

Tax Research Problem- Section 351


Discuss the Role of Leadership in Organizations

Discuss the Role of Leadership in Organizations The Role of Leadership (300–400 words) Research and summarize senior management’s role in successful quality improvement programs. Be sure to use real, researched examples to demonstrate your points. The Baldrige Award site list of recipients could be a good resource for examples. In general, identify senior management’s specific … Read more


Case brief-TANNER V. ARMCO STEEL CORPORATION You will brief the case given. TANNER V. ARMCO STEEL CORPORATION 340 F. Supp. 532 (S. D. Texas 1972) Answer preview: word limit:1000

Decision Theory Discussion Question-Leadership Styles

Decision Theory Discussion Question-Leadership Styles Discussion question,15 Lines, 2-3 paragraphs, 2-3 references and no outline This week, we learned about different types of leadership directives and leadership styles. As a reflection of the course, describe your leadership style and how your style will help you develop decision-making skills in your management career. One assessment you … Read more

Strategy Planning on Mergers and Acquisitions-Essay

Strategy Planning on Mergers and Acquisitions-Essay Discussion question,15 Lines, 2-3 paragraphs, 2-3 references and no outline In this module, we explored the role of the corporate headquarters and its relationship with individual businesses, and how the corporate headquarters creates value by making mergers/acquisitions and alliances. Select a Saudi Arabian company. Describe this company’s experiences with … Read more

Strategy Planning Discussion Question

Strategy Planning Discussion Question During this course you have learned that the business environment is in a state of constant change and new circumstances will require new strategies and new approaches to implementing those strategies. Apply what you have learned as you discuss the following questions. Describe the global business environment that is likely to … Read more

The paper discusses in detail various aspects of managed care and its role in healthcare systems.

The paper discusses in detail various aspects of managed care and its role in healthcare systems. Define managed care and discuss the four major goals of managed care and how they play a role in the health care system. Should be 2-3 pages double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font. Apa in-text citation and references. … Read more

Read the article and answer the following questions:

Read the article and answer the following questions: https://www.qualitymag.com/articles/96314-big-or-little-quality-quality-control-vs-business-culture undefined This aforementioned article “Big or Little Quality: Quality Control vs. Business Culture”, the author discussed the view of the quality as tool into the operational improvement as a part of the corporate culture. undefined Read the article and answer the following questions: undefined 1- To … Read more

Describe the association between intelligence and mindsets.

Describe the association between intelligence and mindsets. GOAL: To define and describe the association between intelligence and mindsets, and provide recommendations for designing an equitable test. INSTRUCTIONS: We are now far enough in the course where you should easily be able to relate prior concepts to what we are currently learning. In this discussion, please … Read more

Interoperability in healthcare vs other industries- Power point presentation.

Interoperability in healthcare vs other industries- Power point presentation. Assignment Content Being able to take your debit or credit card with you overseas and withdraw cash from any ATM in most countries is one example of a seamless, reliable, and efficient interoperable system. So why is interoperability in health care systems so problematic? Research the Internet … Read more

Decision-Making Process in International Human Resource Management

Decision-Making Process in International Human Resource Management\ For this assignment, you will apply decision-making to the process of international human resource management as you determine which of the four final applicants to hire into a global executive position. You are a member of the management committee of a MNE that conducts business in 23 countries. … Read more

Why did Citizens for a Better Environment lack standing in this case?

Why did Citizens for a Better Environment lack standing in this case? How could they state their claim differently so that they do have standing? Requirements: One page and double spaced. Answer preview: word limit:310

Business Question-Saudi Aramco

Business Question-Saudi Aramco Assignment Questions (5 Marks) Consider the same company ‘X’ that you have already used in assignments 1& 2 and answer the following questions. 1. Evaluate the performance of the main activities of your selected company. What type(s) of criteria do you use to evaluate this performance? (1.5 marks) 2. What type(s) of … Read more

Accounting Questions

Accounting Questions Assignment Question(s): (5.0 Marks) Q1. Under US, income tax law deductions are Classifying into Deductions for and deductions from adjusted gross income. Discuss in detail the items of each kind. (2 marks) Q2. Explain the different concepts of income from accounting, economics and taxation perspectives (DO NOT copy from the slides). (1.5 marks). … Read more

Write an analysis of the Gaming Chart

Write an analysis of the Gaming Chart According the gaming chart to write two page of report: Report included what you learn from the chart Did you prove the Hypothesis Explain the slope between the x axis and Y axis ( As the X-axis data increases, the design and quality of games on different platforms … Read more

Business Management Essay.

Business Management Essay. Now you are an entrepreneur who has a business. Imagine that you face a problem in your own business. Questions: 1- What is the name of your business? 2- What is the problem in your business? 3- How would you solve your problem? For More Explanation: you need to imagine that you … Read more

State the basic claim of Utilitarianism. Is this theory correct?

