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write a report answering the following question:

Write a report answering the following question :Sports History and Ethics Rationale The ability to identify major issues relating to ethical issues in sport, along with the ability to identify the governing bodies in world sports are key skills that will allow the student to fully appreciate the subject matter material as the course proceeds … Read more

Strategies for addressing the Psychological Needs of Police Officers

Strategies for addressing the Psychological Needs of Police Officers critically review 1 recent peer-reviewed articles . You may wish to spend some time researching critical review techniques for journal articles prior to starting this assignment. The paper must follow current APA guidelines. The page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or … Read more

Discussion: Conflict Management Styles

Conflict Resolution Styles for Nursing Leaders In Week 10, you considered how ethical, moral, and legal dilemmas can provoke internal conflict when a nurse’s values are not in alignment with the apparent demands of a situation or with others’ values, as well as external conflict that can arise as these dynamics are played out. Of … Read more

Write a paper outlining a time when you experienced prejudice, stereotypes, and/or discrimination.

 Write a paper outlining a time when you experienced prejudice, stereotypes, and/or discrimination. Activity 4: Write a paper outlining a time when you experienced prejudice, stereotypes, and/or discrimination. Who was involved? How did you feel? Do you still experience strong feelings about that particular experience? Submit paper in Moodle. Answer preview: Words:200

Arguments about Capital Punishment

Arguments about Capital Punishment A  essay,  talking about capital punishment how in the U.S it is still legal and the controversy that comes with that. Use at least 5 sources supporting it and opposition of it, so it could be three in opposition of it then two in favor of it. Include a bibliography with … Read more

Explain the process you will use to identify potential hazards, threats, and risks of the company’s current business strategies.

Explain the process you will use to identify potential hazards, threats, and risks of the company’s current business strategies. Instructions Tessile, S. A., a company based in Turin, Italy, is a medium-size company that manufactures, sells, and exports textiles. An increased demand for the company’s high-quality textiles has led to the approval by its CEO, … Read more

Compare and contrast Monet’s Gare Saint-Lazare and Cezanne’s Mont Sainte-Victoire.

Compare and contrast Monet’s Gare Saint-Lazare and Cezanne’s Mont Sainte-Victoire. 2 paragraphs for each bullet point Compare and contrast Monet’s Gare Saint-Lazareand Cezanne’s Mont Sainte-Victoire. Explain why both of these artists fit into the Impressionist period. Explain what each artist was trying to accomplish with his piece. Is there a similarity to discuss when analyzing the subjectfor these … Read more

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management Assignment. 1.The usage and significance of third-party logistics (3PL) services has grown dramatically during the past two decades or so. Explain why this has occurred and what the benefits are, if any? Document your sources. Respond to at least two of your fellow classmates’ postings. 350 Words********** 2.Based on the course material … Read more

Search for Life on Mars- Reasons why there could potentially be life from what has been discovered.

Search for Life on Mars- Reasons why there could potentially be life from what has been discovered. – Search for life on Mars. – Reasons why there could potentially be life from what has been discovered. Answer preview: Words:1750

Emergency Management Discussion Post

Emergency Management Discussion Post Discuss what the Office of the Homeland Security does, and identify three components of this office. Answer preview: Words:300

Discuss and briefly outline one way in which Judaism finds meaning.

Discuss and briefly outline one way in which Judaism finds meaning. 1. Discuss and briefly outline one way in which Judaism finds meaning. 2. Consider and explain what a few (at least two) of the other religious traditions we have discussed so far might say about the areas in which Judaism finds meaning. In particular, what … Read more

Explain the organizational structure of the IRS and the IRS audit process.

Explain the organizational structure of the IRS and the IRS audit process. Explain the organizational structure of the IRS and the IRS audit process. Describe the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. Define the common penalties or taxpayers and be able to apply them to specific situations. Apply the general rule for the statute of limitations on … Read more

Homeland Security Discussion Post

Homeland Security Discussion Post The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a key component in emergency communications to strengthen national preparedness and resilience. The DHS communications website identifies multiple programs and capabilities to assist in disaster response efforts. Choose one of the areas of communications and discuss the capability and resources that DHS provides to … Read more

Write a one page report explaining what the electoral college is

Write a one page report explaining what the electoral college is It is important that you understand the electoral college and its function.Write a one page report explaining what the electoral college is, your understanding of why it is considered controversial, and your opinion of the electoral college. Answer preview: Words:450

The PowerPoint discusses in details, various aspects of international students including how they cope with local students at Vermont Technical College.

The PowerPoint discusses in details, various aspects of international students including how they cope with local students at Vermont Technical College. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Answer preview: Words:5 slides

Dystopian Writing Assignment

Dystopian Writing Assignment DYSTOPIAN WRITING ASSESSMENT Many Dystopian Novels are reactionary pieces to events that are headlining the news in their respective publication decades. In some way, shape or form, they promote an escape from the cave. Many of the issues that irked Aldous Huxley when he wrote his novel are in the news today. … Read more

Self-driving Cars: How Soon Is Soon Enough?

