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Knowledge Management Systems and CRM

Knowledge Management Systems and CRM KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND CRM In answer to the challenges Nelnet faces in servicing a growing volume of student loans, the company chose to deploy a knowledge management system called OpenText Process Suite. Go online and investigate the features and capabilities of this suite of software products. What functions does … Read more

Laws Applicable to Recording People in Organizations

Laws Applicable to Recording People in Organizations When recording people within a corporation what are some common rules / laws that should / must be followed?   please dont copy and paste, please put things in your own words References APA Format Answer preview: Word:400

The impact of a change in ownership, given the strong local ties of the existing owners.

The impact of a change in ownership, given the strong local ties of the existing owners. The Case: You are working as the asset manager for a large Hotel REIT. In your role, you oversee a portfolio of 9 assets in the Midwest. Your REIT is performing due diligence for the potential purchase of a … Read more

The Fly-Katherine Mansfield

The Fly-Katherine Mansfield https://commapress.co.uk/resources/online-short-st… After you read this ( The Fly – Katherine Mansfield ). Discussion posts need only be a short paragraph in length, but please demonstrate careful reading, particularly in consideration of the topic of memories, and how they relate to our readings.   Answer preview: Word: 350

Discuss the idea that service is part attention to detail and part theater.

Discuss the idea that service is part attention to detail and part theater. Discuss the idea that service is part attention to detail and part theater. Give examples of how service providers are often actors. How do we create an imagine in the hospitality industry? How can we train our employees to be actors? and … Read more

What does it mean to be socialized into a gender role?

What does it mean to be socialized into a gender role? How do we learn gender identities and roles as young children? How does this article help us understand that gender is a social construction? What does it mean to “do” gender? How do gender roles reproduce inequality? short reflection paper of 2-3 double-spaced pages, … Read more

Organizational Structure and Culture Assessment

Organizational Structure and Culture Assessment Complete the following assessments: Organizational Structure Assessment Company Culture Assessment Respond to the following in a 250 word reflection: What do these assessments suggest about the type of organizational structure and culture in which you would thrive? How would you react if your work environment changed from an organizational culture … Read more

Case Study in Management

Case Study in Management Case Study Putting AutoZone into Drive Joseph “Pitt” Hyde III, 70, knew nothing about cars. But after turning his grandfather’s company, Malone & Hyde, into the nation’s third-largest wholesale food distributor, he figured there was money to be made under the hood. Touting low everyday prices (a strategy he learned from … Read more

Physical Security: Protecting the Perimeter

Physical Security: Protecting the Perimeter Research the fiber optic system at the McAllen-Miller International Airport and how it protects the airport’s perimeter. http://www.securityinfowatch.com/article/10514539/…   Answer preview: Word: 600

Describe the types of play that dominate the infant and toddler years

Describe the types of play that dominate the infant and toddler years Assignment: Based on what you have learned in this week’s readings and additional resources create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all of the questions for each bullet point. Use clear headings that allow … Read more

What are the Impacts of Divorce on Children?

What are the Impacts of Divorce on Children? Write an essay in which you consider the socioemotional response of adults and adolescents regarding divorce and custody arrangements. You are encouraged to use attachment theory in your paper. Address the following in your paper: 1.Steps that can be taken to minimize the number of divorces 2.Steps … Read more

Share to your view on the Withdrawal of US Troops from Syria

Share to your view on the Withdrawal of US Troops from Syria Ideally, I agree to withdraw the troops out of Syria. The reason is, I want our troops to be in U.S. soil safe and sound near their loved ones. However, I believe President Trump speaks before engaging his administration, considerations of the pros … Read more

What are the causes and effects of people drinking excessively?

What are the causes and effects of people drinking excessively?     Answer preview:   Word: 900

Eight Ways Play Helps Children Learn

Eight Ways Play Helps Children Learn Create a bulleted list in your discussion outlining each 8 ideas and give an example of how you as an educator can integrate these ideas into your classroom. You are encouraged to think outside the box!   Answer preview: Word: 600

Management Information System 201

Management Information System 201 List and describe the types of systems described in this case study How do these systems improve the operation of the business How do these systems support decision-making? Identify 3 different decisions that can be supported by these systems The questions are worded to help you apply the readings to the … Read more

Discuss the how Crisis Management Plan (CMP) and DRP are similar or different.

Crisis Management and Communication Discuss the how Crisis Management Plan (CMP) and DRP are similar or different. Research and find at least three (3) approaches for developing a CMP. Research and recommend a CMP approach for Wilmington University https://youtu.be/bBGbqwTihC4 Answer preview: Word:850

Causes and Effects of People Drinking Excessively

Causes and Effects of People Drinking Excessively what are the causes and effects of people drinking excessively Answer preview: Word: 900

Analyze the causes and results of the Haitian Revolution.

