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Health Information – Discussion Post

Health Information – Discussion Post Introduction Let’s face it, today we are bombarded with information. The question is whether or not this information is reliable or accurate. It is important to be discerning when it comes to health information, and whether or not it is information that is scientifically sound. Your Tasks TASK 1- SEARCH … Read more

Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice

Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice The scope of practice describes the procedures, actions, and processes that a health care practitioner is permitted to undertake in keeping with the terms of their professional license. (Scope of practice – Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scope of practice)   Recommended readings: 1. Scope of practice of nurse practitioners: professional role.https://www.aanp.org/advocacy/advocacy-resource/po… 2. State … Read more

What is one topic of concern in healthcare?

What is one topic of concern in healthcare? – Discuss one topic of concern in healthcare. – Describe how this concern may have been identified and measured in the healthcare setting using a model/tool of your choice. – Propose an evidence-based intervention or group of interventions that may minimize this concern. – Use APA format … Read more

Create a data flow diagram of the current system

Create a data flow diagram of the current system a. Create a data flow diagram of the current system b. Create a system flowchart of the existing system c. What risks exist in the system as it is currently designed? d. Describe the changes needed to reduce the risks.  Problem 13: CMA Adapted Organizational … Read more

Compare and contrast executive functioning and behavioral inhibition and how they are involved in ADHD.

Compare and contrast executive functioning and behavioral inhibition and how they are involved in ADHD. QUESTION 1 Prompt: Describe three explanations for the increase in the number of students identified as having learning disabilities in the last 30 years or so. Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply QUESTION 2 Prompt: Compare … Read more

Describe the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder

Describe the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder Describe the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. 350 -550 words APA format. double spaced. This is for a Criminal behavior class. I need it for a writing assignment. Work cited is appreciated. Requirements: 350-550 words. writing assignment Answer preview:   word limit:394

Reflection-Operational excellence

Reflection-Operational excellence Reflect on the connection between knowledge concepts from the below-listed subjects and how those have been, or could be, applied in the workplace. 1- Operational excellence 2- professional writing and proposal development. each in atleast 200 words in APA formmat Requirements: 400 words it’s a generic one how to apply the subjects in … Read more

Create a Research-based Action Plan

Create a Research-based Action Plan Create a research-based action plan for a fictional student, based on your choice of several provided scenarios. Be sure to list the scenario you chose in the introduction to your Action Plan. Focus on how you would use an IEP and/or 504 plan, assistive technology, student grouping, and other teaching … Read more

Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research Introduction to computational research in the social sciences provides interesting insights about descriptive statistics as used in quantitative research and methods. Essentially, descriptive statistics gives a general description concerning certain attributes of a sample in a population Answer preview: word limit:617

Consumer Behavior – Discussion

Consumer Behavior – Discussion ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES Analyze aspects of individual consumer behavior and the psychology of those behaviors. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and … Read more

Article Critique- corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Article Critique- corporate social responsibility (CSR) Article Critique assignment. 3 and less than 5Pages long following APA Format. Requirements: 3 pages long Shea, C. T., & Hawn, O. V. (2019). Microfoundations of corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility. Academy of Management Journal, 62(5), 1609-1642. Link of the article: file:///C:/Users/TKMeli/AppData/Local/Temp/SSRN-id2380864.pdf Instructions Critically evaluate the article’s strengths, weaknesses, and … Read more

Compare two organizational readiness tools

Compare two organizational readiness tools Identify the tool you selected and explain why it is most appropriate for assessing your organization Requirements: 250-350 words APA format.   |   .doc file Answer preview: word limit:302

Essay- Carpenter versus the United States

Essay- Carpenter versus the United States Please run a Google search of the term, “United States Supreme Court Carpenter v. United States 2018.” Please write an essay of not less than 500 words in APA format, summarizing the court’s decision. Requirements: 500 words in APA format Answer preview: word limit:545

Demonstrate different management and leadership styles for different situations.

