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American Indians Treaties

American Indians Treaties For this week’s Blog #2, please answer the following questions in at least 300 words (total, not per question): 1) What was your previous knowledge of the relationship between the US government and American Indians? Based on this week and last week’s materials, why might it be helpful to become familiar with … Read more

General Motors Discussion

General Motors Discussion Need at least 250 words for each below point and APA format, references Topic : General Motors Future direction, and Other items of significance to your corporation Requirements: Answer preview: word limit:512

Characterizing uncertainty

Characterizing uncertainty Many business activities generate data that can be thought of as random. An example described in the textbook is the servicing of cars at an oil change shop. Each car entering the shop can be considered an experiment with random outcomes. A variable of interest in this experiment could be the amount of … Read more

Analyze the importance of managing a diverse workforce.

Analyze the importance of managing a diverse workforce. COMPETENCY Analyze the importance of managing a diverse workforce. STUDENT SUCCESS CRITERIA View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane. SCENARIO You have been hired as the Human Resources Director … Read more

ABC Community Health Center – Business Proposal

ABC Community Health Center – Business Proposal Make a complete work following the instructions below. Please be on time and be attach to the topic It is a plan / a deadline proposal, your impact to the business/the position you are applying for. This instructor wants you to think in a type of practice you … Read more

Buddhism Discussion.

Buddhism Discussion. Please choose ONE of the THREE discussion questions below and answer the prompt. You will also need to respond to at least 2 other classmates for full credit. Indigenous Religions: One of the most important elements of Indigenous Religions is the respect for the natural world. Discuss the importance of such terms as … Read more

Demonstrate an understanding of various philosophical concepts and topics.

Demonstrate an understanding of various philosophical concepts and topics. Clearly and concisely answer each of the following questions in absolutely no more than a half, double-spaced typed page. (Use 12 point Times New Roman with one-inch margins, header, and footer). You will not receive credit for any part of your answer that exceeds this space restriction. You … Read more

Develop Capstone idea contributing to UAS.

Develop Capstone idea contributing to UAS. Outcome 1 – Analyze the fundamentals of unmanned systems, including the technological, social, environmental, and political aspects of the system to examine, compare, analyze and recommend conclusions. Outcome 2 – Compare and contrast current unmanned system issues, identify contributing factors, and formulate strategies to address or further investigate Outcome … Read more

Online Activity and Evaluation

Online Activity and Evaluation Project Details Paper Topic : Online Activity and Evaluation Style : APA Language Style : English (U.K.) Type of Assignment : Assessment Acedemic Level : A-diploma Number of words : 1500 Number of Sources : 6 Order Instructions TASK The task will be complete in two parts. In Part A you … Read more

Article Critique- The Effects of Background Television on the Toy Play Behavior of Very Young Children

Article Critique- The Effects of Background Television on the Toy Play Behavior of Very Young Children Answer preview:   word limit:1009

Respond Discussion- Marketing Management

Respond Discussion- Marketing Management 1. When it comes to purchasing items, a lot of people like to weigh the pros and cons that a product has to offer with a competitor before making their purchase. Some people even ask others for their opinion if they have used a product what they think (I know that … Read more

Carbon Reduction Discussion

Carbon Reduction Discussion I want a half-page and single-spaced. To achieve serious carbon reductions, we will have to use a “portfolio” method, where all levels of government can get involved in areas where they have power to make regulations. Cities all over the world are leading the charge on climate reductions–here are 3 podcasts from … Read more

Discussion on Work Environment

Discussion on Work Environment Please answer 2 questions below: Describe your preferred work environment. Describe a stressful situation at work and how you handled it. Requirements: 2 paragraphs   |   .doc file Answer preview: word limit:3o1

Activity Post-The New Boss

Activity Post-The New Boss The New Boss Synopsis Sam Nolan was chief information officer at Century Medical, a large medical products company. He had joined the company four years ago, and Century had made great progress integrating technology into its systems and processes. Nolan had developed trust with people throughout the company and showed them … Read more

History Discussion-Nationalism in France

History Discussion-Nationalism in France Particularly the first text, What is a Nation? Cross-examines the idea of nations in Europe in the 19th century. The essays look at civic nation, ethnic nation, and others. Where does your chosen nation fit? And how well? The essays also critique rigid views of types of nation and discuss exceptions, … Read more

Question: The Role of Managerial Accountants in Strategic Planning and Budgeting

Question: The Role of Managerial Accountants in Strategic Planning and Budgeting Based on your chosen research topic, find six (6) current (published in the past five (5) years), peer-reviewed journal articles. Do not use websites, blogs, wikipedia, news stories, magazines, etc. for their sources. note: only use peer-reviewed journal articles. Answer preview: word limit:3928

Political Science Theories

Political Science Theories I choose question 1: Locke argues both that “the end of Government is the good of Mankind” (Second Treatise, p. 417) and that “the great and chief end … of Mens uniting into Commonwealths, and putting themselves under Government, is the preservation of Private Property” (p. 350-351). Marx, by contrast, agrees with … Read more

