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Thematic Analysis of the Film “Field of Dreams”

Thematic Analysis of the Film “Field of Dreams” The focus of these reflections and discussions will be the Themes of the films, not the plots.This means you are to reflect on what the film was about, not what happened in it. Write a 1-2 page reflection paper on one of the themes. The papers will focus on how the theme … Read more

Types of Crime; Robbery

Types of Crime; Robbery Please choose one discussion prompt below to respond to: A – Group Conformity and Leadership Style, Or, B – He Who Has the Gold Makes the Rules? After identifying which discussion prompt you are responding to and making your initial post, be sure to make at least one of your response posts to … Read more

Do you think that employees have an expectation of privacy in the workplace? Why or why not?

Do you think that employees have an expectation of privacy in the workplace? Why or why not? Many people debate how much privacy an employee can expect at work. Share your thoughts on the following questions: Do you think that employees have an expectation of privacy in the workplace? Why or why not? What do … Read more

A Comparison Postmodern Art World and Postwar Modern Movements

A Comparison Postmodern Art World  and Postwar Modern Movements Compare the Postmodern Art World (chapter 25) with the Postwar Modern Movements(chapter 24-such as Abstract Expressionism, Conceptual Art, Minimalism and Pop Art-). What, if any, are the main differences or similarities? What kinds of issues do Postmodern artists take up in their work? Do issues change … Read more

Essay topic: Civil Rights Movement

Essay topic: Civil Rights Movement Subject: Re: The exploitation of the laboring Chicanx subject and resultant labor rights organizing.   Answer preview: Word: 650

Operation Control Literature Review

Operation Control Literature Review Operation Control Literature Review Answer preview: Words:4680

Subject: Re: Five Pillars of Islam and Comparisons

Subject: Re: Five Pillars of Islam and Comparisons Explain one of the Five Pillars in Islam and one of the social teachings of Islam that you find most interesting. Be sure to explain how they might relate back to the foundational theological concepts of Islam. Compare either the pillar or social teaching you discussed with a similar practice or … Read more

Behaviors of Servicemen During Wartime

What were the Behaviors of  Servicemen During Wartime Paper Assignment for Paul Fussell’s Wartime Requirements: 2.5- 4-page paper (double-spaced). Use at least seven examples from at least three chapters. Please make sure that the paper is based on the book wartime by Paul Fussell and that the examples come from this book. The books name is Wartime … Read more

Heads of the Colored People: Discussion

Heads of the Colored People: Discussion DIRECTIONS: For this discussion, answer 3 of the following question in as much detail as you can. Your answers to each questions should be at least 250-300 words. In “Belles Lettres,” how does the feud between Dr. Lucinda Johnston and Dr. Monica Willis highlight the challenges upper class minority … Read more

The major theme for 1989: Democratic Revolutions at Cold War’s End

The major theme for 1989: Democratic Revolutions at Cold War’s End 1989: Democratic Revolutions at Cold War‘s End: A Brief History with Documents. TEXTBOOK IS Pollard, Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, Volume Two: From 1000 CE to the Present. Basic three page essay: For this option you would write an essay on a major theme you see … Read more

How and How not to love Mankind

How and How not to love Mankind Your assignment is to read any ONE of the following four articles: The Frivolity of Evil How and How Not to Love Mankind What We Have to Lose Roads to Serfdom Answer preview: Words:1300

Topic: Running for National Office

Topic: Running for National Office   Running for National Office QUESTIONS Compare and contrast the movies in Section I. What does it take to run a successful campaign for Congress or the White House? Should the candidates’ personal lives be fair game? Does anything go in a presidential or congressional campaign? Do candidates have to … Read more

Can the President Issue a Pardon to Self?

Can the President Issue a Pardon to Self? 1. Does the pardoning power afford the President of the United States to pardon himself? (your opinion and your analysis of your answer) 2. Does the Emoluments clause of the Constitution forbid a President from 6 figure annual profits due to Foreign Officials staying at one or … Read more

Discussion deals with Operating systems and its vulnerabilities.

Discussion deals with Operating systems and its vulnerabilities. Discussion deals with Operating systems and its vulnerabilities. An operating system is defined as the following: A software that manages the hardware and software of a system. It also provides the User Interface that allows humans to interact with the system. As much of the information is … Read more

Expansion of Westward from 1860 to 1890

Expansion of Westward from 1860 to 1890 Subject: Re: Westward expansion from 1860-1890 in the United States The topic of the paper is Westward Expansion from 1860-1890 in the United States. The paper can include: Major Cities, Railroad Networks, Improved Agricultural Land, and States and Territories. -3 pages double spaced of text (not including title … Read more

Topic: Explain how interest groups and social movements have played a big role in representative democracy

Topic: Explain how interest groups and social movements have played a big role in representative democracy The response must explain the topic, why it is important to politics / political science, why you are interested in the topic, and your thoughts (opinion) on the topic. The headings should follow basic MLA format regarding Name, Course … Read more

An Interview with Alibaba Founder Jack Ma

An Interview with Alibaba Founder Jack Ma Write a summary of your interview assignment 250-500 words. 50 points. 1. Who did you interview? 2. How did it go? 3. What answers surprised you? 4. Did you learn anything new about this person? 5. What is the biggest take away or life lesson you received from … Read more

Explain how advertising enhances the overall concept of integrated marketing communication (IMC) within a company.

