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Do you feel that you would have difficulty adjusting to the country’s culture? Why, or why not?

Do you feel that you would have difficulty adjusting to the country’s culture? Why, or why not? Imagine yourself in a job/firm that does business internationally. Your boss has determined that you will be moving out of the United States for a project assignment for a period of 1 year. Name a country that you … Read more

What makes Zipcar an attractive employer for which to work?

What makes Zipcar an attractive employer for which to work? Watch the enclosed YouTube Video and do an Internet search on Interviewing at Zipcar and then answer the following questions. these are questions 1. What makes Zipcar an attractive employer for which to work? 2. What do those doing the actual hiring at Zipcar feel are important … Read more

Principles and Concepts of Substantive and Procedural Law

Principles and Concepts of Substantive and Procedural Law Understanding American criminal law concepts is a necessity for a criminal justice major. Chapter 3 of the text is devoted to explaining the principles and concepts of substantive and procedural law under due process of the American criminal justice system. In order to examine global criminal activity, … Read more

Jackson Pollock’s Art

Jackson Pollock’s Art HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/SM2MOYONDSY PROVIDE A FORMAL ANALYSIS OF THE FOLLOWING PAINTINGAND PROCESS OF THE AMERICAN ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONIST ARTIST, JACKSON POLLOCK, IN WHICH YOU… Specifically note at least 3 formal elements that significantly contribute to this work. Include a discussion of “action painting” and “all over-ness.” Offer at least 2 ways in which this painting’s style and Pollock’s … Read more

Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol


What is the purpose of conducting normalization to a relational database?

What is the purpose of conducting normalization to a relational database? Using examples to explain your answers. short discussion.   Answer preview: word: 400

Subject: Senior Centers in Colorado

Subject: Senior Centers in Colorado COURSE PROJECT PREPARATION In Unit 5, you will research programs, agencies, and organizations in your area ( Colorado) that contribute to successful or optimal aging. This week, begin to search online and explore your neighborhood resources, such as community centers and senior centers, to find out what types of opportunities … Read more

Film Review: 500 Days of Summer

Film Review: 500 Days of Summer Watch a film made in the last 25 years from one of the following genres – Melodrama, Science Fiction/Fantasy, or Horror. It cannot be from the genre that your favorite movie is from (the film you told us was your favorite in week one). What does it have in … Read more

Essay topic: The Concept of Patient Autonomy

Essay topic: The Concept of Patient Autonomy Christian teaching holds that God allows and respects each person to make his or her own choices in life. Explain how you connect this precept with the concept of patient autonomy? related readings Mark 10:46-51 ( use as a reference) Apa   Answer preview: Word: 400

Health Information Management

Health Information Management HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Record processing (concurrent and retrospective analysis and monitoring of health record content) Record completion Storage and retrieval of health records (including monitoring and tracking of health record location) Release of patient information Clinical coding of diagnoses and procedures Transcription of medical reports (excluding pathology and radiology reports) Statistical and … Read more

Explain The Inverted Triangle Approach

Explain The Inverted Triangle Approach “Just the Facts, Ma’am” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, assess how well the news release follows the inverted triangle approach. Be sure to provide the date, title, and the company which released the news. Create a best practice to determine how many facts are essential when writing a … Read more

Essay on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Essay on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder Focus your discussion on the following: What are some of the symptoms? What would this disorder look like in person? Make sure you relate this back to the DSM criteria. Find 1 article, book, or video that shows someone discussing his or her personal experience related to … Read more

Student Discussion on Utilitarianism

Student Discussion on Utilitarianism Write a response: Utilitarianism is the moral belief that an action is right if it produces the greatest good for the most number of people. It is often based on the calculated consequences or outcomes of a certain action. If you think action will bring the maximum amount of happiness to … Read more