Inventory Management

Inventory Management Research two manufacturing or two service companies that manage inventory and write a 5–7 page paper in which you: Determine the types of inventories these companies currently manage and describe their essential inventory characteristics. Analyze how each of their goods and service design concepts are integrated. Evaluate the role their inventory plays in … Read more

Management accounting final major report

Management accounting final major report This is a management accounting final report. Students are required to Search website, library database, and newspaper to find a company to investigate, and required to submit an individual Business Report comprised of two main parts (Strategy and BSC). Please see the detailed instruction in the attached files. The attached … Read more

Evidence Based Practice Proposal – Section C: Solution Description

Evidence Based Practice Proposal – Section C: Solution Description Write a paper of 500-750 words for your proposed evidence-based practice project solution. Address the following criteria: Proposed Solution: (a) Describe the proposed solution (or intervention) for the problem and the way(s) in which it is consistent with current evidence. Heavily reference and provide substantial evidence … Read more

Write an essay on the The Paris Agreement on Climate Change

Write an essay on the The Paris Agreement on Climate Change Could you do the assignment below? A half-page and single spaced Paris Agreement for Climate Change: Here’s a quick link to information on the latest international climate change treaty, the Paris Agreement. (Links to an external site.) Let’s keep up to date on the … Read more

Computer Science Question

Computer Science Question Chapter 9 – Review the section on Establishing a Security Culture. Review the methods to reduce the chances of a cyber threat noted in the textbook. Research other peer-reviewed source and note additional methods to reduce cyber-attacks within an organization. Chapter 10 – Review the section on the IT leader in the … Read more

Topic: justifying forgiveness for wrongdoing

Topic: justifying forgiveness for wrongdoing Come up with a way you wronged someone and made up for it according to the views of either Aristotle, Locke, or Boxill (say which one), but NOT according to either Radzik, Bovens or Hieronymi (say which one), and so the victim refuses to forgive you. Say why. What action … Read more

Analysis of a Global Organization

Analysis of a Global Organization This week select an organization that has a Global platform (they operate in more than one country), that has demonstrated operational excellence. In this paper, perform the following activities: Name the organization and briefly describe what good or service they sell and where they operate. Note how they are a … Read more

Hunley, Inc. Case Study

Hunley, Inc. Case Study 1. What makes Hunley’s a success? What are its challenges?2. 2. Evaluate Hunley’s competitive advantages and market position. Which market segments should it prioritize? How and why? 3. Should Hunley make and sell the Grand Bassara (GB) Titaluk River fly rod? Why? Why not? Answer preview:   word limit:599

Explaining the difference between consequentialism and deontology

Explaining the difference between consequentialism and deontology Topic: The Trolley Problem Thesis Statement: To demonstrate an understanding of the various concepts and cases covered in the trolley problem  Explaining the difference between consequentialism and deontology  Explaining how the views of consequentialism and deontology apply to three of the cases discussed in the Trolley … Read more

Essay- “Classical Conditioning, Drug Tolerance, and Drug Dependence”

Essay- “Classical Conditioning, Drug Tolerance, and Drug Dependence” Find a psychology article that relates to at least one of the topics covered in the course Copy and paste the article link (you must do this to receive extra credit) Summarize the article in 3-4 sentences and discuss why you found the article interesting. Explain how … Read more

Discussion Post-Contingency Approaches to Leadership.

Discussion Post-Contingency Approaches to Leadership. 1) If you were a first-level supervisor of a team of telemarketers, how would you go about assessing the development level of your subordinates? Do you think most leaders can easily shift their leadership style to suit the development level of followers? 2) Think back to teachers you have had, … Read more

Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Research Design Comparison

Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: Research Design Comparison The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a comparison on different research designs to better understand their designs and application. Understanding the different types of research design is important so that nurses can effectively apply evidence-based research into practice to address issues and offer better patient care. … Read more

Law Assignment on regulating GHGs

Law Assignment on regulating GHGs EPA received a petition to regulation GHGs as a criteria pollutant under the CAA, so that it would have to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards that would have to be met in each Air Quality Control Region of the country. EPA has not acted on the petition at all. … Read more

Analyse The History of France From 1789 to 1945

Analyse The History of France From 1789 to 1945 In the course we are looking at European history from 1789 to 1945 through the lens of the question of nationalism (how it is defined, how accurate those definitions are, how well those definitions explain historical events, and what other frameworks, such as class, compete with … Read more

Discuss reasons why law enforcement agencies utilize undercover investigations

Discuss reasons why law enforcement agencies utilize undercover investigations Writing assignments are judged on the quality of the response. Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that are … Read more

The Scientific Method: The Gold Standard for Establishing Causality

 The Scientific Method: The Gold Standard for Establishing Causality Please list the steps of the Scientific Method and discuss the purpose of each step. Finally, give a real-world application of the Scientific Method with an example. Please cite examples according to APA standards. The post should be at least 550+ words APA Format References Requirements: … Read more

Essay Assignment -Political, legal and governance framework of the policy

Essay Assignment -Political, legal and governance framework of the policy Major Essay Assignment No: 2 May 7023GIR: Political, Governance and Legal Environment – Assessment No 2. Guidance. The task requires that students undertake an analysis of the policy sector in which they work or in which they have a strong interest. The aim is to … Read more

Answer all three questions about government regulation and financial crisis.