Explain how advertising enhances the overall concept of integrated marketing communication (IMC) within a company. Using the CSU Online Library, locate an article that discusses an area of interest to you around the concept of advertising. This article might include current trends in advertising, advertising effectiveness, issues within marketing, and ethical implications of advertising. Note … Read more

Impacts of Reverse Logistics Operations

Impacts of Reverse Logistics Operations Write a  paper, plus the title page and a reference page on the following statement: Describe one direct and one indirect impact of reverse logistics operations on some local regional area and compare it to some aspect of the world environment. Incorporate at least one peer reference from articles listed … Read more

Write an  essay on Sexual Harassment at the Work Place

Write an  essay on Sexual Harassment at the Work Place There are several standardized training events in large organizations that are required annually or biannually. One of these is often sexual harassment. For this assignment, write a training plan for all employees in your firm to educate and develop their awareness of sexual harassment and … Read more

Create a mind map that summarizes the History of Computers.

Create a mind map that summarizes the History of Computers. Create a mind map that summarizes the History of Computers. The mind map will be evaluated based on organization and completeness in relating to the theories/concepts, technologies, and people that contributed to the development of the device beginning with Computer Generation 0 forwards. Answer preview: … Read more

Discuss human trafficking and forced prostitution

Discuss human trafficking and forced prostitution Subject: Re: human trafficking discuss human trafficking and forced prostitution. Discuss the following questions How effective are local law enforcement personnel at distinguishing between victims of human trafficking and those engaged in prostitution? Should we even bother distinguishing between them? Does the general public care about the differences between … Read more

Case Study – Ford Motor Company

Case Study – Ford Motor Company Implementation Plan: Part 1 During Unit IV, VI, and VIII, you will be working on an implementation plan for a business. The components within these three units combined will create this plan. Please take a look at the 30 case studies located in your textbook on pages 370–625. There … Read more

Analyze The Culture of Technology annotation

Analyze The Culture of Technology annotation Subject: Re: Read the first chapter of "The Culture of Technology" and make annotations Provide an analysis of the arguments made in your assigned reading Also provide discussion question (see below) with your analysis   Answer preview: Word: 350

Discussion board questions: Ethical Theories in Nursing

Discussion board questions: Ethical Theories in Nursing Discussion board questions: 1. Think about the ethical theories and approaches and the moral conflicts you have experienced in the past. Have you used one of these approaches to resolving conflict? Which theory or approach have you used? 2. Has there ever been a time when you have … Read more

A Doll’s House

A Doll’s House A Doll’s House and then go to youtube view the play, A Doll’s House Answer preview: Reading a play and watching it are two different things. Reading a play is considered tiring and confusing as compared to watching the same play. Different people will have diverse experiences in reading a novel or a … Read more

Discuss the Implications of the Future

Discuss the Implications of the Future Thinking about the material presented this week, what are the implications for the future with which business should be concerned today? What are your ideas for overcoming these future issues? Discuss strategies to tackle the resistance to change you might experience. Organizational Theory, design, and change -Gareth R. Jones … Read more

Subject: Re: Agile Supply Chain/ Time advantage

Subject: Re: Agile Supply Chain/ Time advantage Subject: Re: Agile Supply Chain/ Time advantage 1.The agile supply chain utilizes the idea of “speed to market” in order to get the product to the end-consumer as quickly as possible as we often see happen when new technology becomes available (i.e. cell phones, flat screen TV’s, etc). … Read more

How Behaviors are driven by Culture

Howare driven by Culture Prompt: The TedX talk on culture discusses that there are three ways you can relate to the culture: Confront, Complain, or Conform. Looking at your culture, which one do you struggle with? Elaborate Answer preview: Words:290

What does autonomy, mastery, and purpose look like for you in relation to your work?

What does autonomy, mastery, and purpose look like for you in relation to your work? Prompt: After watching the video link, what does autonomy, mastery, and purpose look like for you in relation to your work? Your life? Answer preview: Words:350

Discuss LinkedIn as a Means of Media

Discuss LinkedIn as a Means of Media LinkedIn as means of media The difference between the public broadcaster, the state owned media and the commercial media What role for the public broadcaster What is public interest Answer preview: Words:550

Controlling urban sprawl by limiting new construction and population growth

Controlling urban sprawl by limiting new construction and population growth Boulder, Colorado, has been a leader in controlling urban sprawl by limiting new construction and population growth. One consequence has been skyrocketing housing prices. Write a short essay of at least 1 page discussing issues related to the impacts of the housing price increase on … Read more

