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Topic: Decision-Making and Religion Law

Topic: Decision-Making and Religion Law 7-8 pages . 12 point font, double spaced, 1 inch marginsUse footnote style of citation. The Supreme Court will decide this term the case Fulton v. City of Philadelphia. Read the case briefs and peruse the amicus briefs here: https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/fulton-v-city-of-philadelphia-pennsylvania/. What is (are) the argument(s) for the view that Philadelphia has violated the Free Exercise Clause … Read more

Essay- Operation Varsity Blues

Essay- Operation Varsity Blues Watch “Operation Varsity Blues” and write a 1-2 page opinion piece on what you learned, how it applies to JU, and the importance of preserving academic integrity in both the application process and while in school. Answer preview: word limit:404

Describe the primary strategies used for implementing total quality.

Describe the primary strategies used for implementing total quality. Explain the major philosophical principles that serve as the foundation for Total Quality. Primary Task Response: The discussion assignment for this week will be a review of the Key Assignment Draft from other students. Your first task is to post your Key Assignment draft to the discussion area … Read more

Writing question on surveillance.

Writing question on surveillance. In the 1980’s, surveillance cameras blanketed banks and other significant institutions. Historically, these facilities recorded and stored the footage on-site. In the event of a break-in or robbery, security personnel could rewind the footage and provide it to law enforcement. With the inevitable cost reduction that comes from decades of industrial … Read more

Research on Dispute resolution skill

Research on Dispute resolution skill Reflection Journal Synthesis (2 full pages double spaced) Use your reflection journals as a jumping off point for this exploration. Reread the work you produced so far, and note any comments made by the instructor. Consider the following: What are you thinking, feeling, and doing differently now, with regard to … Read more

Discuss clinical applications, contraindications, and limitations for herbal therapy.

Discuss clinical applications, contraindications, and limitations for herbal therapy. Discuss clinical applications, contraindications, and limitations for herbal therapy. Discuss the herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine and discuss what interactions they can have with traditional medicines. 1page; 2-3 reference Just make sure you follow the instructions. Answer preview: word limit:332

Discuss the Role of Music in Culture

Discuss the Role of Music in Culture How have your ideas of the role of music in culture changed after taking this class? Can you think of any contemporary music, musical genre, or performers that may have the same cultural impact that Motown and the Motown performers had? Do you find that you listen to … Read more

Villegas Case Scenario

Villegas Case Scenario It is a case brief about United States of America v. Plaza Health Laboratories, Inc. & Geronimo Villegas 3 F.3d 643 (2nd Cir 1993), but I would like you do only the reasoning part. It would be a half-page and single-spaced. Answer preview: word limit:297

Army of Shadows Film Review

Army of Shadows Film Review The Film Review is the most informal written assignment of the course (excepting Canvas Discussion Board comments). Essentially you choose a film (or television show, mini-series, etc.) that takes place in your chosen nation and within the chronology of our course. You post which film you choose on the appropriate … Read more

Discuss the Beneficial Aspects of Microorganisms

Discuss the Beneficial Aspects of Microorganisms For this paper, please: 1. Research at least 3 beneficial aspects of microorganisms (i.e. how microbes are extremely helpful for humans and the environment) and discuss each of these, in detail. Mention the specific names of bacteria involved (Genus and species) in these processes. Please be sure that you … Read more

Reflection-The politics of religious and ethnic violence in India

Reflection-The politics of religious and ethnic violence in India The politics of religious and ethnic violence in India. India has long experienced religious and ethnic tension, but recently this has resulted in overt violence and calls for repression. Over the past year, inter-communal violence – particularly against Muslims – has risen dramatically. India was once … Read more

Education and Teaching Assignment.

