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Latin American Influence in Media

Latin American Influence in Media Latin American Influence in Media The culture of America is often complex. Ideally, this is based on the fact that America was developed through the amalgamation of people from different cultural, religious, and national origins. Notably, these people came and established a different set of values, norms, and beliefs that … Read more

Dietary Analysis : Water and Micronutrients

 Dietary Analysis : Water and Micronutrients TASK 1- FOOD LOG You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals and snacks, along with their nutrients, that you ate throughout each day. You can choose to track this using Spark People or the provided Word document Actions This week’s focus: water, sodium (Na), potassium (K), … Read more

Write an Essay advising a friend who is looking to change their nutritional habits.

Write an Essay advising a friend who is looking to change their nutritional habits. TASK 1- BRAINSTORM Imagine that you have a friend or family member that is looking to change some of their nutritional practices (this can either be an actual person in your life or it can be fictitious). What advice would you … Read more

Human anatomy and physiology assignment.

Human anatomy and physiology assignment. The creation and implementation of vaccinations is one of healthcare’s greatest achievements. Vaccinations have saved countless lives and prevented the development of debilitating and life-threatening diseases such as polio, rubella, mumps, pertussis, and measles. Despite the success and benefits vaccinations bring to public health, there has been a growing anti-vaccination … Read more

Discussion- Labour Market

Discussion- Labour Market Discussion Topic: “When the labour market is in equilibrium, it means that the number of jobs in the economy is equal to the number of people willing and able to work (the labour force). Why is then that there will always be unemployment in the economy, even when the labour market is … Read more

Prepare an Individual Case Write-Up on the “Foxconn Technology Group” case study.

Prepare an Individual Case Write-Up on the “Foxconn Technology Group” case study. Provide the following: 1) a brief introduction, 2) an overview of the competitive situation (at the time of the case), 3) and then you should identify key problems facing the organization. You will come up with two separate recommendations (each recommendation should be … Read more

What have you learned from the pandemic(COVID-19)?

What have you learned from the pandemic(COVID-19)? 3 essay questions What have you learned from the pandemic(COVID-19)?Please write an essay to personal experience off virus spread prevention in at least 250 words. More and more studies have shown that dementia occurs not only among senior, but also people under the age of 60. Please write … Read more

Explain how a price change affects consumer surplus and producer surplus

Explain how a price change affects consumer surplus and producer surplus Free markets generally lead to the greatest amount of combined producer and consumer surplus. Identify a good commonly purchased at a grocery store. Explain how a price change affects consumer surplus and producer surplus. Explain what would happen to producer and consumer surplus if … Read more

Health Providers Credentialing Executive Summary

Health Providers Credentialing Executive Summary Provide an executive summary to your team on how to credential providers. You will need to consider the following: Type of provider being credentialed Steps they will go thru to be credentialed Educational background needed Does this provider have an NPI number? State the provider will work in Is there … Read more

Personal Language Experiences in the American Culture

Personal Language Experiences in the American Culture A thesis statement which connects your personal language experiences to at least one topic we have discussed in class. Develop the body of the paper connecting it to your topic and thesis statement – develop your thesis and how that relates to at least three concepts covered in … Read more

Case Study- Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Case Study- Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Course Learning Outcomes:  Develop awareness and understanding of cultural and national differences related to ethics.  Write a coherent project about a case study or an actual research about ethics. Assignment Instructions:  Login to Saudi Digital Library (SDL).  Search for … Read more

Article analysis- Beyond Nudges

Article analysis- Beyond Nudges Re-Read the article “Beyond Nudges–When improving health calls for greater assertiveness.” write an essay about the “radium girls book” you can find it on google. Also use the Article. MLA style that means 5 paragraphs. Introduction 3 points. Body paragraph one, two, and three. In the end write conclusions. Requirements: 300-400   … Read more

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F -Evaluation of Process

 Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section F -Evaluation of Process In 500-750 words, develop an evaluation plan to be included in your final evidence-based practice project. Provide the following criteria in the evaluation, making sure it is comprehensive and concise: Describe the rationale for the methods used in collecting the outcome data. Describe the ways in … Read more

