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The Poetry Essay

The Poetry Essay First, explain in simple contemporary language what is going on in each set of lines (or stanza)—write as if this were being said today in a local club or bar. In other words, change the language here from that of late 19th century England to that of a club in your city or region … Read more

What is the “categorical imperative” according to Kant? Explain it fully.

What is the “categorical imperative” according to Kant? Explain it fully. What is the “categorical imperative” according to Kant? Explain it fully. (Hint: look at the 2 “formulations”) How does Kant’s “Deontological Ethics” challenge Hume’s ethical theory? Find a contemporary ethical issue going on right now in our society, or the world in general and … Read more

Important Parts of a Research Study

Important Parts of a Research Study ********* please respond to the discussion below add citations and references 🙂 ********** reading a study helps in the integration of rigorous and unbiased information sources. As one reads a particular study, questions arise. The possible questions for the presented research include that of, what are the limitations of … Read more

Subject: Re: Mexican Culture

Subject: Re: Mexican Culture Subject: Re: Mexican Culture In the report, you will provide details about the group’s geography, economy, language(s), religion(s), marriage and gender systems, and general cultural information. For this report please follow the Chicago style guide (see handouts on Canvas). Please list and number the following information: Name of Culture: Mexican Culture Geography and … Read more

The Future of Europe and The Modern State

Analyze The Future of Europe and The Modern State Subject: Re: analyze the content of the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIt3XcycTvA – the future of Europe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDnTshHdKjo – The Modern State   Answer preview: Word: 900

Write a paper on Racial Autobiography

Write a paper on Racial Autobiography Subject: Re: Racial Autobiography For personal nationality and religion or any information relating to the assignment ask me before you do it to include it in the paper. i think the assignment needs some personal information like my nationality and religion maybe.  I am from middle east, my religion … Read more

Civil Rights Movements

Answer the following questions on Civil Rights Movements 4. QUESTIONS Choice 1: Answer both questions. In each essay, I want to see engaging with one primary source to support your argument. Choice 2: Answer 1 question (out of the 2). In the essay, I want to see you engaging with two primary sources to support … Read more

Watch a documentary, then write a small report regards to the questions below:

Watch a documentary, then write a small report regards to the questions below:   The documentary is called obsessed from A&E TV series regard to OCD. Discuss your thoughts and observations about the two case studies presented about OCD. From a clinical perspective, did you feel that CBT was helpful in treating both of these … Read more

Research Paper about any current issues with Russia

Research Paper about any current issues with Russia analyse covering ongoing developments in Russia about categories listed below. 1. International Relations (with countries, regions, international organizations, etc.) 2. Domestic Politics (anything within Russia’s borders – governance,elections, trials, opposition movements, political blogging, etc. ) 3. Economy (energy issues, investment, stock market, etc. ) 4. Social Issues … Read more

Where have you recently witnessed informative speeches in your everyday life?

Where have you recently witnessed informative speeches in your everyday life? Where have you recently witnessed informative speeches in your everyday life? What type(s) of information were the speakers presenting? What other qualities made them informative (and not persuasive)? Are the lines blurred sometimes in your experience? If so, how so?   Answer preview: Word:650

What have you “cultivated” from TV and other media?

What have you “cultivated” from TV and other media? George Gerbner’s Cultivation Theory posits that media exposure leads us to “cultivate” certain perceptions, but it’s not immediate: it’s gradual, cumulative, and significant. What have you “cultivated” from TV and other media? Write a one page essay that explain how media have shaped your perception of … Read more

Networking Trends

Networking Trends Paper. Networking Trends Paper: In this paper, you will research and report on network design and management trends over the last three years (present year minus 2) in the areas of virtualization, security, hardware, network management tools, software defined networking, and wireless. Choose, at least, three areas and explain the general trend and trends … Read more

Essay-Manifest Destiny

Essay-Manifest Destiny Subject: Re: Although Americans perceived Manifest Destiny as a benevolent movement , it was in fact an aggressive imperialism pursued at the expense of others. Assess the validity of this statement with specific reference to American expansionism in the 1840’s.   Answer preview: Word: 550

What is David Hume’s main argument in this week’s reading?

What is David Hume’s main argument in this week’s reading? What is David Hume’s main argument in this week’s reading? Make sure you quote from the text! Further, what do you think? Do you make your ethical decisions/choices based on your emotions or your thoughts? Give an example from story that has taken place , … Read more

What happened to the representation of human form? Explain with 3 examples.

What happened to the representation of human form? Explain with 3 examples.   Book: Steve Edwards & Paul Wood, eds. Art and Visual Culture 1850-2010: Modernity to Globalization, Open University, 2012.   Answer preview: Word: 300

Write a response by the question

Write a response by the question Subject: Re: Write a response by the question This is example  The division of labor led to the start of commercial and professional cinema and encouraged the development of factory- oriented approach to film production. This approach had significant benefits for the industry. For instance, the division of about … Read more

Why did the institution of slavery command the loyalty of the vast majority of ante-bellum whites,

Antebellum Slavery Subject: Re: Why did the institution of slavery command the loyalty of the vast majority of ante-bellum whites, despite the fact that only a small percentage of them owned slaves Should include revenant and historical content, and should seek to analyze the Answer preview: Word: 550

Define succinctly utilitarianism, deontology, and contractarianism.