Think of a recent example to support the reading

Readings on Current Affairs Address each of the items below Think of a recent example to support the reading: Jemele Hill Sports and Politics Have Always Mixed. Pick 1 of the 5 things listed in the reading: 5 Things that Will Shape Social Media in 2019 — share an experience with one of these five … Read more

Branding Yourself for Professional Success

Branding Yourself for Professional Success developing a brand helps you focus on the value you bring to employers and identifies the unique traits you bring to the workplace; delivers an authentic message to hiring managers around your career goals and depicts who you are as a professional; enables employers to see not only the skills … Read more

The effectiveness of Organizational Training and Development Process

The effectiveness of Organizational Training and Development Process Part 1 The discussion assignment for this week includes a review of the Key Assignment Outline completed by one of your classmates, as well as a substantial response to at least one other student. This should be in Word format. Part 2 5-7 slides with speaker notes … Read more

Unethical Conduct: Lessons from Previous Events

Unethical Conduct: Lessons from Previous Events One of the most challenging things to understand is why people commit what seem to be heinous and unethical acts. Kelman and Hamilton analyze the My Lai Massacre to understand its origins. What are the social causes of the massacre? Can you apply their argument to understand other major … Read more

Principles for Success: Reactions to Different Authors’ Ideas.

Principles for Success: Reactions to Different Authors’ Ideas. write a substantive reaction paragraph to each author’s ideas (one paragraph per book). Offer personal examples, perspectives and opinions. Avoid summary/synopsis. Jensen: Who Are You – Most Important Robinson: Chapter 2 Pink: Lesson 4 – End https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r5WyfH55qRpjaCeGe… https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bydt2DNWRzNeTXMxR… https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bydt2DNWRzNeVm91U… https://craphound.com/littlebrother/download/   Answer preview: Word: 1200  

Describe how the nursing process is utilized to assist in identifying health issues

 Describe how the nursing process is utilized to assist in identifying health issues Discuss how geopolitical and phenomenological place influence the context of a population or community assessment and intervention. Describe how the nursing process is utilized to assist in identifying health issues (local or global in nature) and in creating an appropriate intervention, including … Read more

Strategically Appropriate Investment Projects

Strategically Appropriate Investment Projects My chosen not for profit is – Habitat for Humanity (https://www.habitat.org/) Most of the concepts in this course apply not only to businesses, but also to not-for-profit organizations, governments, and other types of organizations. Think of a major, well-known business; a prominent not-for-profit organization; and a state, provincial, or national government. … Read more

Various History Discussion Topics

Various History Discussion Topics Comparison of various discussion history   Answer preview:   Word: 800

Discussion prompt-Protecting Customer Information

Discussion prompt-Protecting Customer Information profoundly questionable move, your most loved informal organization has recently consented to permit Wal-Mart access to the postings, messages, and photographs of its clients. Wal-Mart will likewise access client names and email addresses infringing upon the system’s security approach. Wal-Mart intends to mine this information to take in more about what … Read more

Substantive Reactions to Various Topics

Substantive Reactions to Various Topics Topics: Race/Ethnicity/Nationality/Citizenship/Globalization Read all of the following articles and write a substantive reaction paragraph to each. Discuss how they relate to your life. Avoid summary/synopsis. Interview with Beverly Daniel Tatum: Race – The Power of an Illusion http://www.pbs.org/race/000_About/002_04-backgroun… Review by Hamid Yeganeh: The McDonaldization of American Society http://docshare.tips/the-mcdonaldization-of-society-by-george-ritzer-reviewer-hamid-yeganeh-winona state-university-003_58c45ad5b6d87f616d8b5b96.html (Links to an external … Read more

The Do’s and Don’ts in Thank You Letters

The Do’s and Don’ts in Thank You Letters I’ve read too many to count cover and thank you letters. One of the things I look for is did the author include the name of the position and the company. Why? First and foremost, it demonstrates to the hiring manager that you’re not using a generated … Read more

Discuss how professional nursing organizations support the field of nursing and how they advocate for nursing practice.

