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Analyze Geographic Information System

Analyze Geographic Information System Directions: For the assignment answer the following question in a 250-300 word essay. You will have to you the textbook and only the textbook as your source of information. If you quote information from the textbook you must include a parenthetical citation and include a citation for the textbook at the … Read more

Essay topic: Geographic Information Systems

Essay topic: Geographic Information Systems Directions: For the assignment answer the following question in a 250-300 word essay. You will have to you the textbook and only the textbook as your source of information. If you quote information from the textbook you must include a parenthetical citation and include a citation for the textbook at … Read more

Discussion Post: U.S. Financial Reporting is stuck in the Twentieth Century

Discussion Post: U.S. Financial Reporting is stuck in the Twentieth Century Read the article, “U.S. Financial Reporting Is Stuck in the 20th Century”. Once you have read the article, discuss your supported opinions on whether or not you agree, with specific examples and thoughts to support your opinion. It needs to be at least 300 … Read more

Write an essay on Adherence to Security Policies

Write an essay on Adherence to Security Policies Assignment Requirements You can get a basic understanding if individuals are being held accountable for adherence to security policies by examining policy violations, incidents, and security awareness. These basic measurements are as follows: Number of security violations by employees reported Number of incidents that could have been … Read more

America versus Canadian Universal Healthcare

America versus Canadian Universal Healthcare INSTRUCTIONS Select a country with a universal healthcare system (Canada, Australia, New Zealand or any other). Once selected, compare their approach to healthcare spending to that of the U.S. Write a 2-3-page summary that includes the following: Discuss the differences in healthcare politics Explain how the two countries finance their … Read more

Portfolio Management—Project Screening and Selection

 Portfolio Management—Project Screening and Selection 1) Identify a project that you are planning to pursue either at home or at work. List all of the components, decision points, and chance events. What is the measure of success for the project? Assuming that there is more than one measure, how can you reconcile them? 2)In which … Read more

Write an journal on Classical Mythologies

Write an journal on Classical Mythologies Create a word document in MLA format and answer the following questions in paragraph form: 1. List at least 5 common characteristics of the following protagonists: Sir Gawin , Davy Crockett. (This can be answered in bullets instead of paragraph form.) 2. How are these characters similar to the … Read more

Discuss major virulence factors of microorganisms

Discuss major virulence factors of microorganisms Unit 4 Assignment: Pathogenicity and Virulence Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: Discuss major virulence factors of microorganisms Discuss the mechanisms of manifestations of infection Describes public health impact on prevention and treatment Course outcome practiced with this Assignment: HS320-5: Analyze the role of microbes in human disease and public health. … Read more

Generate a Cornell Note for Albert Hurtado’s, “Sex, Gender, Culture, and a Great Event.

Generate a Cornell Note for Albert Hurtado’s, “Sex, Gender, Culture, and a Great Event. please generate a Cornell Note for Albert Hurtado’s, “Sex, Gender, Culture, and a Great Event: The California Gold Rush.” Please remember to use spell check and write in complete sentences. Remember, your Cornell note will have three parts. 1. Complete a Cornell note for this essay. … Read more

Power point presentation- Professional Communications

Power point presentation- Professional Communications Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 12–18 slides including a title slide, an agenda slide, body content slides, a conclusion slide, and a Sources slide if applicable. All slides count toward the required length. The content should focus on some aspect of social media use in the workplace, such as the … Read more

Discuss The Role of Television in the Civil Rights Movement

Discuss The Role of Television in the Civil Rights Movement Need to choose a media topic from year 1960 to 2000. More detailed writing instruction see attached file!! Choose a topic you are interested in that has a strong connection to media and which occurred at some point in the period of time from 1960 … Read more

Management Reflection on strategic leadership.

Management Reflection on strategic leadership. Read and/or review the assigned chapters in the text. Also, be sure to review the rubric that will be used for the reflection papers. Write a reading reflection paper (3-5 pages for the body of the paper, double-spaced) that addresses the following two areas: Select three key concepts from the … Read more

Ethical dilemma: Reselling of Prescription Drugs by Patients

Ethical dilemma: Reselling of Prescription Drugs by Patients Develop, in detail, a situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical problems related to patients and prescription drug use OR patients in a state of poverty Develop, in detail, a situation in which a health care worker might be confronted with ethical … Read more

How does the perspective of Williams and Murphy fit in with Goldstein’s perspective?