Proposal Draft on topic Ai in insurance fraud detection

Proposal Draft on topic Ai in insurance fraud detection Proposal Draft on topic Ai in insurance fraud detection  Submit your Proposal Draft Format the Proposal using the APA 7th Edition Topic: – Ai in insurance fraud Need in 3 pages with abstract and 2 literature reviews in below formatt. A title, Background, and Significance, Literature review -SafeAssign-Plagiarism, Theoretical … Read more

Appropriate use of force – officer shooting

Appropriate use of force – officer shooting BACKGROUND Laurence Miller in his article, “Officer-Involved Shooting: Reaction Patterns, Response Protocols”, states that available data indicate that about 600 criminals are killed each year by police officers in the United States. Some of these killings are in self-defense, some are accidental, and others are to prevent harm … Read more

Discuss how language is symbolic.

Discuss how language is symbolic. Remember that your goal for discussion is three-fold: To participate actively over multiple days throughout the unit. To contribute in a way that adds to the discussion and moves it forward in an original fashion. To use the course content to inform your posts and responses. Keep in mind that … Read more

What ethical issues are present in the case?

What ethical issues are present in the case? Read the article thoroughly alongside Chapter 2 (Deciding What’s Right: A Prescriptive Approach) in your textbook and answer the questions for the assignment. Besides this research paper use other relevant material to support your answers.   Part 1 (Case-based Questions)   1- What ethical issues are present in the case? (Words 100-150). … Read more

Discuss Role of Radiative Forcing in Understanding Causes of Global Climate Change

Discuss Role of Radiative Forcing in Understanding Causes of Global Climate Change Why is the concept of radiative forcing critical to understanding the causes of global climate change? Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories Jay Withgott & Matthew Laposata, 2018 Pearson ISBN.13: 978-0-134-71488-2 Requirements: 250-300 Just need a couple of references from the book … Read more

SMART Goal for “Nutrition”

 SMART Goal for “Nutrition” Introduction SMART is an acronym used to guide you with personal goal setting. Below is a description for each parameter of SMART, as well as an example of a SMART goal. SPECIFIC Your goal should be specific. This means that your goal should be well-defined and clear. Readers of the goal … Read more

Management Question-Cultural Considerations in Learning and Development

Management Question-Cultural Considerations in Learning and Development Cultural Considerations in Learning and Development You are currently the head trainer of a global U.S. automobile manufacturer. The organization has decided to expand its operations into the Eastern market such as China, Japan, and Singapore. The vice president of human resources has asked that you create a … Read more

Humanities Question- Knowledge Regarding Nutrition

Humanities Question- Knowledge Regarding Nutrition Introduction This week, I want you to think about what nutrition is, and to then assess your current nutritional habits. This will provide insight and guidance as we move forward in the class in tracking our nutrition. Your Task Please answer the following questions in complete sentences: What is your … Read more

Humanities Question-Food Regulation

Humanities Question-Food Regulation Please address the following in your original post: Should the government (local, state, and/or federal) be concerned with what Americans eat? Why or why not? (5 points) Choose one of the following categories to conduct further research on: meat/poultry, “all other food processors”, or supplements. How is your selected category currently regulated in the United States? (2.5 … Read more

Provide a brief summary of the organization you have selected.

Provide a brief summary of the organization you have selected. Consider your organization or another organization that has been affected by a cyber-attack. Feel free to research current events on this topic if you do not have personal experience with an organization who has been affected by a cyber-attack. Once you have selected an organization, … Read more

Research on Internal Control Systems

Research on Internal Control Systems Please complete Internal Control Cases 7 and 8 in Chapter 5. Prepare your flow chart in Excel or Word. Your responses to parts c and d of both cases should be in paragraph form and be 500-750 words. Please complete Internal Control Case 2 in Chapter 6. Complete all parts … Read more

Create a power point presentation on People with disability

Create a power point presentation on People with disability You will demonstrate your mastery of one disability concept by explaining it in a way that could be understood by anyone from a non-disability studies audience, such as your grandma. The webpage or video you create should tell a story and be entertaining, and engaging, but … Read more