Discuss how professional nursing organizations support the field of nursing and how they advocate for nursing practice Explain the value professional nursing organizations have in advocacy and activism related to patient care. Answer preview: Word:400

Discuss the Cyber-security for Critical Infrastructures

Discuss the Cyber-security for Critical Infrastructures You are working for the Chief of Staff (CoS) for a newly elected Governor. The governor asked the CoS to research and prepare a 5 to 7 paragraph background briefing (backgrounder) that addresses the question below. This background briefing will be used to help prepare the Governor and his … Read more

Describe the original Miranda case and the statements required for making a valid Miranda warning.

Describe the original Miranda case and the statements required for making a valid Miranda warning. before interrogating a suspect in police custody, the police need to inform the suspect about his or her constitutional rights. Tasks: Assume you are a high-ranking official in a law enforcement agency and have ten years of experience in the … Read more

Explain the Logistics Performance Priorities in Organizations

Explain the Logistics Performance Priorities in Organizations 1. Executive summary (no more than one page) – Summarize what is logistics performance priorties, what Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools have been applied to achive the companies objective. 2. Background information – Briefly introduce the company background (e.g., name, products, business size, location, internal/external interesting facts, … Read more

Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Information

Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Information Please answer this question Answer preview: Word: 350

Classification of Music

Classification of Music For this week’s online exercise, each student will find an online recording of three primary forms of modern music: folk music, popular music and art music (which represents “high culture” in this course). While each of these differs in terms of form, audience, and technology used for recording and transmission, all three … Read more

Discuss the value that edge computing brings to the organization or industry

Discuss the value that edge computing brings to the organization or industry   Answer preview: Word: 300

Early Childhood Development-Essay

Early Childhood Development-Essay Last week, you studied milestones of developmental changes during the early childhood years, including the improvement of motor skills, the advances in language use, and the emergence of an increasingly complex self-concept. This week, your observation, too, will take you into the world of young children 2-6 years old. There will be … Read more

Boilerplate Objections

Boilerplate Objections CASE: Wesley Corp. v. Zoom T.V. Prods., LLC, No. 17-10021, 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 5068 (E.D. Mich. Jan. 11, 2018). FACTS: In Wesley Corp, Plaintiff sought, among other things, a Motion to Compel Defendants’ responses to Plaintiff’s discovery. Plaintiff argued that Defendants’ use of boilerplate objections in the returned discovery requests were improper … Read more

Toxicology Of The Environment As An Environmental Issue

Toxicology Of The Environment As An Environmental Issue For this assignment, please pick one recent article related to effects in the environment that you find in any information source (not necessarily scientific literature) and write a short review of it. The article can be concerned with any environmentally related issue. In addition to summarizing the … Read more

Describe the Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic Expansion

Describe the Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic Expansion Organizations often face the “build it or buy it” decision: whether to expand “organically,” or to expand through some form of business combination such as mergers or acquisitions, joint ventures, licensing, franchising (a form of licensing), or contractual, strategic alliances. Discuss the key advantages and disadvantages of … Read more

A Critical Analysis of Classical and Modern Art

A Critical Analysis of Classical and Modern Art David Nevard, “The Argument” (ca. 2010s, British Modern, chalk, charcoal, pastel and spray paint on cardboard) As you’ve come to discover, the history of Modern Art is one full of controversies and debates, leveled from the outside as well as from the inside of the movement. Indeed, … Read more

Identify at least 2 major issues in world war 1.

Identify at least 2 major issues in world war 1. WWI was the war to “end all wars.” Clearly not! Identify at least 2 major issues in this war. Why did you choose them, and why are they important? Has anything changed today?   Answer preview: Word: 600

What were the balance sheet and income statement implications of HealthSouth’s aggressive revenue recognition tactics?

