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Describe a person who has had a positive influence on you.

Describe a person who has had a positive influence on you. After reading Chapters 4, 5, 6 in A Lesson Learned by Jeevan Brown, you are to respond to the following statement below: Describe a person who has had a positive influence on you. Tell what the person said or did to make an impact on your … Read more

Analysis of Russia’s National Resource Policy

Analysis of Russia’s National Resource Policy critically assess it through a presentation of the author’s main idea(s), strengths and weaknesses of the argument, historical and literary contexts, contemporary applications, and other salient themes. Outside research welcome to help sustain key points, but analysis and reflection is the top priority. Answer preview: Words:1200

Describe a specific activity or organization in which you were directly involved as a leader

Describe a specific activity or organization in which you were directly involved as a leader Describe a specific activity or organization in which you were directly involved as a leader. What ,challenges did you face, how did you resolve them, and what did you learn about yourself as a leader in the process? Further, include … Read more

Digital Terrorism and Criminology of Computer Crime

Essay on Digital Terrorism and Criminology of Computer Crime “Digital Terrorism and Criminology of Computer Crime” List at least three major categories of cyber terrorism and / or information warfare. Among the chosen categories, determine the one that should be the top priority for the federal government to address. Provide a rationale to support your … Read more

Comparing and Contrasting 1950s and 1960s

Comparing and Contrasting 1950s and 1960s Compare and contrast the 1960s with the conservative 1950s. However, you must also keep in mind this week’s reading on conservatism through the 1980s. Ultimately, how did these juxtapositions influence each other? Answer preview: Words:300

Define human error

Define human error Define human error, and explain the HFACS method used to classify human error and how HFACS can be both reactive and proactive. Remember, you must have a title page, 300 word body written in the third person, and at least two references. Answer preview: Words:300

Should the high school dropout minimum age be 18? What about 16? Or should there be one at all?

Should the high school dropout minimum age be 18? What about 16? Or should there be one at all? Please read the article submission and view the video posted by student presenter Browyn Dishun (Should the high school dropout age be raised to 18?) and after posting, respond to at least two other students. Should the high … Read more

Write an essay on a type of diversity and stratification in your town or city

Write an essay on a type of diversity and stratification in your town or city Write an essay on a type of diversity and stratification in your town or city. If you are from a rural area you may write about a nearby town/city (In the United States) that you are familiar with. you will focus on a … Read more

Discuss what is meant by the FEMA Whole Community approach,

Discuss what is meant by the FEMA Whole Community approach,  and explain whether or not you think such an approach is beneficial to emergency management efforts. Answer preview: Word: 300

What were the issues on appeal raised by Sitz in the Michigan appellate court?

What were the issues on appeal raised by Sitz in the Michigan appellate court? It is unusual when a case proceeds through both the state and federal court systems. Read each of the court decisions identified below that discuss Michigan State Department of Police v. Sitz. This case involves the use by Michigan of driving under … Read more

My Response to the Article

My Response to the Article The themes shared are despair and determination. In episode 4 The New Latinos The economy is at risk when the Puerto Rican government sets a historic overhaul over millions and more of Puerto Ricans wanting to leave for the US mainland. Refugees trying to make a living, for example Manuel … Read more

Essay topic :The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation

Essay topic :The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation Subject: Re: The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable … Read more

Do we need re-secularization of Politics in Europe?

Do we need re-secularization of Politics in Europe?   Answer preview: Word:850

Create a Gantt chart that reflects your completed and planned activities for the party planning process and put your manager’s mind at ease.

Create a Gantt chart that reflects your completed and planned activities for the party planning process and put your manager’s mind at ease. 🔵 Imagine that there is an important investor coming to visit your company to decide whether or not to add a much-needed infusion of capital, and you’ve been put in charge of … Read more

What is ischemic strokes, Risk factors/causes, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment option.

What is ischemic strokes, Risk factors/causes, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment option. Subject: Re: Ischemic strokes you have heading for each paragraph and it looks confusing.   would be able to add a few more sentence for the introduction such as how stroke is the leading cause of death and disability in the United States or world wide.. Focus … Read more

Ways to Encourage Creativity and Innovation in English Classes

Ways to Encourage Creativity and Innovation in English Classes .You’ve been selected as part of a pilot program to be a “Professor for a Day” at our ENG 105: English Composition class. You have 3-4 pages to write your lesson, as if you were teaching it to your peers. The lesson’s goal is to propose … Read more

An analysis of the DHS

An analysis of the DHS please research the role, mission, duties, and responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security. Please be sure to address why this entity was formed, what responsibilities it has, its enabling legislation, and law enforcement agencies that have been acquired through the creation of the DHS. Discuss how the DHS prepares … Read more

Does border fencing work? Why or why not?

