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Discuss two negative effects of social loafing.

 Discuss two negative effects of social loafing. Prompt: Discuss two negative effects of social loafing. Provide two ideas on how you could help a social loafer become motivated in the task and take responsibility. Answer preview: Word: 300

The Banking Concept of Education

The Banking Concept of Education Topic: Choose your own adventure Read the following chapter and write a substantive reaction paragraph to it. Avoid summary/synopsis. Discuss how it relates to your life. Identify how it connects to lecture and reading materials from this class. Connect the idea of Problem Posing Education and Walking on Water to our border crossing experiments. … Read more

Authoritarian Governments and Treaty of Versailles

Authoritarian Governments and Treaty of Versailles Compare and contrast the two types of authoritarian governments that arose after 1917, that is, communism and fascism. What were the origins of these governments, their accomplishments, and their failures? What accounts for the fact that the masses mobilized to support these movements? Elaborate. What were reasons that led … Read more

Understanding Human Rights, Power and Privilege

Understanding Human Rights, Power and Privilege Write a critical reflection of understanding Human Rights, Power, and Privilege in Roxbury neighborhood story. Link for the movie https://www.kanopy.com/wayf/product/holding-ground   Answer preview: Word: 400

Distinguish between various quality tools and visual aids applicable to service industries

Distinguish between various quality tools and visual aids applicable to service industries Forum Prompt: What quality techniques and tools used in service industries have you found to be different (or somewhat) different from those in manufacturing?   Answer preview: Word: 300

Define “Jurisdiction.” Define “Jurisdiction.”

Define “Jurisdiction.” Define “Jurisdiction.” On what bases could a private dispute be decided in Federal Court? What is the result of a Motion to Dismiss if the moving party is successful? Define “Enforcing a Judgment.” How does ADR compare to Civil Litigation? Answer preview: Word:650

The Use of Own Voice in Academic Writing

The Use of  Own Voice in Academic Writing http://www2.hawaii.edu/~sinavaia/ENG100/writing%20tips/metacomm/metacomm.htm Metacommentary Assignment Questions 1. What image of yourself did you hope to create in your readers minds? What specific words or sentences help you do that? Why do you seek this image? 2. What feelings do you hope to elicit? (Empathy? Mirth? Shock ?Anger? Etc.) How? … Read more

Advice on Effective Interpersonal Communication

Advice on Effective Interpersonal Communication For this assignment, you will write a letter of advice to either a newly engaged couple or a group of coworkers. Imagine that either the engaged couple or coworkers hear that you are taking a course in interpersonal communication and want advice regarding how to communicate in their personal or … Read more

Has your country(USA) ever gone to war with or invaded

Has your country(USA) ever gone to war with or invaded Please write this  research paper . The main focus of the question is the United States of America. This research paper must have at least 3 citations, with at least 1 from a peer reviewed source (not Wikipedia, the encyclopedia or other online tourism or … Read more

Healthcare Policy in United States

Discuss Donald Trump’s new input on healthcare policy as it compares to Obamacare     Answer preview: Word: 600

What are the methods a nurse can use to gather cultural information from patients?

What are the methods a nurse can use to gather cultural information from patients? How does cultural competence relate to better patient care? Discuss the ways in which a nurse demonstrates cultural competency in nursing practice. Please use the APA style 6th edition.   Answer preview: Word: 500

Using Your Own Voice in Academic Writing

Using Your Own Voice in Academic Writing Take a paragraph from one of the articles that you have read or used for the Article Summaries. Write it in a “dressed down” version and post it to our discussion board. This will give you great practice in paraphrasing for your paper. The second assignment is a … Read more

United States of America v. Lori Drew-cyberbullying

United States of America v. Lori Drew-cyberbullying Final Project In the final assignment for this class, you will research a court case in which the defendant is charged with cyberbullying or cyberstalking. The court case must have been tried within the United States. Also, there must have been an actual trial; plea bargains or other truncated cases are … Read more

Select an evaluation model that you determine has the most applicability and relevance to criminal justice policy today.