Demonstrate different management and leadership styles for different situations. We expect you to answer each question as per instructions in the assignment. You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind. The assignment will be evaluated in terms of your planning, organization and the way you present your assignment. All the three … Read more

Difference between long-range planning and strategic planning

Difference between long-range planning and strategic planning business-policy-amp-strategy-assessment Seeking assistance with answering the questions attached. Requirements: 2.5page   |   .doc file   Answer preview: word limit:955

Iris Running Crane Case – Recommendations

Iris Running Crane Case – Recommendations Learn about different types of PE and VC firms and how they are perceived The case recommendations should be two in length and consist of: (1) your name and the title of the case, (2) the primary question(s) asked in the case, (3) the factors relevant to evaluating the … Read more

How Should Canadians Embrace the Disruption Caused by the Sharing Economy?

How Should Canadians Embrace the Disruption Caused by the Sharing Economy? in this discussion, you discuss the advantages and/or disadvantages of working with the sharing economy for traditional travel/tourism businesses. Questions: Summarize the key points from the articles How Should Canadian Tourism Embrace the Disruption Caused by the Sharing Economy and The Sharing Economy: Your … Read more

Write an essay on Eating Disorders

Write an essay on Eating Disorders TASK 1- ORIGINAL POST Please do the following in your original post: Explain the influence that body image ideals have on eating disorders and other mental health disorders. (5 points) Describe tactics for promoting healthy nutrition habits while avoiding an unhealthy concern/ over-obsession with nutrition? (5 points) Briefly describe ways in … Read more

Nutrition Organizations

Nutrition Organizations TASK 1 Review this list (Links to an external site.)of nutrition organizations and associations. Choose one that you would like to do more research on. TASK 2 Answer the following questions about the organization: What is the name of the organization? 1 point Why did you choose this organization? 3 points What are some things that … Read more

Discussion and Reply to Peers and Word Journal

Discussion and Reply to Peers and Word Journal Listening is a skill and the more you practice it, the better you become. By understanding your own listening style and your motivations for listening, you also have a chance to overcome barriers that might keep you from using active listening. Before completing your discussion, please ensure … Read more

Oakland Athletics Case Analysis

Oakland Athletics Case Analysis Prepare an Individual Case Write-Up on the “Oakland Athletic’s” case study. Provide the following: 1) a brief introduction, 2) an overview of the competitive situation (at the time of the case), 3) and then you should identify key problems facing the organization. You will come up with two separate recommendations that … Read more

Audit Database Problems

Audit Database Problems Problem 5: Audit ERP Databases – Memo Problem 6: Big Bang versus Phased-In Approach  Problem 5: Cloud Computing Answer preview: word limit:1121

Discussion – Ethical Dilemmas

Discussion – Ethical Dilemmas Instructions Review the following ethical dilemmas 1. Jane Doe is eighteen. For as long as she can remember she has been sexually attracted to other females. Her parents belong to a religion that has a religious text stating that God forbids one to be a lesbian. This religion goes on further … Read more

Writing Question-Women in East Asia

 Writing Question-Women in East Asia This primary source essay of 2,500-3,000 words is designed to introduce the basics of reading primary sources. Students will analyze The Reminiscences of Plum-Shaded Convent (included in The Romance of a Literatus and His Concubine in Seventeenth-Century China) with a focus on the status of Dong Xiaowan as concubine in … Read more

Case study: One garbled memo – 26 baffled phone calls

Case study: One garbled memo – 26 baffled phone calls Joanne supervised 36 professionals in 6 city libraries. To cut the costs of unnecessary overtime, she issued this one-sentence memo to her staff: When workloads increase to a level requiring hours in excess of an employee’s regular duty assignment, and when such work is estimated … Read more