Discussion- Reasons for the Most Recent Large-Expense Purchase

Discussion- Reasons for the Most Recent Large-Expense Purchase Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. People buy things … Read more

Case Study -Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Case Study -Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Course Learning Outcomes:  Define a solid understanding of prominent theories of ethics and morality.  Justify their rationale for decisions related to acceptable and unacceptable business conduct based on the business ethics principles. Assignment Instructions:  Login to Saudi Digital Library (SDL).  Search for the article … Read more

Discussion Board- Child Labor

Discussion Board- Child Labor Part 1 View the power point presentation, “Child Labor” and use those pictures to help you respond to this discussion. Read/listen to the lecture material and use that information (along with other sources you may access) to address the following questions: Imagine you are a labor reformer in 1910 working to … Read more

Benchmark – Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis

Benchmark – Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Select a current or proposed health care policy that is designed to provide equitable health care for a diverse population. Create a 12-15-slide PowerPoint presentation discussing the health care policy and how it improves a specific population’s access to quality, cost-effective health care. Create speaker notes of 100-250 … Read more

Management Question- Factors that Affects a Person’s Purchasing Decisions

Management Question- Factors that Affects a Person’s Purchasing Decisions 4–5 PowerPoint slides, with 100–150 words of speaker notes per side Cognitive and Emotional Factors People often buy based upon the communication that they receive from a company or even from a referral from a friend. Create a brief PowerPoint presentation that examines the cognitive and emotional … Read more

Topic: Mary’s problem against physicalism

Topic: Mary’s problem against physicalism (1) What is the ‘Mary’ problem against physicalism, and how effective is it? (2) What are philosophical zombies, and what problem are they meant to pose for physicalism? How plausible is the zombie argument? (3) What is the argument from illusion, and how is it used to motivate indirect realism over direct realism? Is it … Read more

Discussion- Keeping Up with Appearances

Discussion- Keeping Up with Appearances Not only does advertising affect people’s individual motivations and self-image and perceptions, but it also influences how people often see themselves in social or community situations. “Keeping up with the Joneses” is a phrase that is often used to compare how one person is doing versus another. Think of 1 … Read more

Write a research paper on Good communication skills

Write a research paper on Good communication skills Critical Thinking Good communication skills are essential skills for both our daily and professional lives. In your point of view, what are the characteristics of a good communicator that managers looking for? and what values can businesses receive from hiring people with good communication skills? Evaluate your … Read more

Discussion- Euthanasia and Murder/Suicide

Discussion- Euthanasia and Murder/Suicide Please select a question from the list below, and make sure to clearly state the question you are answering at the start of your essay. Questions: (1) What is utilitarianism? Critically assess the plausibility of this proposal. (2) What is euthanasia, and why is it considered to be morally different to … Read more

Motivational Interview- Simple Interview and Summary Report

Motivational Interview- Simple Interview and Summary Report For this assignment you will use the Motivational Interviewing Method to complete a simple interview and summary report. First, you need to find a willing adult participant to interview. This does not have to be anyone involved in the criminal justice profession and can be someone you know or are … Read more

Current Issues in Nursing(group discussion)

Current Issues in Nursing(group discussion) Current Issues in Nursing Assignment Content Meet with your Learning Team to select and discuss one of the following topics, or another topic approved by your instructor: Topic: Euthanasia and assisted suicide Take a position on the topic.**I am agree with it** Find evidence to support your position. Review your Learning Team members’ positions … Read more

Answer two questions and respond to peers

 Answer two questions and respond to peers There are four types of responsibility centers. Given a choice, which responsibility center would you choose to manage and why? What is an operational performance measure? Provide an example. Reply to peers needs to be unlocked after completing the task. Answer preview: word limit:100  

Discuss Media Influence on Latin America

Discuss Media Influence on Latin America For this assignment, you will begin thinking about how you will approach your final paper and practicing your ability to search for, read, and summarize academic articles. You are in charge of finding your own articles related to the topic you want to adapt one of your assignments for … Read more