Select an evaluation model that you determine has the most applicability and relevance to criminal justice policy today. Write a word paper summarizing the model you have chosen and provide an analysis and explanation for your choice. Include the following in your paper: A summary of the model An explanation of why your chosen model is the most … Read more

Why Privacy Matters

Why Privacy Matters Please watch and read the transcript to the TED Talk by Greenwald before responding to the following in at least three well-developed paragraphs: ●How does Greenwald situate himself in the global debate surrounding privacy? What is this debate and how does he challenge a “common sentiment/worldview/mentality” that comes from it? ●How does … Read more

Yummy Bunny Pastries

Yummy Bunny Pastries Yummy Bunny Pastries Case Study Bunny Frank’s pastry business has been doing well since you helped her understand the role of production management in a successful business. Her output and sales have grown, and she has hired several employees. Recently, though, several of her longtime customers have mentioned that, from time to … Read more

What, according to Al-Farabi, is a religion?

What, according to Al-Farabi, is a religion? What, according to Al-Farabi, is a religion? How, for Al-Farabi, do religions relate to philosophies? And what political and epistemological significance does Al-Farabi attach to religions’ use of poetical and rhetorical methods of instruction? (70%) 2. According to Avicenna: under what conditions will the human faculty of under- … Read more

Marketing Strategy for smart devices.

Marketing Strategy for smart devices. i posted all the files needed for this case study Answer preview:   Word: 1,100

Evaluation of a Criminal Justice Policy

Evaluation of a Criminal Justice Policy Select an evaluation model that you determine has the most applicability and relevance to criminal justice policy today. Write a paper summarizing the model you have chosen and provide an analysis and explanation for your choice. Include the following in your paper: A summary of the model An explanation of why … Read more

Discussion topic: Family Support Systems and Ethical Issues

Discussion topic: Family Support Systems and Ethical Issues This week, you will discuss the advantages and potential problems associated with developing family support systems. Clients who you see in your human service settings will usually report having some or no family support, unless they are receiving mental health or substance abuse service. Often, those who … Read more

Discuss what are the essential conditions for successful team performance?

Discuss what are the essential conditions for successful team performance? prompt: Discuss what are the essential conditions for successful team performance? Provide rationale behind your responses. What does success in a team look like at where you work?   Answer Preview: Word: 300  

IT Centralization versus Decentralization

IT Centralization versus Decentralization Using your organization or an organization you are familiar with, describe your IT decision making. You have been tasked with the job of reviewing the current IT decision making structures at your organization. Your review must include the details of who decides that an IT change/addition needs to be made AND … Read more

Sphere of Influence: Social Change

Sphere of Influence: Social Change Sphere of influence: Social change Write a detailed paragraph describing the change you would like to see in the world and what actions you took this week to work towards that change. You should be able to identify the way you influenced the behaviors and beliefs of people you do … Read more

Discuss the best practices for IT infrastructure security polices in domains other than the User Domain.

Discuss the best practices for IT infrastructure security polices in domains other than the User Domain. Assignment Requirements Please respond to the following prompt: “Discuss the best practices for IT infrastructure security polices in domains other than the User Domain. Address THREE of the following topics in your initial response: IT framework selection Policy flexiblity … Read more


OLAYAN GROUP ENTERPRISE Assignment Workload: After completion of this assignment students will able to Do report writing with proper introduction and conclusion. Analyse the topic of his/her report with the help of SWOT analysis. Evaluate the political economic challenges faced by the concerned MNE. Assignment Outcomes: • The Project is assigning on an individual assignment. … Read more

What role does data analytics play in shaping of an industry?