Define succinctly utilitarianism, deontology, and contractarianism. Define succinctly utilitarianism, deontology, and contractarianism. Which is most valid and/or beneficial? Why do you assert this? Answer preview: Words:600

.Explain the thinking behind quick response (QR) logistics.

Explain the thinking behind quick response (QR) logistics. 1.The manufacturing of products such as cars or computers has shifted from take-what-you-get to made- to-order. Identify three ways this change has been beneficial to the logistics management process. Document your sources. 2.Explain the thinking behind quick response (QR) logistics. How could QR help a retailer to … Read more

Discussion on Various Issues Regarding Christianity and the Bible

Discussion on Various Issues Regarding Christianity and the Bible Various Issues Regarding Christianity and the Bible Answer preview: Words:3600

Walk-Through Audit for a Local Service Business- Rok Bistro

Walk-Through Audit for a Local Service Business- Rok Bistro Identify possible service operation topics : service process, service encounters. Business link: http://www.rokbistro.com/about-rok/ Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/rok-bistro-sunnyvale-2 Answer preview: Words:650

Discusses four important issues that will shape compensation professionals’ work for years to come.

Discusses four important issues that will shape compensation professionals’ work for years to come. Discusses four important issues that will shape compensation professionals’ work for years to come. Which one of these issues stands to create the greatest uncertainty for compensation professionals? Explain your answer Answer preview: Words:650

Capital Punishment as an Ethical Challenge

Capital Punishment as an Ethical Challenge Topic: Choose a contemporary ethical challenge. This can be a political issue, such as climate change or gun control, or an issue people face in their personal lives, such as avoiding prejudice or being a good friend. Feel free to be creative 🙂 In the paper, compare and contrast … Read more

Discussion post: News Report: When Doctors Go Wrong

Discussion post: News Report: When Doctors Go Wrong Review the report and give your thoughts on Negligence Answer preview: Words:350

Create a PowerPoint on health promotion,

Create a PowerPoint on health promotion, The growth, development, and learned behaviors that occur during the first year of infancy have a direct effect on the individual throughout a lifetime. For this assignment, research an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants and develop a health promotion that can … Read more

write a page of summary and reflection on the Museum of Innocence organization generally

write a page of summary and reflection on the Museum of Innocence organization generally Please write a page of summary and reflection on the Museum of Innocence organization generally, and the Memorandum specifically. based on these links The Museum of Innocence web link: https://masumiyetmuzesi-en.myshopio.com/ A Modest “Manifesto for Museums”: https://masumiyetmuzesi-en.myshopio.com/page/a-modest-manifesto-for-museums FAQ: https://masumiyetmuzesi-en.myshopio.com/page/frequentlyaskedquestions About the audio guide: https://masumiyetmuzesi-en.myshopio.com/page/audioguide Answer preview: … Read more

What is meant by a disruptive technology?

What is meant by a disruptive technology? What is meant by a disruptive technology? Provide several examples; Include winners as well as losers. The minimum wage has been a part of recent discussion as it concerns government’s role in setting the minimum. Discuss the impact on a firms strategic planning process related to government mandates. … Read more

Explain the Challenges of Managing Accounts Receivable and Inventory for MNCs

Explain the Challenges of Managing Accounts Receivable and Inventory for MNCs Read the chapter and respond to the following in at least 3 well-developed paragraphs: ● What does Kelly mean by “Flowing”? How does is relate to “liquidity”? “Streaming”? ● Which of the eight generatives that Kelly claims are “better than free” do you put … Read more

What does Kelly mean by “Flowing”? How does is relate to “liquidity”?

What does Kelly mean by “Flowing”? How does is relate to “liquidity”? Read the chapter and respond to the following in at least 3 well-developed paragraphs: ● What does Kelly mean by “Flowing”? How does is relate to “liquidity”? “Streaming”? ● Which of the eight generatives that Kelly claims are “better than free” do you … Read more

All the President’s Men: The Role of Professional Journalism

  All the President’s Men: The Role of Professional Journalism I am going to give you the choice of watching one of the following movies and then sending me a reflection on them. You can watch any of the following, which are currently available as part of a Netflix subscription … “Kill the Messenger” “All … Read more

Salvation and Christianity-Essay Discussion.

Salvation and Christianity-Essay Discussion. From the two questions below, chose one as the subject of an essay of at least three hundred words. Your essays should draw on a variety of sources as well as your own ability to understand and interpret this material.Essays should be 300 or more words. One of the most important … Read more

Evaluate the Oregon Death with dignity act

Evaluate the Oregon Death with dignity act Evaluate the Oregon Death with dignity act. Does it present the slippery slope that Leon Kass suggests in reading 33? Or does it have appropriate safeguards? Or perhaps the law is too restrictive? Consider the amount of power the physician holds in this act. Is this appropriate? Would … Read more

The Mongol Invasions of the 13th Century CE positively impacted humanity.