Marketing Question-Strategic Human Resource Management

Marketing Question-Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment This unit provides you with the opportunity to further develop your knowledge and understanding of strategic human resource management and its critical importance to the achievement of organisational objectives. You are a manager in the HR department of an established multi-national manufacturing company EasiClean plc., which produces soaps and … Read more

Anatomy and Physiology – Stem Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease

Anatomy and Physiology – Stem Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2015), cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of deaths in the United States, equating to about 1 in every 4 deaths, even though CVD is largely preventable. Recently, various studies have shown promise with stem … Read more

Communications Question-The Power of Listening

Communications Question-The Power of Listening Define listening. Explain the listening types (informational, critical, and empathic) and stages of listening. Discuss the key differences between hearing and listening. Be sure to provide an example of how hearing and listening impact interpersonal communication. Discuss at least two barriers to listening. Be sure to include how these barriers … Read more

Organizational Culture and Readiness

Organizational Culture and Readiness In order to successfully implement a change within an organization, the change agent must assess the organization’s culture and readiness for change. In 750-1,000 words, analyze the culture and level of readiness of the organization for which your evidence-based practice project is proposed. You will use the assessment of the organization’s … Read more

Product or Service Information.

Product or Service Information. DMAIC / SIX SIGMA Project Quality Management DMAIC / Six-Sigma Project In this assessment, the students are required to implement DMAIC / Six Sigma projects. Upon the completion of the projects, instructors should be able to test the students` understanding of major part of the course materials. Learning Outcome: Develop an … Read more

Create a slide presentation about selected health issue.

Create a slide presentation about selected health issue. Title Description of health issue Data and Analysis Recommendations References Create a narration script in the speaker’s notes section to develop a 15-20 minutes presentation that will be uploaded to the Unit 8 dropbox. You will record audio for each slide as if you were presenting to … Read more

Culture Clash at the International Market

Culture Clash at the International Market Answer preview: word limit:468

Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of event planning.

Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of event planning. Question #1: Develop a brief marketing plan for the event of your choice. Make sure to identify the competitive advantages, target market(s), strategies, tactics, budgets, schedule and evaluation methodologies. Describe how you will increase your marketing performance through creative and innovative tactics. Question #2: Briefly describe … Read more

How do you feel overall with the facts stated about the amount of sugar the average person consumes?

How do you feel overall with the facts stated about the amount of sugar the average person consumes? Sugar:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B56Gpf1f5_A How do you feel overall with the facts stated about the amount of sugar the average person consumes? Were you at all persuaded to cut back on your own sugar consumption? Should the government crackdown on … Read more

What were the goals of California missions?

What were the goals of California missions? For our very last Blog, please answer all parts of the prompt and be sure that your initial post reaches the full 400 word minimum requirement. Remember to also post a peer response of at least 200 words as well! 1) What were the goals of California missions? … Read more

Explain how to determine appropriate tests of controls and consider the results of tests of controls in auditing long-lived assets.

Explain how to determine appropriate tests of controls and consider the results of tests of controls in auditing long-lived assets. In APA with a separate Cover and Reference page In 12 Font Doubles spaced In a Microsoft Word format 3-4 Pages of findings Have 4-6 LIRN Library resources that are cited within the paper to … Read more

Essay- Economic Development and Environmentalism

Essay- Economic Development and Environmentalism Looking for a little help with a writing assignment. It has to be APA format and include a couple references from the book: QUESTION: Examine how economic development and environmentalism can be vehicles for external regulation that threaten the subsistence patterns and way of life of indigenous people. Mirror for … Read more

Analyze Latin American Culture

Analyze Latin American Culture Formatting All paper assignments should use 1-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman or Calibri font. Assignments should be doubled-spaced. For instances where you need to cite, use APA formatting for your citations (Links to an external site.) (click for APA resource). Instructions As a reminder, the topic for your paper must be selected … Read more

Reading and Writing Daily Schedule

Reading and Writing Daily Schedule FORMATTING Please make sure to use a Word document/other source of word processing program with one-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman or Calibri font. This assignment should be double spaced. IMPORTANT MATERIALS TO REVIEW Make sure to take a look at the Office tips in your Week 1 Navigation. Also, … Read more

Discuss the role of translational research in advancing equitable access to health care.