What role does data analytics play in shaping of an industry? Question 1: What role does data analytics play in shaping of an industry? Refer the text above and offer your understanding of it from the perspective of shipping industry. 2 Marks. Use at least 2 academic references using APA-style. Question 2: What would happen … Read more

Analyze Drug Abuse Control in America

Analyze Drug Abuse Control in America This week your research paper rough draft is due. Be sure to take a close look at the attached MLA Sample Research Paper. You should replicate this format in your rough draft. In order to receive the best feedback, you submit a full draft that is 4-5 pages in … Read more

Explain the importance of the following innovations to British industrialization

Explain the importance of the following innovations to British industrialization Q1: Explain the importance of the following innovations to British industrialization: the Newcomen steam pump, which led to the Watt Steam engine, and Henry Cort’s reverberatory furnace. Q2: Explain the changes in the cotton textile industry in the eighteenth century. Quantify the impact of these … Read more

Research screening tools for depression and anxiety.

Research screening tools for depression and anxiety. 1. Research screening tools for depression and anxiety. Choose one screening tool for depression and one screening tool for anxiety that you feel are appropriate to screen KB. Explain why you chose that particular tool for KB. Score KB based on the information provided (not all data may … Read more

In the Futurist Manifesto, what is Marinetti’s attitude towards art,

In the Futurist Manifesto, what is Marinetti’s attitude towards art, In the Futurist Manifesto, what is Marinetti’s attitude towards art, tradition, and modern life (modernity)? How does this compare to other statements by artists and critics that you have read (Gericault, Gautier, Baudelaire, etc.) in terms of the prescriptions for art and artists, as well … Read more

Analyze and identify challenges and issues pertaining to logistical processes.

Analyze and identify challenges and issues pertaining to logistical processes. Learning Outcome: 1. Analyze and identify challenges and issues pertaining to logistical processes. 2. Apply essential elements of core logistic and supply chain management principles. 3. The capacity to write coherent project about actual logistic case studies. Assignment Workload: This assignment is an individual assignment. … Read more

Geriatric Assessment Tools

Geriatric Assessment Tools The two assessment tools are: General practitioner assessment of cognition (GPCOG) Primary care PTSD screen (PC-PTSD) Choose two assessment tools that are appropriate for primary care (excluding depression, anxiety and pain screening tools) and discuss the following: explain the purpose of the tool scoring guidelines how you apply the assessment in practice … Read more

The Problem of External Stakeholders to a Project

The Problem of External Stakeholders to a Project Now that you have completed a series of assignments that have led you into the active project planning and development stage for your project, briefly describe your proposed solution to address the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and how it has changed since you first … Read more

Describe your current knowledge regarding drugs and alcohol

Describe your current knowledge regarding drugs and alcohol Sports Management: Describe your current knowledge regarding drugs and alcohol. Elaborate as much as possible on specific drugs. What influences you to use or not use drugs and/or alcohol? Describe your beliefs, ideas, and situations that influence this decision. How did your parents and/or older siblings influence … Read more

Increasing Troubles at Tesla

Increasing Troubles at Tesla The link to the article on the New York Times is: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/06/business/energy-environment/tesla-stock-strategy.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FConsumer%20Behavior&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection Choose one article within the last 3 months about Marketing consumer behavior and write two paragraphs about it. It should include a link to the Article or the article on a different doc and give your thoughts on it. … Read more

Analyze Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and the policies he used to rule Germany

Analyze Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and the policies he used to rule Germany Analyze Adolph Hitler‘s rise to power and the policies he used to rule Germany. The following statement was taken from a contemporary account of Germany in 1939: “Though the Fuhrer’s anti-Semitic program furnished the National Socialist party in the first instances … Read more

Lesson Plan-Development in children.

Lesson Plan-Development in children. For this assignment, you will be using information from this module’s articles and our textbook to create a lesson plan using a free downloadable template. Your lesson should be developmentally appropriate for the age you choose (please indicate the age group or grade); you will need to demonstrate an understanding for the … Read more

Describe various Influences on the Constitution

Describe various Influences on the Constitution Subject: Re: Influences on the Constitution Answer preview: Word:1,300

Explain Thomas jefferson political in England in 1700 and the political of British and the political of United States.

