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Article Evaluation- AI in insurance fraud detection

Article Evaluation- AI in insurance fraud detection Topic: AI in insurance fraud detection Do a quick evaluation of 5 or more articles you wish to use for your literature review. Evaluate them in the following aspects: Relevance to your topic of interest • Currency of article (published 4-5 years ago preferably) or website (Is it … Read more

Evidence-Based Practice Project: Evaluation of Literature Table

Evidence-Based Practice Project: Evaluation of Literature Table The purpose of this assignment is to provide research evidence in support of the PICOT you developed for your selected topic. Conduct a search for 10 peer-reviewed, translational research articles published within the last 5 years that demonstrate support for your PICOT. You may include previous research articles … Read more

Nationalism In France presentation (Powerpoint)

Nationalism In France presentation (Powerpoint) Nationalism in France Throughout history, people of various origins have been depicted to have faced recurrent struggles to define accommodative paths within the societies that they lived in. As such, the struggles brought about the feel of brotherliness and oneness, which would then be harnessed and organized to bring about … Read more

Nursing Professional Development Discussion & Response

 Nursing Professional Development Discussion & Response Discuss the following: Verbal communication skills What are 2 barriers you experience when you are trying to engage in effective verbal communication? How can you overcome each of the barriers you identified? (For each barrier describe two (2) approaches you could use to overcome them) Written communication skills What … Read more

Managerial Accounting in Budgeting and Planning

Managerial Accounting in Budgeting and Planning Topic: The Role of Managerial Accountants in Strategic Planning and Budgeting Answer preview: word limit:969

Leadership Development: Case Study

Leadership Development: Case Study Synopsis The sudden heart attack of his predecessor, Bill Andrews, propelled Russell Hart into a temporary top management assignment for Kresk International in the company’s new Middle East Division in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. After six months, Russell went to Dallas to report at the semiannual board meeting. The board would determine … Read more

What is an ethics code?

What is an ethics code? Question: What is an ethics code? Describe various methods firms use to monitor employees and ensure their compliance with ethics codes. I attached my textbook pages, those pages should be the primary reference source. Please use proper APA citation. The word count should be 500 words or more. This is … Read more

Discuss how Japan’s changing relationship with China and Korea impacted its art and cultural development.

Discuss how Japan’s changing relationship with China and Korea impacted its art and cultural development. Art History Vol. 1 Marilyn Stokstad & Michael W. Cothren, 2018 Pearson ISBN.13: 978-0-134-47927-9 Requirements: 350 words   |   .doc file Answer preview: word limit:393

Analysis of Two Articles on Ai in insurance fraud detection

Analysis of Two Articles on Ai in insurance fraud detection Analysis of Two Articles on Ai in insurance fraud detection need in 400 words in apa formatt Requirements: 400 Answer preview: word limit:457

Research paper on The Innovative Engine

Research paper on The Innovative Engine This case traces the development of 3M’s innovative and global culture from its early days through 2018. The main focus of the case is on the evolution of culture at 3M, and how this culture drove their global strategy through a continual stream of product innovations that have taken … Read more

Workplace Health and Safety: Case Study

Workplace Health and Safety: Case Study You are safety supervisor for Wright Smelting, a company that operates industrial manufacturing facilities in the United States staffed with both employees and independent contractors. Your duties include ensuring corporate compliance with applicable federal laws. Last week, a machine at one of Wright Smelting’s facilities exploded, injuring two workers. … Read more

Management Question- Event auditing

Management Question- Event auditing Please review the attached instructions for the Event Audit assignment. This must be in essay format 2-3 pages in APA format. You MUST follow the format exactly as outlined or points will be deducted. Requirements: 2-3 pages   |   .doc file Answer preview: word limit:656

You will develop a presentation related to your field of study

You will develop a presentation related to your field of study You will develop a presentation related to your field of study, where you talk about your goals as a student at Caribbean University and what you want to achieve. What are your goals?‎ (Nursing) ‎Cover‎ ‎Minimum 10 slides of content and maximum 12‎‎ (no … Read more

Definition and comparison of Fauvism and Cubism

Definition and comparison of Fauvism and Cubism Fauvism is an art movement that began in the 20 th century which was well characterized with non-naturalistic depictions, textured brushwork, and bold colors. The movement was pioneered by Andre Derain and Henri Matisse and was highly affiliated with a French artist. The seminal moment marked the establishment … Read more

Discuss the Future Use of “Going To”

Discuss the Future Use of “Going To” Write using the going to in a paragraph. Indent paragraph . At least six sentences . Find a image of the future going to. Requirements: 1 page Answer preview: word limit:143

Risk Assessment for an Event

Risk Assessment for an Event For this week’s group benchmark, you are to conduct an advanced risk assessment for the event you have been given. Use the initiative of “Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best!” The risk assessment that your group creates must include at least 5 subjects (ie: active shooter, alcohol … Read more

Topic: Alcohol Placebos and Misinformation

Topic: Alcohol Placebos and Misinformation This research aims to identify the alcohol consumers and the change of behavior after taking alcohol. This research also aims to identify the misleading information given on the behavioral changes to those who drink alcohol. Answer preview:   word limit:1026