 State the basic claim of Utilitarianism. Is this theory correct? journal should be one double-spaced page. Do not exceed one page. Be sure that your response is sufficient to address the prompt. Excellent journals will use argument and evidence to justify claims. Cite the coursework where it is appropriate. No outside citations are required. Requirements: … Read more

Essay topic- Organization Design and Development

Essay topic- Organization Design and Development Please read the case study “TQM at the Ritz-Carlton” in Chapter 13, p.391 available in your textbook “Organization Development & Change” (10 th ed.) by Cummings, T and Worley, C and answer the following questions: ● Q.1 Based on your understanding of the case, discuss and evaluate employee involvement … Read more

Essay- Accountable Care Organizations

Essay- Accountable Care Organizations Define Accountable care organization and discuss their impact on the contemporary health care system. How do ACOs drive cost-effectiveness, innovation, and collaboration in the delivery of health care? Requirements: 250-350 apa format Answer preview: word limit:311

Report as a summary for your project

Report as a summary for your project You are going to submit a report as a summary for your project in your own words which should contain the following: Problem: What user problem are you trying to solve? Who are the users? What are their tasks (the three task)? Design: Describe the final design of your … Read more

Confidence Error DB and Reply to two Peers

Confidence Error DB and Reply to two Peers published research study or news article. Explain your assigned concept and relate how your topic is used in the example. Please post a response of at least 150 words to the topic. Your required follow-up replies should have at least 75 words each. Please format any references … Read more

Essay topic-Race, Gender, and in Pop Culture

Essay topic-Race, Gender, and in Pop Culture Read the two articles below and write a 2-3 page essay connecting the ideas in bold to the articles Reform conversation, continued Truth and reconciliation Race, gender, and poverty in pop culture and on social media https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/freebritney-b… https://19thnews.org/2021/03/wap-and-the-politics-… Requirements: 2-3 page essay Answer preview: word limit:641

Guidelines for Public Health Practice

Guidelines for Public Health Practice Describe which guidelines would be the easiest to implement and have success. Describe which guidelines would be the most challenging to implement. From your perspective, describe a) how these guidelines could be implemented at a local level (city/county) and the national level, and b) the likely limitations that would impair … Read more

Humanities Question-Myanmar financial risk.

Humanities Question-Myanmar financial risk. Answer preview: word limit:615

Is the Business in Saudi Market Sustainable?

Is the Business in Saudi Market Sustainable? DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1.Looking at the growth pattern, would you recommend Almaraito expand internationally? Is the USA that is still the first global economy a best place for business expansion 2.Suppose you were in charge of the company during the drop of the revenue recently, what would you do … Read more

MIS-201: Management of Info. Systems. Project report

 MIS-201: Management of Info. Systems. Project report The project involves studying the IT infrastructure of a relevant information system (IS)/ information technology (IT) used by selecting any organization of your choice locally or internationally undefined The idea is to investigate the selected organization using the main components of IT (Hardware, software, services, data management and … Read more

Management Question-Saudi Aramco in Europe

Management Question-Saudi Aramco in Europe Select a Saudi company that operates in Europe and/or Africa, and write (a minimum of 500 word) report covering the following points: 1. Present the study report with clear Introduction and Conclusion including your own views. 2. Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research. Strengths: … Read more

How do Social Networks Make People Commit Suicide?

How do Social Networks Make People Commit Suicide? For this exam, you will write a critical analyses paper demonstrating understanding and application of key concepts learned on chapters 14-17. Your paper must be 3-4 pages in length excluding references pages, 12p font, and double spaced. Separate all topics into individual headings for better flow and … Read more

Computer Science Question-Why Scalability Important

 Computer Science Question-Why Scalability Important Question One “Scalability” is all about handling consumer growth. A popular web application needs to accommodate the consumer growth and it should be perfectly and efficiently designed with scalability in mind. Particularly, a scalable web application will be able to handle an increase in users and load, without disrupting the … Read more

Opening an organization (presentation)

Opening an organization (presentation) Answer preview: 12 slides

Read the case given below and answer the questions

Read the case given below and answer the questions Assignment Three Read the case given below and answer the questions: Halima, the owner and manager of a company with ten employees, has hired you to take over the HRM function so she can focus on other areas of her business. During your first two weeks, … Read more

Write an essay on Leadership Development

Write an essay on Leadership Development Authentic leadership focuses on leadership that is genuine and real. Whether something is genuine and real may likely be in the mind of the individual evaluating it or experiencing it. Examine the usefulness of authentic leadership in organizations by identifying research that supports or refutes authentic leadership as a … Read more

Walmart Annual Report Project

Walmart Annual Report Project For this assignment, combine the Annual Report Project from Weeks 1 and 3, along with the following additional requirements: Calculate the Current, Debt/Equity, and Inventory Turnover ratios for WALMART. Locate a competitor that is involved in the same business as WALMART. Provide an analysis of the same ratios calculated above. What … Read more

BMGT 364 Project 1 – Planning and the SWOT Analysis

BMGT 364 Project 1 – Planning and the SWOT Analysis You are requested to complete Project 1 in the role of a recent business degree graduate, newly hired by Silver Airways. Your manager has requested your assistance in conducting a SWOT analysis and developing the goals and objectives for a strategic plan. The strategic plan … Read more

What are several of the most important environmental issues now receiving worldwide attention?

 What are several of the most important environmental issues now receiving worldwide attention? Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions: 1) What are several of the most important … Read more

Essay- Benefits of The Course to The Current Job Position

Essay- Benefits of The Course to The Current Job Position Course Name: Business Sustainability, Corporate Governance, and Organizational Ethics The executive-format programs are a unique approach to higher education. With the required Applied Learning Practicum each semester, you are taking education beyond the cognitive level and learning how to apply your knowledge to the real-world … Read more