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Lessons from the Exoneration of Anthony Ray Hinton

Lessons from the Exoneration of Anthony Ray Hinton In 1985, Anthony Ray Hinton was arrested for the murder of two fast food restaurant workers in Birmingham, Alabama. For these crimes, he was sentenced to death, and spent 28 years on death row, awaiting the electric chair. There was a problem, however. Mr. Hinton was innocent. … Read more

Identify biblical principles that are asserted in teachings as related to leadership.

Identify biblical principles that are asserted in teachings as related to leadership. Prompt: Consider 2 Timothy 2:1-5. Identify biblical principles that are asserted in teachings as related to leadership. Think about how you could apply these ideas as you establish leadership principles. Answer preview: Words: 330

How can Josh win support for his team’s three-point plan to use technology to help IFG reach its customers?

How can Josh win support for his team’s three-point plan to use technology to help IFG reach its customers? Answer the following question: How can Josh win support for his team’s three-point plan to use technology to help IFG reach its customers? Mini Case Innovation at International Foods 2 Josh Novak gazed up at the … Read more

What is carbon tax?

What is carbon tax? What is carbon tax? Do you think it will change consumer/corporate behavior toward carbon emissions? Explain.   Answer preview: Words:270

Describe the evolution of the GATT agreement?

Describe the evolution of the GATT agreement? The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was created in 1947 as a multilateral treaty that allows states to enter into “reciprocity and mutual advantage”, in the negotiation of a “substantial reduction in customs tariffs and other impediments to trade.” Describe the evolution of the GATT agreement? … Read more


Subject: Re: Landmark us Supreme court cases Research landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases that addressed civil rights and slavery on the Important Supreme Court Cases for Civil Rights web page. Choose one for the basis of this assignment. Summarize the details of the case. Explain how the Bill of Rights addressed the facts of the case. Explain the outcome of the case. … Read more

Arguments Why Guns Should be Tightly Regulated

Arguments Why Guns Should be Tightly Regulated Subject: Re: Persuasive Outline-Gun Regulation Claim: Gun ownership should be tightly regulated. Reason: because doing so can reduce guns falling in the wrong hands and prevent tragedies. Answer preview: Words:800

Research on Mobile Security

Research on Mobile Security Subject: Re: Short research on Mobile security Prepare a research paper that describes a known problem with securing mobile communications. The paper may cover any number of topics that include unintended data leakage, poor authorization and authentication, broken cryptography, etc. Describe the potential security flaw and provide your recommendations to mitigate … Read more

Importance of Leadership Skills Training

Importance of Leadership Skills Training Prompt: “Leadership is not what you want. Leadership is about who you are.” How will this Master’s degree increase your ability to lead based on the above saying? Answer preview: Words: 300

How often do you rely on media for scientific information to make decisions in your life?

How often do you rely on media for scientific information to make decisions in your life? Unit 1 Discussion Where Do You Get Your Information From? To answer everyday questions, you turn to information that is made readily available to you at the click of a button. In today’s fast-paced world you are often bombarded … Read more

Addressing Barriers to Effective Communication

Discussion: Addressing Barriers to Effective Communication From moment to moment, a nurse leader’s day involves communication—with patients, families, colleagues, supervisors, and so on. Think of a particular day you spent working in a health care environment, and consider three or four distinct points in time. For each point of time, consider the following: With whom … Read more

Tangible Gifts as a Form of Appreciation at Work

Tangible Gifts as a  Form of Appreciation at Work Prompt: If you had an employee whose Language of Appreciation was tangible gifts, how would you best motivate them? Does “tangible gifts” mean that they only communicate by receiving things? Describe. Answer preview: Words:350

External Stressors in Adolescents

Describe two external stressors that are unique to adolescents. Discuss what risk-taking behaviors may result from the external stressors and what support or coping mechanism can be introduced. Answer preview: Words: 600

Develop new marketing strategy for Carpet Right company in the UK,

Develop new marketing strategy for Carpet Right company in the UK, Carpet Right Marketing strategy Description need Porters 5 forces analysis?   You need to develop new marketing strategy for Carpet Right company in the UK, give samples of that strategy and provide porters 5 forces model and some more theory that You feel is relevant. … Read more

Reasons against Gun Control-For or Against Gun Control, Why and Why not?

Reasons against Gun Control For or Against Gun Control, Why and Why not? Answer preview Word:  1,500

How are third-party sources affecting Oreo’s image and consumer’s attitudes in a negative way?