How does the perspective of Williams and Murphy fit in with Goldstein’s perspective? How does it supplement it or draw attention to aspects of policing that Goldstein may have ignored? How may Goldstein’s account of “policing in a free society” supplement the perspective put forth by Williams and Murphy? Can you think of any current … Read more

Write a paper that provides key details of the specific provision in the ACA

Write a paper that provides key details of the specific provision in the ACA https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/ppacacon.pdf Write a 2-3 page paper that provides key details of the specific provision in the ACA. Be sure to include the following: Share the name/title of the provision. Explain the purpose of the provision. Describe the issue or concern that … Read more

Essay topic- Disseminating your evidence-based practice project proposal

Essay topic- Disseminating your evidence-based practice project proposal Propose strategies for disseminating your evidence-based practice project proposal. Consider the necessary stakeholders who need to review or approve the proposal (both internal and external) and what methods you will use to communicate. Requirements: 250-350 words in APA with 1 reference   |   .doc file Answer preview: word … Read more

Essay- Strategies for Disseminating Evidence-Based Project Results

Essay- Strategies for Disseminating Evidence-Based Project Results Propose strategies that you could use for disseminating the outcomes of your evidence-based practice project proposal. After implementation, dissemination of the evidence-based practice outcomes is essential for evaluating the success of the project for ensuring sustainability. Propose strategies that you could use for disseminating the outcomes of your evidence-based practice … Read more

Explain the Purpose of Healthcare Marketing

Explain the Purpose of Healthcare Marketing Identify a healthcare provider (urgent care facility, clinic, hospital, hospice or pharmaceutical company) that could benefit from a marketing campaign. Provide three reasons for choosing this organization and describe any image or public relation issues. Public-relation issues can include a negative public incident, poor reputation or recent fraud investigation. … Read more

Criminal Justice Question on Restorative Justice.

Criminal Justice Question on Restorative Justice. Instructions You are a police officer who has been assigned to a local high school as a school resource officer. You would like to recommend the use of restorative justice techniques to your resource officer program supervisor as you believe these will help youthful offenders assimilate back into the … Read more

Music Question -Subjective Film Analysis

 Music Question -Subjective Film Analysis You are required to watch the 1984 film “Amadeus”, directed by Milos Forman, and write an essay based on it. The film is provided down below. The film is approximately 3 hours long. https://www.operaonvideo.com/amadeus-full-movie-1984/ This is a subjective film analysis, two to three pages in length, with the primary focus … Read more

Explain the strategies and thought processes that you used to formulate the code.

Explain the strategies and thought processes that you used to formulate the code. Instructions This assignment provides you with an opportunity to create a code of ethics for you and your family, as well as to explain the strategies and thought processes that went into developing the code. First, create an original code of ethics … Read more

Managing Diversity in the Workplace

Management Ethics- Workplace Diversity Choose a research topic from the chapter readings or from the list provided by your professor. Research/find a minimum at least five (5) or more, different peer-reviewed articles on your topic. The article(s) must be relevant and from a peer-reviewed source. While you may use relevant articles from any time frame, … Read more

Write a paper on Operations Management

Write a paper on Operations Management This assignment is based on the template Terry Hill’s Strategy Development Framework from Chapter 3. It is designed to force you to think strategically both in terms of operations and the organization as a whole. Hill’s framework very aptly ties in operations strategy with the overall corporate and marketing … Read more

Answer the following Political Questions on Jim Crow Laws

Answer the following Political Questions on Jim Crow Laws Jim Crow Laws Remedying of the Jim Crow Laws A return of Jim Crow Laws? Federalist System of government Answer preview: word limit:1566  

What is the difference between a semi colon, a colon, and a dash.

