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Answer the following questions on Climate Change

Answer the following questions on Climate Change QUESTIONS Which of the four discourses discussed in Chapter 3 (the Biophysical discourse, the Critical discourse, the Dismissive discourse and Integrative Discourse) makes more sense to explain climate change as a problem and that is more effective at fostering action on the root causes of the problem? Explain … Read more

Dedicate your journal this week to grappling with potential essay topics – what do you have to say?

Dedicate your journal this week to grappling with potential essay topics – what do you have to say? This paper is a true essay in the classical sense that the writer should discover, articulate and express personal insights as they intersect with and circle around a specific topic or experience. Writing consultant Katherine Bomer in her publication … Read more

What is the appropriate scope of government control over shared natural resources like water?

What is the appropriate scope of government control over shared natural resources like water? The lecture, book, and podcast Navigating Challenges to the Clean Water Rule with Sheila Olmstead (December 2020, ~39 minutes, transcript at link) talked about the progression of Commerce Clause cases that restricted the reach of Army Corps of Engineers’ and EPA’s jurisdiction over … Read more

Art and Immortalization of Experiences and Intentions

Art and Immortalization of Experiences and Intentions A 3-page essay with Introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion about artist Tarsila do Amaral and her painting “A Negra”. The point is to describe the identity that is displayed through their artwork, based on social class. Read the criteria below for futher explanation. https://hyperallergic.com/431180/tarsila-do-amaral… Answer preview:   word … Read more

Human Trafficking Discussion

Human Trafficking Discussion   The modern anti-trafficking movement commenced in earnest with the adoption of the Palermo Protocol in 2000, and since then has grown substantially. Governments have made progress and continue to work to pass and implement legislation criminalizing all forms of human trafficking, collaborate with civil society and human trafficking survivors to strengthen … Read more

Why People Should Support Renewable Energy

Why People Should Support Renewable Energy You are to write a persuasive essay about one policy (people should support renewable energy). Length requirement: 3-4 pages of full content ( including one introduction, three paragraphs and one conclusion) Introduction First Paragraph :Main point 1 (problems) Second Paragraph : Main point 2 (causes) Third Paragraph: Main point 3(solutions) Conclusion This … Read more

Explain what co- teaching is. Explain the different types of models of co teaching.

Explain what co- teaching is. Explain the different types of models of co teaching. Discuss the type of co- teaching that you think is most impactful and explain why. Explain at least four reasons of why co- teaching is important and how it positively impacts children’s ability to le Requirements: 1 page Answer preview: word … Read more

Discuss the Levels of Translational Research

Discuss the Levels of Translational Research Identify the different levels of translational research. Explain how translational research is different from evidence-based practice and discuss application to population health management. Requirements: 250-350 APA Answer preview: word limit:312

Market research proposal

Market research proposal Final assessment • Individual task • You have been hired by a Mobile Phone Manufacturer to conduct a test to determine why the newly introduced phone brand has not captured the expected market share. • Following the discussion that you had with the marketing team, you have identified that brand awareness, brand … Read more

Write a reflection on Regulatory Agencies and Accrediting Bodies

Write a reflection on Regulatory Agencies and Accrediting Bodies This assignment is designed to give you a greater understanding of regulatory agencies and accreditation bodies, including their functions, public reporting requirements, and the how they impact quality and safety. Select and evaluate a regulatory agency or accrediting body. Discuss the history of the agency or … Read more

Create an analysis on Business Entities

Create an analysis on Business Entities Background Facts You Need To Know: Connor, Ali, Madison, and Sam recognize an essential early step in creating Clean-N-Shine (‘Clean”) is to agree on a business organizational form and clarify the owners’ roles because each has different priorities, interests, and expectations about the business Answer preview: word limit:682

Which policy tool is being used to influence environmental practices on agricultural land? Why?

