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What did you learn from APA 7th edition

What did you learn from APA 7th edition What did you learn from APA 7th edition Create a planning document as you complete the training. What information was delivered during the APA training? List three skills that you have accomplished. it’s a general discussion about APA , need in 300 to 400 words with 2 … Read more

Management Question :HR Design Decisions

Management Question :HR Design Decisions Assignment Content Southwest Airlines is a well-known company featured in our textbook. Over the next 4 weeks, you will take on the fictional role of intern at Southwest Airlines Human Resources. You will utilize the textbook and other professional resources to complete your assessments. Your first week on the job … Read more

Examine a famous leader applying concepts and theories: Warren Buffet

Examine a famous leader applying concepts and theories: Warren Buffet Leadership Research Examine a famous leader applying concepts and theories: Warren Buffet Leadership theories: Transformational, trait, behavioral, transactional, contingency, chaismatic. I must work on Transformational theory 1.) Apply this leader’s Transformational approach for his Delegative style 2.) Explain why this leadership style and approach has been successful for this leader … Read more

David Walker’s Appeal

David Walker’s Appeal In the “David story” unit, we, living three thousand years later, tried to read through the surface of the biblical text to seek to understand what was going on “behind” the text in terms of power, God, and justification for human/social violence. Your unit paper task was to imagine being a journalist … Read more

Business Leadership and Operational Planning

Business Leadership and Operational Planning We are experiencing unprecedented times which call for unprecedented measures. In these uncertain times, leaders must put the safety and well being of their employees first and still be agile with their operational planning. This agility must be so flexible that it is open to shifting as information and conditions … Read more

Essay topic- AASA and NAESP

Essay topic- AASA and NAESP For this assignment, please analyze policy issues from the lens of professional organizations related to PK-12 Administrator. You will analyze policy issues by accessing professional organization websites that relate to your professional category. Please analyze the following two websites: AASA | The School Superintendents Association and National Association of Elementary School Principals – … Read more

Reflect on AI in Insurance Systems for Fraud Detection

Reflect on AI in Insurance Systems for Fraud Detection Topic:- AI in Insurance Systems for Fraud Detection select 5 articles to review and write. need in the below format. -Title page(cover Page), Abstract, Introduction, Article (Article, name, topic, the person who wrote it, summary) and Refernces need it in 7 to 9 pages, in APA … Read more

Topic: AI in Insurance Systems for Fraud Detection

Topic: AI in Insurance Systems for Fraud Detection Topic:- AI in Insurance Systems for Fraud Detection select 5 articles to review and write. need in the below format. -Title page(cover Page), Abstract, Introduction, Article (Article, name, topic, the person who wrote it, summary) and Refernces need it in 7 to 9 pages, in APA 7 … Read more

Discuss the ethical guidelines that would need to be implemented when conducting translational research.

Discuss the ethical guidelines that would need to be implemented when conducting translational research. What are the ethical and legal considerations related to translating research into practice? Discuss what steps you would take as a member of a translational research team in order to establish ethical guidelines for conducting translational research. Requirements: 250-350 words APA … Read more

Care plan for new born babies.

Care plan for new born babies. Since this is a maternity rotation, although we are not seeing obstetrical patients, this will be a learning experience for all. Please do a discharge care plan on a normal spontaneous vaginal delivery of a boy post circumcision. You will present to the clinical group for about 10 to … Read more

Objectives of the Communication Plan

Objectives of the Communication Plan Question: You are a member of the Human Resource Department of a medium-sized organization that is implementing a new interorganizational system that will impact employees, customers, and suppliers. Your manager has requested that you work with the system development team to create a communications plan for the project. He would … Read more

Discuss the Effects of Cultural Differences on Consumer Behavior

Discuss the Effects of Cultural Differences on Consumer Behavior In addition to individual differences in how consumers respond to ads and brands, there are also predictable sociocultural effects. We'll consider two examples: social class and age. Some societies have clearer class distinctions than others, but gradations in socioeconomic standing are discernible even in relatively classless … Read more

Note what strategic integration is and how it ties to the implementation of technology within an organization.

