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How does developing a friendship online compare with developing a friendship face-to-face?

How does developing a friendship online compare with developing a friendship face-to-face? Task 4: read “Sternbergs Theory of Love and Gender Expectation,” https://www.bricefoundation.org/single-post/2016/04/06/Sternberg-Theory-of-Love-and-Expectations-from-Genders” Read: Do You Understand the Psychology of Online Relationships https://pairedlife.com/dating/online-relationships Task: How does developing a friendship online compare with developing a friendship face-to-face? Submit a 4-7 sentence paragraph. At the end of this assignment, identify … Read more

Analyze US history since 1865.

Analyze US history since 1865. the questions are A) Industry is starting to take command! Describe the factors that made the U.S. an industrial society during the second half of the 19th In some ways did the industrial revolution create new forms of freedom for some workers while restricting some freedoms for others? B) Discuss the … Read more

Describe Importance of Risk Assessment in the Therapeutic Process

Describe Importance of Risk Assessment in the Therapeutic Process Subject: Re: Risk Assessment Scenario   Answer preview: Word: 300

Discuss World War II and Cold War

Discuss World War II and Cold War Subject: Re: WW2 and cold war   Answer preview: Word: 950

Gene mutation research paper

Gene mutation research paper Subject: Re: genetics research paper Answer preview: Word: 2,350

History Discussion

History Discussion Discussion Directions: Please use your textbook and to answer both discussion questions. – You are required to solely use your textbook to answer the questions. No other outside sources are required to answer the questions. – The more details and examples you use to write your responses, the more points you will likely … Read more

Research paper on Hindu Beliefs and Values

Research paper on Hindu Beliefs and Values 1). After reviewing the materials from this Unit and the video above, explain what puja is and how it expresses Hindu beliefs and values. 2). Identify and describe the yogic path you think puja best fits. Explain why you identified this yogic path as the best fit. Use … Read more

McDonald’s Drive-Throughs

McDonald’s Drive-Throughs Read the following case and answer the questions below. McDonald’s When a customer drives up to the speaker box at some McDonald’s drive-throughs, their order is placed with an employee located in a distant call center. The order, along with a photograph taken to the match the customer with the order, is then … Read more

Analytical and Synthetic Cubism

Analytical and Synthetic Cubism Subject: Re: Cubism, Futurism, and Related 20th Century Styles The purpose of this discussion is for you to investigate modern art and its influences. Once again, you will be selecting a subject and telling us about what you discovered. You will need to go beyond the text for the information because … Read more

How to Succeed in Education and Career

How to Succeed in Education and Career on this assignment, you will need to interview a professional working in a field that is relative to your major and career goals. Some questions may include asking them what they did to help them get where they are today, what tips can they provide to you as … Read more

Implications of Launching the Microbrewery Service

Implications of Launching the Microbrewery Service Read the business running case “Investing in a New BrewPub?” and review the Tutorial for AD715: Business Simulation “Strategies and Decision Support in Organizations”. To understand how the microbrewery industry works, read the case “Hockley Valley Brewing Co. Inc.” Discuss one or several of the following questions: What implications can be drawn … Read more

Effects of Long Prison Sentences on Deterring Crime

Effects of Long Prison Sentences on Deterring Crime Lengthy prison sentences deter crime. Argumentation Essay   Answer preview: Word: 1,300

Discussion: Challenges in Managing Talent

Discussion: Challenges in Managing Talent   Today’s workplace is a dramatically changed and still evolving world with all the accompanying challenges leaving many organizations struggling to create an employee experience that appeals to individuals with diverse needs, preferences, and assumptions while still meeting organizational demands. Organizations and their stakeholders are having to address a series … Read more

Conflict and Dysfunction of Teams in the Workplace

Conflict and Dysfunction of Teams in the Workplace Prompt: In week four we discussed conflict at work. Now is your opportunity to collect data and create a qualitative study on this topic. You will conduct your own workplace survey about the dysfunction of teams in the workplace. Use the Five Dysfunctions of a Team Survey … Read more

Physiology research paper about Alzheimer disease

Alzheimer’s disease Subject: Re: Physiology research paper about Alzheimer disease   Answer preview: Word: 2,750

Assessment Tools for Psychology

Assessment Tools for Psychology Subject: Re: clinical psychologist eval and discuss types of assessment tools the Psychologist may use and how they help in diagnosis and treatment. Your neighbor tells you that her nine-year-old son has been having behavior and academic problems in school. “His teacher recommended taking him to the pediatrician to get a … Read more

Essay on the definition of leadership

Essay on the definition of leadership Answer preview:  Leadership is unanimously defined as the ability to lead and exercise authority over a certain group of people (Silva 1). however, the definition of leadership includes aspects like the sphere defining the people being led. The formal definition of leadership adds more elements to the conventional definition. … Read more

Explain the Origins of Sociology

Explain the Origins of Sociology Subject: Re: Annotated Bibliography, and power-point on the origins of sociology   Answer preview: Word: 1,800

What is the relation between knowledge and belief?