Does border fencing work? Why or why not? Answer preview: Word: 650

Identify themes discussed in the film with the chapter Revolution in Chasteen’s Born in Blood and Fire

Identify themes discussed in the film with the chapter Revolution in Chasteen’s Born in Blood and Fire Directions: Watch the following film PBS Latino Americans (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and identify themes discussed in the film with the chapter Revolution in Chasteen’s Born in Blood and Fire and lecture PPT. Episode 4: The New Latinos: 20:43-46:26 [cite: … Read more

Personal Code of Technology Ethics

Personal Code of Technology Ethics This assignment may be completed as an audio file, a podcast or a written script. First, summarize how technology has changed the work of law enforcement professionals in the past two to three decades. Consider new types of crime or ways crimes are committed and how criminals are found, arrested, … Read more

Accrual Accounting

Accrual Accounting US GAAP mandates for proper accrual journal entries to comply with the matching principle. Find an article that discusses how a business utilizes accrual journal entries. Then, present a summary of the article or provide a real-life example.   Answer preview: Word:  600

The Social Contract is Dead

This is an article about Philosophy-The Social Contract is Dead   Answer preview: Word: 1,700

Major Problems with Early Drug Use Prevention Programs

Major Problems with Early Drug Use Prevention Programs One of the biggest problems with early drug use prevention programs is that they tend to be largely based on threatening or trying to scare young people. This is often done by adults who have experimented with drugs themselves with few dire consequences. Kids tend to be … Read more

Drafting of the U.S Constitution

Drafting of the U.S Constitution on the creation and value of historical inquiry as it relates to the work you have done on your first two projects”…what does the first two projects relate to? This assignment provides you with an opportunity to brainstorm for and plan your Multimedia Presentation that you will create for Project … Read more

Assignment: Dealing with diversity in America from reconstruction through the 1920’s.

Assignment: Dealing with diversity in America from reconstruction through the 1920’s. Subject: Re: ASSIGNMENT 1: DEALING WITH DIVERSITY IN AMERICA FROM RECONSTRUCTION THROUGH THE 1920’s After the Civil War, the United States had to recover from war, handle western expansion, and grapple with very new economic forms. However, its greatest issues would revolve around the … Read more

2020 Presidential Candidates

Write an argument for why the students in class should vote for that particular candidate Subject: Re: A. Write an argument for why the students in class should vote for that particular candidate. Include Grounds Warrant and Claim and a source citation.B. For that candidate, write three resolutions: one fact, one value and one policy. … Read more

Arguments for Tighter Gun Regulation

Arguments for Tighter Gun Regulation Write an essay that persuades the reader to one side of a controversial topic. Build an argument that includes a claim with reasons. statistics to give credibility, imagery that evokes emotion, and a linked introduction and conclusion. Use at least four sources that are properly quoted and cited. citation is … Read more

Thicker Than Oil-a book by Rachel Bronson

Thicker Than Oil-a book by Rachel Bronson For the paper, students must summarize and explain the books contents with specific details. Get material only from the book, you must cover the assignment evenly. Dont write lots of info about only a few chapters and then skim the rest. The major challenge is to edit to … Read more

Behavioral Responses to Changes in Culture

Behavioral Responses to Changes in Culture words either agreeing disagreeing or relating toCulture plays an essential role in forming the society and the country. “Culture is the mechanism through which societies promote and achieve conformity of behavior, dress, language, expectations, and laws” (Culture and Conformity , 2019). “The culture of any society is reflected by … Read more

What is the difference between a value and a political ideology

What is the difference between a value and a political ideology Re: Federal Government – Test 2 from Chapters 5-8 of “We The People, Eleventh Essentials Edition. Benjamin Ginsberg, Theodore J. 1. Some contend that while Americans may be divided by ideology or opinion, they are united by fundamental political values. Describe these core values … Read more

Determine which retirement option(s) you would choose if you were this employee.

Determine which retirement option(s) you would choose if you were this employee. A new employee joins your company at age 24 making $40,000 per year. Currently, banks are paying 5% interest on saving accounts, and the rate of return on the company stock is 4% per year. During benefits enrollment, the employee stated that she would … Read more

Discuss how you would now determine if information is from a legitimate source.