Anne Wagner’s Analysis of Warhol’s Race Riot Paintings

Anne Wagner’s Analysis of Warhol’s Race Riot Paintings Describe the different ways we can consider authorship in the works of Seydou Keïta and how they have evolved over the life of the photographs. What does Barthes mean when he says about The Family of Man exhibition that “[e]verything here, the content and appeal of the … Read more

Epistemic Meditation: planning

Epistemic Meditation: planning Epistemic Meditation: For this assignment you will work on a written meditation in which you explain how you come to decide what to believe. For this, it will help to identify your firmest belief or the belief you are most confident about (even if that belief is that you know nothing!). You’ll want … Read more

Recruitment and Selection Challenges

Recruitment and Selection Challenges Subject: Re: what is the issues about recruitment and selection when UK company seek opportunities in China? Answer preview: Words:500

Security Management Plans for Cloud Migration

Security Management Plans for Cloud Migration Address your security management plan for the cloud migration. For example, if you are migrating to a cloud storage environment, address how the ACL will be created and maintained. If you are implementing an IAAS environment, address how the cloud infrastructure will be secured, both electronically and physically. If … Read more

What is ideology? What is your ideology?

 What is ideology? What is your ideology? Subject: Re: What is ideology? What is your ideology? Answer preview: Words:1350

Robert F. Williams’ Negros with Guns

Robert F. Williams’ Negros with Guns Robert F. Williams’ Negros with Guns Answer preview: Words:750

Subject: Re: End of the Cold War

Subject: Re: End of the Cold War Subject: Re: End of the Cold War The Cold War is over. Time to do a victory lap and celebrate the primacy of American power. But the celebration seemed short-lived, as there were plenty of other concerns. Nothing is as it should be. Our adversaries are now our … Read more

Compare and Contrast Judaism and Christianity

Compare and Contrast Judaism and Christianity For this discussion, I want you to compare and contrast Judaism and Christianity. To do this explain three ways they are similar and three ways they are different. I want you to be sure and be totally neutral in this comparison. I don’t want you to argue that one … Read more

Treatment modalities used for Veteran with PTSD

Reflect on Treatment modalities used for Veteran with PTSD Treatment modalities used for Veteran with PTSD Identify two of the most effective, evidenced based practice treatment models utilized for veterans suffering from PTSD. Why are these approaches the most effective? What modalities are used? Discuss the phases of recovery for survivors as they apply to … Read more

Film Argument Essay

Film Argument Essay Subject: Re: Film Argument Essay? Answer preview: Words:1120

Where does physician assisted suicide (PAS) fit in the typologies of suicide? What do you think about PAS?

Where does physician assisted suicide (PAS) fit in the typologies of suicide? What do you think about PAS? Watch the following episode of VICE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgj2VXltbuI Where does physician assisted suicide (PAS) fit in the typologies of suicide? What do you think about PAS? Answer preview: Words:450

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security Prepare a research paper that describes one of the web application security organizations listed in Chapter 15 of your text book that you believe is the most important to application security. Your paper should identify the organization, describe the mission of the organization, and provide an explanation of why you believe … Read more

Jihadi Salafism

Write a comprehensive essay on Jihadi Salafism Subject: Re: Jihadi Salafism In a well-written paper: a. In a three-page paper discuss define jihadi Salafism and outline its history dating back to the Crusades to its modern day version. Next discuss any past/present U.S. foreign policies that may have reinforced the concept of jihadi Salafism. Finally … Read more

Subject: Sexuality during Childhood and Adolescence

Subject: Sexuality during Childhood and Adolescence Subject: Re: Sexuality during Childhood and Adolescence Now that you have learned about sexuality in adolescence, let’s assume you have been asked to hold a round table question and answer session with parents about teenage sexuality and pregnancy. You begin the session by asking what the parents felt was … Read more

Evidence of how religion and politics were responsible for the expansion of Islam

Evidence of how religion and politics were responsible for the expansion of Islam Subject: Re: development of muslim world dictated by its religious or political To what extent has the development of the Muslim world been dictated by the religious or political agendas of its inhabitants ? Which of the two has been more influential … Read more


CASE STUDY 7: WAL-MART IN AFRICA Read and answer in detail the question at the end of the case. Please explain what the problems may be and how would you solve them. Show your ability to analyze a problem and solve it strategically.   Answer preview: Word: 1,500

Topic: Economic Growth and Prosperity

Topic: Economic Growth and Prosperity Subject: Re: prosperity without growth Summarize the contents of the video: the Solow growth model and the paper: Prosperity without growth. Both sources are listed above. Also question what is the main reason ostensibly that developed economies need to grow all the time? Is there a limit to the growth? … Read more

Reverse Logistics within the Construction Industry-Discussion

Reverse Logistics within the Construction Industry-Discussion Reverse logistics topic. Write a summary of each article and then compare both in terms of (1) how each defined their specific reverse logistics topic, (2) what company or event was compared, (3) how each reached their conclusions, and (4) how their concl 2pages due Tomorrow 10am Answer preview: … Read more