What is the difference between a semi colon, a colon, and a dash. Write an original sentence with the correct use of each. This is for my English class and they want an APA format. I’m using this text book: Answer preview: word limit:307

Should kidney dialysis centers be held to the same safety standards as other healthcare facilities?

Should kidney dialysis centers be held to the same safety standards as other healthcare facilities? Hemodialysis (also known as “dialysis”) is a common treatment for patients with kidney disease. In the United States, more than 468,000 patients are on dialysis (NIH, 2018). Since 1993, hospitalization rates related to the process of dialysis has risen between … Read more

MediSys Corp Case Study

MediSys Corp Case Study Case Study: ‘MediSys Corp: IntensCare Product Development Team’ Question: What specific actions should Valerie Merz take to resolve the team conflict and move forward in a productive manner? Perform an in-depth analysis of the issue at hand. Include one slide. Include references. Also, include assertions backed by supporting evidence from the … Read more

Writing Question-Theodore Sider gives various aspects of the constitution

Writing Question-Theodore Sider gives various aspects of the constitution The autonomy of the constitution is discussed using a case of arguments making absurd conclusion Answer preview: word limit:598

(Internship project) Report about Omran Company in Oman

 (Internship project) Report about Omran Company in Oman Report about Omran Company in Oman. The report should be not less than 3500 words. Requirements: paragraphs   |   .doc file Answer preview: word limit:3520

 Create a Business Policy and Strategy Project

 Create a Business Policy and Strategy Project Instructions Implementation Plan: Part 2 In Unit IV, you started to create an implementation plan. You selected a company and analyzed their strategy and mission. In Unit VI, we will continue your work with this company and develop a SWOT analysis. Remember that a SWOT analysis identifies strengths, … Read more

Write an essay on Modern U.S Governance

Write an essay on Modern U.S Governance Research and write a short analysis of the globalization of one place in the present. Specifically, your case study should identify, describe and analyze the present state or condition of a place (for example, why is Somalia a failed state?), or identify and analyze a significant/noteworthy event or … Read more

Housing Finance Discussion-Evaluate single family home purchases through the eyes of Tina Perez.

Housing Finance Discussion-Evaluate single family home purchases through the eyes of Tina Perez. In the next discussion boards, you will evaluate single family home purchases through the eyes of Tina Perez. Tina is a single mother of two children. Her husband recently died and they had rented a townhome for several years in order to … Read more

What is psychology and Origins of Psychology

 What is psychology and Origins of Psychology Everyone who goes to a psychologist is crazy. (True or false, why) For you, what was the most important event in the development of Psychology. Respond with a full paragraph (10 sentences) and in full sentences. Once you answer the questions, you should wait for other colleagues to submit … Read more

Unemployment Case Study

 Unemployment Case Study 3-5 pages Macroeconomic Analysis: Unemployment and Inflation. I attached the description and rubic. Requirements: 3-5 Pages. Answer preview: word limit:1675

Reflect on Erotic Themes in Art

Reflect on Erotic Themes in Art Erotic Themes in Art Outline  Thesis statement: Art has been used as a channel of expressing emotions and information through creative imaginations that have been created by artists. Art takes many forms such as drawings, paintings, crafts, or lyrics. They express technical aptitude, emotional power, and conceptual ideas … Read more

Explain the Purpose of Healthcare Marketing

Explain the Purpose of Healthcare Marketing Identify a healthcare provider (urgent care facility, clinic, hospital, hospice or pharmaceutical company) that could benefit from a marketing campaign. Provide three reasons for choosing this organization and describe any image or public relation issues. Public-relation issues can include a negative public incident, poor reputation or recent fraud investigation. … Read more

Explore common themes, assumptions, or approaches in the sources you cover;

Literature Assessment Assignment Full instructions attached also my annotated bibliography with the sources to use for the literature review. Please use the grading rubric also. Instructions In this assignment you will assess ten or more scholarly sources relevant to a topic that you may research for your dissertation. These ten sources may include – but are not … Read more