Education and Teaching Assignment. Educators are required to thoughtfully plan for instruction that considers the individual learning preferences in the classroom. Educators work to meet individual learning needs as they serve the students. Aligning a learning theory to instructional planning demonstrates purpose and commitment to the learning process. Select three of the learning theories you … Read more

English Question- Modernism and Postmodernism

English Question- Modernism and Postmodernism CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: Modernism and Postmodernism How does the view of technology and/or what is new change from modernism to postmodernism? Use Eliot (modernism) and Delillo (postmodernism) to compare and contrast modernism and postmodernism. You may want to consider: What is modernism? What is postmodernism? What do modernism and … Read more

Analysis of Gender Norms in a Sitcom

Analysis of Gender Norms in a Sitcom In this assignment, you will make an observation for at least 20 minutes and document the frequency of particular behaviors/variables that you are analyzing. Prior to your observation, you will make a generalized prediction or hypothesis about what you expect to see. Options include (one of the following): … Read more

To evaluate different personality tests using the concepts covered in this module.

To evaluate different personality tests using the concepts covered in this module. INSTRUCTIONS: Define personality in your own words (do not use the book definition). Provide an example of a cardinal trait, central trait, and secondary trait you would use to describe your own personality. Now, take this Big Five (Links to an external site.) Personality Test. List … Read more

Reflect on The Music Industry and the Digital Revolution

Reflect on The Music Industry and the Digital Revolution After watching the video lecture on the development of recording technology as well as the video on digital media please respond to the following questions (Minimum 200 words): Do you feel that advancements in recording technology have made it easier or more difficult for artists to … Read more

Discussion; Relation between the pay and work-effort

Discussion; Relation between the pay and work-effort Discussion: What is similar or different in the data Why is the data similar or different? Analysis of the data: What is the relation between work effort 10. Do you think there is a relation between the pay and work-effort? Student A Yes, because I’d be doing work … Read more

Gender Studies Question

Gender Studies Question Options include (one of the following): Choose a particular type of behavior to analyze (gender norms, dating stereotypes, homophobic biases, parenting beliefs, etc.). Watch a television program (a sitcom would work well) and spend at least 20 minutes documenting how often the behaviors that you are analyzing occur. Analyze courtship behaviors for … Read more

Write an essay on the Types of Conditioning

Write an essay on the Types of Conditioning Goal: To distinguish between the different types of conditioning in your own life and apply the concepts to real-world behaviors. INSTRUCTIONS: This discussion is lengthy, please take your time as there are a lot of key terms that can get confusing. Please give an example of Classical … Read more

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder A. The first TWO episodes of Atypical on Netflix B. The first episode of The Good Doctor on ABC (also streaming on Hulu) C. This movie about Temple Grandin, (Links to an external site.) available on HBOGo Please note: While these shows/movies are fictional, there is something to be learned. The Temple Grandin movie is … Read more

Understanding the State Department of Education in Various States

Understanding the State Department of Education in Various States Understand the State Department of Education/Higher Education One of the states must be North Carolina and the other states must be bordering your state (or at least in your region of the U.S.—Hawaii and Alaska residents may choose any other two states). Access the website for … Read more

Quick Trip Case Study

Quick Trip Case Study Complete an analysis of QuikTrip. Assess the organizational layout, performance metrics, and the technology that is used to measure performance and connect with consumers. INSTRUCTIONS Using the QuikTrip case study, write a 6–7 page paper in which you: Evaluate QuikTrip’s operations strategy and explain how the organization seeks to gain a competitive advantage … Read more

Convenience and Craft in the story of King David

Convenience and Craft in the story of King David For the first unit paper, imagine you are a journalist today, assigned to inform the public about the “King David story” three thousand years later. Your task is not to repeat the plot or paraphrase the biblical text, but to analyse for your “readers” the credibility … Read more

Business Law Question

Business Law Question The purpose of this project is to reflect on, analyze and apply tort law, product liability law, agency and contract law, and their potential risks and liabilities in a business. The project requires you to identify and analyze legal issues and make recommendations. Answer preview:   word limit:1123

Essay topic- Social Anxiety Disorder

Essay topic- Social Anxiety Disorder Rubric Areas 1.Discussion of the disorder: symptoms, behaviors, etc. Describe what symptoms and behaviors are involved. What does the disorder look like when an individual has been diagnosed with the disorder? 2. Familial, Societal, Cultural and Developmental Implications Discuss how societal and cultural factors might impact whether or not a … Read more

Analyze and recommend whether Tacy should be an employee of Clean or an independent contractor? Explain why.