Discuss the role of translational research in advancing equitable access to health care. Discuss the role of translational research in advancing equitable access to health care and preventative services and policies based on population health. Provide an example of a local health care policy that has been recently enacted and or is awaiting legislative passage … Read more

Population Advocacy

Population Advocacy As an advanced registered nurse, discuss your future role in advocating for equitable population health services and policies. Do you anticipate any challenges or barriers to “population advocacy”? How would you meet these challenges? Requirements: 250-350 words in APA format. 1 reference Answer preview: word limit:371

Practicum Reflection and lifelong education

 Practicum Reflection and lifelong education Write a 500- to 700-word paper addressing the following: After reflecting on your experience during the two practicum courses, what were the three greatest challenges in completing your project and finishing the courses? How did you overcome these challenges, and what lessons did you learn from them? What insights, lessons, knowledge, … Read more

Create a Short dissection from Sales Force

Create a Short dissection from Sales Force Main content 10-3gSales Force We've talked about machines (the Internet, self-service IT systems) as a channel and about frontline employees at retail shops as channel representatives, but another human element of a channel is a company's sales force. For the companies high on push, such as many B2B … Read more

Write a theoretical perspective section for Ai in insurance fraud detection

Write a theoretical perspective section for Ai in insurance fraud detection Write a theoretical perspective section for your research plan following the script for a quantitative theory discussion My topic is Ai in insurance fraud detection. need in APA format and with 300 to 400 words. Requirements: 400 Answer preview: word limit:409  

Ethics Journal

Ethics Journal The Rae & Wong text presents a number of readings that provoke thoughtful reflection regarding our business practices as Christians. The authors of the text attempt to carry the conversation further by providing reflective questions at the end of most readings. These questions probe the reader’s reactions to the articles and the positions … Read more

Management Question- Background of International business

Management Question- Background of International business Identify Problems and Opportunities Situation Analysis Environmental Scanning (Economy, Political, Cultural, Social, Competition, Legal, Regulatory, Technology, Demographics, Natural Resources, Consumer Behavior) Strategic Marketing Issues Product Price Distribution Promotion Selecting and evaluating target markets Phase of the product life cycle Management and Policy Issues Finance Issues Accounting Issues S.W.O.T Analysis … Read more

Hypertension Research paper.

Hypertension Research paper. I need help writing the introduction to my research paper on hypertension. The intro needs to be. 2-3 paragraphs long. Each paragraph should represent its own thought. When you’ve switched topics, start a new paragraph. Sources must be formatted in proper APA format. Please use Purdue’s guide to APA formatting to cite … Read more

Explain the Intrinsic Value of Human Beings

Explain the Intrinsic Value of Human Beings Essay Questions: (1) What is the ‘perspective of eternity’, and what relevance, if any, does it have for the problem of the meaning of life? (2) Are human beings intrinsically valuable? If so, why? If not, then what moral consequences does this have (e.g., does this mean that, … Read more

Describe the Evolution of Technology over the Past Five to Ten Years

Describe the Evolution of Technology over the Past Five to Ten Years ‎Write a 2- or 3-paragraph Word document in which you explain your opinion on what has been the evolution of technology over the past 5 to 10 years. Give your personal opinion. If you search for information on the internet, you should cite … Read more

Discuss the Importance of Internet in the Era of COVID-19

Discuss the Importance of Internet in the Era of COVID-19 How does it benefit students in terms of their studies, from home to have a good internet service?‎ ‎Discuss your opinion on a minimum page of content.‎ ‎The document must be made in MS Word. Include a presentation cover and references in APA. (3).‎ Requirements: … Read more