Self-driving Cars: How Soon Is Soon Enough? Self-Driving Cars Answer preview: Words:350

Ethical Implications of Research

Ethical Implications of Research When responding to your peers’ posts, offer a differing viewpoint, substantiated with your own experience. Classmate # 1 Amanda The ethical idea of respect for the patient or sample provider’s privacy has negatively affected the uses of samples along with the ability to share the knowledge gained from those samples. Without … Read more

What are the different types of immunities and give an example of each

What are the different types of immunities and give an example of each What are the different types of immunities and give an example of each Describe how stress impacts the immunity of a person You should include a minimum of 3 scholarly references. Include a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page in … Read more

Analysis of the Organizational Culture at Zipcar

Analysis of the Organizational Culture at Zipcar After completing the lecture and reading assignments, write a 2-page, 500-word-minimum paper describing the culture of the organization that you work for or one with which you are familiar. Indicate (1) how the culture was formed and the effects that its culture has on the organization’s outcomes and … Read more

Determining my Diversity Quotient

Determining my Diversity Quotient Complete Exercise 2.2 “Determining Your Diversity Quotient (DQ) and post a discussion of your results. What do you believe influences your score? Please note that the requirement is to respond to the initial discussion questions by Wednesday and one peer by Saturday. 250-300 words for the initial post. Please be sure … Read more

Identify the change issue in your organization that you will address in your final paper

Identify the change issue in your organization that you will address in your final paper Identify the change issue in your organization that you will address in your final paper and discuss the other aspects of the organization that will/must change as a result of the issue you propose to improve. Please note that the … Read more

Application of Recurrence Relations in Real World problems

Application of Recurrence Relations in Real World problems “Recurrence Relations” Please respond to the following: Apply recurrence relations to one real-world problem. Discuss the rationale behind your response. Answer preview: Words:350

Ethical Implications of Research

Ethical Implications of Research When we think of ethics, we usually think of guidelines for differentiating between what is right and what is wrong. For example, consider the Golden Rule (“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”) or the Hippocratic Oath (“First, do no harm”). We are exposed to ethical norms … Read more

Effects of Tighter Gun Regulation on Crime

Effects of Tighter Gun Regulation on Crime In the Week 1 Presenting Arguments assignment, you objectively and neutrally evaluated reasoning on each side of your question from non-scholarly sources. For this assignment, you will objectively and neutrally evaluate and present the reasoning from scholarly sources on the same question. For an example of how to … Read more

Why did the Reformation occur in Europe? What were its causes?

Why did the Reformation occur in Europe? What were its causes? 1) Why did the Reformation occur in Europe? What were its causes? Name 2 of its leaders and their major beliefs. Where and why did the resulting religions find success in a previously unified Christian world? Did the Christian world ever recover? What was … Read more

Develop an argument to your manager on the importance of change management.

Develop an argument to your manager on the importance of change management. Resource: The Benefits of Change Management Grading Guide You are a project manager and believe that your initiative would be more successful if you had a change manager on your team. Develop an argument to your manager on the importance of change management. Describe … Read more

Looking for a cover letter to fit this job posting:

Looking for a cover letter to fit this job posting: https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/515722400/# I uploaded everything you should need Answer preview: Words:570

Describe the Data Analytics Lifecycle

Describe the Data Analytics Lifecycle Locate and review an article relevant to the topic of the class. The review is between 400-to-550 words and should summarize the article. Please include how it applies to our topic, and why you found it interesting. Topic of the class: Data Analytics Lifecycle. Answer preview: Words:500

Ethical Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs in Decision Making

Describe the Ethical Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs in Decision Making Bad decision making is one of the ethical challenges an entrepreneur faces. After reading the chapters assigned for the week and conducting some research, write a paper that identifies and describes a bad decision that a leader has made. Next, select an ethical theory that … Read more

Public Policies and Healthcare

Discuss how the structure of government impacts the policy development process. Discuss how the structure of government impacts the policy development process. Describe the legislative, judicial, and administrative (executive) processes involved in establishing federal, state, or local health policy. Discuss the factors that influence the cost of health care. Answer preview: Words:600

Analysis of New Managed Care Contract

Analysis of New Managed Care Contract INSTRUCTIONS Based on the information provided below, provide an analysis of the pros and cons of entering into a contract with a national managed care organization new to your service area. ACS Health Insurance Company, a national organization that insures approximately 10% of all Americans, is starting to provide … Read more

Reflection Paper

Reflection Paper Write a  reflection paper on one of the themes. The papers will focus on how the theme impacts your own life, and it is not to be just vague musings on the theme in general. Apply it to your life! For instance, you might use one of these sentences to begin your reflections: –“One of the … Read more

What is a situation in your organization that could be researched as part of an effort to develop a meaningful solution in the organization?