Which policy tool is being used to influence environmental practices on agricultural land? Why? Consider the 2012 annual report for the USDA Conservation Reserve Program (Links to an external site.) and the website showcasing projects around the country at the CRP is 30 website (Links to an external site.). Which policy tool is being used to influence environmental … Read more

Analyzing Anti-Trafficking Organizations

Analyzing Anti-Trafficking Organizations There are multiple anti-trafficking organizations in the United States (U.S.). One of the most widely recognized is the Polaris Project (2012), now simply referred to as Polaris. Polaris is a leader in the global fight to eradicate modern slavery. Named after the North Star that guided slaves to freedom in the U.S., … Read more

What are social/ historical issues that is going on during their time period and how that effects their writing

What are social/ historical issues that is going on during their time period and how that effects their writing You can write about this poem please. It’s called” Those Winter Sundays” by Robert Hayden! You’ll find it online Thank you so much! Requirements:   |   .doc file Answer preview: word limit:624

Words Reflection Journal

Words Reflection Journal Key Themes in Social Welfare Policy Social Welfare Policy is viewed as a benefit allocation mechanism functioning outside the market place. Choice analysis helps to dissect the components of the structure of policy design (programme / service design): – To whom they are offered (Who?) • Entitlement / eligibility rules – What benefits … Read more

To demonstrate an understanding of how drugs impact the brain and consciousness by teaching the class about a specific category of drugs

To demonstrate an understanding of how drugs impact the brain and consciousness by teaching the class about a specific category of drugs Goal: To demonstrate an understanding of how drugs impact the brain and consciousness by teaching the class about a specific category of drugs. INSTRUCTIONS Please pick a drug category from the following options. … Read more

A Hand up Hub Providing Shelter and Services to Homeless Youths

A Hand up Hub Providing Shelter and Services to Homeless Youths As an Environmental Psychologist you have been commissioned to design an area of a city focusing on evidence-based principles such as placemaking; sustainability; and resilience. Topic is: A Hand up Hub providing shelter and services to those who are homeless 1: Identify the population … Read more

Khalfan – Individual Written Report

Khalfan – Individual Written Report This assignment is an individual work in which the student will be required to write a brief report by choosing a topic from the pool of topics provided. You will be submitting the final report through Turnitin link on MOVE. Topics Select any one of the following topics and produce … Read more

Case Brief on Climate Change

Case Brief on Climate Change Kelsey Juliana, et al.1 v. United States of America, et al.2 947 F.3d 1159 (9th Cir. 2020)3 Opinion by: Hurwitz I. The plaintiffs are twenty-one young citizens, an environmental organization, and a “representative of future generations.” Their original complaint named as defendants the President, the United States, and federal agencies … Read more

Reflective Commentary for Dietetic Practices

Reflective Commentary for Dietetic Practices Critical reflective commentary and portfolio of evidence This assessment has 2 components, a portfolio of evidence of learning and a critical reflective commentary on the learning evidenced by the portfolio. Aims The aim of the reflective commentary and portfolio is to enable students to demonstrate development of learning on communication … Read more

Activity Topic-social media policy

Activity Topic-social media policy Activity I – Create a general social media policy that could be used by multiple companies. You should consider the following questions when developing the social media policy: Will these companies be allowed to monitor employee posts / pages on social media sites? What privacy concerns does this raise? How should … Read more

Film Question-Kiss Me Deadly (1955)

Film Question-Kiss Me Deadly (1955) Write a standard four-to-six page academic paper on the subject of the visual on the film ( Kiss Me Deadly (1955) and do additional research on the internet. Cite all sources through footnotes. Requirements:   |   .doc file Answer preview: word limit:1350

Write an essay on cold war.

Write an essay on cold war. The Cold War had profound implications for U.S. domestic policy and culture. Discuss the ways in which heightened tension with the Soviet Union influenced America’s national scene from 1945 to 1989. What were the benefits and losses of this “great fear” on American culture? Essays should be between 1,500-2,000 … Read more

Model UN COUNTRY Statement and explanations

Model UN COUNTRY Statement and explanations reation of a UN Emergency Peace Service (UNEPS) AND a written explanation/justification of this position 1) The Country position statement Assuming the position of UN member states, students will research, develop and articulate in their statement their allocated country’s position on the creation of a UNEPS – a standing … Read more

Essay- Cognitive Psychology

Essay- Cognitive Psychology First: As we know from our reading, cognitive architecture is often thought of as a blueprint for intelligent agents. Cognitive architecture proposes that artificial computational processes act like certain cognitive systems. Most often, they mirror cognitive systems like a person, or act intelligent under some definition. Some early theories of cognitive architecture … Read more

Write an essay about Soft Skills of Project Management

Write an essay about Soft Skills of Project Management Topic: Soft skills of Project management Need Introduction 350-400 words APA format 4 references Requirements: APA | Research Paper Answer preview: word limit:401