What is the relation between knowledge and belief? What is the relation between knowledge and belief? Can we have false knowledge? What about false beliefs? Explain the role of evidence in your response. When can we be said to have knowledge? Think of a time when your social expectations led you to misjudge a person … Read more

Discussion on Leadership Characteristics

Discussion on Leadership Characteristics Leadership Characteristics Leadership means to lead by example. Leadership is all about having the right values and morals instilled in you so that you can instill them in others as well. Leadership is about your character and how you treat others. When I obtain this master’s degree, I believe that it … Read more

Tangible Gifts as a Form of Appreciation

Tangible Gifts as a Form of Appreciation The fact remains that there are a number of people who still value receiving tangible gifts as an expression of appreciation. If we totally remove gift giving from the list of interacting with others, then we are at risk for not communicating appreciation or encouragement in ways that … Read more

How did the US and USSR close the gap in the last quarter of the 20th century to allow communism to go out with a whimper and not a bang?

How did the US and USSR close the gap in the last quarter of the 20th century to allow communism to go out with a whimper and not a bang? How did the US and USSR close the gap in the last quarter of the 20th century to allow communism to go out with a … Read more

Influence of Other Cultures on Western Music

Influence of Other Cultures on Western Music Overview: In this Cultural Perspective, you are introduced to ways in which Western music has been influenced by exposure to other cultures. You also discover the conditions under which these cross-cultural contacts have occurred, from voyages of exploration to war. Issues: From our perspective within an essentially European … Read more

Annotated Bibliography on The American dream.

Annotated Bibliography on The American dream. An annotated bibliography is your works cited list, with added information for each source. In addition to the citation, each annotation should include a concise summary of and evaluation of each of the sources. Each annotation should be a strong paragraph (about 150 words), double spaced. The annotations should be alphabetized by citation, just … Read more

Cuba after the Pink Tide


Importance of Strategic Leadership: Analysis of Judith McKenna

Importance of Strategic Leadership: Analysis of Judith McKenna In Chapter 12, we discuss the importance of strategic leadership.Identify a strategic leader in your respective organization (or previous workplace). What characteristics are essential/unique to the leader you identified? How does this leader shape the formation of the organization’s vision and mission? What is the communication style … Read more

Reflection on Strategic Management

Reflection on Strategic Management Assignment: Reflection on Strategic Management 8.1 Throughout this course, you have been studying the ways in which managers can use all of a company’s resources to manage and plan its strategy and leverage and build competitive advantage. Now you will reflect on these principles. Write a 250 word reflection on strategic … Read more

Should Children be Vaccinated?

Should Children be Vaccinated? Should Children be Vaccinated? Answer preview: Word: 1,400

Critical thinking: arguing back

Critical thinking: arguing back For this discussion, select a social, economic, or moral issue that you disagree with — preferably an issue that a friend, family member, or acquaintance endorses. A) How would you approach this person in order to encourage them to give reasons for their position and B) What do you think you could do … Read more

Philosophy Reading: Feminist Critique

Philosophy Reading: Feminist Critique Read from textbook chapter 6 Tools for Radical Critique Please choose one of the following tools for radical critique to discuss in your essay post. Make sure you explain the critique and explain how it can be used in reason and argument. 1) Class critique 2) Feminist critique 3) Foucaultian critique … Read more

Organizational Management of Operation Anaconda

Organizational Management of Operation Anaconda A research paper on the Organizational Management of Operation Anaconda. As in what was supposed to happen and why, what actually happened and why and give examples. Again it has to be on the Organizational Management of the Operation. I will also need a good outline on it because that has to be turned it along with … Read more

Explain the rationale for selecting the country of Africa

Explain the rationale for selecting the country of Africa In developing a policy in the Africa, consider the following: Explain the rationale for selecting the country of Africa Describe the social determinants of health in the country that you would need to address. Explain why you need to address these determinants. Explain the possible public issues you … Read more

This Is Our Story

This Is Our Story Questions for This Is Our Story Who do you think killed Grant at the moment? Why? How did you react to the reveal that Shep had been the one to text Kate and not Grant? How does that change your view of Kate’s reaction to the River Point Boys? What do you … Read more

Discuss the overall government impact on business, was it fair, does the government play the “right role”, aspects such as that

Discuss the overall government impact on business, was it fair, does the government play the “right role”, aspects such as that Answer preview: Word: 350