Note what strategic integration is and how it ties to the implementation of technology within an organization. Review the strategic integration section. Note what strategic integration is and how it ties to the implementation of technology within an organization. Review the information technology roles and responsibilities section. Note how IT is divided based on operations … Read more

Assignment Content- Absence of Evidence

Assignment Content- Absence of Evidence Clinical decision-making requires critical thinking and is essential to forming a solid conclusion when evidence does not exist. Consider the following question and collaborate with your Learning Team: On what do you rely in the absence of evidence? Submit one 110-word paper that includes at least one peer-reviewed APA format article to support your position. … Read more

Religion Question- Introduction to World Religions

Religion Question- Introduction to World Religions Robert E. Van Voorst, 2020 Writing assignments are judged on the quality of the response. Students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that are 350-500 words (1-2 pages) per question. If Americans are “deeply religious people,” what does religious studies scholar, … Read more

Harley Davidson multimedia case study

Harley Davidson multimedia case study Harley Davidson case study. Please be sure to purchase (or ask someone in class!) for the case study from Harvard business publishing. I emailed you all the link. Here are the questions for your case study. Harley Davidson multimedia case study. And here is the PDF of the book I … Read more

Discuss the role of the Institutional Review Board.

Discuss the role of the Institutional Review Board. Discuss ethical research considerations specific to population health. How are respect for the persons, potential benefits and burdens of the research, and justice kept in balance? Provide an example. Requirements: 250-350 words in APA format. Answer preview: word limit:308

Law question-The US electrical grid

Law question-The US electrical grid The US electrical grid is vast and complicated. We can all flip a switch to turn on the lights, but don’t appreciate the huge infrastructure that gives us light, heat, and all of the electronics we rely on every day (and right now if you are reading this!) Here are … Read more

What does it mean to you being an artist, especially photographer?

What does it mean to you being an artist, especially photographer? Answer preview: word limit:284  

Can you describe the decision process for an important decision that you had to make?

Can you describe the decision process for an important decision that you had to make? Discussion 2: Describe the process that you used when you decided to apply for college. Can you describe the decision process for an important decision that you had to make? Answer preview: word limit:265

Leadership Style Issues

Leadership Style Issues To prepare for this Assignment, select and interview a business executive about whom you can find information regarding his or her leadership activities and the organization with which he or she is affiliated. This may be someone you know or who owns a business local to you. Use the weekly readings as … Read more

Communication Discussion

Communication Discussion Description: In this discussion, you will share a personal experience you had being persuaded by a speaker. Objectives: Analyze the goals and guidelines of a persuasive speech. Explore the three types of persuasive speeches and the fallacies of logical, emotional, and credibility appeals. Instructions: Step 1: Respond to the following: Consider a time when … Read more

What is Norway doing to incentivize the switch to electric cars?

What is Norway doing to incentivize the switch to electric cars? I have lived in Norway twice as an adult, and have witnessed the boom in electric vehicles along with their high gas taxes, congestion pricing and parking policies. Note that Norway has a population of about 5 million people, similar to the state of … Read more

Philosophy Question

 Philosophy Question Clearly and concisely answer each of the following questions in absolutely no more than a half, double-spaced typed page. (Use 12 point Times New Roman with one-inch margins, header, and footer). You will not receive credit for any part of your answer that exceeds this space restriction. You may simply answer the question (citing the … Read more

Discuss the knowledge needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient

Discuss the knowledge needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient Discuss the knowledge needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology. • Describe skills needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using therapeutic modality or healthcare technology. … Read more