Analyze and recommend whether Tacy should be an employee of Clean or an independent contractor? Explain why. Background Facts: You and Winnie and Ralph are discussing Clean’s plan to hire George Tacy as an agent for recruitment and hiring computer/IT employees. You all recognize the importance of having a clearly defined agency agreement, and there are … Read more

Explain the Factors Affecting Business Establishment and Performance

Explain the Factors Affecting Business Establishment and Performance Answer the discussion question post, it has to between 200-250 words including 2 references. You have to agree or disagree with the statements in the discussion post. here is the discussion post: With any company, such as “The Swim Sensor”, when first starting out raising money is … Read more

Discussion Board: Normal Microflora and Opportunistic Infections

Discussion Board: Normal Microflora and Opportunistic Infections Book: Black and Black. Microbiology and Principles Explanations 10th edition. John Wiley and sons (2018) Chapter: 19, 20 , & 21 Description: This discussion board explores opportunistic infections and the conditions that cause them, with an emphasis on the fugal disease candidiasis caused by the organism Candida albicans. Objectives: Examine … Read more

Demonstrate an understanding of psychological disorders by creating a Flyer.

Demonstrate an understanding of psychological disorders by creating a Flyer. Goal: To demonstrate an understanding of psychological disorders by creating a Flyer. INSTRUCTIONS Please pick a psychological disorder category from the following options. Create a flyer designed to raise awareness about the disorder you choose among the general population. Please use graphics in your flyer … Read more

Assignment: Proposing Recommendations from Clinical Data

 Assignment: Proposing Recommendations from Clinical Data Grading rubrics for this Assignment are located under Course Resources. Instructions You are responsible for analyzing the results of a study comparing two ulcer therapies involving 43 participants. Here is the data output (File attached) from a t-test analysis: The study compares two ulcer therapies (A and B) with three variables: … Read more

Rose Quarter Improvement Project

Rose Quarter Improvement Project You are asked to advise 3 nonprofit organizations that oppose the Portland, Oregon, Interstate 5 (I-5) Rose Quarter Improvement Project: No More Freeways, Neighbors for Clean Air, and the Eliot Neighborhood Association. In conjunction with the Oregon Department of Transportation (“ODOT”), the United States Department of Transportation (“DOT”) and the United … Read more

Auditing assignment on Principles of Auditing

Auditing assignment on Principles of Auditing QUESTION 1 Case 1 During the financial year 2020/2021, you are one of the audit partners with Summit and Associates CAs, a large and experienced audit firm. You have been approached to accept the audit of Chem Safe Ltd (Chem Safe), a medium-sized chemical manufacturer. The manufacture of the … Read more

Evaluate the role of identity, diverse segments, and cultural backgrounds within organizations

Evaluate the role of identity, diverse segments, and cultural backgrounds within organizations COMPETENCY Evaluate the role of identity, diverse segments, and cultural backgrounds within organizations. SCENARIO You have been hired as the Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States. Your job is to evaluate and make recommendations in … Read more

Describe Beneficial Aspects of Microorganisms on Humans and the Environment

Describe Beneficial Aspects of Microorganisms on Humans and the Environment For this paper, please: 1. Research at least 3 beneficial aspects of microorganisms (i.e. how microbes are extremely helpful for humans and the environment) and discuss each of these, in detail. Mention the specific names of bacteria involved (Genus and species) in these processes. Please be sure that you choose 3 different … Read more

Social Media Marketing (plan &report)

Social Media Marketing (plan &report) The assignment is a report of maximum 2000 words, you must choose a company with a strong social media presence. Below is the information that must go into the paper. Please do let me know if there are any questions. HARVARD REFERENCING STYLE) 1. Short description of the company profile, … Read more

Mentorship in Coaching

Mentorship in Coaching Instructions: The importance of connecting with another coach or teacher is paramount to becoming a better leader. Some of these connections lead to incredible journeys of personal growth. In this week’s assignment, students will discuss who has been a mentor in your coaching/sports life. What have these mentors done that influences you … Read more

Essay-Globalization and Diversity

Essay-Globalization and Diversity Introduction included Summary of Hofstede’s cultural dimension using clear examples and a well-defined synopsis of the presentation. Discuss the six cultural dimensions impact on the workplace using clear examples and well-defined reasons. Discus strategies management can use to successfully manage cultural dimensions using clear examples and well-defined reasons. Conclusion summarized Hofstede’s cultural … Read more