Health Education Programs in Florida

Analyze the Health Education Programs in Florida Companies are required to protect the safety and welfare of the employees within the operations of an organization. Safety and health issues affecting the practices of an organization depend on the nature of work within the company. For example, several safety and health issues involve physical hazards, ergonomics … Read more

Human Resource – Three Safety and Health Issues

Human Resource – Three Safety and Health Issues Safety Policies Recall your chosen firm and industry you have been using throughout the course. For this assignment, you will identify the top three major safety and health issues in your firm, and write a policy on each, consistent with Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) standards. There … Read more

Comparison of National Football League and National Basketball Association

Comparison of National Football League and National Basketball Association Write an comparison article of two North American Sports governing organizations in the following three areas: use of performance enhancing drugs, player discipline, and diversity initiatives.You would have to demonstrate an understanding of how each governing organization is led, structured and interact with partners specifically. The … Read more

Focus on the leadership triangle and its importance in public administration.

Leadership triangle and its importance in public administration. Subject: Re: Focus on the leadership triangle and its importance in public administration. 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the core mechanisms of public administration 2. Explain how and why different political, economic, legal and social environments impact public administration and policy 3. Delineate challenges to providing public goods … Read more

Essay on slavery.

Essay on slavery. answer and prepare the two following questions in advance. Support your argument with specific examples/evidence. Write essay with an argument first a brief introduction paragraph with thesis and it least three (3) additional paragraph support your argument and last brief conclusion( every question should be answered in 2 essay not only one) … Read more

Articles Critique: Arguments in Support and Against Privatizations of Prisons

Articles Critique: Arguments in Support  and Against Privatizations of Prisons For each article critique, you will select 2 peer-reviewed articles no older than 5 years. Using concepts presented in the weekly reading and study, you will write a paper critique that is at least 4 pages but no more than 7 pages of these articles … Read more

Abstract Expressionism Response

Abstract Expressionism Response please respond to the following with 200 words : When you go to an art museum to look at Abstract Expressionist painting, you will often overhear other visitors saying things like “My four-year old could do that!” or “That painter must have been drunk!” Do you think that the demonstration of technical … Read more

Netflix’s strategy case study

Netflix’s strategy case study Instructions Read “Exemplary Company Showcased: Netflix, Inc. (NFLX)” on page 90 of your course textbook. As you read, pay close attention to Netflix’s strategy, and write a case study describing the points listed below. What are Netflix’s internal strengths and weaknesses? Who are Netflix’s competitors? Do you see Netflix’s strategy as … Read more

Consumer protection and Ethics in the Pharmaceuticals Industry

Consumer protection and Ethics in the Pharmaceuticals Industry Subject: Re: Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry. In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that … Read more

Market Economy Policies

Market Economy Policies Socialism in its two forms of communism and fascism have caused more deaths in the 20th century than all natural disasters during the same time. Only disease has killed more human beings. Despite this, many developing countries in the “Global South” turned to socialism in the past as a means to solve … Read more

Thematic Analysis of the Film, Casablanca

Thematic Analysis of the Film, Casablanca hi there , this is not what i want. i want you talk about how the theme impacts your own life. you can talk about one theme. and i gave you some example down there. i do want you to talk about the movie. For instance, you might use one … Read more

Two poems and how the two writers show different opinions about WWI.

Two poems and how the two writers show different opinions about WWI. In ACES paragraphs: Explain how the opinions of WWI are depicted through the poetry and academic articles. Then form your own opinion about the war based on what you have read. Did patriotism justify a soldier’s involvement the war? *I HAVE UPLOADED THE … Read more

Essay on Business Technology

Essay on Business Technology The structure of your paper should include a paragraph explaining a business problem and then a paragraph explaining what new or existing technology/ies or combination of both can solve this business problem. Finally, you should include a paragraph explaining what do you anticipate the benefits and associated cost will be.It should … Read more

Giving a peer review on a paper

Giving a peer review on a paper Subject: Re: giving a peer review on a paper   Answer preview: Word: 850

Jim Shepard’s “The Zero Meter Diving Team”

Jim Shepard’s “The Zero Meter Diving Team” The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize your understanding of a successful cause-effect essay with your understanding of analyzing elements of a short story by focusing on writing a strong thesis and clearly organized outline. In the previous assignment, you wrote a thesis for a cause-effect essay. … Read more

Philosophy Essay-nature of knowledge, existence, reality, and reasonable language during human interaction

Philosophy Essay-nature of knowledge, existence, reality, and reasonable language during human interaction n a final essay of at least 400 words, please discuss what you have learned in this course and how you plan to implement that information in your personal and professional life. GUIDELINES: Your essay should clearly indicate what you have learned as … Read more