Microbiology Discussion-final assessment

Microbiology Discussion-final assessment Description: Students will discuss the most essential topics covered in Modules 6-9 as a review for the final assessment. Objectives: Highlight the important concepts of microbe-human interaction in health and in infection and disease. Outline and discuss the body’s immune system: 1st Line of Immunity, 2nd Line of Immunity and 3rd Line … Read more

Research Two Articles on Ai in insurance fraud detection

Research Two Articles on Ai in insurance fraud detection Write a Literature Review of the Articles-200 words each References Citation in APA 7th edition format. Requirements: 400 Answer preview: word limit:529

Please define the productivity paradox and explain current thinking on this topic

Please define the productivity paradox and explain current thinking on this topic This week we focus on the productivity paradox. Please define the productivity paradox and explain current thinking on this topic. need it in APA format with 500 words and at least 2-3references Requirements: 500 Answer preview: word limit:622  

Need help with CS Question

 Need help with CS Question Question – 1: What are the common challenges with which sentiment analysis deals? What are the most popular application areas for sentiment analysis? Why? Requirements: Minimum 250 words Format your paper consistent with APA guideline Please use APA formatting with in-text citations (There must be at least one APA formatted … Read more

Business law case study

Business law case study Calvin had been an avid coin collector for many years, and the most valuable coin in his collection was an uncirculated, mint condition, 1943 Lincoln penny made of copper (most pennies made during World War II were made of zinc because copper was needed in the war effort). That penny had … Read more

Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: PICOT

 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: PICOT PICOT (Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time to achieve the outcome) is a method that helps clarify the qualities needed to create a good question out of a practice issue or problem affecting a population of focus. The purpose of this assignment is to complete your PICOT for your selected … Read more

International Tax Memo

 International Tax Memo Please use the attached article, “International Taxation in an Era of Digital Disruption: Analyzing the Current Debate,” to prepare a memo for your supervisor who has read the article and wants a formal summary prepared. The memo of 500-750 words should address the following: 1.) Summary of the key points in Part … Read more

Locke and Plato on a Legitimate Government

Locke and Plato on a Legitimate Government Topic 4:  Locke suggests that a government is legitimate only if people consent to it. Plato insists that a government is legitimate only if it pursues goodness and justice. Write an essay that explicates these two views of legitimacy and explain which view is most persuasive, and why. … Read more

Information Systems for Business and Beyond

Information Systems for Business and Beyond Information Systems for Business and Beyond Questions: Chapter 7 – study questions 1-10, Exercise 2 Chapter 8- study questions 1-10, Exercise 2 Answer preview: word limit:1432

Law Question- O’Neil versus Picillo

Law Question- O’Neil versus Picillo O’Neil, Attorney General for The State of Rhode Island v. Picillo 883 F.2d 176 (1st Cir. 1989) Case brief (2 pages and single spaced) Answer preview: word limit:1077

Take-Home Final Exam

Take-Home Final Exam Clearly and concisely answer each of the following questions in absolutely no more than a half, double-spaced typed page. (Use 12 point Times New Roman with one-inch margins, header, and footer). You will not receive credit for any part of your answer that exceeds this space restriction. You may simply answer the question (citing … Read more

Active Listening: Listening to Understand

Active Listening: Listening to Understand Learning how to actively listen to what others are saying can improve your communication and help you reach your goals. This assessment focuses on applying the skill of self- and social awareness to active listening by listening and responding to a scenario in the workplace. You will do this by … Read more

Discuss The Impact of Management Styles on Nurse Retention

Discuss The Impact of Management Styles on Nurse Retention Project Details Paper Topic : Human Resource Management 302 Style : APA Language Style : English (U.K.) Type of Assignment : Assessment Acedemic Level : Post Graduate Level Number of words : 2000 Number of Sources Answer preview: word limit:2033

Review the section on knowledge creation, culture, and strategy

Review the section on knowledge creation, culture, and strategy Chapter 6 – Review the section on knowledge creation, culture, and strategy. Explain how to balance scorecards impact knowledge creation, culture, and strategy. Why are these important concepts to understand within an organization? need in APA format at least 1 page and with at least 2 … Read more