What were the balance sheet and income statement implications of HealthSouth’s aggressive revenue recognition tactics? This is a case study question, answer in essay format in your own words and backed up by facts as an accounting auditor Read attach case study case and answer the question below in essay format. question is What were … Read more

Business Continuity Plan

Business Continuity Plan Discuss the BCP strategies discussed in the video. Research and find at least three (3) more recommendations for developing a BCP. Research and recommend a Contingency Planning Management Team for Wilmington University Library. Research and provide your recommendations be for the Business Continuity Management Team (BCMT) for Wilmington University Library? https://youtu.be/LMHscisLFk4 Answer … Read more

Why the Parthenon Marbles Should Be Returned To Greece

Why the Parthenon Marbles Should Be Returned To Greece Should the Parthenon marbles be returned to Greece? Develop a full analysis either for or against the return of these artifacts to Athens. (See “Who Owns the Art? The Elgin Marbles and the Euphronios Krater to get you started. This can be found in Chapter 5, … Read more

Article Summary Worksheet

Article Summary Worksheet Find an article related to your research topic and complete the attached worksheet based on your article. Examples of how to do this assignment are attached.   Answer preview: Word:550  

Discrimination in American Corrections

Discrimination in American Corrections Is the process by which correctional clients are selected discriminatory? What might be done to reduce actual or perceived discrimination? Is classifying people who have been convicted of a crime according to the probability of future criminal conduct a good idea? What are the dangers of the practice? What are its … Read more

Effects of Disasters on Community Health

Effects of Disasters on Community Health Homeless Population. Disaster in the Community. Read chapters attached of PowerPoint presentations. Once done, answer the following questions. 1. Identify and discuss the types of disasters. 2. Mention and discuss two natural or man-made disasters that recently occurred and discuss how they affect the community health. 3. Discuss the … Read more

Felicity’s Fine Formalwear Advertising Design

Felicity’s Fine Formalwear Advertising Design Case 1 Felicity’s Fine Formal wear Certain occasions require special clothing. Felicity’s Fine Formalwear provides tuxedos and other dress-up essentials for men along with wedding and prom dresses for women. The store, which is located in a major metropolitan area, has been in business for nearly a decade. Formal attire … Read more

Do you view nursing as a career or a job?

Do you view nursing as a career or a job? For the following two questions read Chapter 7 and please write 5 paragraphs each question . Be sure to explore and read more than two reference and include it in your references. Please only utilize word documents so that I can open the document. Questions: … Read more

Factors that an Entrepreneur Should Consider When Setting Up Business

Factors that an Entrepreneur Should Consider When Setting Up Business Compile three bullet lists that address the three to five most important: Legal issues an entrepreneur must plan to address before the business is up and running? Ethical issues an entrepreneur must contend while setting up their business? Social responsibilities an entrepreneur must consider while … Read more

A Review of the Film-The Kingdoms of Africa: Nubia

A Review of the Film-The Kingdoms of Africa: Nubia You need to provide an introduction, a short summary, analysis, and a conclusion. The rest of the paper must link the film to World history. Much of the review should focus on analysis—the arguments presented and whether the film portrays history accurately and why. This will … Read more

Define three types of stressors that can impact a fleet driver’s work environment.

Define three types of stressors that can impact a fleet driver’s work environment. What are three possible solutions for correcting these stressors to improve safety and productivity? Your response should be at least 75 words in length. 2. Analyze the safety implications that a workspace environment within a fleet vehicle present to the driver. What … Read more

Describe Post Implementation Support

Describe Post Implementation Support Executive Briefing describing plans for moving the organization from the current business operating environment to the new one. Include plans for the following: Describe the resources that will be needed for supporting the system during the startup period. Define ongoing system maintenance roles and responsibilities (Corrective, Adaptive, Protective, Preventive). Describe procedures … Read more

What is the Internet of things? How is it

What is the Internet of things? How is it   used or could be used in industrial plants? One paragraph only typed Please cite your reference/s   Answer preview: Word: 250