Creative Writing Question

Creative Writing Question Write a 1-page response to the following: Describe the principles of external respiration. Describe conditions that can affect the diffusion of pulmonary gases. List all references on a separate reference page. References must include title, author, and page numbers. Use Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12 Standard 1-inch margins Requirements: … Read more

Research and Summaries Question

Research and Summaries Question This assignment is an alternative to the SONA Participation Assignments (1 and 2). You must complete this assignment if you are unable or choose not to participate in research. There are two required SONA participation assignments to complete this semester, so you must complete two of these alternative assignments total, one … Read more

Design a Resource Material for a Specific Cultural Group

 Design a Resource Material for a Specific Cultural Group This assignment offers an opportunity to creatively present information about a specific cultural group of your choice. Having this information will help you and your colleagues to better reach and serve the specific community of learners on whom you choose to focus. The cultural group should … Read more

Research and analysis of Sexuality from Wiesner-Hanks text

Research and analysis of Sexuality from Wiesner-Hanks text cover the main topic “sexuality” from chapter 8 of the Weisner-Hanks, Merry E. Gender in History: Global Perspectives 2nd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. with detail as supported by outside research. You should use academic sources to support your analysis. You must use at least 10-12 slides and include … Read more

Event Audit

Event Audit The purpose of the event audit is to reflect on an event with the “eye” of an event planner. The event audit allows you to reflect on an event that you have recently attended within the past two years. The event audit asks you to review the event and then recommend changes that … Read more

Diversity Award Presentation

Diversity Award Presentation COMPETENCY Evaluate the challenges and benefits of employing a diverse workforce. Design a plan for conducting business and managing employees in a global society. Critique the actions of organizations as they integrate diverse perspectives into their cultures. Evaluate the role of identity, diverse segments, and cultural backgrounds within organizations. Attribute different cultural … Read more

Introduction to Nursing: Reflection

Introduction to Nursing: Reflection DIRECTIONS: Reflective writing will assist with improving your critical thinking and provide an opportunity to synthesize classroom knowledge. Reflection also assists with developing self-awareness, promoting professional growth and behaviors. REFLECTION DISCUSSION QUESTION Reflect on the content learned during the course. Include how this course helped you begin to form your professional … Read more

Evaluating the Impact of Culture in Nursing

Evaluating the Impact of Culture in Nursing In clinical practice, subjects on ethnic differences are anessential part of providing care to the patients. Indeed, culture has a significant impact on diagnoses and treatment options due to various social beliefs and biological factors. Health care workers should be knowledgeable about cultural differences to improve the care of patients. … Read more

Business Law Case Study

Business Law Case Study Instructions Ted Brown and Jim Green have been discussing going into business together for several months, and they are anxious to start that business before the end of this month. However, both Ted Brown and Jim Green each have to be out of town for several weeks on other business, so … Read more

Why are they important and how can they impact the culture within an organization

Why are they important and how can they impact the culture within an organization This week we focus on some additional terms for IT users. This week lets discuss what a community of practice is. Why are they important and how can they impact the culture within an organization? need in APA format with at … Read more

Select Two Articles which relates to AI in insurance fraud detection

Select Two Articles which relates to AI in insurance fraud detection Select Two Articles that relates to AI in insurance fraud detection need in Apa format and 400 words atleast Requirements: 400 Answer preview: word limit: 475

Employment Challenges in the Digital Era: Reflection

Employment Challenges in the Digital Era: Reflection Chapter 11 – Review the employment challenge in the digital era (as well as the entire chapter). Reflect on the various challenges are present in the digital era. Will things get better or more complicated as times goes on? Explain. What are some methods to assimilate new generations … Read more

Information Systems for Business and Beyond Questions

 Information Systems for Business and Beyond Questions Information Systems for Business and Beyond Questions: Chapter 13- study questions 1-10, Exercise 1 (2, 4) Text book:- https://opentextbook.site/informationsystems2019/c.. Requirements: 2 pages Answer preview: word limit:673

Climate Change Interview

Climate Change Interview Project Details Paper Topic : Investigating and communicating social problems -Question Style : APA Language Style : English (U.K.) Answer preview: word limit:390

Discuss various Changes under Roosevelt’s Presidency

Discuss various Changes under Roosevelt’s Presidency CALIFORNIA COAST UNIVERSITY GED132 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT I’m looking for a sample draft for a report that I’m working on. It has to be APA format. Only 300 words or so and there has to be a reference from the book QUESTION: What impact did Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration … Read more

Explain various Trends in Managed Care

Explain various Trends in Managed Care Throughout the course, you have been learning about managed care, both past and present. Conduct additional research on trends happening in managed care today. The following websites are a great place to start: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Kaiser Family Foundation (Search for the series on health care marketplace … Read more