Speech Critique: First Lady Michelle Obama Calls on You to Serve

Speech Critique: First Lady Michelle Obama Calls on You to Serve Description: For this assignment, you will critique a persuasive or informative speech. Objectives: Analyze guidelines for critically evaluating speeches. Evaluate the suggested guidelines for informative speaking, the supporting materials of a speech, and the varied types of presentation aids. Analyze the goals and guidelines … Read more

Analyze an Educational Policy Issue

Analyze an Educational Policy Issue This assignment will allow you to have flexibility based on your expertise. You chose a policy from the bullets below: ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) implementation Title 1 funding School choice Charter school programs Transparency in school funding Waivers/vouchers for charter/private schools “Supplement, not supplant” issue Graduation rates Federal funding … Read more

Modern Philosophy Assignment.

Modern Philosophy Assignment. Clearly and concisely answer each of the following questions in absolutely no more than a half, double-spaced typed page. (Use 12 point Times New Roman with one-inch margins, header, and footer). You will not receive credit for any part of your answer that exceeds this space restriction. You may simply answer the question (citing … Read more

Topic: Costing Methods

Topic: Costing Methods Overview Companies choose their costing method based on their business activities and processes, as well as the products and services they offer. A company can be a manufacturing, merchandising, or service organization; this also impacts which costing method will be most useful for its purposes. As a part of costing, the company … Read more

Essay- Conflicts Caused by Coronavirus

Essay- Conflicts Caused by Coronavirus Goals and topics The primary goal of the final project is to show your understanding of how societies use narratives/stories to justify specific forms of violence and how such violence is resisted in relation to a current situation in the world today. You may choose any topic you’d like, but … Read more

Exploring my studying and learning at university using the levels of analysis framework.

 Exploring my studying and learning at university using the levels of analysis framework. A. Understanding human behaviors require an in-depth evaluation of the influencing factors that exist within the area of individuals interactions. Therefore, after completing the first reflection I have learned crucial information on the levels of analysis framework and its application in understanding … Read more

Legal Definitions

Legal Definitions Using a Microsoft Word document, please define: 1. Constitutions 2. Statutes 3. Case Law 4. Administrative Regulations 5. Stare Decisis 6. Precedent please make sure its 300 words in APA format. Requirements: 300 words Answer preview: word limit:379

Discussion- Cash Flow and Financial Analysis

Discussion- Cash Flow and Financial Analysis Discussion 2: Cash Flow and Financial Analysis Part 1: Importance of Cash Generating cash is the ultimate responsibility for managers today. Cash and cash flow are considered the “lifeblood” of a business. How important has cash generation been for your current company or a prior employer? How is cash … Read more

Practicum Project-Consider the following structure as a guide for constructing your presentation.

Practicum Project-Consider the following structure as a guide for constructing your presentation. Consider the following structure as a guide for constructing your presentation: Background and objectives Organization Project objectives Reason for project Issues and documented need Expected results Approach Detail scope of the project Implementation process with tasks (can use the WBS as visual support) Summary … Read more

Philosophy Question- to demonstrate an understanding of the various philosophical concepts

Philosophy Question- to demonstrate an understanding of the various philosophical concepts Clearly and concisely answer each of the following questions in absolutely no more than a half, double-spaced typed page. (Use 12 point Times New Roman with one-inch margins, header, and footer). You will not receive credit for any part of your answer that exceeds this space … Read more

Business Question on leadership theories.

Business Question on leadership theories. To prepare for this Assignment, review this week’s Learning Resources and select four leadership theories. Search the Walden Library for additional peer-reviewed, scholarly resources about your selected leadership theories. You should use both the articles in the Learning Resources and additional scholarly resources in your evaluation. Submit an evaluation of at least four leadership theories … Read more