Brand Assignment on Oreo Discuss the following: 1. How are third-party sources (‘earned media’) affecting Oreo’s image and consumer’s attitudes (including trust) in a negative way? 2. Discuss the importance of managing the brand’s (company’s) communication (‘owned media’ and ‘paid media’) and the communication from other sources (‘earned media’ – publicity via traditional and online … Read more

What an Effective Community Oriented Policing Program Looks Like

What an Effective Community Oriented Policing Program Looks Like Community Policing – W4 Assignment – Midterm What an Effective Community-Oriented Policing Program Looks LikeFor this week’s assignment assume that you are a police chief in a medium size part urban, part suburban police department. There is no community-oriented policing effort in your town at this … Read more

The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”

The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” Essay 2: The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” The process of characterization is that which every author uses to make, build, or create a character. In most cases this process is carried out in three ways: 1) the author has the character say things that tell us … Read more

Customs and Folktales in Chinese Festivals

Discuss Customs and Folktales in Chinese Festivals Please use at least 3 different sources from the required readings in weekly agenda to discuss one or two customs and the folktale associated with the Chinese festivals we went over: Yuanxiao Festival (Lantern Festival), Qingming Festival (Pure Brightness Festival) and Duanwu Festival (Dragon Boat Festival) in terms of its origin and its … Read more

Employee Privacy Versus Security in Organizations

Employee Privacy Versus Security in Organizations Choose ONE of the privacy or security considerations . Summarize the information as if you are teaching a new employee about the topic. Answer preview: Words:350

Explain the importance of employee benefits in an organization.

Explain the importance of employee benefits in an organization. The Importance of Employee Benefits as a Strategic Component of Fulfilling the Goals Of HRM At Genentech And Zappos Answer preview: Words:1200

Research and explain the Dickey Amendment

Research and explain the Dickey Amendment Subject: Re: Research and explain the Dickey Amendment Research and explain the “Dickey Amendment,” including its history, as well as the reason it was adopted. Provide your analysis of the amendment, including arguments for and against it, as well as its consequences. Define your position on the amendment, providing … Read more

The Johnson Amendments

The Johnson Amendments Subject: Re: What is the “Johnson Amendment?” What is the “Johnson Amendment?” Explain its history, as well as the arguments pro and con regarding it. What has President Trump said and done about the amendment? What is its legal status now? Be specific in your answer Answer preview: These amendments were introduced … Read more

Quakers, Baptists and Methodists

Quakers, Baptists and Methodists Subject: Re: Quakers Baptists and Methodists here is a link on quakers https://www.nps.gov/wori/learn/historyculture/quaker-influence.htm Use full sentences for all answers. List 3 beliefs of the Quakers List 3 beliefs of the Baptists List 3 beliefs of the Methodists Describe 2 ways Quakers adapted in America Describe 2 ways Baptists adapted in America … Read more

Article Summary Worksheet

Article Summary Worksheet Directions :Complete the following information for your chosen article. Include a correct MLA works cited entry for citation. Reference PURDUE OWL and your Little Seagull Handbook. Answer preview: Words:800

Definition of Legal Terms

Definition of Legal Terms Define EACH of the following Terms: Legally enforceable Bilateral Contract Express Contract UCC Promissory Estoppel answer preview: Words:1050

The Potential of Films in Transforming Political Sensitivities

The Potential of Films in Transforming Political Sensitivities share whether or not you believe film has the potential to transform one’s political sensibilities.And if you believe that your personal sensibilities have been (re)shaped or transformed by a particular film, say so.The objective here is to share your thoughts pertaining to the major thesis presented in … Read more

Alcoholism feasibility Study

Alcoholism feasibility Study Regarding the first part, I got 9 out of 10 in the drafting (topic) first paragraph( Attached Doc Alcoholism). But the second part “feasibility study”, got a zero with this feed back “Determine whether he/she has the ability to Satisfactorily complete Term Project.” Can you fix/edit it please for me? Attached find feasibility … Read more

The Everest Simulation Project

How effective was your Everest Team in decision-making How effective was your Everest Team in decision-making? What struggles did the team face while working through the Everest Simulation? What could have been done differently that would have ensured team success? Where could have been more empathetic towards your team members? Requirements: Each paper submitted in … Read more

Bed and Breakfast Business Plan

Bed and Breakfast Business Plan Subject: Re: Write a creative brief directed to an outside marketing or advertising agency for the purpose of promoting your (Bed & breakfast or Small hotel DEVELOP A CREATIVE BRIEF A creative brief is a structured document whose purpose is to communicate quickly and concisely to anyone who might be … Read more

The Case for Business Ethics

The Case for Business Ethics Critically think (analyze, evaluate, synthesize) about key concepts in the chapters assigned for the week. Critical Thinking involves analysis, evaluation, and a synthesizing of facts, ideas, opinions, and theories (Jones, 2013). For your paper: Identify key concepts, models or theories from assigned chapters(select from weeks 1,2,3) AND how can you … Read more

Research on Psychological Disorders

Research on Psychological Disorders Choose research paper   Answer preview: Word: 1,750

Select a community of interest in your region. Perform a physical assessment of the community.