The Mongol Invasions of the 13th Century CE positively impacted humanity. Citing specific examples, defend or refute one of the following statements: 1. The Mongol Invasions of the 13th Century CE positively impacted humanity. 2. History was made by civilizations in climate zones where agriculture was possible (e.g., Egypt, the Fertile Crescent, the Indo-Gangetic Plain, … Read more

What are some of the routines in health care that seem to be inefficient?

What are some of the routines in health care that seem to be inefficient? Based on the scientific management theory, what are some of the routines in health care that seem to be inefficient? What examples of participative decision making exist in your workplace? Provide your rationale Answer preview: Words:350

The Man He Killed Poem

The Man He Killed Poem Here is your ESSAY 4, the poetry essay. After reading the directions carefully, and when you are finished writing, please submit the essay for grading. ESSAY 4 DIRECTIONS First, explain in simple contemporary language what is going on in each set of lines (or stanza)—write as if this were being said today … Read more

Industrialization and the Modern State – The Creation of a Regulated Economy

Industrialization and the Modern State – The Creation of a Regulated Economy Subject: Re: ASSIGNMENT 2: Industrialization and the Modern State – THE Creation of a regulated Economy The United States went through dramatic economic change during and after the Civil War, as industrialization spread rapidly and changed society. This transformation and some of the … Read more

This portion of assignment will be a competition.

This portion of assignment will be a competition. This portion of assignment will be a competition. Next week you will “vote” on the best submission, but for this week, you will select your model “leader”. You only need to write your 250 word essay about your leader, why you selected them to win the competition, … Read more

Address the following in your presentation:

Address the following in your presentation: Address the following in your presentation: At least two examples of challenging situations that a marriage and family therapist might face in the next few decades. Suggestions regarding how to be prepared for the aforementioned challenges. A prediction in regards to what you consider to be the most exciting … Read more

Discuss The function of universality of management

 Discuss The function of universality of management Subject: Re: The function of universality of management Answer preview:   Words:600

Annotated Bibliography: Magical Realism

Annotated Bibliography: Magical Realism Module 6: Beginning the Documented Essay: Topic and Expectations Documented Essay Assignment and Topic We are ready to begin working on our research essay although it is not due for another week or more. We will all use the same topic, a simple one that is focused on explaining Magical Realism, … Read more

American Horse by Louise Erdrich

American Horse by Louise Erdrich American Horse by Louise Erdrich Answer preview: Words:350

“The Man He Killed” by Thomas Hardy

“The Man He Killed” by Thomas Hardy First, explain in simple contemporary language what is going on in each set of lines (or stanza)—write as if this were being said today in a local club or bar. In other words, change the language here from that of late 19th century England to that of a club in … Read more

Economics Assignment.

Economics Assignment. 1) Each May school districts across the state vote on their budget for the upcoming school year. Go to your home town’s school district web site and let me know what’s happened in their budget. Tax increase above the cap, spending cuts, or a balance of both. Your answer should give me your … Read more

Benjamin Franklin’s The Way to Wealth

Benjamin Franklin’s The Way to Wealth SUBJECT: Interpretive or Critical Paper Purpose This paper will help you practice gathering evidence to develop an in-depth exploration of a complex idea in a literary work. Topic “ The way To Wealth” Benjamin Franklin You can choose your own topic for this paper, as long as you focus on … Read more

Whistle-Blowing Program

Whistle-Blowing Program Organization Ethics Ethics play an essential role in an organization values and encourage a culture of integrity. It is crucial that organizations establish a code of conduct into employees’ behavior in the organization thus upholding high morale for the employees. Do you believe the whistle-blowing program is a practical and significant technique in … Read more

write a Recruitment Plan for a position within the Baltimore City Government

Recruitment Plan Recruitment Plan Each student will write a Recruitment Plan for a position within the Baltimore City Government. The paper should be 10-15 pages, 12-point font, and double spaced. A Recruitment Plan maps out the strategy for attracting and hiring the best qualified candidate and helps to ensure an applicant pool which includes women … Read more

This research paper is focused on sex discrimination in the workplace

This research paper is focused on sex discrimination in the workplace This research paper is focused on sex discrimination in the workplace. Attached are the sources I picked out and an outline to help guide you through it. I have started the first page and a half. Answer preview: Words:2800

Subject: Re: Civil Litigation Assignment

Subject: Re: Civil Litigation Assignment Subject: Re: Civil Litigation Assignment This is for California State Your supervising attorney has asked you to formulate a set of interrogatory questions for his review, which could be served on the opposing party in a car accident case between Cain and Abel. Abel, our client, was sued by his … Read more

Digital Terrorism and Criminology of Computer Crimes

Digital Terrorism and Criminology of Computer Crimes “Digital Terrorism and Criminology of Computer Crime” List at least three major categories of cyber terrorism and / or information warfare. Among the chosen categories, determine the one that should be the top priority for the federal government to address. Provide a rationale to support your response. Among … Read more

Company Selection for Strategic Management Plan.

Company Selection for Strategic Management Plan. It is time to select a company for your Strategic Management Plan.provide a brief description of the organization you selected and the reason why you chose that particular company. Answer preview: Words:250