Fukushima Accident Case Study

Fukushima Accident Case Study Topic: Fukushima accident case study  To demonstrate the importance of the decision making process in critical  situations such as during a crisis.  Identifying the key issues in the Fukushima Accident  Effect of the incident on stakeholders  Evaluating the economic, legal, and corporate social responsibility consequences of the decisions … Read more

Research on Accounting Information Systems

Research on Accounting Information Systems Please complete attached Problem 16. For the data flow diagram and flowchart you have the option to prepare your response in Word or Excel formats. For text answers in Excel, please use text boxes or other appropriate method to properly format the text. While APA style is not required for … Read more

Describe the Major Policy Issues in the United States

Describe the Major Policy Issues in the United States Identify two major policy issues that affect the current state of health care delivery and population health equity in the United States (may be state or federal). What impact do these population health policies and initiatives have on advanced nursing practice? Requirements: 250-350 words in APA … Read more

Discuss Effective Current Health Policy in the United States

Discuss Effective Current Health Policy in the United States Select an effective current health policy that focuses on or affects population health. What components of this policy make it effective? Conduct research on its history and the factors that influenced its development. Requirements: 250-350 words in APA format Answer preview: word limit:335

Discussing the continuous-time and discrete signals and their analysis imposed by the way discrete-time signals and systems are generated.

Discussing the continuous-time and discrete signals and their analysis imposed by the way discrete-time signals and systems are generated. * Nonlinear Filtering Discuss the between continuous-time and discrete signals and their analysis imposed by the way discrete-time signals and systems are generated. Discuss what is meant by “nonlinear filtering”. How is different from linear filtering … Read more

Answer two questions and respond to peers

Answer two questions and respond to peers To answer these two questions, you need to cite the source. This question requires a 200 word answer What are several reasons that budgeting is extremely important to managing a company’s resources? What are some things that could result from not properly budgeting a company’s resources? Reply to … Read more

What is Eataly’s value proposition? How did they create this proposition?

What is Eataly’s value proposition? How did they create this proposition? Eataly’s Value Proposition and how they created it. Is their Value Proposition Similar in the Current Atmosphere? The Improvements to be made if Appointed as Eataly’s CEO. Should they Continually Charge the 40% Margin on their Products? Provide Rationale Eataly’s Suggestion on the Future … Read more

Writing according to the tense Present and Past .

Writing according to the tense Present and Past . Instructions to follow up : The Best Friend can be different person for each time . First paragraph : Write about your Best Friend of the past . Follow the questions to develop the paragraph . Who he or she was ? Where he or she was from ? Why … Read more

Explain the Use of Tenses in Language

Explain the Use of Tenses in Language Are they important ? Why are they important ? Give at least two examples of the tenses . Requirements: 1 page Answer preview: word limit:310

Discussion Post and Reply to Two Peers

Discussion Post and Reply to Two Peers Perception involves how you think and feel about the world around you. However, your self-concept deals with how you think and feel about whom and what you are. Your self-concept, much like your perceptions, will shape your communication. For this discussion, please respond to the following: Share a … Read more

Discuss how Unemployment Insurance of Rhode Island has leveraged its profitability with cloud computing technologies.

Discuss how Unemployment Insurance of Rhode Island has leveraged its profitability with cloud computing technologies. Please select an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage. Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud … Read more

Conduct research and write a paper on either mobile technologies or the Internet of Things (IoT).

Conduct research and write a paper on either mobile technologies or the Internet of Things (IoT). Briefly define the technology (collaborative technologies or IoT technologies), Also discuss how does it works? Why are organizations applying this technology? Identify and describe one real-world example. Explain why it is beneficial to study IT today? Also discuss, does … Read more

Benchmark Literature Review

Benchmark Literature Review The purpose of this assignment is to write a review of the research articles you evaluated in your Topic 5 “Evidence-Based Practice Project: Evaluation of Literature” assignment. If you have been directed by your instructor to select different articles in order to meet the requirements for a literature review or to better … Read more

What strategies can Robert use to improve his chances to get a promotion?

What strategies can Robert use to improve his chances to get a promotion? Robert is a supervisor at a large bottling company. His job includes managing safety and breaks and setting schedules for his twenty-five employees who use forklifts and other machinery to package and move filled bottles on to trucks for delivery. Robert has … Read more

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section E: Implementation Plan

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section E: Implementation Plan In 1,000-1,500 words, provide a description of the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution. Include the following: Describe the setting and access to potential subjects. If there is a need for a consent or approval form, then one must be created. Although you will … Read more

Discuss the Steps for Implementing Intelligent Systems

Discuss the Steps for Implementing Intelligent Systems What are the five (5) steps (describing each one) for implementing intelligent systems (please review the lecture) Provide at least three (3) examples of an intelligent system and what it is used for? You can use this lecture: https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.learn…. Paper requirements: Minimum 900 words (excluding title page, table of … Read more

Describe the simple and complex issues pertaining to public management

Describe the simple and complex issues pertaining to public management CLO: Describe the simple and complex issues pertaining to public management. We expect you to answer each question as per instructions in the assignment. You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind. The assignment with be evaluated in terms of your … Read more