Explain Thomas jefferson political in England in 1700 and the political of British and the political of United States.     Answer preview: Slides: 3

Discussion on Global Economic and Political Issues

Discussion on Global Economic and Political Issues The importance of trade continues to be a debated topic because the gains are not always quantifiable by those involved. Some would argue that due to a significant difference in wages and regulations, free trade is not always fair trade and that free trade agreements are used by … Read more

My First Experience of Using a Computer and Use of the Internet

My First Experience of Using a Computer and Use of the Internet Using a Microsoft Word document, please describe your first experience with a computer and with use of the internet. In this, and all future writing assignments, please save and submit all your work as a Microsoft Word file (unless otherwise appropriate, e.g. Microsoft … Read more

Case Study 1: The Curious Case of Gary McKinnon

Case Study 1: The Curious Case of Gary McKinnon Subject: Re: Case Study 1: The Curious Case of Gary McKinnon. ccjs 390 (cyber crime and security ) Alleged computer hacker Gary McKinnon of the United Kingdom has publicly admitted to compromising computer systems belonging to NASA and the Department of Defense. Using information from your … Read more

Ways in Which Neighborhood Composition and Segregation Shapes Inequality

Ways in Which Neighborhood Composition and Segregation Shapes Inequality In these short reflections, I expect you to synthesize and reflect on readings and lecture material to respond to the prompt. You can draw on material from outside class, but it is not necessary. Week 9 Prompt: Consider the ways in which neighborhood composition and segregation … Read more

What is different about the educational system of the United States and United Kingdom?

What is different about the educational system of the United States and United Kingdom? The main focus of the question is the United States of America and the United Kingdom.This research paper must have at least 3 citations, with at least 1 from a peer reviewed source (not Wikipedia, the encyclopedia or other online tourism … Read more

Subject: Research paper on attack on website

Internal Revenue Service Phishing Attack Subject: Re: Research paper on attack on website Prepare a research paper that describes a recent attack on a web site. Your paper should describe an attack that has occurred within the last two years. You must describe the type of attack, what could have been done to mitigate the … Read more

Discuss a recent fiscal policy employed by the government.

Discuss a recent fiscal policy employed by the government. Government regularly uses fiscal and monetary policy in an attempt to influence the economy. Discuss a recent fiscal policy employed by the government. Describe, using economic theory from the module and your own research, how that policy is expected to affect the economy. Discuss how crowding … Read more

Imposing Criminal Responsibility

Imposing Criminal Responsibility Your text indicates that one of the most difficult problems in imposing criminal responsibility for the crime of attempt is determining when a suspect has crossed the line from mere preparation or planning of a crime to “attempting” the crime and sets forth various tests used to determine when the actus reus of attempt … Read more

Create an outline of an employee engagement plan to create optimal engagement.

Create an outline of an employee engagement plan to create optimal engagement. Imagine that you hold a leadership position within an organization. Create an outline of an employee engagement plan to create optimal engagement, retainment, and productivity. You might consider methods of engaging staff through orientation, decision making, focus groups, etc. Select and describe at … Read more

Explain the benefits of PTO.

Explain the benefits of PTO. Organizations do not generally generate revenues when employees are not working and productive, so it is advantageous to keep employees healthy, engaged, and excited about their jobs and their work. Additionally, employees require some type of paid-time off benefit to recharge and reinvigorate their efforts and motivation. Elements you may … Read more

Mark Klein and Whistleblowing at NSA

Mark Klein and Whistleblowing at NSA Watch the enclosed YouTube Video and do an Internet search on Mark Klein and Whistleblowing at NSA and then answer the following questions. 1. Of course, this is not the only instance of someone “going public”; the former NSA employee Edward Snowden allegedly did something much more serious recently. Do … Read more