Analyze the causes and results of the Haitian Revolution. analyze the causes and results of the Haitian Revolution. Consider the social, economic and political issues prior to the revolution and the legacy of the revolution. Draw on the class readings as well as the primary documents below (please see attachments for documents) Also please find … Read more

You are being challenged to view a data breach from two distinct yet opposing viewpoints

You are being challenged to view a data breach from two distinct yet opposing viewpoints . Research a well understood data breach that occurred in the past 24 months. Write one paragraph on the surrounding facts from the organizations perspective as to what took place, what data was compromised, and what the implications are to … Read more

Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health: Request for Funding

Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health: Request for Funding Instructions Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a grant proposal to secure funding for future climate change related emerging environmental health issues in your community. The first step is to persuade the Board of Directors that funding is needed and your time will be … Read more

Comparisons of the Religions and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

Comparisons of the Religions and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave Short essays- you may use parenthetical citations for the Main text and the Reader as follows: (MT p. number) or Reader p. number). If you use a secondary source please include a works cited page including citation of this source in body of the paper. … Read more

Discuss what the organization can do to improve the reliability of the equipment

Discuss what the organization can do to improve the reliability of the equipment Reliability is the probability that a machine, part, or product will function properly for a specified amount of time. A machine, part, or product can be designed and maintained to meet an expected level of reliability. In this activity, we will explore … Read more

 What are 3PL firms?

 What are 3PL firms? 1. What are 3PL firms? 2. Assess the reasons for using third party logistics service in Saudi Arabia? Using examples, Explain 3.Reasons why third party logistics arrangement are not always successful?   Answer preview: Word: 1,000

What Happens When the Hippocampus is Removed

What Happens When the Hippocampus is Removed Subject: Re: watch ‘what happens when you remove the hippocampus” by sean kean. In 1953 h.m. underwent experimental brain surgery and after he could no longer remember new info. After viewing the video write a one page response discussing this situation.   Answer preview: Word: 900

Apply essential elements of core logistic and supply chain management principles.

Apply essential elements of core logistic and supply chain management principles. Learning Outcome: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of how global competitive environments are changing supply chain management and logistics practice. 2. Apply essential elements of core logistic and supply chain management principles. 3. Analyze and identify challenges and issues pertaining to logistical processes.. Critical Thinking … Read more

Describe and reflect on your own personality.

Describe and reflect on your own personality. Part II Conduct an interview with an older individual and write a four page paper detailing your experience. Ask them to tell you their life story. Begin the paper by describing who you interviewed, how you met them or know them. Based on your interview, assess their personality … Read more

Creation of a Free and Equal Society

Creation of a Free and Equal Society i need you to write an essay and answer 3 of 6 questions from the book called “give me my liberty”, Also you need to rely more on my class notes rather than the book to write the essay question. however the 3 other question you should answer … Read more

Development through the Lifespan

Development through the Lifespan you can see chapter Development through the lifespan in psychology in everyday life textbook   Answer preview: Word:300

please write essay about ( The Brain and Psychological Processes )

please write essay about ( The Brain and Psychological Processes )   please write essay in word , the essay should include some psychology theories   Answer preview: Word:300

What did you learn about your own preferred influence strategies?

What did you learn about your own preferred influence strategies? Complete the following assessments: Gaining Power and Influence Using Influence Strategies Respond to the following in a reflection: What did you learn about your own preferred influence strategies? How do these strategies affect your own success or challenges within your own work or school environment? … Read more

Coffee Shop Field Site Reports

Coffee Shop Field Site Reports 1. How would you characterize the social networks in your field site? For example, are the ties strong or weak? Did you observe a lot of social capital or not much? Is there much homophily? How do you think the nature of the networks in your field site shapes the … Read more

Ethical Issues in Advertising

Ethical Issues in Advertising Using an academic online Library, locate an article that discusses an area of interest to you around the concept of advertising. This article might include current trends in advertising, advertising effectiveness, issues within marketing, and ethical implications of advertising. Note that these are simply ideas; please expand upon the ideas while … Read more

Why Nations trade?

Why Nations trade? Answer preview: Word:450

Describe positive ways in which you can create a professional social media presence.

Describe positive ways in which you can create a professional social media presence. Describe ways in which your social media presence today could impact your future career opportunities.   Answer preview: Word: 400

Which type of pollution would be the most manageable at the individual level?