Discussion- Sustainable Marketing

Discussion- Sustainable Marketing Sustainable Marketing G.J. Swaniker Overview Environmental issues have become a major concern for society. Lately there has been a series of debates, arguments and demonstrations with the aim of pushing governments and leaders to act on the negative effects of some business practices on the environment. As marketers, we are supposed to … Read more

Clinical Systems Annotation

Clinical Systems Annotation Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies New technology—and the application of existing technology—only appears in healthcare settings after careful and significant research. The stakes are high, and new clinical systems need to offer evidence of positive impact on outcomes or efficiencies. Nurse informaticists and healthcare leaders formulate clinical system … Read more

Management and Leadership: Recommendation for Executive Vice President Position

Management and Leadership: Recommendation for Executive Vice President Position You have been asked to review the three candidate profiles and make a recommendation for the Executive Vice President position. The new Executive VP will have a lot of responsibility in managing and leading the new division. You will evaluate each of the three candidates considering … Read more

Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies New technology—and the application of existing technology—only appears in healthcare settings after careful and significant research. The stakes are high, and new clinical systems need to offer evidence of positive impact on outcomes or efficiencies. Nurse informaticists and healthcare leaders formulate clinical system … Read more

Book Review: ‘The Ideal Team Player‘

Book Review: ‘The Ideal Team Player‘ This is a Book Review: Lencioni Assignment.Tutor must have access to “The Ideal Team Player by Patrick Lencioni” text in order to do this assignment. Attached are the instuctions. Requirements: Answer preview: word limit:1542

This assignment addresses the following AACN Public Health Essentials:

This assignment addresses the following AACN Public Health Essentials: Chosen Disease is Novel Influenza A virus infections. follow the instructions carefully. 2pges. Sentinel City is like any American city.  This assignment addresses the following AACN Public Health Essentials:  Essential III: Essential III: Scholarship for Evidence-based Practice o Use epidemiologic data and the ecological perspective … Read more

What quality standards or performance measures guide your role or specialty as an advanced registered nurse

What quality standards or performance measures guide your role or specialty as an advanced registered nurse Using these standards, discuss how informatics can be used to improve quality of care. Make sure to discuss meaningful use and incorporate the topic materials, such as the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and Information Governance websites in … Read more

Offender Characteristics and Crime Analysis

Offender Characteristics and Crime Analysis What are offender characteristics and how are they used in crime analysis? Focus your attention on the three categories of temporal, spatial, and sociodemographic characteristics. 250 words Internet references scholarly articles referenced. Requirements: Answer preview: word limit:289

Law Question- From Lead Bullets to Non-lead Bullets in Game Hunting

Law Question- From Lead Bullets to Non-lead Bullets in Game Hunting The use of lead ammunition in hunting has impacts on wildlife. Listen to the podcasts: https://revealnews.org/podcast/full-of-lead-how-bullets-are-poisoning-eagles/ (Links to an external site.). (Reveal, April 5, 2018, ~15 min). https://www.spreaker.com/user/oregonpublicbroadcasting/non-lead-vs-lead-bullets?utm_medium=widget&utm_source=user%3A9497079&utm_term=episode_title%5D (Links to an external site.) (Oregon Public Broadcasting, Think Out Loud, October 8, 2019, ~11 min). What level of … Read more

Discuss mergers and acquisitions.

Discuss mergers and acquisitions. PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of this week’s concepts by discussing mergers and acquisitions. ACTION ITEMS In a Word document, prepare a 1-2 page (250-500 words) written response to the following items to submit to your professor: Describe the major phases of merger and acquisition activity. … Read more

HIPAA Review in Relation to Electronic Health Records

HIPAA Review in Relation to Electronic Health Records Review HIPAA, protected health information (PHI), and requirements for privacy and confidentiality in EHRs. Discuss one ethical and one legal issue related to the use of EHRs that directly impact advanced registered nursing practice. Discuss possible consequences for compromising patient data and measures you can implement in … Read more

Examining Role and Functions of Kidneys on A Person’s Health

Examining Role and Functions of Kidneys on A Person’s Health BOOK: RIZZO, DONALD C. FUNDAMENTALS OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 4TH ED READING ASSIGNMENT: CHAPTER 18 DESCRIPTION In this discussion, you will examine the role and function of kidneys in the body. OBJECTIVES List the functions of the nephrons. Define the functions of the urinary system. INSTRUCTIONS Step 1: Respond … Read more