Select a community of interest in your region. Perform a physical assessment of the community. select a community of interest in your region. Perform a physical assessment of the community. Perform a direct assessment of a community of interest using the “Functional Health Patterns Community Assessment Guide.” Interview a community health and public health provider … Read more

IT Demand Management

Subject: Re: IT Demand Management After reading Chapter 18 of James D. McKeen, Heather A. Smith, IT Strategy: Issues and Practices, Third Edition. Pearson, 2015, ISBN-13 978-0-13-354424-4. (Managing IT Demand) discuss what you believe is the biggest challenge at your organization in regards to Managing your IT Demand. Consider, healthcare organization that processes/ adjudicates medical or … Read more

Write about The African Dream

Write about The African Dream Movie 1- Gran Torino (opens in a new window) Movie 2- Good Will Hunting (opens in a new window) Post your persuasive paragraph in this forum and explain your choice to your group (click on the forum name & create a new thread, not a new forum). Your explanation should include … Read more

Discuss how the religious and social issues of Europe helped to define and segregate the early American colonies.

American History Discuss how the religious and social issues of Europe helped to define and segregate the early American colonies. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.   Answer preview: Word: 300

Reflection on Business Ethics

Reflection on Business Ethics business ethics   Answer preview: Word: 500

What are the ethical implications of artificial intelligence according to virtue ethics?

What are the ethical implications of artificial intelligence according to virtue ethics? Subject: Re: Artificial Intelligence and Virtue Ethics What are the ethical implications of artificial intelligence according to virtue ethics? what does artificial intelligence tell us about what it means to be human? If machines could be programmed to understand emotions, what would that … Read more

Evaluate effectiveness of therapeutic approaches for clients receiving psychotherapy

Evaluate effectiveness of therapeutic approaches for clients receiving psychotherapy DISCUSSION: CLINICAL SUPERVISION Clinical Supervision is an essential component of your development as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. It provides an opportunity for professional collaboration as you share experiences with and gain insights from colleagues. For this Clinial Supervision, consider a client whom you do … Read more

Cloud computing is being used by more small companies, is it risky?

Cloud computing is being used by more small companies, is it risky? cloud computing are being used by small businesses as it got more affordable as well. Are these risks more with each cloud market segment. so need to do a paper on it, for more information see the attachment Answer preview: Word: 1,100

Do you believe nurses should have a role in elderly healthcare policy?

Do you believe nurses should have a role in elderly healthcare policy? Topic: Topic: Do you believe nurses should have a role In elderly healthcare policyDo you believe nurses should have a role In elderly healthcare policy   Answer preview: Word: 450

Describe Kelly’ project in the book.

Describe Kelly’ project in the book. describe Kelly’ project in the book. (Hint: Introductions to books often end up being the place where an author lays out what he or she is setting out to do.) What does he mean by “Inevitable”? in another paragraph provide a summary of the first chapter “Becoming” . Identify … Read more

Independent Agencies: Environmental Protection Agency

Independent Agencies: Environmental Protection Agency Subject: Re: Independent Agencies You may wonder about this as an activity dealing with either “Congress” and/or “The Presidency.” Yet it is wholly appropriate, because for a federal administrative agency to exist, it must be established by Congress with an enabling act (and retains an oversight function), and the President, … Read more

Essay on Leadership

Essay on Leadership Select either (or both) of the assessments below and complete for yourself. Share your results in a paper that includes your self-identification of your leadership style. Based on your results and self-identification, determine the leadership style of your “invisible mentor.” An evaluation of your assessment results – do you agree? Why/Why not? … Read more

Do you believe nurses should have a role in elderly healthcare policy ?

Do you believe nurses should have a role in elderly healthcare policy ? Subject: Re: Promp. Do you believe nurses should have a role in elderly healthcare policy ? due 3pm 2pages Instruction: 5 paragraphs Persuasive essay 1- Introduction: 2,3 sentences 2,3- Body: 4 or more sentences 4: conclusion 3 sentences Topic: Do you believe … Read more

A Comparison of the U.S and Texas Constitutions

A Comparison of the U.S and Texas Constitutions List at least 3 characteristics that are unique to the U.S. Constitution. List at least 3 characteristics that are unique to the Texas Constitution. List at least 3 ways in which the two constitutions are similar. Why does the Tx Constitution have so many similarities with the … Read more

Social Learning Theory

Social Learning Theory Here are the requirements for the paper listed below. 1) any event that has been covered by the media in terms of prejudice is not allowed 2) any event that is obviously about prejudice is not allowed 3) you must use tangible examples of behavior as evidence 4) you must link behavior … Read more

Examine any legal implications in creating a training course that discusses culture. Identify what laws and regulations should be considered.

Examine any legal implications in creating a training course that discusses culture. Identify what laws and regulations should be considered. Final Paper The purpose of the Final Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge in the field of employee training through the … Read more

Surface and Groundwater Summary

Surface and Groundwater Summary comparing surface and groundwater. Include the following in your summary: An explanation of the hydrologic cycle Types of rivers and how they form How groundwater is stored Uses of both surface and groundwater How rivers, glaciers and groundwater are affected by climate change Cite references consistent with APA guidelines for all images and … Read more

Menand’s argument about privacy

Menand’s argument about privacy Louis Menand “Why Do We Care So Much About Privacy?” Read Louis Menand’s New Yorker article “Why Do We Care So Much About Privacy?” before responding to the following in at least three well-developed paragraphs:● In one paragraph summarize Menand’s argument about privacy today. ● In at least one other paragraph … Read more