Which type of pollution would be the most manageable at the individual level? Please watch the videos to answer the following https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKBVwX8dVhI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CSm4GG2VrU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWCREZ0UPIg Of these three types of pollution, which type of pollution do you believe you could influence most? Which type of pollution would be the most manageable at the individual level? Explain … Read more

Causes and Consequences of Innovation Failure at JCPenney (JCP)

Causes and Consequences of Innovation Failure at JCPenney (JCP) Read the Chapter 13 Mini-Case: An Innovation Failure at JCPenney: Its Causes and Consequences Respond to question 2: Do the innovations implemented by JCP sound interesting to you? Would you shop at a store with these features? Why or why not? Use examples and illustrations from your personal experience. … Read more

Discuss two examples to illustrate the Jockey Clubs powerful influence over French opera.

Jockey Club’s Influence on French Opera Discuss two examples to illustrate the Jockey Clubs powerful influence over French opera.   Answer preview: Word: 700

Evaluate your impression of international juvenile justice and violent crime.

Evaluate your impression of international juvenile justice and violent crime. Read the United Nations Fact Sheets on Youth (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Based on this information, evaluate your impression of international juvenile justice and violent crime. Analyze cultural perspectives of the courts and corrections for juveniles who commit violent acts by indicating … Read more

Describe how improving human capital increases wages

Describe how improving human capital increases wages The motivation for many people pursuing a college degree is to improve their human capital. Describe how improving human capital increases wages. In your description, be sure to address the marginal product of labor. Explain how rising wages could lead to a backward bending supply of the labor … Read more

Social Learning Theory

Social Learning Theory Please use the word document I uploaded for terminology required to do this paper and the readings to help write the paper. Here are the requirements for the paper listed below. 1) any event that has been covered by the media in terms of prejudice is not allowed 2) any event that … Read more

Exercise-Based Interventions for Rehabilitation Programs

Exercise-Based Interventions for Rehabilitation Programs Using the research article selected for DQ 1, identify three key questions you will ask and answer when reading the research study and why these questions are important. When responding to peers, provide other questions and answers that could be considered in relation to the peers’ studies. The research article … Read more

Trading in a Pit Market-Discussion.

Trading in a Pit Market-Discussion. based on trading in pit market.You can watch now then after you can post your comment.Please note that this is for 2 marks.So dont forgate and post your comments. https://youtu.be/Ycz9NjDzPMY give a comment about this youtube. i need it within 10 hours here is one of my college comment: At … Read more

How the “Foreigners ” Were Treated by the Whites in the Gold Mining Areas

How the “Foreigners ” Were Treated by the Whites in the Gold Mining Areas How did the white miners treat “foreigners” like Hispanics, Indians, and Chinese in the gold mining areas? How did the whites justify their actions?   Answer preview: word: 550

Explain the Importance of Critical Thinking on Decision Making

Explain the Importance of Critical Thinking on Decision Making First – Give your opinion on whether being an effective critical thinker makes decision making easier or more challenging. Talk about concrete decisions you had to or will have to make. Justify your response Second – Consider the following statement: “The major difference between a successful … Read more

Role of Access Control System in Ensuring Physical Security

Role of Access Control System in Ensuring Physical Security Research how organizations Access Control Policy builds enforcement measures to ensure their access control system is effective and safe.   Answer preview: Word: 1000

Discussion-Labor Performed by Enslaved Africans in British North America

Discussion-Labor Performed by Enslaved Africans in British North America Describe the labor that enslaved Africans performed in British North America. Be certain to delineate by region, developing economy, gender and generation. Describe various working conditions, work place relations and the results of this labor for masters and for the captives. Please if its possible use … Read more

Effects of Advances in IT and Communications on Global Competition

Effects of Advances in IT and Communications on Global Competition Explain how advances in information technology and communication have increased global competition for goods and services. How has the increased global competition, in turn, impacted brand parity, the need for customer engagement, and changes in channel power? Be specific by identifying examples to illustrate your … Read more

Similarities and Differences between Medieval Tournaments and Modern Sports

Similarities and Differences between Medieval Tournaments and Modern Sports Read the definition of “tournament.” Look at the 2 web sites. Write on the following topic: In what ways are medieval tournaments similar to modern sports such as football, soccer, baseball, and son on? In what ways are they different? Tournament, also called tourney, series of military exercises, probably … Read more

How to solve ethical dilemmas.

How to solve ethical dilemmas. formulate an ethical argument Essay   Answer preview: Word: 1250

Diversification Acquisitions-Discussion.

Diversification Acquisitions-Discussion. Diversification and acquisition create value by allowing companies to expand and grow their business to the extent that there are multiple businesses operating under one unit. When businesses diversify then they have multiple streams of revenue coming back into the same company all while acquiring a bigger footprint in their given market. Diversification … Read more