Summary of Evidence-Based Holistic Practice: Aromatherapy

Summary of Evidence-Based Holistic Practice: Aromatherapy  Module 6 Activity Evidence-based Holistic Practice o Activity: Evidence-based Holistic Practice Visit American Holistic Nurses Association at https://www.ahna.org/Home/Resources/Holistic-Pain-Tools Visit PubMed (www.pubmed.gov). Provide a summary on an Evidence-based Holistic Practice and its benefits to patient care and/or practice. Answer preview: word limit:302

SOAP Note for Frequent Headaches

SOAP Note for Frequent Headaches Chief Complaint: “I have been having frequents headaches lately” History Of Present Illness: A 25-year-old Hispanic female presents to your clinic with a headache located on right temporal area, pulsatile. PMH: Frequent Headaches since i was 15, with menses Drug Hx: Ibuprofen for Headaches Subjective: Light makes headache worst Nausea … Read more

Write a discussion on Contract Law

Write a discussion on Contract Law At the latest Lunch and Learn seminar for TLG consultants, Winnie begins the seminar with a discussion of the case of a new client, Johnson, owner of Tip Top Cleaning. Answer preview: word limit:410

Contract Assignment Report

Contract Assignment Report The Clean-N-Shine (“Clean”) owners are aware of the importance of contracts to both buy and sell goods and services. They are reviewing the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), Article 2, that covers contracts for the sales of goods. The Clean owners understand that the terms in their purchase contracts (i.e., contracts to purchase products … Read more

Case study analysis-Public Health Simulation

Case study analysis-Public Health Simulation Reflective Paper (Part I) on online Simulated IPE Case Scenario Analysis – Situation analysis; roles and responsibilities with task delineation for each professional; and management of the situation.Reflective Paper: Simulated IPE Case Scenario (Parts I ): A detailed case scenario built on the opioid epidemic or a similar social and … Read more

Write an essay concerning Free Markets for Coronavirus Vaccines

Write an essay concerning Free Markets for Coronavirus Vaccines This course considers the ethics of money and ecology (the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change) and their relationship via public banking and finance. Topics include: what should or should not have been done to mitigate the 2020 pandemic in view of moral theory; the nature of money and public banking; … Read more

Philosophy Question- Currency Issuing and Acceptability

Philosophy Question- Currency Issuing and Acceptability Six Page Paper Instructions: Write six pages and no more than six pages (Times New Roman, 12pt type, double-spaced, one-inch margins, headers, footers) on one of the following essay topics. As a general rule, approximately four pages should be careful and sympathetic exposition of the relevant positions or arguments. Approximately two pages should reflect your critical or reflective … Read more

Study Review: Risk of Brain Injury to the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease

Study Review: Risk of Brain Injury to the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease Specific Review Requirements A peer-reviewed manuscript published within the last three years (2016) (using ebscohost, pubmed, or google scholar will be appropriate) The manuscript review should include the following points Model used, including Technique Parameters of disease progression If a study in humans, … Read more

Philosophy Question-How can a government give its money currency in a population?

Philosophy Question-How can a government give its money currency in a population? Six Page Paper Instructions: Write six pages and no more than six pages (Times New Roman, 12pt type, double-spaced, one-inch margins, headers, footers) on one of the following essay topics. As a general rule, approximately four pages should be careful and sympathetic exposition of the relevant positions or arguments. … Read more

Robbing the Dead: Is Organ Conscription Ethical?

Robbing the Dead: Is Organ Conscription Ethical? Write a 2-3 page paper that examines the moral and ethical considerations of organ conscription policies and theories. Requirements: Answer preview: word limit:1590

Trolley Problem Versions

Trolley Problem Versions Instructions: Write six pages and no more than six pages (Times New Roman, 12pt type, double-spaced, one-inch margins, headers, footers) on one of the following essay topics. As a general rule, approximately four pages should be careful and sympathetic exposition of the relevant positions or arguments. Approximately two pages should reflect your critical or reflective … Read more

Essay- The Use of Free Market in Coronavirus Vaccines atop the Current Priority System

Essay- The Use of Free Market in Coronavirus Vaccines atop the Current Priority System Six Page Paper Instructions: Write six pages and no more than six pages (Times New Roman, 12pt type, double-spaced, one-inch margins, headers, footers) on one of the following essay topics. As a general rule, approximately four pages should be careful and sympathetic exposition of the relevant positions … Read more