Business project planning

Business project planning Project name: Food supply e-commerce Only do part1 A and C, see the pdf document page 1 to 7 and page 17. P1A: Setting up the team First, you should review and apply the GROUPWORK 101 support material presented at https://emedia.rmit.edu.au/learninglab/content/group-work-basics . As a minimum, please: • Establish a timeline indicating your scheduled … Read more

Ecology questions

Ecology questions First describe three ways that nutrients can be lost from an ecosystem; then describe how nutrients are replaced in those ecosystems. Carbon dioxide concentrations fluctuate in predictable seasonal patterns on the surface of the planet largely as a result of? Answer preview: word limit:459  

Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Presentation

 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Presentation The dissemination of an evidence-based practice project proposal is an important part of the final project. Dissemination of your project to a local association or clinical site/practice informs important stakeholders of evidence-based interventions that can improve clinical practice and ultimately patient outcomes. For this assignment, develop a professional presentation that … Read more

Describe The Future of Cashless Payment System

Describe The Future of Cashless Payment System Research Proposal Title   A qualitative study that critically investigates the shift of the societies towards cashless payment services and evaluates the experiences with the newly introduced contactless payment services to shoppers. Research Question With the experiences of contactless/cashless payments in the shoppers, Is the digital payment system … Read more

Business Idea Generation Discussion Forum

Business Idea Generation Discussion Forum Business Idea Generation Discussion Forum You are being asked to develop business ideas you could pursue either later in life or for your business plan.  Think about some ideas you have. If you are stuck use some of the suggested sources in the text including visiting crowdfunding and trend sites, … Read more

What led to the pursuit of suffrage?

What led to the pursuit of suffrage? This week we are are learning about the struggle for women to obtain the right to vote. The movement for women’s suffrage is steeped in the early 19th century, nonetheless women were not granted the right to vote until 1920 with the passage of the 19th amendment. The … Read more

Qualitative Data Collection- triangulation. 

Qualitative Data Collection- triangulation. This assignment allows you to practice developing an integrated set of data collection methods. Interviews and focus groups are some of the most commonly used data collection methods in qualitative research. Often a researcher will begin with individual interviews, and then conduct a focus group with a sample of the participants to … Read more

Clearly elaborate on the Turing Test

Topic: The Turing Test What would you do in the Bystander at the Switch scenario? (A) Throw the switch in order to maximize well-being (five people surviving is greater than one.) (B) Not throw the switch because that would be a form of killing, and killing is inherently wrong. Explain and defend your Paper length: … Read more

Discuss the Outcomes of the Southern France Wildfire

Discuss the Outcomes of the Southern France Wildfire Recent Approval of the Three-Child Policy in China Essentially, the 2020 census in China revealed that the aggregate number of Chinese residents rose from around 11.7 to 1.41 billion persons, in the past two years. Answer preview: word limit:591

Who would you select to run logistics, and why?

Who would you select to run logistics, and why? A worksheet where you Build a BALANCED team to plan and run a day-long event. Review ten JGR employee profiles, then pick the four people whose skill sets match the required team roles, make the strongest combined unit. everything is provided on the worksheet, and just … Read more

Human Anatomy and Physiology: Energy Drinks

Human Anatomy and Physiology: Energy Drinks Consumption of energy drinks (such as Redbull®, Monster Energy Drink®, and Rockstar®) among children, teenagers, and young adults has risen in the last decade. Emergency department visits relating to energy drink consumption has also risen (Thorlton, 2014). These drinks contain various vitamins and electrolytes, as well as other ingredients … Read more

Discuss The Expansion of Medicaid in Illinois

Discuss The Expansion of Medicaid in Illinois One of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act was the expansion of Medicaid. This allowed states to include the non-elderly as part of the eligibility process, which leads to more people being covered and improved quality of care. However, not all states opted in. Has your home … Read more

Describes the basics of healthcare informatics.

Describes the basics of healthcare informatics. Learning Goal: I’m working on a health & medical question and need guidance to help me learn. Defining Medical/Health Informatics Instructions Write a 2 page paper that describes the basics of healthcare informatics. Include a cover page and reference page (not counted in the 2 page requirement). Be sure to … Read more