Organizational Change and Redesign What is a situation in your organization that could be researched as part of an effort to develop a meaningful solution in the organization? Identify the problem, situation, or issue, and describe how you would research it, adhering to the general characteristics of the scientific approach Answer preview: Words:650

Elements of Greek Architecture in Modern Buildings

Elements of Greek Architecture in Modern Buildings The elements of Greek architecture are ofter used often in many modern-day buildings are column styled after the Classical Orders (Sayre, 2013). According to Greek architecture orders “The classical orders—described by the labels Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian—do not merely serve as descriptors for the remains of ancient buildings, … Read more

Explain the repercussions of that psychological information for law enforcement in details.

Explain the repercussions of that psychological information for law enforcement in details. In light of Monroe v. Pape, what psychological research, data, law, or theory can be used to support or oppose law enforcement officers in a legal dispute? Explain the repercussions of that psychological information for law enforcement in details. Answer preview: Words:600

The basic tenet of Christianity

The basic tenet of Christianity 1. Identify and explain the basic tenet of Christianity that you find most distinctive, meaning the one that is most disimilar to the religious beliefs and practices of the other religious traditions we have studied. [The three basic tenets are Incarnation, Atonement, and the Trinity] Be sure to: Discuss the … Read more

Who can best define evil and how we can guard against individuals and groups who use the term evil to abuse the innocent by invoking fear?

Who can best define evil and how we can guard against individuals and groups who use the term evil to abuse the innocent by invoking fear? Prompt: Often our readings suggest that those who use the word evil to accuse others are often the ones who are frequently unethical themselves and, in a few cases, actually … Read more

Promotion of a Casino Gambling Bill

Promotion of a Casino Gambling Bill As a junior congress person you have been asked to help promote a bill to allow casino gambling in your state. There is much opposition to this bill. Using distributive bargaining, discuss the pros and cons which might arise toward the passing or defeating of this bill. You must … Read more

A Letter from Boston

A Letter from Boston Instructions A Letter from Boston Place yourself (same age, family situation, and relative occupation) in early 1770s Boston. You are inspired to write a letter to someone (family, friend, co-worker, etc.) outside of the area about what you have seen or heard happening with regards to the growing rift with Britain. … Read more


Christianity Prompt 1. Identify and explain the basic tenet of Christianity that you find most distinctive, meaning the one that is most disimilar to the religious beliefs and practices of the other religious traditions we have studied. [The three basic tenets are Incarnation, Atonement, and the Trinity] Be sure to: Discuss the major ideas that … Read more

The Beautiful Struggle

The Beautiful Struggle In this HW you have to read the story FIRST and then write a page about it, it will inclouds, First Paragraph – Summary about Coates, The Beautiful Struggle (characters, plot, and overview of the story) (NOT SHORT). I will put the link of the story second Paragraph – Analysis. (Your general … Read more

Discussion Historic American Work

Discussion Historic American Work You need to respond to two students’ initial posts, and each of these responses should be at least 150 words. The initial post plus two peer responses, according to the rubric, has the potential to earn a C grade. Four posts of high quality, according to the rubric, has the potential … Read more

Information Technology Management

Information Technology Management Information Technology Management   Answer preview: Word: 1,300

How is sexual harassment linked to social stratification?

How is sexual harassment linked to social stratification? What is sexual harassment? How is sexual harassment linked to social stratification? What are the consequences of sexual harassment?   Answer preview: Word: 600

Write a paper on Theories and Styles of Leadership

Write a paper on Theories and Styles of Leadership Overview Complete the leadership style self-assessment under learning activities. Use information from your assigned readings and the literature related to leadership styles, and leadership and management theories to complete the paper. Discuss your style of leadership based on the completed self-assessment. Describe what leadership and management … Read more

Essay- Structural Functionalism, Conflict theory and Symbolic Interaction ism

Essay- Structural Functionalism, Conflict theory and Symbolic Interaction ism PROMPT: Please explain how these three perspectives ( Structural Functionalism, Conflict theory and Symbolic Interaction ism) would view and explain POVERTY. Your essay should have an introduction, a paragraph for each perspective and a conclusion. I do not need additional sources but you are allowed to … Read more

 Explain what is meant by the term “critical infrastructure.”

 Explain what is meant by the term “critical infrastructure.” PART 1: Explain what is meant by the term “critical infrastructure.” Provide three examples of critical infrastructure that may be susceptible to a terror attack and what measures we can take to protect them. PART 2: In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile data security … Read more

Analysis of the Texas Government

Analysis of the Texas Government Pick one position in the Texas Executive Branch and write me a one paragraph overview of that position.Then research the person in the position now and write me a paragraph about that person. 2You are a Untied States Supreme Court Justice.A case comes before the Court from Texas arguing the … Read more

Explain the history of civil rights and liberties in the US and how they have changed into the rights and liberties we have today.

Explain the history of civil rights and liberties in the US and how they have changed into the rights and liberties we have today. Explain the history of civil rights and liberties in the US and how they have changed into the rights and liberties we have today. Give a reason of interest in this … Read more