Legitimate Sources of Information Discuss how you would now determine if information is from a legitimate source.   Answer preview: Word: 300

The colonies reduced political cartoon. What was going on around the time this was

The colonies reduced political cartoon. What was going on around the time this was Subject: Re: the colonies reduced political cartoon. what was going on around the time this was released and what does it symbolize in that time period.   Answer preview: Word: 1,200

Unit IV Assessment Question 3 (MDM)

Unit IV Assessment Question 3 (MDM) Considering how motivations and emotions can play a significant part in business decisions, outline the steps you would take as a business manager or owner to minimize the effects of these two factors on decision-making to help ensure more long-term benefits from decisions made by your team(s). Please ensure … Read more

Explain the White Threat in a Browning America

Explain the White Threat in a Browning America Then write and submit a synopsis, analysis and your well-thought opinion on the material   Answer preview: Word: 300

Discussion: Counseling Adolescents

Discussion: Counseling Adolescents The adolescent population is often referred to as “young adults,” but in some ways, this is a misrepresentation. Adolescents are not children, but they are not yet adults either. This transition from childhood to adulthood often poses many unique challenges to working with adolescent clients, particularly in terms of disruptive behavior. In … Read more

Select and discuss an ethical issue in research that may occur in your intended profession

Ethical Issue in Medical Research Select and discuss an ethical issue in research that may occur in your intended profession. Include how you would handle this situation.   Answer preview: Word: 300

Proposed Legislation

Proposed Legislation Go to the congress.gov (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. site and scroll to the bottom of the page, and from the “Site Content column at the far left of the page, select the “Legislation” link. There, in the left-hand column, under the “Congress” heading, select the “Show more” option, and then place … Read more

Discussion on Ockham’s razor

Discussion on Ockham’s razor As we have discovered in the readings for this Module (Categorical Logic), understanding the patterns of deductive reasoning lies at the very foundation of the ability to analyze arguments for strengths and weaknesses. In particular, using deductive reasoning can: 1) Illuminate and clarify our beliefs and help us consider whether those beliefs … Read more

How Globalization Has Affected Health in Russia

How Globalization Has Affected Health in Russia a brief summary on the effects of  globalization on health in Russia. Discuss one change in quality of life in  post-transition Russia. Also, explain one change in mortality in  post-transition Russia   Answer preview: Word: 700

Explain the role capitalism plays in corporate decision making.

Explain the role capitalism plays in corporate decision making. Explain the role capitalism plays in corporate decision making. Use at least two (2) quality references that are properly cited. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: This course requires use of APA writing style The specific course … Read more

How was lake Nyaima formed?

How was lake Nyaima formed? For Week Six’s blended time activity, as we have discussed in class, write YOUR OWN short story. First, think about the short stories that we have studied and other short stories that you may have read in the past. Second, write YOUR OWN short story while keeping the following parameters in mind: 1. the … Read more

Fed and the Crisis of 2008 by the economist Richard Fisher

write a summary about a talk on the Fed and the Crisis of 2008 by the economist Richard Fisher Subject: Re: write a summary about a talk on the Fed and the Crisis of 2008 by the economist Richard Fisher   Answer preview: Word: 1,200

Was the United States justified in bombing Hiroshima/Nagasaki during WWII?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing Was the United States justified in bombing Hiroshima/Nagasaki during WWII? Answer preview Word: 1000

Reflection on the Policy of Texas

Reflection on the Policy of Texas Texas political culture and politics have produced a unique constellation of public policies. Some (not surprisingly a fair number of Texans) have held Texas up as a model for the rest of the country citing its robust record in economic growth compared to the rest of the country. Critics … Read more

Identify two assigned short stories from the syllabus that share a similar theme.

Identify two assigned short stories from the syllabus that share a similar theme. Identify two assigned short stories from the syllabus that share a similar theme. Explain how, in each of the stories that you selected, a particular character communicates to us his or her reaction to a particular situation. How is this character’s reaction related to the theme … Read more

Report on Levels of Hospital Preparedness

Report on Levels of Hospital Preparedness The Center for Biosecurity evaluation report finds that the level of preparedness among hospitals has advanced substantially since the launch of the Hospital Preparedness Program in 2002. However, during catastrophic events such as earthquakes and hurricanes, individual hospitals within communities have to collaborate with the community’s emergency response team, … Read more

Fire at Grenfell Tower in London

Fire at Grenfell Tower in London Building construction issues Provide a link to an online article about a recent fire in which building construction issues contributed to the fire. (Examples: Ghost Ship Fire in Oakland and the Highrise Fire in London). Describe in your own words how building construction issues contributed to the spread of … Read more

How Leaders Should Handle Conflicts Within Teams

How Leaders Should Handle Conflicts Within Teams Prompt: After completing the lecture and reading assignments, response to the following task: What’s been your experience with conflict within a working team? What does research say about how leaders should handle conflict within teams? Where have you seen trust succeed or fail at your work place? How … Read more

Describe the importance of employee benefits as a strategic component of fulfilling the goals of HRM at Genentech and Zappos?

Human Resource Management Subject: Re: Describe the importance of employee benefits as a strategic component of fulfilling the goals of HRM at Genentech and Zappos? Case Study Imagine working in an organization where employee morale is low, turnover is high, and the costs of hiring are astronomical.If that were the case, you’d imagine the employer … Read more