Answer all three questions about government regulation and financial crisis. Answer preview: word limit:331

Applying Strategic Leadership Knowledge and Skills in the Workplace as a Process Analyst

Applying Strategic Leadership Knowledge and Skills in the Workplace as a Process Analyst Assignment: Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you … Read more

Prepare a speech -Schools Should Ban Unhealthy Food

Prepare a speech -Schools Should Ban Unhealthy Food Book: Devito, J.A. (2020) Essentialsof Human Communication 10th edition Part 3 chapter 11 & part 3 chapter 12 Description: For this assignment, you will prepare and write a delivery outline for a persuasive or informational speech. Objectives: Engage in the first six steps of preparing a speech, including selecting … Read more

Marketing Research for Toyota Prius in Australia

Marketing Research for Toyota Prius in Australia Scenario: You are the Marketing Manager for Toyota Prius and there are a number of things you want to find out about customers in Australia. On the one hand, you want to determine customers’ attitudes and perceptions towards Toyota Prius (essentially this is the image of Toyota Prius … Read more

Business Question-Effective Organizational Leadership

Business Question-Effective Organizational Leadership An Impossible Dream? Synopsis Allen Block was responsible for the technical implementation of the new customer relationship management (CRM) software in Los Angeles and Chicago. The software was badly needed to improve follow-up sales for his company, Exert Systems. Exert sold exercise equipment to high schools and colleges, as well as … Read more

View of Human Problems

View of Human Problems Too often, when we read the words on a page we do not fully integrate that new information into our existing knowledge structure, and so we fail to gain a new understanding of the world around us. Research in cognitive science and learning tells us that “deep learning” requires that the learner … Read more

Answer all three questions about government regulation and financial crisis

Answer all three questions about government regulation and financial crisis Requirements: 300 words Answer preview: word limit:415  

Discussion- Freedom and Authority, and Need for Laws to Govern the Society

Discussion- Freedom and Authority, and Need for Laws to Govern the Society Write a 2-3-page essay on a selected issue related to the tension between individual freedom and social institutions. Requirements: see instructions. Answer preview: word limit:750

Evaluating the Impact of culture in Nursing

Evaluating the Impact of culture in Nursing Answer preview: word limit:430

Discussion on Signal Representation and Dynamic Systems

Discussion on Signal Representation and Dynamic Systems Signal Representation 1a) Discuss some ways in which time-dependent signals can be classified. 1b) Discuss what is meant by “basic signal representation” and the advantage of this type of representation. Dynamic Systems 2a) Discuss what is meant by linear time-invariant dynamic systems. Provide some practical examples. 2b) Discuss … Read more

Philosophy Question-Epistemic Injustices

Philosophy Question-Epistemic Injustices Format: Your essay should be 4-5 pages long (1200-1500 words, no more or less without penalty). While graded online, papers should still be double-spaced with a 12-point font. You are responsible for keeping a digital copy of your paper. Late work without a documented excuse will be penalized at 1/3 of a … Read more

Topic: Adverts Activity

Topic: Adverts Activity To date, you have staunchly avoided placing any advertisements on your website. However, with revenues declining, you are considering relenting on this position. Before making a full commitment, you decide to try to determine whether the presence of ads has any negative impacts on your sales. Therefore, you make a deal with … Read more

Finding Evidence in Research

Finding Evidence in Research Finding Evidence Evidence that supports a conclusion is part of the research process. Literature reviews often accompany research papers in the form of a summary and synthesis of the published information about the research topic. Although this week’s assignment is not a literature review, it is designed to familiarize you with … Read more

Time Value of Money Week

Time Value of  Money Week Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. For this Discussion Board, please complete … Read more

Discussion Board and Reply to Two Peers

Discussion Board and Reply to Two Peers For this discussion, identify and describe your dataset. Explain where it is from, and why you chose it. Explain which variables you are planning to analyze and what ttest you might use. Please post a response of at least 150 words to the topic. Your required follow-up replies … Read more

Risk Taking Behavior amongst Adolescents and Adults

Risk Taking Behavior amongst Adolescents and Adults read and summarize one paper about an experimental or descriptive research on a topic in Developmental psychology. You will summarize the different sections of the paper in your own words as much as possible. Don’t worry about tables and graphs. Make sure your first page includes your “Running head”, “Title” … Read more