Create a PPT on verbal and nonverbal communication

Create a PPT on verbal and nonverbal communication Your employer has asked you to present on verbal and nonverbal communication practices. You must prepare a PowerPoint presentation, creating one slide for each of the topics below. Be sure to include your speaker notes in the Notes section below each slide. Include a minimum of three … Read more

Write a essay on History, Politics, and Terrorism

Write a essay on History, Politics, and Terrorism Eller uses the case of terrorism to discuss how the differing disciplines address the topic. I want you to pick two of the three disciplines (history, politics, economics) and discuss where/how these two disciplines overlap and differ in their approach to terrorism. 2. This is a freebie … Read more

Writing Question

Writing Question As this course surveys various disciplines within the social sciences, your final paper is directly tied into navigating the varying ways one can approach a certain topic. Think about it similarly to the Eller text: he is regularly noting how certain questions are addressed differently by each discipline and does a special focus … Read more

Application of Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) Certification

Application of Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) Certification Portfolio part III: ARNP certification application and CEUs. ARNP certification application. There two main certification bodies on which websites you will find the application form, requirements by states, test centers, cost, score required, and frequency to retake test if needed. American Academy of Nurse Practitioner (AANP): https://www.aanpcert.org/ American … Read more

Discussion Board- Interpreting Nonverbal Communication

Discussion Board- Interpreting Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication replaces, reinforces, and can contradict verbal communication. Nonverbal communication may also regulate interactions and express cultural values. For this discussion, please respond to the following: Describe a time when one of the six categories of nonverbal cues (kinesics, proxemics, haptics, chronemics, artifacts and paralanguage) caused you to misinterpret … Read more

Essay- Conscientious Capitalism

Essay- Conscientious Capitalism Theme Critical Reflections Theme: Conscientious Capitalism Throughout this assignment you will be asked to engage critically with the theme, which requires not only reading/viewing the background materials but reflecting on how they relate to your own values, experiences, and growth as a business leader. Instead of looking at this as just an … Read more

Importance of Spirit of Inquiry in Evidence-Based Culture

Importance of Spirit of Inquiry in Evidence-Based Culture Explain the importance of a “spirit of inquiry” in an evidence-based culture and what you can do as an advanced registered nurse to encourage this within your practice or organization. In response to your peers, compare the role and implementation of EBP in your specialty area with … Read more

Information Literacy Reflection Assignment

Information Literacy Reflection Assignment TASK: Write a letter to future students in this class in which you explain how to succeed. There are no wrong answers for this assignment, but there are specific concepts that must be discussed and evaluated as you deal with the following charge: Your letter must address the larger context of … Read more

Explore the external and internal influences on consumer behavior.

Explore the external and internal influences on consumer behavior. Here are 4 basic types of customer buying behavior, as follows: Routine response Limited decision making Extensive decision making Impulse buying Create a brief presentation that explains your customer behavior. Explain your type from this list or other types based on your own research. Include the … Read more

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Interview Questions

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Interview Questions Assignment: The APRN Interview Questions Question // Grade What is proper etiquette for a job interview? 5 What’s “good behavior” in a behavioral job interview? 5 Tell me about yourself; please include years of experience as a nurse and your previous work history. 5 Where do you see yourself … Read more

Reflection: Current Issues in Nursing

Reflection: Current Issues in Nursing Reflection: Current Issues in Nursing Assignment Content This individual assignment helps you reflect on your Learning Team activity. Use the same topic and position to complete this assignment.(Topic: Euthanasia and assisted suicide) “An Integrated Ethical Decision-Making Model for Nurses” Nursing Ethics in Everyday Practice: A Step-By-Step Guide, Ch. 2: Ethical Decision-Making … Read more

Obesity Rates in the United States – Discussion Post

Obesity Rates in the United States – Discussion Post Introduction Obesity rates (Links to an external site.) are at an all time high in the United States. In fact, these rates have more than tripled since the 1980’s! In response, food manufacturers have attempted to create and market foods that are “healthier”, such as low-fat and low-sugar … Read more