Evaluating the Impact of Culture in Nursing

Evaluating the Impact of Culture in Nursing topic is evaluating the impact of culture in nursing Answer preview: word limit:1081

Information system questions

Information system questions What are the five major components that make up an information system? List the three examples of information system hardware? Microsoft Windows is an example of which component of information systems? What is application software? What roles do people play in information systems? undefined Exercises Everyone interacts with various information systems every … Read more

Information Technology and Organizational Learning Questions

Information Technology and Organizational Learning Questions Information Technology and Organizational Learning Questions Chapter 1 – Review the Key Lessons from Chapter 1 – Explain the five key lessons and note the importance of each key lesson from chapter 1. Also, note why is it important to understand these basic concepts. Chapter 2 – Note why … Read more

Discuss The Negatives of Social Media

Discuss The Negatives of Social Media 1) The Social Dilemma (Netflix documentary) The documentary discusses how social media is manipulating us and leading to addiction. Our brains are being manipulated and even rewired by algorithms that are designed to get our attention and make us buy things, including buying into distorted ideas about the world, … Read more

Topic: total quality manual

Topic: total quality manual ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES Demonstrate the ability to work effectively as a team member. Improve personal and academic quality in researching, analyzing case studies and presenting ideas in both written and verbal forms. Key Assignment Final Draft Quality Control Manual Part 1 Tasks for Part 1 will be completed in Weeks 1–4 and … Read more

Applying Ethical Theory

Applying Ethical Theory Compose a 2-3 page paper in which you respond to a simulated medical ethics dilemma by applying the three normative theories of ethics. Answer preview: word limit:765

Do you agree with that if an industry is perfectly competitive, the equilibrium price and quantity will maximize social surplus?

Do you agree with that if an industry is perfectly competitive, the equilibrium price and quantity will maximize social surplus? Instructions: Your answer should not exceed (approximately) 200 words. Answer preview: word limit:324

Good examples of cross-cultural communication I have seen in the Co-Op

Good examples of cross-cultural communication I have seen in the Co-Op What examples (good or bad) of cross-cultural communication have you seen in the Co-Op or in some other experience?1 page discussion question This assignment asks you to write a brief paper in which you identify your Co-Op, summarize your experiences of the current week and the past two weeks, and address elements … Read more

Law Question-Wetlands Protection

Law Question-Wetlands Protection Consider the “No Net Loss” policy toward wetlands and state requirements for “mitigation” of wetlands that are destroyed. The easements lecture and wetland banking readings for this week address the pros and cons of wetland replacement policies. Read them and discuss whether you think wetlands banking is a good idea, or if … Read more

Impossible Dream Film Reaction

Impossible Dream Film Reaction Impossible Dream Film Reaction: Final Project Produced and Written by Lyn Goldfarb and Alison Sotomayor The Film Reaction is worth 100 points. The grading rubric for the Film Reactions are as follows: 1) Main idea is presented and your response is related to the questions presented, 2) Responses to questions are … Read more

Statistical Analyses for Organizational Decision-Making in Healthcare

 Statistical Analyses for Organizational Decision-Making in Healthcare   Grading rubrics for this Assignment are located under Course Resources. Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: Describe the health initiative addressed. Identify credible data sources. Choose appropriate statistical measures. Present an action plan based on decisions from data analysis. Analyze a given data set for the purpose … Read more

Self-Assessment Essay.

Self-Assessment Essay. To think about the methods used in many staff development situations, identify something new you have learned how to do in your adult life (for example, how to use a new app or how to cook).  Take a minute to remember how that happened by answering these questions:  How did you go … Read more

Risk Assessment Discussion

Risk Assessment Discussion 2) Read this article: https://erm.ncsu.edu/library/article/create-synergies-between-risk-management-and-internal-audit After listening to the lecture and discussion, why do we consider risk assessment the foundation of the internal audit function? To safeguard independence, many internal audit departments continue to perform risk assessments in a silo, without collaborating with and leveraging the work of ERM. Do you agree … Read more